32 research outputs found

    Sorption of nitrofurantoin onto natural sediments

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    Nitrofurantoin je nitrofuranski antibakterijski lijek koji se najčeŔće koristi kao veterinarski farmaceutik. Ovaj spoj kao i ostali farmaceutici uvelike može utjecati na okoliÅ”, na tlo i organizme u njemu te zagaditi vodene ekosustave izlučivanjem fekalija i urina uz rasprÅ”ivanje i otjecanjem s polja. S obzirom da je u upotrebi svega nekoliko desetljeća, o njegovoj sudbini i ponaÅ”anju u okoliÅ”u vrlo malo se zna. Stoga su u ovom radu određeni parametri sorpcije nitrofurantoina na prirodne sedimente s područja Republike Hrvatske pomoću Freundlichove i Dubinin-Radushkevichove izoterme. Dobiveni koeficijenti sorpcije (Kd) za sedam uzoraka sedimenata kreću se u rasponu od 3,967-5,121 mL/g. Također ispitani su utjecaji fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika sedimenata kao i spomenutog farmaceutika te utjecaj ionske jakosti na stupanj sorpcije, pri čemu rezultati pokazuju da se povećanjem ionske jakosti smanjuje koeficijent sorpcije.Nitrofurantoin is nitrofuran antibacterial drug that is most used as a veterinary pharmaceutic compound. This compound, as well as other pharmaceuticals can greatly affect the enviroment, the soil and organisms in it and pollute aquatic ecosystems by excretion of feces and urine with dispersion and runoff from the field. Since the use of only a few decades, knowledge of their fate and behavior in the environment is still limited. Therefore, in this study determined sorption parameters of nitrofurantoin in natural sediments from Croatia using Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms. Obtained sorption coefficients (Kd) for seven sediment samples are ranged from 3,967-5,121 mL/g. Also tested the effects of physical-chemical properties of sediments as well as the mentioned pharmaceutical and ionic strength effects on the degree of sorption, where the results show that an increase in ionic strength reduces the values of sorption coefficient

    Extraction of pharmaceuticals from water

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    Zbog sve veće potroÅ”nje i proizvodnje, farmaceutici su sveprisutniji u okoliÅ”u. Mogu dospjeti u tlo, podzemne i povrÅ”inske vode te tako uvelike utjecati na organizme u ekosustavu. Bez obzira Å”to su postojani u niskim koncentracijama, njihovo otkrivanje u okoliÅ”u izaziva veliku zabrinutost za ljudsko zdravlje. U ovom radu razvijena je metoda za analizu trinaest farmaceutika (azitromicin, tiamulin, imatinib, febantel, torasemid, omeprazol, linezolid, prazikvantel, etodolac, sulfametazin, sulfafurazol, albendazol, levamisol) različitih fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava iz otpadnih voda. Separacija farmaceutika iz vode provodila se ekstrakcijom čvrstom fazom. Učinkovitost ekstrakcije kvantitativno je određena tekućinskom kromatografijom ultra visoke djelotvornosti uz spektrometar masa kao detektor. Najbolja iskoriÅ”tenja dobivena su pri sljedećim uvjetima: sorbens Oasis HLB pri pH 5, otapalo za eluiranje metanol, volumen otapala za eluiranje 2 mL te volumen uzorka vode 100 mL. Nakon optimiranja ekstrakcijskih uvjeta, metoda je validirana. Za ispitivane farmaceutike granica kvantifikacije nalazi se u rasponu 0,0025-0,5 Ī¼g/L, a granica detekcije 0,001-0,1 Ī¼g/L. Nakon validacije, prethodno razvijena metoda je primijenjena na realnim uzorcima, odnosno za određivanje navedenih farmaceutika u otpadnim vodama iz farmaceutske industrije. Za razvoj jednostavne i brze metode tekućinske kromatografije ultra visoke djelotvornosti i optimiranje njenih uvjeta (pH, temperatura i sastav pokretne faze, i sl.) koriÅ”ten je program DryLab.Due to increased consumption and production, pharmaceuticals are more ubiquitous in the environment. They can reach the soil, ground water and surface water and greatly affect on organisms in the ecosystem. No matter what they are present in low concentrations, their detection in the enviroment causes great concern for human health. In this paper, an analytical method for determination of thirteen pharmaceuticals (azithromycin, tiamulin, imatinib, febantel, torasemide, omeprazole, linezolid, praziquantel, etodolac, sulfamethazine, sulfafurazole, albendazole, levamisole) with different physical-chemical properties has been developed. Separation of pharmaceuticals from water was carried out by solid-phase extraction. The efficiency of the extraction was quantitatively determined by ultra high preformance liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry as detector. The best extraction was achieved in following conditions: Oasis HLB sorbent at pH 5, methanol as elution solvent, 2 mL as the volume of the elution solvent and 100 mL as the volume of water sample. After optimizing the extraction conditions, the method has been validated. For investigated pharmaceuticals limit of quantification are ranged from 0,0025-0,5 Ī¼g/L and the limit of detection between 0,001-0,1 Ī¼g/L. After validation, previously developed method was applied to real samples, for determination of listed pharmaceutical in the pharmaceutical industry wastewaters. DryLab software was used for development of a quick and simple method of ultra high preformance liquid chromatography and to determine their optimal conditions (pH, temperature and composition of the mobile phase, etc)

    Sorption of nitrofurantoin onto natural sediments

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    Nitrofurantoin je nitrofuranski antibakterijski lijek koji se najčeŔće koristi kao veterinarski farmaceutik. Ovaj spoj kao i ostali farmaceutici uvelike može utjecati na okoliÅ”, na tlo i organizme u njemu te zagaditi vodene ekosustave izlučivanjem fekalija i urina uz rasprÅ”ivanje i otjecanjem s polja. S obzirom da je u upotrebi svega nekoliko desetljeća, o njegovoj sudbini i ponaÅ”anju u okoliÅ”u vrlo malo se zna. Stoga su u ovom radu određeni parametri sorpcije nitrofurantoina na prirodne sedimente s područja Republike Hrvatske pomoću Freundlichove i Dubinin-Radushkevichove izoterme. Dobiveni koeficijenti sorpcije (Kd) za sedam uzoraka sedimenata kreću se u rasponu od 3,967-5,121 mL/g. Također ispitani su utjecaji fizikalno-kemijskih karakteristika sedimenata kao i spomenutog farmaceutika te utjecaj ionske jakosti na stupanj sorpcije, pri čemu rezultati pokazuju da se povećanjem ionske jakosti smanjuje koeficijent sorpcije.Nitrofurantoin is nitrofuran antibacterial drug that is most used as a veterinary pharmaceutic compound. This compound, as well as other pharmaceuticals can greatly affect the enviroment, the soil and organisms in it and pollute aquatic ecosystems by excretion of feces and urine with dispersion and runoff from the field. Since the use of only a few decades, knowledge of their fate and behavior in the environment is still limited. Therefore, in this study determined sorption parameters of nitrofurantoin in natural sediments from Croatia using Freundlich and Dubinin-Radushkevich isotherms. Obtained sorption coefficients (Kd) for seven sediment samples are ranged from 3,967-5,121 mL/g. Also tested the effects of physical-chemical properties of sediments as well as the mentioned pharmaceutical and ionic strength effects on the degree of sorption, where the results show that an increase in ionic strength reduces the values of sorption coefficient

    Identification of Crizotinib Major Degradation Products Obtained Under Stress Conditions by RP-UHPLC-HRMS

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    The pharmaceutical industry routinely performs stability testing on new compounds before they are marketed to ensure their efficacy, quality, and safety. The focus of this study was to apply forced degradation as one of the stability testing methods to investigate the stability of crizotinib, an anticancer drug, and to gain insight into the degradation pathway and degradation products formed. The forced degradation study for crizotinib was performed under acidic and alkaline hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and thermal conditions. Drug degradation was observed under oxidative conditions. The structures of the three major degradation products formed by oxidative degradation were identified and characterized by UHPLC/QTOF/MS/MS studies and their possible fragmentation pathways were suggested. The toxicity evaluation of the tested compound and its proposed degradation products was also estimated using the computer program TEST (Toxicity Estimation Software Tool). This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    The impact of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the photocatalytic properties of imobilizied TiO2

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    Industry development, Earthā€™s population growth, ever increasing need for greater pharmaceuticals production causes irreversible changes in the environment. Photocatalysis is a process that leads to complete decomposition of pharmaceuticals to non-hazardous degradation products under the influence of solar radiation in the presence of a photocatalyst. A photocatalyst, such as titanium dioxide (TiO2), is required for photocatalysis. The efficiency of using TiO2 is limited due to the high energy banned zone (3-3.2 eV) so only UV-A light, which makes up 5% of solar radiation, activates the photocatalyst. In order to overcome the problem of prohibited zones and to shift the light response threshold of TiO2 into the visible part of the spectrum, different methods can be used. One of the methods showing the potential is the use of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). In this paper a TiO2 / MWCNT composites with various concentrations of MWCNT were prepared. The concentrations of MWCNT ranged from 1.5, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 wt. % MWCNT relative to the mass of TiO2. It was observed that the concentration of MWCNT affects the photocatalytic activity of the composite obtained. Photocatalytic activity was followed by a degradation of salicylic acid, in a pilot reactor followed by UV-ViS spectrometry, as a modal solution and an example of a pharmaceuticals present in the water. The prepared catalysts were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)

    The impact of multiwall carbon nanotubes on the photocatalytic properties of imobilizied TiO2

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    Industry development, Earthā€™s population growth, ever increasing need for greater pharmaceuticals production causes irreversible changes in the environment. Photocatalysis is a process that leads to complete decomposition of pharmaceuticals to non-hazardous degradation products under the influence of solar radiation in the presence of a photocatalyst. A photocatalyst, such as titanium dioxide (TiO2), is required for photocatalysis. The efficiency of using TiO2 is limited due to the high energy banned zone (3-3.2 eV) so only UV-A light, which makes up 5% of solar radiation, activates the photocatalyst. In order to overcome the problem of prohibited zones and to shift the light response threshold of TiO2 into the visible part of the spectrum, different methods can be used. One of the methods showing the potential is the use of multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNT). In this paper a TiO2 / MWCNT composites with various concentrations of MWCNT were prepared. The concentrations of MWCNT ranged from 1.5, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 wt. % MWCNT relative to the mass of TiO2. It was observed that the concentration of MWCNT affects the photocatalytic activity of the composite obtained. Photocatalytic activity was followed by a degradation of salicylic acid, in a pilot reactor followed by UV-ViS spectrometry, as a modal solution and an example of a pharmaceuticals present in the water. The prepared catalysts were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX)

    Microplastics in the Marine Environment of the Adriatic Sea

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    Plastika se zbog svoje Å”iroke uporabe može naći u svim dijelovima okoliÅ”a, gdje Å”tetno utječe na različite sastavnice okoliÅ”a, a toksični spojevi koje adsorbira prenose se kroz hranidbene lance te s vremenom dolaze do čovjeka. Odabrana istraživanja u ovom radu usredotočena su na karakterizaciju i kvantifikaciju mikroplastike pronađene u Jadranskom moru kao i na toksičnost mikroplastike. Istraživanja su pokazala da je najviÅ”e mikroplastike detektirano u području Sjevernog Jadrana. Provedena ispitivanja ekotoksičnosti mikroplastike primjenom testa s algama ukazuju na to da mikroplastika uzrokuje smanjenje brzine rasta i kretanja algi, obavljanje fotosinteze, fizičke deformacije te dolazi do smanjenja plodnosti i promjena u metaboličkim ciklusima. Ovo djelo je dano na koriÅ”tenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.The widespread use of plastics has led to the accumulation of plastics in all parts of the environment where it adversely affects the ecosystem. Plastic pollution has the biggest impact on the marine ecosystems which assimilate about 12.7 million tons of plastic yearly. Because of incomplete degradation, plastic in marine environment is accumulated in the form of large clusters and microplastic. Microplastic has a harmful impact on marine organisms due to the accumulation of toxic compounds adsorbed on its particles, which could be passed through the food chain and eventually to humans. Certain researches discussed in this paper are focused on the characterization and quantification of microplastic found in the Adriatic Sea. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Intermodal transport in Croatia

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    Dobro razvijen prometni sustav važan je gospodarski čimbenik svake države pa tako i Republike Hrvatske. Potreba za raznim vrstama i tehnologijama transporta javlja se kao reakcija na dislociranje same proizvodnje od prodaje Å”to povećava troÅ”kove transporta, utječe na zagađenje okoliÅ”a, neravnomjerno iskoriÅ”tavanje vrsta transporta. RjeÅ”enje tih problema je intermodalni transport koji pospjeÅ”uje međusobnu povezanost svih vrsta transporta i njihovu integraciju u jedinstveni sustav, za čiji razvoj u Hrvatskoj postoje brojne mogućnosti. Svrha rada je analizirati postojeće stanje transportnog sustava Republike Hrvatske i uvidjeti koje su mogućnosti za razvoj intermodalnog transporta. Povoljan geografski položaj Republike Hrvatske glavni je adut razvoja intermodalnog transporta. Iz tog razloga javlja se potreba za istraživanjem mogućnosti razvitka prometnog sustava i projekata podupiranih od strane Europske Unije s ciljem postizanja intermodalnosti Republike Hrvatske.A well-developed transportation system is an important economic factor in all countries including the Republic of Croatia. The need for different types of technologies and transport occurs in response to the displacement of production itself from the sale, which increases transportation costs, environmental pollution and irregular use of transport types. The solution to these problems is intermodal transport, which promotes the connection between all types of transport and their integration into a single system, for whose development in Croatia, there are many possibilities. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the transport system of Croatia and see what are the possibilities for the development of intermodal transport. Good geographic position of Croatia is the main asset in the development of intermodal transport. For this reason there is a need to explore the possibilities for the development of the transport system and projects supported by the European Union to achieve inter-modality in Croatia

    Intermodal transport in Croatia

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    Dobro razvijen prometni sustav važan je gospodarski čimbenik svake države pa tako i Republike Hrvatske. Potreba za raznim vrstama i tehnologijama transporta javlja se kao reakcija na dislociranje same proizvodnje od prodaje Å”to povećava troÅ”kove transporta, utječe na zagađenje okoliÅ”a, neravnomjerno iskoriÅ”tavanje vrsta transporta. RjeÅ”enje tih problema je intermodalni transport koji pospjeÅ”uje međusobnu povezanost svih vrsta transporta i njihovu integraciju u jedinstveni sustav, za čiji razvoj u Hrvatskoj postoje brojne mogućnosti. Svrha rada je analizirati postojeće stanje transportnog sustava Republike Hrvatske i uvidjeti koje su mogućnosti za razvoj intermodalnog transporta. Povoljan geografski položaj Republike Hrvatske glavni je adut razvoja intermodalnog transporta. Iz tog razloga javlja se potreba za istraživanjem mogućnosti razvitka prometnog sustava i projekata podupiranih od strane Europske Unije s ciljem postizanja intermodalnosti Republike Hrvatske.A well-developed transportation system is an important economic factor in all countries including the Republic of Croatia. The need for different types of technologies and transport occurs in response to the displacement of production itself from the sale, which increases transportation costs, environmental pollution and irregular use of transport types. The solution to these problems is intermodal transport, which promotes the connection between all types of transport and their integration into a single system, for whose development in Croatia, there are many possibilities. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the current state of the transport system of Croatia and see what are the possibilities for the development of intermodal transport. Good geographic position of Croatia is the main asset in the development of intermodal transport. For this reason there is a need to explore the possibilities for the development of the transport system and projects supported by the European Union to achieve inter-modality in Croatia