27 research outputs found

    Progressive refinement radiosity on ring-connected multicomputers

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    The progressive refinement method is investigated for parallelization on ring-connected multicomputers. A synchronous scheme, based on static task assignment, is proposed, in order to achieve better coherence during the parallel light distribution computations. An efficient global circulation scheme is proposed for the parallel light distribution computations, which reduces the total volume of concurrent communication by an asymptotical factor. The proposed parallel algorithm is implemented on a ring-embedded Intel's iPSC/2 hypercube multicomputer. Load balance quality of the proposed static assignment schemes are evaluated experimentally. The effect of coherence in the parallel light distribution computations on the shooting patch selection sequence is also investigated

    Parallel Processing For Progressive Refinement Radiosity

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    Progressive refinement radiosity is an increasingly popular method for realistic image synthesis of non-existing environments. The method successfully approximates the light distribution in an environment, however it requires excessive amount of computation. In this thesis, the progressive refinement method is investigated for parallelization on ring and hypercube-connected multicomputers. Two different approaches for parallelization, based on synchronous parallelism with static task assignment, are proposed, in order to achieve better coherence in parallel light distributions and obtain good performance on simple topologies. Efficient global circulation schemes are proposed in order to decrease the total volume of communication by asymptotical factors. The first scheme for parallelization is a modification of..

    Progressive Refinement Radiosity on Ring-Connected Multicomputers

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    The progressive refinement method is investigated for parallelization on ring-connected multicomputers. A synchronous scheme, based on static task assignment, is proposed, in order to achieve better coherence during the parallel light distribution computations. An efficient global circulation scheme is proposed for the parallel light distribution computations, which reduces the total volume of concurrent communication by an asymptotical factor. The proposed parallel algorithm is implemented on a ring-embedded Intel's iPSC/2 hypercube multicomputer. Load balance quality of the proposed static assignment schemes are evaluated experimentally. The effect of coherence in the parallel light distribution computations on the shooting patch selection sequence is also investigated. Keywords : Progressive refinement radiosity, parallel computing, multicomputers, ring interconnection topology. 1 Introduction Radiosity [7] is an increasingly popular method for generating realistic images of nonex..

    VLNET: A Networked Multimedia 3D Environment with Virtual Humans

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    Virtual environments define a new interface for networked multimedia applications. The sense of "presence" in the virtual environment is an important requirement for collaborative activities involving multiple remote users working with social interactions. Using virtual actors within the shared environment is a supporting tool for presence. In this paper, we present a shared virtual life network with virtual humans that provides a natural interface for collaborative working

    Motor functions in the VLNET Body-Centered Networked Virtual Environment

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    The participant's sense of presence within a Virtual Environment becomes an even more important issue within networked, multi-participant Virtual Environments. In such environments this issue extends to the perception of presence of others in the environment and the ability to communicate and interact with them. This interaction, as well as the interaction with the other objects in the environment, further increases the participant's own sense of presence. In the Virtual Life Network (VLNET) system we address these issues using a highly realistic human body model for participant representation together with the set of motor functions giving behaviors to these virtual actors and to other objects in the virtual world. Keywords: networked virtual environments, virtual humans, virtual life, computer animation, multimedia 1. Introduction In the past few years we have seen an increasing number of research efforts for building networked Virtual Environments, and solutions were proposed for..