116 research outputs found

    Determinants of National Saving in Ethiopia

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    This research investigates the determinants of national saving in Ethiopia over the period 1984-2014. The main objective of the study is to identify the major factors that determine national saving in Ethiopia. The ordinary least square estimation method is used to arrive at the results of the study. The result of the long run and short run models revealed that Real Gross Domestic product, investment, consumption and inflation have shown similar relationship in both models. Real Gross Demotic product is the only factor which affects national saving significantly and positively. Other factors, which positively affect national saving, are not much significant. Example, investment, consumption and inflation are factors which affects national saving both positively and in significantly in the end. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-21-04 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Determinants of wheat yield variation of smallholders in South Eastern Ethiopia: application of ordered logistic regression

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    There is high wheat yield variation among smallholders in the study area. The yield gap is mainly due to socio-economic, farm inputs utilization and institutional service characteristics of the farmers. This study identifies the determinant factors that affect the probability of wheat yield tends to be relatively low, medium or high given a set of yield influencing   factors. Cross-sectional  data collected from randomly selected farm households and ordered logistic regression were used to attain the objective of the study. The study found out that seed rate, rates of herbicides and fungicides applications, use of hand weeding and agro-ecological location of household were significant factors that determine the probability of wheat yield level to be low, medium or high. The findings imply that agro-ecology based seed rate, weed and disease management efforts are needed to improve wheat yield provided that the recommended rates of seed, herbicides and fungicides are properly applied.Keywords: Wheat, Determinants for yield variation, Ordered logit, Ethiopi

    Allocative Efficiency and Profitability of Smallholder Wheat Producers in South Eastern Ethiopia: Stochastic Frontier Approach

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    This study was carried out in major wheat producing agro-ecologies of Ethiopia to measure the level of allocative efficiency and profitability of smallholders in wheat production. Cross-sectional data were collected from 381 randomly selected farm households. Descriptive and inferential statistics and Stochastic Frontier Cobb-Douglas cost function were employed to achieve the objectives of the study. The results reveal that elasticities of total cost of production due to changes in prices of improved seed, pesticides, and wheat output are statistically significant in the lowland. In midland, changes in prices of chemical fertilizers, improved seed, pesticides and output have significant effects on the proportionate change in total cost of production. Increased total cost of production is associated with increased profitability. The average allocative efficiency estimates for the lowland, midland and highland agro-ecologies were 89, 88 and 87 percents, respectively. Relatively, smallholders are more profitable in midland agro-ecology with average profit of 8,039.89 ETB/ha. The profitability of smallholders is the lowest in the lowland (1,083.91 ETB/ha). Increases in the supply (availability) and utilization of improved seeds, chemical fertilizers and pesticides with fair prices increase the profitability of smallholders in wheat production. Keywords: Allocative efficiency, Profitability, Stochastic Frontier, Wheat in Ethiopi

    Corporate social responsibility practices and financial performance of manufacturing firms in special zone, administration of Oromia surrounding Finfinne: a case of Sebeta and Gelan Town

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    The paper examine attitude of managers, employees and local communities towards CSR practices. We used structured questionnaire to secure data from respondents. We find that manufacturing firms surveyed have not properly carried out CSR activities especially in waste management. Public owned manufacturing firms are found to be more responsive to communities CSR activities than foreign owned and private owned firms in the study area. Furthermore, larger firms are more responsive to CSR than smaller ones and socially responsible firms are found to be financially successful than others. The more manufacturing firms exert responsibility on CSR the better their financial performance.Jimma Universit

    Analysis of Price Efficiency of Smallholder Farmers in Maize Production in Gudeya Bila District, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia: Stochastic, Dual Cost approach

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    Even if Ethiopia had adopted different strategy and policies the productivity of agricultural production is not as meet the demand of the peoples.  The aim of this study was to analyze productivity and price efficiency of smallholder farmers in maize production in the study area. To meet the stated objectives primary data were collected using structured questionnaires from 154 randomly selected sample households during the 2017/18 production year. Copdoglous production function was applied to analysis productivity where as dual cost is used to estimate price efficiency.  Tobit model was used to identify factors affecting price efficiency level. Price efficiency were 70.06%. Thus the results reveal exists considerable levels of price inefficiencies in maize production in study area. The Tobit model results revealed that livestock holding and participation in off/non-farm activities had positive effect and distance of maize plot from home were found to had negative effect on price efficiency The result indicated that there exists a room to increase the price efficiency of maize producers in the study area. For realizing significant price efficiency gains policies and strategies of the government should be directed towards increasing farmer’s livestock holding and promoting off/non-farm activities. Keywords: Dual cost, Cobb-Douglas, Tobit DOI: 10.7176/JNSR/9-8-02 Publication date: April 30th 201


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    Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) are now the center of attention for global economic development, employment creation, and growth. Micro and small enterprises account for the majority of businesses globally.The informal sector, which mostly creates MSE, continues to be the main source of employment and income for the populace in developing nations, particularly in Ethiopia.In 2011, the plan was updated with fresh focus and more aggressive goals for employment and the percentage of businesses moving up to a medium level. Nevertheless, despite their efforts, MSEs in Ethiopia face numerous challenges, which leads to poor performance and a failure to make the necessary contributions from many MSEs. Therefore, in order to boost MSE growth and performance and improve their contribution to the growth of the national economy, the government should place a strong emphasis on procedures for addressing these issues

    Review on Technical Efficiency of maize Production in Ethiopia

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    The economy of Ethiopia is based on agriculture. Maize (Zea mays) is one of the most important food crops produced by smallholder farmers in Ethiopia and accounted for 28% of total grain production during the 2011/12 Meher season. However, low production and productivity characterizes Ethiopian maize production. The low levels of maize productivity may be the result of technical inefficiencies. Therefore the objective of this review is to review level of technical efficiency and assess the source of technical efficiency in Ethiopia. The review suggested the presence of considerable levels of technical inefficiency in maize productivity. From the empirical estimation,  important variables affecting the technical efficiency were found Agro-ecology, oxen holding, farm size and use of high yielding maize varieties, sex, age, membership to cooperatives, training, distance to extension agents and main market, credit, family size, livestock and off-farm income. The most important factor to promote production efficiency is probably access to credit. DOI: 10.7176/FSQM/84-0

    Brainstem Anesthesia after Retrobulbar Block: A Case Report and Review of Literature

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    BACKGROUND: Retro-bulbar anesthesia is one of the most common regional blocks used for intraocular surgeries. Complications associated with regional blocks may be limited to the eye or may be systemic.CASE REPORT: After a retro-bulbar block for glaucoma surgery, a 60-year-old man developed loss of consciousness, apnea with hypotension and bradycardia-features of brainstem anesthesia. We present the clinical features, treatment and comments on how to prevent the problem as well as a review of the literature on reported cases.CONCLUSION: Although it is rare, treating physicians should be aware of the potentially lethal consequences of retro-bulbar block, understand measures to reduce the risks and early recognition and treatment. Facilities where ophthalmic surgeries are performed under local anesthesia should be properly equipped and staffed for advanced resuscitation.KEY WORDS: Retrobulbar block, brainstem aneasthesia, intraocular surgery, lidocain

    Assessing the Effect of Soil and Water Conservation Practices on Runoff and Sediment Yield on Hunde Lafto watershed of Upper Wabi Shebelle Basin

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    A study was carried out at Hunde Lafto watershed to assess effect of Soil and Water Conservation practices on runoff and sediment yield. Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was used to assess the effectiveness of different Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) practices implemented in the watershed based on different scenarios (base line, stone bunds and crop residue management scenarios). The simulated sediment yield shows that soil loss rate range from 0-76.9 t/ha/yr with annual weighted average rate of 45.4 t/ha/yr. Parallel terrace (stone bunds) scenario reduced the total sediment yield from 10,978.7 t/yr to 3,734.26 t/yr relative to base simulation, which is equivalent to 65.9% decrease and reduces the surface runoff by 27% from 410.4 mm to 299.5 mm, increase base flow by 23% and lateral flow by 22.6% at outlet of watershed. While simulation of crop residue management scenario reduced total sediment yield to 4,299.84 t/yr from base simulation, which is equivalent to 60.8% reduction and the surface runoff by 23.5% from 410.4 mm to 313.6 mm, increase base flow by 18.6% and lateral flow by 19.9% at outlet. the benefits of crop residue management practices were more important in the watershed and recommended for farmers. Keywords: Soil and water conservation, Calibration and validation, simulation, Hunde Lafto catchment, Baseline scenario, runoff, sediment yield, watershed managemen

    Decentralization and community participation in education in Ethiopia : a case of three woredas in Horro Guduru Wollaga zone of Oromia national regional state

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    This study explored decentralization and rural community participation in primary education in three woredas in Horro Gudurru Wollaga Zone of Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia. The study has illustrated how communities participate in their local schools and examined the successes and challenges in the implementation process. The main fieldwork was conducted in July and August 2009. Qualitative research approach was applied and focus group interview, qualitative interview, documents and field observation were used for data collection. The study majorly involved 24 informants that include woreda education officers, headmasters, Kebelle Education and Training Boards, Parent Teacher Associations and community members. The study investigated that the decentralization in education has improved community participation in education. This has improved access and equity in education, sense of community ownership and school level disciplinary problems. Despite these encouraging outcomes, the implementation of decentralization and community participation in education is suffering from many challenges. Poverty in the community and fluctuation in households’ income were found to affect community capacity to finance schools. The block grant fund for schools was inadequate. Schools have no adequate infrastructure and the existing ones were intended to fix problems quickly and hence are of low quality. The PTA and KETB lack basic knowledge and experience for the position and were not succeeded in performing their functions effectively. These bodies have also limited power over control of teachers and performance of headmasters. Further, there is inequality between localities and weak relationship between actors and sectors. Generally, the decentralization of education and community participation has brought great change in the way a school is financed, but little change in the way a school is managed and educational quality is improved. Hence, the decentralization of education is serving as a tool for lessening state responsibility for provision of education. Moreover, the lack of necessary resource and trained manpower at the local level are potential challenges for the successful implimetation of the decentralization of education and the promotion of community participation and hence for local educational development
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