6 research outputs found

    Factors that transformed maize productivity in Ethiopia

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    Published online: 26 July 2015Maize became increasingly important in the food security of Ethiopia following the major drought and famine that occurred in 1984. More than 9 million smallholder house- holds, more than for any other crop in the country, grow maize in Ethiopia at present. Ethiopia has doubled its maize produc- tivity and production in less than two decades. The yield, currently estimated at >3 metric tons/ha, is the second highest in Sub-Saharan Africa, after South Africa; yield gains for Ethiopia grew at an annual rate of 68 kg/ha between 1990 and 2013, only second to South Africa and greater than Mexico, China, or India. The maize area covered by improved varieties in Ethiopia grew from 14 % in 2004 to 40 % in 2013, and the application rate of mineral fertilizers from 16 to 34 kg/ ha during the same period. Ethiopia ’ s extension worker to farmer ratio is 1:476, compared to 1:1000 for Kenya, 1:1603 for Malawi and 1:2500 for Tanzania. Increased use of im- proved maize varieties and mineral fertilizers, coupled with increased extension services and the absence of devastating droughts are the key factors promoting the accelerated growth in maize productivity in Ethiopia. Ethiopia took a homegrown solutions approach to the research and development of its maize and other commodities. The lesson from Ethiopia ’ s experience with maize is that sustained investment in agricul- tural research and development and policy support by the national government are crucial for continued growth of agricultur

    Combining ability and heterotic orientation of mid-altitude sub-humid tropical maize inbred lines for grain yield and related traits

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    Information on the combining ability and heterotic pattern of elite inbred lines is essential to maximize their use in hybrid maize development. This study was conducted to determine combining ability and heterotic pattern of locally developed maize inbred lines for grain yield and related traits. Seventeen inbred lines (10 female inbred lines and 7 tester inbred lines) were used to generate 70 single cross hybrids using line by tester crossing scheme. The resulting 70 cross progenies plus two standard checks arranged in 8×9 alpha lattice design replicated twice were planted at three mid-altitude sub-humid testing sites in Ethiopia (Bako, Hawassa and Pawe) in 2011 main cropping season. The combined analysis of variance for yield and other related traits showed highly significant differences among genotypes, crosses, female inbred lines (General combining ability, GCA), tester inbred lines (GCA), line x tester (Specific combining ability, SCA); and the interactions of these source of variation with the environment for all traits studied except for ear aspect (EA) and grain yield (GY) in female inbred lines (GCA), EA in inbred line testers (GCA) and for days to anthesis (AD) in line x tester (SCA) x environment. The significance of both GCA (lines and testers) and SCA of LxT for AD, days to silking (DS), plant height (PH), ear height (EH), EA and GY showed that both additive and non-additive gene actions are important in controlling these traits. Furthermore, the proportion of GCA sum of squares were greater than the SCA sum of squares for AD, DS, PH, EH, and EA indicating the predominance of additive gene actions in controlling these traits. For GY, the ratio of GCA to SCA sum of squares was near to unity indicating both additive and non-additive gene actions were equally important. This study identified inbred lines that can make good cross combination for more than one trait. L1 was found to be good combiner for lower values of AD, DS, PH and EH indicating that this line could be used in improving maize for earliness and short stature. L4 was ideal parent for reducing AD and DS. L3 was found to be good combiner for GY and other related traits. In addition, lines were grouped into heterotic group A, B or AB based on SCA. Based on its per se performance and combining ability, L3 was proposed to be used as a tester in heterotic group B. This study also validated T5 remain to be used as a tester in heterotic group A. Based on the SCA of crosses, heterosis and per se performance of the parents, five best cross combinations were identified for possible release or for use as parents of three way hybrids. Further verification of the stability of the selected hybrids and the new proposed tester across more locations needs to be done

    Fast-Tracking the Development and Dissemination of a Drought-Tolerant Maize Variety in Ethiopia in Response to the Risks of Climate Change

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    Climate change projections suggest increased frequency of drought in many parts of sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). The replacement of old varieties of maize with new drought-tolerant (DT) varieties will be crucial to respond to the future risk of drought, as it already is today. The first group of locally developed maize hybrids in Ethiopia—BH140, BH660 and BH540—were commercialised between 1988 and 1995, but were not selected for drought tolerance. Among these, BH660 remained the most popular and widely grown maize variety in the Ethiopian maize belt between 2000 and 2010, accounting for nearly 50% of maize area under improved seed. A new DT hybrid, BH661, with better agronomic performances under optimum and random drought than BH660, was identified and released in 2011. In 2016, 9000 tonnes of certified seed—enough to plant 360,000 ha—was produced and marketed. The concerted effort of breeders and seed producers as well as governmental and non-governmental extension workers drove the development, release and rapid adoption of BH661 contributing to food and income security of more than 300,000 households by mitigating the effects of climate change in Ethiopia. The success of BH661 is a valuable and timely case study for breeders, seed companies, extension agents, regulatory bodies and policy-makers striving to develop and disseminate new DT varieties in sub-Saharan Africa