3 research outputs found

    Essays on microeconomic theory

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    This thesis contains three essays in Microeconomic Theory. Chapter 1 studies the incentives of a seller to voluntarily disclose or sell information about a buyer to a third party. While there are obvious benefits to sharing information with other sellers, there is also an incentive cost which is due to her learning about the buyer through her own trade with him. To study this trade-off we analyse a model in which a buyer interacts sequentially with two sellers, each of whom makes a take-it-or-leave-it offer. The buyer learns his valuation for the good of each seller sequentially but these might be correlated. We model information disclosure using Bayesian persuasion. Chapter 2 provides various extensions of the model presented in Chapter 1. Chapter 3 provides empirical evidences that demonstrate that the investors of a fund update their opinion on the fund manager’s ability faster during bear markets. We build a theoretical model to demonstrate a channel which would result on this empirical observation. We consider a continuum of potential investors who allocate funds in two consecutive periods between a manager and a market index. The manager’s alpha, defined as her ability to generate idiosyncratic returns, is her private information and it is either high or low. In each period, the manager receives a private signal on the potential performance of her alpha, and she also obtains some public news on the market’s condition. In Chapter 4 we demonstrate that the relative job security that CEOs enjoy can be partly attributed to the high sophistication of the managerial labour market. To do this we build a theoretical model in which a representative investor proposes a contract to a manager, which also specifies the conditions of his termination. Production is a function of the manager’s effort and ability, both of which are his private information. The former is a choice variable, whereas the latter follows a Geometric Brownian motion. The manager’s post-termination payoff is generated by an exogenous managerial labour market, and it is equal to his expected ability. The market learns his ability with some given probability, which we interpret as its sophistication. Otherwise, it forms its posterior based on his termination time

    Managing other people's money: an agency theory in financial management industry

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    We build an active asset management model to study the interplay between the career concerns of a manager and prevailing market conditions. We show that fund managers overinvest in market-neutral strategies, as these have a reputational benefit. This benefit is smaller in bull markets, when investors expect more managers to use high-beta strategies, making their performance less informative about their ability than in bear markets. Consequently, fund flows that follow high-beta strategies are less responsive to the fund's performance, and flow-performance sensitivity is higher in bear markets than in bull markets

    Arthroscopic resection of extra-articular knee osteochondroma: report of two cases

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    Osteochondroma is the most common benign tumor of the growing bone, usually affecting the knee joint, located extra-articularly. Solitary intra-articular osteochondroma is very rare. In the current paper, two cases of solitary extra-articular knee osteochondromas adjacent to the capsule producing pain and restriction of knee motion are described. Diagnostic evaluation is based on combination of radiography and magnetic resonance imaging. Both osteochondromas excised arthroscopically, resulting in complete symptoms relief and full range of knee motion. On follow-up, no recurrence was recorded. Based on our experience, although limited, not only the intra-articular, but also some solitary extra-articular knee osteochondromas can be successfully treated by arthroscopy, resulting in better cosmetic result, less postoperative pain and faster recovery