363 research outputs found

    The b-Value Analysis of Aftershocks 170 Days After the 23 October 2011 Van Earthquake (M w, 7.1) of the Lake Van Basin, Eastern Anatolia: A New Perspective on the Seismic Radiation and Deformation Characteristics

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    In this study, we analyzed the seismic radiation and deformation characteristics of the 2011 Van earthquake during aftershock events with the support of estimated dynamic parameters (seismic b‐value and radiation efficiency, ηR), 3D crustal cross sections of aftershock hypocenters, and deformation styles of Lake Van basin. The resulted variation in the b‐value exhibits two dramatic changes in the b‐value: one (b > 1) during the first 100 days of the mainshock and the other (b 1) reveals that the aftershock sequence comprised a large number of the small and same‐sized events of the Van mainshock due to the extreme material heterogeneity within the rupture zone. This indicates a general decrease in shear stress and increasing complexity in the focal area. The small value (ηR < < 1) of ηR implies that the amount of energy mechanically dissipated during the Van rupture process is large. This reveals that the microscopic breakdown process dominates the rupture dynamics and the whole Lake Van basin. The 3D crustal images of hypocenters suggest that the Van event originated in a strongly heterogeneous fractured setting with the aseismic sedimentary section of Lake Van. The high b‐value combined with the low radiation efficiency (ηR) shows a strongly faulted‐fractured sediment‐rock formation filled with gas‐fluid. This suggests that the seismic energy is intermittently released in the discrete form of aftershock events which is controlled by nonuniform and highly heterogeneous stresses, associated with the deformation style of Lake Van. The frequent redistribution of flickering stresses and nonlinear deformations in the rupture area increase the b‐value and decrease the radiation efficiency

    Mobil elektronik haberleşme pazarında geçiş maliyetlerinin işletmecilerin fiyatlandırma stratejileri üzerine etkileri ve etkin rekabetin tesis edilmesine yönelik regülasyon politikaları

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    Bu makale, pazara önceden girmiş olan yerleşik işletmecilerin lehine tüketicilerin geçiş maliyetlerinin bulunduğu bir pazarda, mobil telekomünikasyon işletmecilerinin fiyatlandırma stratejilerinin nasıl etkilendiğini incelemektedir. Söz konusu pazar iki safhadan oluşmaktadır. Birinci safhada yerleşik işletmeci pazardaki bütün tüketicilere sahip olup ikinci safhada pazara yeni giren bir işletmeciyle karşılaşmaktadır. İkinci safhanın başında pazara yeni katılan tüketiciler olacağından, pazarda hem işletmecilerini değiştirmeleri halinde geçiş maliyetlerine maruz kalacak bağlı müşteriler hem de geçiş maliyetleri olmayan bağımsız müşteriler bulunacaktır. Ayrıca, müşteriler çağrı yapmanın yanı sıra çağrı almaktan da fayda edinmektedirler ve bu kavram çağrı dışsallığı olarak müşterilerin fayda fonksiyonlarında yer almaktadır. Bu kapsamdaki çalışmalarımızın neticesinde, yerleşik işletmecinin pazara sonradan giren işletmeciye göre daha yüksek şebeke dışı fiyatlar belirleyerek geçiş maliyetlerinin avantajını kullanacağı görülmektedir. Böylelikle, şebeke dışı çağrı sayısı azalacağından yeni işletmecinin aboneleri daha az çağrı almakta ve bu durum da aboneler açısından yeni işletmecinin çekiciliğini azaltmaktadır. Dolayısıyla, yerleşik işletmeci geçiş maliyetlerinin avantajını kullanarak pazar dinamiklerini kontrol edebilmektir. Ayrıca, bu tez göstermektedir ki; yerleşik işletmecinin pazar payı arabağlantı ücretlerinin artmasıyla orantılı olarak artış göstermektedir. Bu yüzden yerleşik işletmecinin yüksek arabağlantı Ücretleri tercih edeceği söylenebilmektedir. Tüketicilerin refah seviyeleri üzerine yapılan analizin sonucunda ise hem fiyat farklılaştırmasına izin verildiği hem de şebeke içi - şebeke dışı fiyat farklılıklarına izin verilmediği durumlarda geçiş maliyetlerinin tüketici refahını düşürdüğü görülmektedir. Bu nedenle, pazardaki geçiş maliyetlerini ortadan kaldırmaya veya azaltmaya yönelik düzenlemelerin uygulanmasının en iyi yöntem olacağı söylenebilir

    The Array Analyzing of The High Quality Glacial Seismic Events Active in Greenland Using Long-Period Surface Rayleigh Wave Detection by the German Regional Seismic Network

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    This study reports on four high quality glacial events in Greenland, M 4.9, 2007-07- 04; M 4.8, 2007-07-09; M 4.7, 2007-07-09; M 4.7, 2007-07-20 detected using the long-period surface waves Rayleigh wave recorded at the stations of the German Regional Seismic Network GRSN array German-GR and Geofon-GE programs . The waveform patterns of the detected slow events for Greenland updated through 2008 were monitored to analyze this new class of low-frequency earthquakes in the context of the array processing technique and array parameters using the software Seismic Handler Motif SHM . The array geometry of GRSN was defined by seven stations and processed to associate seismic phase arrivals to define glacial events. Two stations of GRSN were assigned the role of reference sites. The long-period surface wave characteristics of the event signals with magnitudes M 4.9, M 4.8, M 4.7, and M 4.7 were detected using filtering, beamforming, and location-relocation steps; then, the results were updated using SHM. The event data were filtered with a Butterworth band pass filter of 35s-70s with a common amplification. Using the array-beamforming technique, the beam traces were computed to calculate the beam-slowness the apparent velocity and the beam-azimuth of incoming wavefronts for particular time intervals to further analyze the observed glacial events. Then, the detected event signals were relocated and used to estimate array parameters; beam-slowness and beam-azimuth. Finally, in this study, the array processing technique was used with array parameters computed from the SHM to detect and analyze the slow glacial events using the array installation data from GRSN

    Closed posteromedial dislocation of ankle in a 12 year-old boy: a case report

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    Ankle fractures and fracture dislocations are common injuries in orthopaedic practice however pure ankle dislocation without an associated fracture is extremely rare. There are a few cases reporting such a lesion in the literature. Also this injuries are generally open high energy trauma injuries. Closed treatments are reported to be effective and ligament injuries are generally not reported. In this study, we report a closed pure posteromedial ankle dislocation with anterior talofibular ligament rupture and its treatment and outcome in a 12 year-old boy. We think that this is an extremely rare lesion

    Kemal Tahir'in Devlet Ana Romanından Hareketle Göre Edatının Söz Dizimindeki Kullanılışı Ve Anlam Özellikleri

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    Türkçede kelimeler üç grupta incelenmektedir: İsimler, fiiller ve edatlar. Edatlar, Türkçenin ilk yazılı kaynaklarından beri cümle kuruluşuna katılan, kelimeler arasında çeşitli anlam ilişkileri kuran görevli kelimelerdir. Bu gramer kategorisi cümle içinde "edat grupları"nı oluşturmakta ve cümlede zarf, sıfat ve isim görevi yapmaktadır. Anlamsal olarak bakıldığında bu kelime türünün cümleye sebep, miktar, durum vb. anlamlar kattığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Kemal Tahir'in Devlet Ana adlı romanından hareketle, "göre" edatının kullanımı ve cümle içindeki anlam özellikleri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır

    Simultaneous bilateral tibal tubercle avulsion: A rare fracture

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    Tibial tuberosity avulsion is a rare fracture in adolescence.Due to the shear forces on the immature epiphysis. Thirteenyears old girl was admitted to the emergency departmentwith knee pain and tenderness in both knees afterjumping from a height of about one meter. İn examinationshe had tenderness and swelling over both tibial tuberosities.The patient could not do active knee extension. TypeIIA fracture on the left and type IIIA fracture on the rightknee were detected. For the patient’s fractures, closedreduction and fixation with 3 smooth Kirschner wires wasperformed. After immobilization in long-leg brace for threeweeks the brace was removed and she include in therehabilitation program. In this report, we discuss similarcases in the literature and the results of the treatment appliedto our patient.Key words: Tuberositas tibia, avulsion fracture, percutaneouspinnin

    Innovation Vision of the Turkish Construction Industry: A Comparative Qualitative Content Analysis of Strategic Roadmaps

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    Construction plays a crucial role in Turkey’s economic development, accounting for nearly 8-9% of GDP.The growing global competitiveness of Turkish contractors also contributes significantly to the balance ofpayments of Turkey. It is widely acknowledged that competitiveness of firms depends on national“innovation systems,” that is shaped by government policy, and an innovation vision is needed at theindustry-level as well as supporting mechanisms such as funding schemes for research and developmentin the priority areas, and platforms to enable knowledge transfer between various stakeholders. In thispaper, we will discuss the innovation vision within the Turkish construction industry, by referring to variousconstruction industry-specific reports. Specifically, we will investigate the vision and conceptualization ofinnovation in the “Construction Industry Roadmap” as a part of the 10th Development Plan that wasprepared by the Turkish Ministry of Development. A comparative study has been carried out between thisreport and a white paper entitled as “Shaping the Future of Construction: Insights to redesign the industry”that was prepared by the World Economic Forum (WEF) by conducting a content analysis using NVivo.Although the content of two documents in terms of the “drivers” and “enablers” of innovation coincides toa large extent, the innovation was approached in a broader sense considering concepts such as “systemicinnovation”, “lessons learned”, “disruptive innovation”, “eco-innovation”, “incremental innovation” and“open source innovation” in the WEF’s report. Potential benefits of looking at the innovation system froma wider lens will be discussed as well as recommendations for further studies

    Van Gölü havzasının temel yapısal unsurları, tektonik ve sedimanter evrimi, Doğu Türkiye

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    The peculiar one of the wedge-basins in E-Turkey&nbsp; is orogen-parallel Lake Van trough that is the deepest basin of the rotated portions of EAAC and thrust-bounded region. This lake is emplaced at N-end of Bitlis-P&ouml;t&uuml;rge Massive (BP-M) along Muş suture, separating EAAC from BP-M. Lake Van region is a place where no mantle lid exists and hot asthenosphere is doming, therefore, it has dome-shaped structure with the highest elevation (2 km), termed as Lake Van Dome. The domal pattern of the lake, in fact, is a morphological paradigm, well representing the surficial effects of delamination event, crustal consolidation and crust-forming process. Not surprisingly, outline anatomy of Lake Van Dome clearly exhibits an orogenic structure with its formation of the squashy basin and thus, both its morphological and limnological characteristics may imply basement reactivation and orogenic features of the Highlands rifting phenomena in the domal center of accretionary complex. Compared to other convergent lakes in major mountain ranges, such as Lake Baikal, Lake Van is not well studied, its geophysical characteristics are poorly documented and understood. An overall understanding of this lake as a complex highlands system is still lacking. This lack assumes utmost importance given the fact that Lake Van and surrounding highlands are prone to thinning convergent crust, decompressional melting magmatism and post-collisional opening of sutures, through which extensional magma propagates. These processes dictate how ascending magmatic materials are transported through the crust toward the surface and react with their surrounding environment within the volcanic or magmatic edifice. A sequential development of these events is focused on understanding the rich dynamics of multiple linked systems with weak basement coupling and with many internal variables that exhibit multiscale interactions beneath the lake. Multi-component approach into basement and basin margin weakening highlights the relative roles of upper crustal tectonics, magmatism and the role of delamination and break off events, just beneath the lake. This generates deep insights into upper crust-driven seismicity and its results in basin response and subsequent impact on anisotropic variability of the convergent crust. The focus and objectives of Lake Van basin research are to provide a better understanding and overview of tectonic and magmatic processes in accretionary orogens and their role in the formation and evolution of the continental crust. Understanding post-collisional dynamics of accretionary wedges beneath Lake Van and their effect on Lake Van basin formation is essentially needed in this study. Multi channel seismic reflection profiles with a length of 850 km across Lake Van basin are collected by International Contiental Scientific Drilling Program, (PaleoVAN 2004 Project). Seismic structural interpretation showed that Plio-Quaternary structural development of the Lake Van basin is the result of two separate stress regimes: a Paleotectonic period of collision-compression and a Neotectonic period of extension/strike-slip deformation. Older structural elements bordering the lake have undergone reactivation as sinistral and dextral strike-slip faults along the basin margins. The consequence of this stress reversal has been tectonic instability of accretionary wedges, a reactivation of convergent basement and a change in kinematic boundary conditions of the lake. As a result, during post-collisional period, Lake Van region has undergone basin block fragmentation and separation, implying an oblique opening of Muş suture, through which extensional magmatism propagated into the lake, intensely deformed lake sediments and created the huge magma-hydrothermal lacustrine system. The oblique opening of suture zone views the Highlands rifting phenomena in Lake Van, especially its S-margin. Based on the above observations, the structural form of the early compressional Lake Van basin is quite different from the present-day basin. An interplay of sedimentation and tectonics in Lake Van provided a new angle on basement reactivation, oblique motion of the upper crustal flakes and the strike-slip evolution of accretionary wedge basins in Turkic-type orogenic setting. Lake Van is the Highlands rifted basin produced by doming asthenosphere, hence, Lake Van basin should be evaluated in a concept of the Highlands dynamics of hot and younger accretionary and Turkic-type orogens. Lastly, Lake Van basin shows tectonics and sedimentary characteristics of the Highlands Turkic type orogeny and thus, opens a new paradigm.&nbsp;Keywords: Extensional mechanism, Turkic-type orogeny, Basement reactivation, Paleotectonics.Sismik yansıma verilerinin yapısal analizi ve yorumlanması Van G&ouml;l&uuml; havzasının batıdaki sınır fayının b&uuml;k&uuml;mlenme g&ouml;sterdiği gerilmeli kenarında geliştiğini g&ouml;stermiştir. Batıdaki transtansiyonel faylanma, transtansiyonel ve doğrultu atımlı sedimentasyon g&ouml;steren merkezi Tatvan havzasının gelişiminde ana kontrol mekanizması olarak davranmıştır. Sınır fayının b&uuml;k&uuml;m aşağı transtansiyonel hareketi aşamalı olarak, batıdaki b&uuml;k&uuml;mden uzağa doğru olmak &uuml;zere yatay bir harekete d&ouml;n&uuml;şm&uuml;şt&uuml;r. Bu yapısal oluşum, merkezi Tatvan havzasında gelişen karakteristik doğrultu atımlı dizilim sekanslarını oluşturmuştur. B&ouml;yle bir yapısallık sonucu oluşan mekansal ve yersel boşluklar, faylanmalar boyunca gelişen doğrultu atımlı harekete ek olarak, hem batı ve g&uuml;ney kenarlardaki lokalize olarak gelişen yatay gerilme ve incelmeyi ve hem de kuzey kenardaki kısalma ve kalınlaşmayı gerektirmiştir. Kuzey marjini boyunca gelişen dik faylanma her ne &ouml;l&ccedil;&uuml;de dik olarak gelişebilmişse, fay b&uuml;k&uuml;mlenmesine bağlı olarak gelişen gerilmeyi karşılamak i&ccedil;in gerekli &ccedil;&ouml;kme o derece hızlı ger&ccedil;ekleşmiştir. Fay b&uuml;k&uuml;m yapısının g&ouml;l&uuml;n yapısal gelişiminde oynadığı rol &ouml;yle belirgindir ki, d&uuml;ş&uuml;n&uuml;lmesi gereken, havza asimetrisinin tektonik yapısından &ccedil;ok &ccedil;&ouml;kel merkezinin yatay taşınımına ve doğrultu-atım sedimentasyonuna havza asimetrinin etkisidir. Asimetrik havza yapısı ve g&ouml;l&uuml;n tek y&ouml;nl&uuml; yapısal gelişimi aynı zamanda, g&uuml;ney marjinindeki sağ yanal transtansiyonun, daha &ouml;nce var olan Muş suturunu izlediğini ve var olan tektonik rejimin eski bindirme faylarını reaktive ederek yeniden harekete ge&ccedil;irdiğini g&ouml;stermiştir. Bu bindirme fayları &ccedil;&ouml;kel merkezinin yatay migrasyonunu karşılayabilmek i&ccedil;in oblik olarak, hem gerilmeli ve hem de sıkışmalı bileşenler olarak, atım yapmışlardır.&nbsp;Anahtar Kelimeler: Genişlemeli mekanizma, T&uuml;rkik tipi orojen, temel reaktivasyonu, Paleotektonik d&ouml;nem

    Surface characteristics of scots pine wood heated at high temperatures after weathering

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    This study was conducted to investigate some surface properties of wood specimens of heat treated Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) after weathering such as surface hardness, surface roughness, gloss, and color changes. Heat treatment of Scots pine wood was carried out by hot air in an oven for 1, 2, and 3 hours at 210, 220, and 230°C. The results showed that generally surface hardness losses of heat treated Scots pine wood were lower than that of un-heated Scots pine wood after weathering. Heat treated Scots pine wood gave smooth surface after weathering. Except for heat treatment at 230°C for 1 and 2 hours, heat treatment resulted in better glossiness compared to un-heated Scots pine wood after weathering. According to the test results, while heat treated Scots pine wood become lighter after weathering, un-heated wood become darken after weathering. In general, heat treated wood surface to become reddish and yellowish after weathering.No sponso

    Poboljšanje otpornosti drva na vremenske utjecaje impregnacijom boratima i premazom od tekućeg stakla

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    Poor weathering performance of impregnated and coated wood products is an important issue that infl uences their appearance as well as their service life after outdoor or indoor exposure. A novel procedure to improve the weathering performance of Scots pine wood (Pinus sylvestris L.) is proposed in this study. Wood samples were impregnated with ammonium tetrafl uoroborate (ATFB), ammonium pentaborate (APB) and boric acid (BA), and afterward coated with a layer of liquid glass (LG). Surface hardness, color changes, and surface roughness of wood samples were investigated after 250 h and 500 h of exposure to artifi cial weathering. The results revealed that, except for untreated (control), all other treatment groups caused an increase in surface hardness of Scots pine after weathering. A decrease in the CIE L* value corresponds to the darkening of samples after weathering. Borates-impregnated and LG-coated Scots pine samples possessed the highest color stability. However, all treatment combinations resulted in reddish and yellowish tones after weathering. Exposure to weathering increased surface roughness of wood samples. The surface roughness of the untreated (control) group was higher than that of impregnated and coated samples.Slaba otpornost impregniranoga i premazanog drva pri izlaganju vremenskim utjecajima velik je problem koji utječe na izgled i vijek trajanja drva nakon izlaganja u eksterijeru ili interijeru. U ovom je istraživanju predložen novi postupak poboljšanja otpornosti borovine (Pinus sylvestris L.) izložene vremenskim utjecajima. Uzorci drva impregnirani su amonijevim tetrafl uoroboratom (ATFB), amonijevim pentaboratom (APB) i bornom kiselinom (BA), nakon čega su premazani tekućim staklom (LG). Ispitivana je tvrdoća površine, promjena boje i hrapavost površine uzoraka drva nakon 250 i 500 sati umjetnog izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima. Rezultati su pokazali da se na svim površinski obrađenim uzorcima borovine povećala tvrdoća njezine površine nakon izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima. Smanjenje vrijednosti CIE L* upućuje na tamnjenje uzoraka nakon izlaganja vremenskim utjecajima. Najbolju stabilnost boje pokazali su uzorci borovine impregnirani boratima i premazani tekućim staklom. Međutim, sve kombinacije površinske obrade rezultirale su povećanjem crvenoga i žutog tona nakon izlaganja uzoraka vremenskim utjecajima. Izlaganjem vremenskim utjecajima povećala se hrapavost površine uzoraka drva. No hrapavost površine kontrolnih uzoraka (površinski neobrađenih) bila je veća nego hrapavost površine impregniranih i premazanih uzoraka.No sponso