2,555 research outputs found

    Redesain Sekolah Luar Biasa Dharma Asih Pontianak

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    Pendidikan formal diperlukan untuk membentuk kehidupan anak dengan memberikan pengetahuan dan wawasan dari sejak usia dini hingga dewasa. Pendidikan formal bisa didapatkan oleh setiap anak dan tidak terkecuali bagi anak penyandang cacat. Pendidikan formal bagi mereka tidak sama seperti anak normal melainkan pendidikan formal khusus yang disebut SLB (Sekolah Luar Biasa). SLB Dharma Asih merupakan salah satu sekolah yang melayani pendidikan khusus di Kota Pontianak, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. SLB Dharma Asih melayani pendidikan bagi anak tunagrahita dan anak tunarungu/tunawicara. Sekolah tersebut belum memenuhi perancangan sesuai dengan standar SLB dan disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan anak tunagrahita dan anak tunarungu/tunawicara pada setiap jenjang pendidikannya. Perbedaan kebutuhan khusus mereka diidentifikasi agar bisa mengidentifikasi standar SLB yang diperlukan. Hasil identifikasi tersebut untuk mendapatkan fungsi ruang dan persyaratan ruang yang dibutuhkan untuk anak penyandang cacat dengan kebutuhan khusus di SLB Dharma Asih, sistem utilitas dan struktur yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan keadaan dan kegiatan anak-anak, sistem tapak lingkungan seperti peletakan bangunan, sirkulasi bangunan, orientasi, vegetasi dan arsitektur lingkungan baik secara eksternal maupun internal. Bentuk, ruang dan susunan terkait tata ruang dalam dan tata ruang luar bangunan akan terbentuk sehingga menghasilkan skematik desain berupa pra-rancangan dan pengembangan rancangan terkait redesain SLB Dharma Asih

    Uniqueness of infrared asymptotics in Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory

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    We uniquely determine the infrared asymptotics of Green functions in Landau gauge Yang-Mills theory. They have to satisfy both, Dyson-Schwinger equations and functional renormalisation group equations. Then, consistency fixes the relation between the infrared power laws of these Green functions. We discuss consequences for the interpretation of recent results from lattice QCD.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Radiofrequency ablation of a misdiagnosed Brodie’s abscess

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    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) therapy is recognised as a safe and effective treatment option for osteoid osteoma. This case report describes a 27-year-old man who underwent computed tomography (CT)-guided percutaneous RFA for a femoral osteoid osteoma, which was diagnosed based on his clinical presentation and CT findings. The patient developed worsening symptoms complicated by osteomyelitis after the procedure. His clinical progression and subsequent MRI findings had led to a revised diagnosis of a Brodie’s abscess, which was further supported by the eventual resolution of his symptoms following a combination of antibiotics treatment and surgical irrigations. This case report illustrates the unusual MRI features of osteomyelitis mimicking soft tissue tumours following RFA of a misdiagnosed Brodie’s abscess and highlights the importance of a confirmatory histopathological diagnosis for an osteoid osteoma prior to treatment


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    This study analyzes policy convergence and coordination in policymaking for sustainability, taking place in the context of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). It explores the policy choices of GCC countries in relation to agenda-setting, policy learning, policy convergence and coordination as a case of South-South transfer in the Middle East region, which is a relatively understudied aspect of the intensive diversification efforts of Gulf States. The study concludes that limited regional integration among GCC countries makes their relations more difficult. Individual national interests are prioritized over regional policy transfer and convergence. Moreover, some members choose to position closer to Western and Global perspective on development agenda. Consequently, they are keener to adopt environmental policies

    Unconventional MBE Strategies from Computer Simulations for Optimized Growth Conditions

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    We investigate the influence of step edge diffusion (SED) and desorption on Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) using kinetic Monte-Carlo simulations of the solid-on-solid (SOS) model. Based on these investigations we propose two strategies to optimize MBE growth. The strategies are applicable in different growth regimes: During layer-by-layer growth one can exploit the presence of desorption in order to achieve smooth surfaces. By additional short high flux pulses of particles one can increase the growth rate and assist layer-by-layer growth. If, however, mounds are formed (non-layer-by-layer growth) the SED can be used to control size and shape of the three-dimensional structures. By controlled reduction of the flux with time we achieve a fast coarsening together with smooth step edges.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.