29 research outputs found

    Veterinary anesthesiology and analgesia

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    The influence of breed and age on appearing of pyometra in bitches

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    Pyometra (chronic purulent inflammation of the uterus) is a frequent reproductive disorder in sexually mature bitches that usually occurs between the 4th week and the 4th month following estrus when the animal is not pregnant. The objective of this investigation was to examine the influence of the breed of bitch on the age when pyometra is diagnozed, and in the territory of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina. The average age of 321 examined bitches with diagnozed pyometra was 8.4 years. A statistically significant (P≤0.05) difference was established in the average age of bitches of big breeds (7.3 years) in comparison with the age of bitches of small breeds, at the time of pyometra occurrence (9.8 years). Bitches of mixed breeds were aged 8.8 years on the average when they were diagnozed with pyometra. Pyometra was diagnozed at the age between 7 and 9 years in 52% of the examined bitches of big breeds, while 51% bitches of small breeds were diagnozed with pyometra when they were considerably older (≥10 years). On the grounds of the results of these investigations, it can be concluded that the risk of pyometra occurring increases significantly after 5 years of age, but that breed has a significant effect on the age at which pyometra occurs in bitches

    The influence of selenium and zinc addition in food on concentration of these elements in blood and milk, on somatic cells number and histological characteristics of cows udders

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    The experiment included 30 cows of Holstein-Friesian breed, out of which 15 were receiving selenium and zinc in optimal doses before calving, while the others had never been supplemented with these micronutrients. There was analysed the concentration of selenium and zinc in blood and milk serum as well as the average number of somatic cells in corresponding lactation. After the cows exclusion from production, histological characteristics of cows udders were examined. The results of the investigation have shown that addition of selenium and zinc before calving has a positive effect on the values of these microelements in the blood and milk during the period of early lactation, that is, the concentration of these elements was significantly higher in the blood and milk of the cows that obtained selenium and zinc supplements. Also, in these cows there was significantly lower number of somatic cells during the following lacation period. In the parenchyma of the udder there was found less pronounced infiltration of leukocytes, notably thicker keratin layer of ductus papillaris and less expressed repairing processes that indicate a chronic inflammation of the udder in the samples after exclusion of the cows from production. There was a significant positive correlation between selenium in blood and milk, while there was not observed such a correlation for zinc. On the other hand, there was a significant negative correlation between the concentration of selenium in the blood and milk with the average number of somatic cells and the degree of infiltration of leukocytes, while its influence on the keratin layer of ductus papillarus was not shown. Zinc from blood and udder had a negative correlation with the number of somatic cells, had a positive correlation with the thickness of ductus papillaris keratin layer and had no influence on the level of leukocyte infiltration of udder parenchyma. Zinc demonstrates a positive influence on the formation of ductus papillaris keratin layer and protects the udder from pathogens penetration, while selenium stimulates the immunological response of the udder. Their positive impact can be defined as additive, because athough they have effect on two morphologically separate udder parts, adding both of them significantly decreases the number of somatic cells in milk. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR31062

    Uteropexy in Sheep as Potential Method for Prevention of Uterine Torsion

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    Background: Uterine torsion is one of many causes of dystocia in sheep. Failure in performing of wright-time diagnostic procedures and treatment by certain obstetric procedures, can result with death of both fetus and ewe. There is sufficient knowledge about risk factors which could contribute to the occurrence of uterine torsion in sheep, but there is insufficient knowledge about measures for prevention of uterine torsion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of performing incorporative uteropexy as potential method for prevention of uterine torsion. Cases: This research was part of the experimental research of changes in the anterior presentation in sheep fetuses due to their ventro-sacral position in the 2nd half of gestation. At the same sheep farm where afore mentioned research was conducted, the farmer has reported the death of 3 pregnant ewes. In all of 3 animals, torsion of the uterus was diagnosed by patho-anatomical examination. This study was conducted on 6 ewes. All of the animals were in the period around the 100th day of pregnancy at the time of clinical examination. The exact day of pregnancy was not determinated because of free mating in the herd. Confirmation of pregnancy in all of 6 ewes was performed by ultrasound examination. Uniparous pregnancy was found in all of 6 ewes. The entire surgical procedures were performed in the field conditions. Laparotomy was performed in the animals positioned in the left lateral recumbency. Surgical procedure of incorporative uteropexy was performed during the closure of muscle layers of abdominal wall. In need for experimental research of changes in the anterior presentation in sheep fetuses due to their ventro-sacral position in the second half of gestation, 14 days after surgical procedures were conducted, all of sheep were positioned by assistants into a sitting position so that their trunks were vertical to the ground and kept in that position for 2 min. Ultrasound examination of surgical place of uteropexy confirmed that, in all of animals, uteruses were in place of surgical procedures. All of 6 ewes included in this study lambed naturally. One of 6 sheep was sent for economic exploitation on the 14th day after lambing. At the slaughter line, the abdominal wall was evaluated at the site where the incorporative uteropexy was performed. Patho-anatomical examination revealed tissue adhesions at the junction of the uterine horn with the abdominal wall. Discussion: Postsurgical tissue adhesions develop during normal healing process of tissue. According to our knowledge, previous studies do not mention effective measures that could contribute to the prevention of uterine torsion in sheep, but attention is focused on prompt diagnosis and treatment of the disease. According to the results of this study, postsurgical tissue adhesions were developed and confirmed by patho-anatomical examination in 1 sheep.  Other 5 sheep were not economically exploited or sacrificed, and no studies were performed to establish the presence of postsurgical tissue adhesions. In conclusion, it could be said that incorporative uteropexy could be considered as preventive procedure in order to avoid the development of uterine torsion in ewes which have shown a history of this pathology, but also in ewes with identified risk factors for the disease. In future studies, it is necessary to identify more parameters which will contribute to identification of sheep which have high risk factors to obtain the torsion of uterus. Also, it is necessary to use non-invasive methods of clinical diagnostics, primary ultrasound diagnostic, to evaluate the area of ​​incorporative uteropexy in order to assess newly formed tissue adhesions as well as to assess the vitality of fetus. It is necessary to follow the lambing process of ewes with incorporated uterus, and to provide medical assistance to the animals if complications occur during the lambing time. Keywords: sheep, uterus, fetus, torsion, incorporative uteropexy

    Kirurško liječenje povratne peritoneoperikardijalne dijafragmatske kile u psa polipropilenskom mrežicom i autolognim perikardijalnim presatkom - prikaz slučaja

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    Peritoneopericardial hernia is a malformation which allows the protrusion of abdominal organs into the pericardial sac. Several methods of herniorrhaphy had been described in human and veterinary medicine, such as the usage of prosthetic patches, allografts and autologous grafts. The purpose of this study was to describe a new technique of herniorrhaphy, which combines two different materials for defect closure (nonautologous-polypropylene mesh and autologous-pericardial flap) in a case of recurrent peritoneopericardial hernia in a dog. A two-year-old, intact female Rhodesian Ridgeback was presented with an eight week history of respiratory problems, occasional coughing, vomiting, lethargy, body mass loss and icteric mucous membrane. The reason for using this technique was tension at hernial ring, which could have caused recurrence of the peritoneopericardial hernia. Polypropylene mesh was used in order to reinforce the herniorrhaphy and an autologous flap served as a barrier against mesh exposure to the epicardial surface. In our opinion, this method is safe with no complications observed, so therefore, it could be a suitable method for peritoneopericardial reherniation repair.Peritoneoperikardijalna kila jest defekt dijafragme koji dopušta prolazak abdominalnih organa u perikardijalnu vreću. Liječenje zahtijeva kirurški zahvat, herniorafiju. Nekoliko je metoda opisano u humanoj i veterinarskoj medicine, poput raznih sintetičkih materijala i mrežica, autolognih i alogenih presadaka. Svrha ovoga rada jest prikaz herniorafije u psa koja obuhvaća dva načina zatvaranja ponovljenog defekta dijafragme, polipropilenskom mrežicom i autolognim perikardijalnim presatkom. Dvije godine stara nekastrirana kuja rodezijskog goniča lavova zaprimljena je zbog povremenih respiratornih problema, kašlja i povraćanja koja su trajala 8 tjedana te letargije, gubitka tjelesne mase i žutice. Razlog primjene herniorafije bila je prevelika napetost okrajaka prstena kile uz veliku mogućnost popuštanja šava herniorafije te povratka bolesnog stanja. Kombinacija umjetnog materijala (mrežice) i autolognog presatka korištena je u svrhu ojačavanja mjesta herniorafije. Ishod zahvata ukazuje da je to prikladna metoda kirurškog liječenja povratka peritoneoperikardijalne kile, a komplikacija i povratka nije bilo

    Uticaj nivoa dobrobiti i stresnih faktora na krvne parametre kod krava tokom laktacije

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether there is a difference in the value of certain blood parameters in cows in the function of the level of fulfillment of the criteria and the presence of certain indicators of well-being on the farm. Cows in which the farms are not fully satisfied with the principles of the welfare of the metabolic status that indicates that they are significant stress load (the higher the concentration of cortisol), take small amounts of food (lower concentrations of glucose, urea calcium) and spend their own reserves to overcome external factors (higher value of NEFA and BHB) and the maintenance of homeostasis. The metabolic status of cows depends largely on the degree of satisfaction of the principle of the welfare and the presence of indicators of stress and can be a quality indicator in assessing the stress load of cows.Cilj ovog rada je da se ispita da li postoji razlika u vrednosti pojedinih krvnih parametara kod krava u funkciji nivoa ispunjenosti kriterijuma i prisustva određenih indikatora dobrobiti na farmama. Krave kod kojih na farmama nisu u dovoljnoj meri zadovoljeni principi dobrobiti imaju metabolički status koji pokazuje da su one značajnije stresno opterećenje (viša koncentracija kortizola), uzimaju manje količine hrane (niža koncentracija glukoze, uree u kalcijuma) i troše sopstvene rezerve za savladavanje spoljašnjih faktora (viša vrednost NEFA i BHB) i održavanje homeostaze. Metabolički status krava u mnogome zavisi od stepena zadovoljenja principa dobrobiti i prisustva indikatora stresa i može biti kvalitetan indikator u proceni stresne opterećenosti krava

    Principles of haemostasis in veterinary surgery

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    Razvojem veterinarske medicine i porastom broja kirurških pacijenata pravilno izvođenje kirurških zahvata, zaustavljanje krvarenja te sprečavanje nastanka postoperativnih komplikacija postalo je sve važnije. Preciznost u izvođenju kirurških zahvata smanjuje intraoperativne komplikacije i znatno smanjuje pojavu postoperativnih komplikacija. Jedna od najčešćih i za život opasnih komplikacija jest krvarenje, zbog toga je pravilno zaustavljanje krvarenja iznimno važno u kirurških pacijenata. Uspješnost zaustavljanja krvarenja tijekom kirurških zahvata znatno je olakšanom širokim izborom površinskih sterilnih pripravaka za zaustavljanje krvarenja. Pojedine kirurške zahvate nemoguće je završiti kad su prisutni poremećaji fiziološkog procesa zaustavljanja krvarenja. Svaka operacija, kod koje su prisutni poremećaji zgrušavanja, može dovesti do ozbiljnijih komplikacija. Zbog toga je važno poznavati pojedine poremećaje zgrušavanja, kako bi se mogli prepoznati i liječiti. Prepoznavanje i liječenje poremećaja zgrušavanja krvi olakšani su brojnim laboratorijskim testovima i pretragama za dijagnostiku tih poremećaja.With the development of veterinary medicine and the increasing number of surgical patients, proper surgical procedures, haemostasis and preventing postoperative complications have become more important. Precision in performing surgical procedures reduces intraoperative complications, and significantly reduces the occurrence of postoperative complications. One of the most common and life-threatening complications is bleeding, so proper haemostasis is extremely important in surgical patients. Success of haemostasis during surgical procedures is greatly facilitated by a wide selection of sterile topical haemostatic agents. Some surgical procedures are impossible to complete if there are disorders of the physiological process of coagulation. Any surgical procedure that is associated with clotting disorders can lead to more serious complications. It is therefore important to be acquainted with coagulation disorders in order to be able to identify and treat them. Recognizing and treating blood clotting disorders is facilitated by many laboratory tests and tests to diagnose these disorders

    Molecular diagnostics of swine infection caused by Mycoplasma suis

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    The presence of two types of haemoplasm can be established in the swine population. Pathogenic haemoplasm, named Mycoplasma suis (previously called Eperythrozoon suis) is the cause of swine eperythrozoonosis or swine ichtheroanaemia. The cause of this disease can also infect humans. The disease has spread all over the world. The most frequent form is latent infection of swine caused by M. suis. The disease is clinically manifest following action by the stress factor. The acute course of the disease is characterized by the occurrence of a febrile condition and ichtheroanaemia. The disease is usually diagnosed based on an epizootiological poll, a clinical examination, and a microscopic examination of a blood smear stained most often according to Giemsa. Contemporary methods of molecular biology have been developed, such as PCR, which are more sensitive and specific in making a diagnosis of swine infection caused by M. suis. In these investigations, the presence of M. suis on pig farms in the Republic of Serbia has been determined using the PCR test.

    Vučna čvrstoća resorptivnog šivaćeg materijala primijenjenoga u rekonstrukciji stijenke želuca - in vitro istraživanje

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    The primary objective of this study was to determine whether polyglyconate or polydioxanone resorptive surgical materials are superior in terms of tensile strength retention in implantation in the cadaveric submucosa of the stomach wall. A secondary objective was to compare the tensile strength retention, in the same conditions, of polydioxanone suture materials produced by different manufacturers. Five samples of resorptive suture materials (polyglyconate (Maxon®, Covidien), polydioxanone (PDS®, Ethicon, PDX® Kruuse, Surgicryl® SMI), Catgut chromic, Kruuse) all diameter USP 2-0, were incubated in vitro in the cadaveric submucosa of the stomach wall for fifty days. Measurements of tensile strength were made on day 0 and the 10th day. Polyglyconate (Maxon®) showed the greatest initial tensile strength. After 10 days of incubation in the submucosa of the stomach, the tensile strength decreases more rapidly for polyglyconate (Maxon®) in comparison to polydioxanone sutures, but they were still higher compared with the others on the 10th day. Polydioxanone Surgicryl® had the highest tensile strength retention - 91.4% after 10 days of incubation in the submucosa of the stomach. Polydioxanone PDX® maintained only 58.5% of its initial tensile strength. Polydioxanone Surgicryl® had the highest initial Young’s modulus.Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti koji je od resorptivnih materijala za šivanje, poliglikonat ili polidioksanon, bolji s obzirom na zadržavanje vučne čvrstoće konca, a nakon implantiranja u submukozu želučane stijenke. Sljedeći je cilj bio usporediti vučnu čvrstoću konaca sastava polidioksanon, različitih proizvođača, u istim uvjetima. Pet uzoraka resorptivnih materijala za šivanje, poliglikonat (Maxon®, Covidien), polidioksanon (PDS®, Ethicon, PDX® Kruuse, Surgicryl® SMI), Catgut chromic, Kruuse, svi istoga promjera USP 2-0, implantirani su u sluznicu želučane stijenke lešine kunića tijekom 10 dana. Određivanje vučne čvrstoće izvedeno je nulti i deseti dan. Poliglikonat (Maxon®) pokazao je najveću početnu vučnu čvrstoću. Nakon 10 dana inkubiranja u submukozi želučane stijenke poliglikonat (Maxon®) brže je gubio vučnu čvrstoću u usporedbi s koncima sastava polidioksanon, ali je zadržao veću vrijednost vučne čvrstoće. Polidioksanon (Surgicry®) nakon 10 dana inkubiranja u submukozi želučane stijenke imao je najveći postotak (91,4 %) zadržavanja početne vučne čvrstoće. Polidioksanon (PDX®) zadržao je samo 58,5 % početne vučne čvrstoće. Polidioksanon Surgicryl® imao je najveći početni Youngov modul elastičnosti

    Energetski status krava sa različitim nivoom reproduktivne efikasnosti

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    Financial efficiency of dairy farms depends on the reproductive efficiency of cows on these farms. Reproductive efficiency of cows on farms depends on the occurrence of postpartum ovarian activity and the visible oestrus. Cows are in negative energy balance in early lactation. We hypothesized that negative energy balance adversely affects the onset of postpartum ovarian activity and occurrence of visible estrus. The pupils were 2 groups of cows: on the basis of ovarian activity (cows that showed ovarian activity until 30 days after parturition, and cows that ovarian activity showed later) and on the basis of visible postpartum estrus (cows that have shown a clinically visible oestrus to 70 days after parturition, and cows that were first estrus shown later). Performed to investigate the parameters of the metabolic profile in the first, fourth and eighth week after parturition. Cows with higher quality reproductive efficiency have lower concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids and ketones, and higher glucose concentration. These results confirm that postpartum reproductive efficiency depends on the energy status of cows. Number of days to starst of ovarial activity and days to firs visible oestrus negatively corelated with glucose concentration and positively with value of NEFA and BHB.Reproduktivna efikasnost krava na farmama zavisi od nastanka postpartalne ovarijalne aktivnosti i pojave vidljivih estrusa. Krave se nalaze u negativnom energetskom bilansu u početku laktacije. Predpostavili smo da negativni energetski bilans negativno utiče na nastanak postpartalne ovarijane aktivnosti i nastanka vidljivog estrusa. Formirane su 2 grupe krava: na osnovu ovarijalne aktivnosti (krave koje pokazuju ovarijalnu aktivnost do 30. dana posle partusa i krave koje su ovarijalnu aktivnost pokazale kasnije) i na osnovu vidljivog postpartalnog estrusa (krave koje su pokazale klinički vidljiv estrus do 70. dana posle partusa i krave koje su prvi estrus pokazale kasnije). Vršeno je ispitivanje parametara metaboličkog profila u prvoj, četvrtoj i osmoj nedelji posle partusa. Krave sa kvalitetnijom reproduktivnom efikasnošću imaju nižu koncentraciju neesterifikovanih masnih kiselina i ketona i višu koncentaciju glukoze u prvoj i četvrtoj nedelji posle teljenja. Nađena je pozitivna korelacija između vrednosti NEFA i BHB, a negativna korelacija glukoze i momenta kada je započela ovarijalna aktivnost, odnosno kada je uočen prvi klinički vidljiv estru