24 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to study which are the main determinants of the transition rate probability of leaving the education system and enter into different labour market states. Here, we made an analysis of several controversial terminological aspects of the concepts used to define the more specific variables of the inquire (The Continuous Spanish Population Survey ¿EPAEnlazada¿ (1992-1996)). Among others, the main results suggest that even if the women investmore than men in education, the school-to-work transition results do not improve. Also we obtain empirical evidence in favour of the fact that is more important for leaving the education systemto finish the schooling degree than having a higher level of education. The later does not improve the probability of obtain a job in the labour market even if it is an important factor that affects thecharacteristics of the jobs that they can acquire. Los jóvenes al salir del sistema educativo, pueden situarse en dos ámbitos: la inactividad o el mundo del trabajo. En este estudio se aborda la influencia de las características personales y familiares en la salida del sistema educativo y el paso a la ocupación, al empleo o a la inactividad. La base de datos utilizada es la EPA-enlazada que abarca el periodo 1992-1996 y seleccionando a los jóvenes de 16 a 34 años de edad. Entre los resultados más destacados están en primer lugar, que a pesar de que las mujeres se educan más, este hecho no mejora su posición frente a los varones en cuanto a su inserción laboral; y en segundo lugar, que la titulación alcanzada por los jóvenes influye en la decisión de salir del sistema educativo mientras que el haber alcanzado una titulación más alta no favorece la inserción laboral.Transición, educación, mercado de trabajo Transition rate, education, labour market

    La “ideología de género” frente a los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. El escenario español

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    Se analiza el caso español como laboratorio europeo en el que se han ensayado las estrategias de movilización basadas en el discurso de la “ideología de género” contra los derechos sexuales y de las mujeres por parte de actores ultraconservadores, con especial atención a los actores católicos. Se presentan cuatro momentos: el discurso de la Iglesia Católica, como fuente originaria del lenguaje de este nuevo pánico moral; las reformas legales progresistas que detonan el ciclo de protesta; la contestación social de los grupos conservadores y la posterior reacción conservadora moderada desde la acción de gobierno

    Heavy Squarks at the LHC

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    The LHC, with its seven-fold increase in energy over the Tevatron, is capable of probing regions of SUSY parameter space exhibiting qualitatively new collider phenomenology. Here we investigate one such region in which first generation squarks are very heavy compared to the other superpartners. We find that the production of these squarks, which is dominantly associative, only becomes rate-limited at mSquark > 4(5) TeV for L~10(100) fb-1. However, discovery of this scenario is complicated because heavy squarks decay primarily into a jet and boosted gluino, yielding a dijet-like topology with missing energy (MET) pointing along the direction of the second hardest jet. The result is that many signal events are removed by standard jet/MET anti-alignment cuts designed to guard against jet mismeasurement errors. We suggest replacing these anti-alignment cuts with a measurement of jet substructure that can significantly extend the reach of this channel while still removing much of the background. We study a selection of benchmark points in detail, demonstrating that mSquark= 4(5) TeV first generation squarks can be discovered at the LHC with L~10(100)fb-1

    A Unified Framework for Neuroscience Morphological Data Visualization

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    The complexity of the human brain makes its understanding one of the biggest challenges that science is currently confronting. Due to its complexity, the brain has been studied at many different levels and from many disciplines and points of view, using a diversity of techniques for getting meaningful data at each specific level and perspective, producing sometimes data that are difficult to integrate. In order to advance understanding of the brain, scientists need new tools that can speed up this analysis process and that can facilitate integrating research results from different disciplines and techniques. Visualization has proved to be useful in the analysis of complex data, and this paper focuses on the design of visualization solutions adapted to the specific problems posed by brain research. In this paper, we propose a unified framework that allows the integration of specific tools to work together in a coordinated manner in a multiview environment, displaying information at different levels of abstraction and combining schematic and realistic representations. The two use cases presented here illustrate the capability of this approach for providing a visual environment that supports the exploration of the brain at all its organizational levels

    ViSimpl: Multi-view Visual Analysis of Brain Simulation Data

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    After decades of independent morphological and functional brain research, a key point in neuroscience nowadays is to understand the combined relationships between the structure of the brain and its components and their dynamics on multiple scales, ranging from circuits of neurons at micro or mesoscale to brain regions at macroscale. With such a goal in mind there is a vast amount of research focusing on modeling and simulating activity within neuronal structures, and these simulations generate large and complex datasets which have to be analyzed in order to gain the desired insight. In such context this paperpresents ViSimpl, which integrates a set of visualization and interaction tools that provide a semantic view of brain data with the aim of improving its analysis procedures. ViSimpl provides 3D particle-based rendering that allows visualizing simulation data with their associated spatial and temporal information, enhancing the knowledge extraction process. It also provides abstract representations of the time-varying magnitudes supporting different data aggregation and disaggregation operations and giving also focus and context clues. In addition, ViSimpl tools provide synchronized playback control of the simulation being analyzed. Finally, ViSimpl allows performing selection and filtering operations relying on an application called NeuroScheme. All these views are loosely coupled and can be used independently, but they can also work together as linked views, both in centralized and distributed computing environments, enhancing the data exploration and analysis procedures

    Carbonic: A Framework for Creating and Visualizing Complex Compound Graphs

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    Advances in data generation and acquisition have resulted in a volume of available data of such magnitude that our ability to interpret and extract valuable knowledge from them has been surpassed. Our capacity to analyze data is hampered not only by their amount or their dimensionality, but also by their relationships and by the complexity of the systems they model. Compound graphs allow us to represent the existing relationships between nodes that are themselves hierarchically structured, so they are a natural substrate to support multiscale analysis of complex graphs. This paper presents Carbonic, a framework for interactive multiscale visual exploration and editing of compound graphs that incorporates several strategies for complexity management. It combines the representation of graphs at multiple levels of abstraction, with techniques for reducing the number of visible elements and for reducing visual cluttering. This results in a tool that allows both the exploration of existing graphs and the visual creation of compound graphs following a top-down approach that allows simultaneously observing the entities and their relationships at different scales. The results show the applicability of the developed framework to two use cases, demonstrating the usefulness of Carbonic for moving from information to knowledge

    Las transiciones de los jóvenes de la escuela al mercado de trabajo : un análisis de flujos

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    Los jóvenes al salir del sistema educativo, pueden situarse en dos ámbitos: la inactividad o el mundo del trabajo. En este estudio se aborda la influencia de las características personales y familiares en la salida del sistema educativo y el paso a la ocupación, al empleo o a la inactividad. La base de datos utilizada es la EPA-enlazada que abarca el periodo 1992-1996 y seleccionando a los jóvenes de 16 a 34 años de edad. Entre los resultados más destacados están en primer lugar, que a pesar de que las mujeres se educan más, este hecho no mejora su posición frente a los varones en cuanto a su inserción laboral; y en segundo lugar, que la titulación alcanzada por los jóvenes influye en la decisión de salir del sistema educativo mientras que el haber alcanzado una titulación más alta no favorece la inserción laboral