66 research outputs found

    Pergeseran Identifikasi Dan Representasi Sosial (Studi Atas Menguatnya Identifikasi Adat Di Indonesia)

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    This paper tries to show a shift in social identification Indonesia afterdecentralization. Identification of Indonesian society is no longer sufficientmenggunakaan read only religious or ideological basis. Post-New Ordersocial identification back to the community is the identification of a localbasis, is considered pure, and genuine. Using the case of emerging andstrengthening indigenous movement and the basis of social identificationthat is attached to it, this paper finds that indigenous movement as a politicalmovement managed to emerge and be recognized. But sentiment was used by indigenous local elite to gain importance in the local political arena. This sentiment is also a mechanism of exclusion inkulsi and other groups outside themselves relating to their rights to the resources in the area. Not infrequently he is a source of social tension. Decentralization and the emergence of social identity, citizenship melokal shows an increasinglyserious problem

    Pengembangan Metode Pengamanan Data Menggunakan Teknik Interpolasi Antar Piksel dan Reduced Difference Expansion

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    In this globalization era, the internet has been the main media which everyone used to exchange information, from the public such as sport to top secret such as military data. Hence, the requirement of data hiding method called steganography is rising. Steganography is hiding the secret information into another media so that it could be transferred publicly, but only the authorized users could access it. There were two main problems in the data hiding technique: the capacity of the secret and the quality of the generated stego data. In this proposed method, we combined digital image processing called interpolation, used it to predict the new pixel value to hide the secret bit in purpose to increase the bit data capacity with the consequence the reduction of the stego image quality. The experimental result showed that the capacity has increased from that of the previous research

    Surface Rupture and Geotechnical Features of the July 2, 2013 Tanah Gayo Earthquake

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    DOI:10.17014/ijog.3.2.95-105An assessment of surface rupture and collateral ground failures can help to evaluate the impact of future earthquakes. This paper presents the results of a field survey conducted to map the surface rupture and geotechnical phenomena associated with the ground shaking during the July 2, 2013 earthquakes in Tanah Gayo Highland. The objectives of this survey are to document and to characterize the surface ruptures as well as to identify types of earthquake-induced ground failures. Results of the survey identified four best sites of possible surface rupture. Two locations are obvious surface ruptures that can be traced on primary topographic feature of the active fault segment from the north to the south, crossing Pantan Terong Hill. The fault segment has a total mapped length of 19 km, with WNW trending zone and a dextral rupture offset. The ground shaking also resulted in landslides and liquefaction in areas underlain by very fine-grained tuffaceous sands. Based on the field survey, it can be concluded that the newly defined active fault segment, the Pantan Terong segment, is likely the segment that ruptured at the July 2, 2013 Tanah Gayo earthquake. Due to the soil types and unstable rocky slopes in the hilly Central Aceh region, large-scale landslides are primary risks during an earthquake event in this region


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    The purpose of this study is to answer the formulation of the maslahah of memorizing the Qur;an which is urgent to be developed in every Islamic educational isstitution, both scools and madrasas because it is an effort to maintain the originality of the Qur’an which is an absolute obligation for muslim, to form noble personalities and improve the quality of live intelligence. Therefore, the success of the tahfidz al-Qur’an program for educational institutions is important. From obsrvation made at MI. Qomarul Wathon Lamongan there is no special valid, parctical, and effective tahfidz al-Qur’an learning model that is used to standrdize the tahfidz al-Qur’an lerning process. This research is a field research. The approach is qualitative to produce a valid, practical, and effective tahfidz al-Qur’an learning model. The type of research (qualitative). The data collection uses observation techniques, interviews, and which are used to validate the developed model. The model validation process is carried out by experts and practitions. The result of research and development of the tahfidz al-Qur’an learning model in MI. Qomarul Wathon Lamongan is in the form of stages of learning tahfidzal-Qur’an which emphasizes the frequent parctice (dill system), with the following steps: (1) the teacher perceives (2) the teacher provides examples of reading verses that will be memorized correctly (talqin) (3) student read the memorized verse at least 5 times repetition by looking at the manuscripts (4) the teacher writes the keywords (beginning of the verse) to be memorized (5) student raed the verse to be memorized by looking at the keywords (beginning of the verse) that has been written at least 5 times repetition (6) Student recite the verse to be memorized without looking (bil ghoib) at least 5 repetitions (7) Student listen to each other’s memorization, and ask questions by randomizing the number of verses or connecting verses. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mejawab rumusan maslahah menghafal al-Qur’an urgen untuk dikembangkan di setiap lembaga pendidikan Islam baik Sekolah maupun Madrasah karena merupakan usaha menjaga orisnilitas al-Qur’an yang mutlak menjadi kewajiban bagi umat Islam, membentuk prinadi mulia dan meningkatkan kecerdasan. Oleh karena itu, mensukseskan program tahfidz al-Qur’an bagi lembaga pendidikan adalah hal yang penting. Dari observasi yang dilakukan di MI. Qomarul Wathon Lamongan belum ada model pembelajaran tahfidz al-Qur’an khusus yang valid, praktis, dan efektif yang digunakan untuk menstandartkan proses pemebelajaran tahfidz al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian lapangan. Adapun pendekatannya adalah diskriptif kualitatif untuk mengahsilakn model pemebelajaran tahfidz al-Qura’an yang valid, praktis, dan efektif. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian pengemnagan (kualitatif). Pengumpulan datanya menggunakan teknik obeservasi, wawancara, dan yang digunakan untuk validasi model yang dikembangkan. Proses validasi model dilakukan oleh pakar/ahli dan praktisi. Hasil penelitian dan pengembagan model pembelajran tahfidz al-Qur’an di MI. Qorul Wathon Lamongan itu berupa tahapan-tahapan pemeblajran tahfidz al-Qur’an yang menekankan pada seringya latihan (sistem drill), dengan langkah-langkah: (1) Guru mengapersepsi (2) Guru memberikan contoh bacaan ayat yang akan dihafal dengan benar (talqin) sebanyak 5x pengulangan (3) Siswa membaca ayat yang dihafalakan minimal 5x pengulangan dengan melihat mushaf (4) Guru menulis kata kunci (awal ayat) yang akan dihafalkan (5) Siswa membaca ayat yang akan dihafalkan dengan melihat kata kunci (awal ayat) yang telah ditulis minimla 5x pengulangan (6) Siswa melafalkan ayat yang akan dihafal tanpa melihat (bil ghoib) minmal 5x pengulangan (7) Siswa saling menyimak hafalan temannya, dan membrikan pertanyaan dengan mengacak nomor ayat maupu sambung ayat.

    Performance Evaluation of Irrigation System in Cikeusik Irrigation Area, Cirebon Regency West Java Province

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    West Java Province is known as an area that plays an important role in agricultural production in Indonesia. Cirebon is a district in West Java which is in the eastern part bordering Central Java. Many areas of irrigation or Irrigation Network who experience a decrease in performance, one of whom who experience decreased performance is Cikeusik Irrigation Area. This time, the Irrigation Cikeusik Management implemented by Balai Besar Wilayah Sungai (BBWS) Cimanuk Cisanggarung, Directorate General of Water Resources, Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. The Irrigation Cikeusik receive water supplies from Dam Cikeusik in the Cisanggarung river with the area in 6899 Ha. The purpose of this research is to analyze and calculate what percentage in the performance of the Sub Regional Irrigation Maneunteung West and Sub Regional Irrigation Maneunteung East on irrigation area Cikuesik using the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 32 / PRT / M / 2007 on Guidelines for Operation and Maintenance of Irrigation. Some aspects of the irrigation system set out in the Regulation of the Minister of Public Works No. 32 / PRT / M / 2007 are physical infrastructure, plant productivity, supporting facilities Maintenance Operation, Maintenance Organization Operations personnel, documentation and water user associations (P3A). The research method is by direct observation, questionnaire and test methods research is done by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The performance evaluation of irrigation systems shows the percentage of different figures. Assessment is based on a survey conducted in West Sub Maneunteung irrigation area is 75.95% and 71.70% based on the respondent data. A difference of 4.26%, thus the performance of the irrigation system is ranged between 71.70% up to 75.95% or an average of 73.82%. Assessment is based on a survey conducted in Sub irigation area East Maneunteung is 76.10%, while 72.41% of respondents based on the data.The difference of 3.69%, thus the performance of the irrigation system is ranged between 72.41% up to 76.10% or an average of 74.26%. Based on the percentage of those with regulation of the Minister Public Works No. 32/PRT/M/2007 condition Sub irrigation area West Maneunteng and East Maneunteung have good performance

    Optimasi Replacement Strategy Untuk Metode Progressive Cache Pada Content Centric Networking (Ccn)

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    Teknologi internet yang berkembang pesat, menyebabkan meningkatnya jumlah konten multimedia pada lalu lintas jaringan data. Content Centric Network (CCN) dengan fitur yang dimilikinya yaitu content distribution, multicast, in-network cache, mobility dan delay-tolerant networking, dikembangkan untuk memenuhi tantangan yang muncul pada model komunikasi host-to-host (teknologi internet saat ini), yaitu mendistribusikan konten-konten multimedia dengan lebih efisien. Performa CCN terbukti dapat ditingkatkan dengan menerapkan metode progressive cache pada strategi penyimpanan cache. Metode Progressive Cache menggunakan prinsip kerja meminimalisir data one-timer, mempertimbangkan popularitas data dan frekuensi request data. Pada penelitian ini, metode Progressive Cache dioptimasi dengan merubah strategi cache replacement yang digunakan untuk lebih meningkatkan performa jaringan CCN yang dapat diterapkan pada segala jenis topologi jaringan. Optimasi dilakukan dengan menerapkan metode LRUd (LRU with distance), yang memperhitungkan recency serta jarak sumber data terhadap caching node pada strategi cache replacement dari Progressive Cache. Metode LRUd diterapkan pada seluruh node jaringan CCN. Hasil yang didapatkan dengan menerapkan metode LRUd dengan Progressive Cache pada jaringan CCN dapat meningkatkan cache hit-rate hingga 0.416%, menurunkan hop distance hingga 1,145% dan meningkatkan jumlah download hingga 0,722%

    Model Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama Di Desa Gading Rwvii Kecamatan Tambak Sari Kota Surabaya

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    AbtractIndonesia is a country rich in deversity. Differences in ethnicity, culture, custum, lnguange, and religion make Indonesia defferent from other countries. To realize and support multiculturism in Indonesia, tolerance and mutual respect are needed. This model of tolerance among religious people could be realized in Indonesia as an example in Gading, Tambaksari, Surabaya.Gading is a plural illage in terms of culture and religion. It consists of 12 RTs, te people have believed on two religions, such as Islam as the religion of the majority and one religion, Christianity. The people’s life of Gading seems very harmonious and peaceful. For centuries they have been living there without conflictson religion. For local peoole, the existence of mosquse and churches thet are almost side by side does not cause inter-religious problems. In a village of 2,500 people, this indicated that villagers were not followers of one religion. “Respect for each other has been by citizens”, the “Pancasila Village” was named after the village as a conclusion from this study  about tolerance between religious peopole in Gading and can still be well maintained.  Keywords: Interfaith Model, tolerance, tolerance, different religious peopl
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