14 research outputs found


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    The latest orientations of the CAP have had remarkable and wide-spread effects on the whole agri-food sector. It has deeply influenced the entrepreneurs' choices, with reference both to the production techniques and to the business organization. The changes have had inevitable reflexes on the economic results of the firms, thus determining adaptations regarding both the structure and the amount of inputs. In this paper, an analysis of the book-keeping results of agricultural enterprises of Northern and Central Italy is carried out. We try to underline and analyze the evolution of the economic results and the main structural and organizational elements in the firms. The accountancy data of a group of firms located in the Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany regions, referred to the period 1994-2000, are taken into consideration. These firms seems to adequately represent the main type of farming: field crops, fruit-growing, wine-growing, husbandry. The study is aimed at underlining the influence of the EU payments on the profitability and the changes in the value distribution between the various input suppliers.Farm Management,

    Changes of consultation-liaison psychiatry practice in Italian general hospitals: A comparative 20-year multicenter study

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    Introduction: Conducted under the auspices of the Italian Society of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry (SIPC) the aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of Consultation Liaison Psychiatry (CLP) activity in Italy (SIPC-2—2018) over the past 20 years by comparing with data from the first Italian nation-wide study (SIPC-1—1998). Methods: We collected data on CLP visits of 3,943 patients from 10 Italian hospitals over a period of 1 year. Data were compared with those from the SIPC-1 1998 study (4,183 participants). Patients were assessed with the same ad hoc 60-item Patient Registration Form recording information from five different areas: Sociodemographic, hospitalization-related, consultation-related, interventions and outcome. Results: Compared with participants from the previous study, SIPC-2-2018 participants were significantly older (d = 0.54) and hospitalized for a longer duration (d = 0.20). The current study detected an increase in the proportion of referrals from surgical wards and for individuals affected by onco-hematologic diseases. Depressive disorders still represented the most frequent psychiatric diagnosis, followed by adjustment and stress disorders and delirium/dementia. Also, CLP psychiatrists prescribed more often antidepressants (Φ = 0.13), antipsychotics (Φ = 0.09), mood stabilizers (Φ = 0.24), and less often benzodiazepines (Φ = 0.07). Conclusion: CLP workload has increased considerably in the past 20 years in Italy, with changes in patient demographic and clinical characteristics. A trend toward increase in medication-based patient management was observed. These findings suggest that the psychiatric needs of patients admitted to the general hospital are more frequently addressed by referring physicians, although Italian CLP services still deserve better organization and autonomy

    Agricoltura, territorio e turismo montano: nuovistrumenti di promozione e comunicazione

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    Come i principi di marketing ben insegnano, in un contesto mirato all\u2019apprezzamento della qualit\ue0 di un prodotto, la strategia di promozione e comunicazione \ue8 essenziale per catturare i potenziali clienti. Ci\uf2 \ue8 tanto pi\uf9 vero nel caso del \u2018prodotto territorio\u2019, dove l\u2019offerta \ue8 ampia e diversificata, i consumatori sempre pi\uf9 esigenti e preparati e l\u2019informazione viaggia sulla rete in tempo reale. Il confezionamento di nuovi prodotti dotati di attrazioni distintive e la messa a punto di strumenti innovativi di promozione e comunicazione assumono quindi particolare importanza se si vogliono vincere le sfide poste dalla competitivit\ue0. Questi sono stati i principi ispiratori di un\u2019azione di marketing territoriale attuata in un\u2019area della montagna veneta, il Monte Grappa, debole dal punto di vista della competitivit\ue0 turistica, ma dotata di risorse territoriali di elevata qualit\ue0. Nell\u2019ambito di un progetto denominato RegioMarket sono stati messi a punto alcuni strumenti innovativi miranti a promuovere l\u2019area attraverso la valorizzazione dei suoi prodotti agro-alimentari e del relativo ambiente di produzione

    Conservazione delle risorse forestali e produzione di servizi ecosistemici: quale ruolo per le propriet\ue0 collettive della Regione Veneto in un contesto di cambiamento istituzionale

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    Riportando i risultati di un\u2019indagine conoscitiva sulla struttura e caratteristiche delle cinquantadue propriet\ue0 collettive della montagna veneta, il lavoro si interroga sul ruolo che le propriet\ue0 collettive potranno rivestire, nel prossimo futuro, nella governance delle aree montane. Il contesto attuale di forti cambiamenti istituzionali, infatti, con la scomparsa di molte Comunit\ue0 Montane e di piccoli comuni e la semplificazione delle amministrazioni forestali regionali sembra lasciare un vuoto istituzionale nella gestione delle aree forestali montane. Dimostrando, con alcuni semplici dati, l\u2019elevata qualit\ue0 del patrimonio e della gestione forestale delle propriet\ue0 collettive e l\u2019esistenza di un legame funzionale tra esse e le proprie risorse forestali, il lavoro evidenzia il ruolo proattivo della propriet\ue0 regoliere nell\u2019ambito della conservazione delle risorse forestali e della produzione di servizi ecosistemici e investe le propriet\ue0 collettive di un nuovo ruolo di interlocutori istituzionali e custodi dei patrimoni e valori forestali nella montagna veneta


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    The latest orientations of the CAP have had remarkable and wide-spread effects on the whole agri-food sector. It has deeply influenced the entrepreneurs' choices, with reference both to the production techniques and to the business organization. The changes have had inevitable reflexes on the economic results of the firms, thus determining adaptations regarding both the structure and the amount of inputs. In this paper, an analysis of the book-keeping results of agricultural enterprises of Northern and Central Italy is carried out. We try to underline and analyze the evolution of the economic results and the main structural and organizational elements in the firms. The accountancy data of a group of firms located in the Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany regions, referred to the period 1994-2000, are taken into consideration. These firms seems to adequately represent the main type of farming: field crops, fruit-growing, wine-growing, husbandry. The study is aimed at underlining the influence of the EU payments on the profitability and the changes in the value distribution between the various input suppliers

    Soft-Lithographed Up-Converted Distributed Feedback Visible Lasers Based on CdSe\u2013CdZnS\u2013ZnS Quantum Dots

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    The development of a solution-deposited up-converted distributed feedback laser prototype is presented. It employs a sol\u2013gel silica/germania soft-lithographed microcavity and CdSe\u2013CdZnS\u2013ZnS quantum dot/sol\u2013gel zirconia composites as optical gain material. Characterization of the linear and nonlinear optical properties of quantum dots establishes their high absorption cross-sections in the one- and two- photon absorption regimes to be 1 7 10 12 14 cm 2 and 5 7 10 4 GM, respectively. In addition, ultrafast transient absorption dynamics measurements of the graded seal quantum dots reveal that the Auger recombination lifetime is 220 ps, a value two times higher than that of the corresponding CdSe core. These factors enable the use of such quantum dots as optically pumped gain media, operating in the one- and two-photon absorption regime. The incorporation of CdSe\u2013CdZnS\u2013ZnS quantum dots within a zirconia host matrix affords a quantum-dot ink that can be directly deposited on our soft-lithographed distributed feedback grating to form an all-solution-processed microcavity laser

    The italian group of wine microbiology (GMV): validation of a synthetic medium for the characterization of wine strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The Italian group of wine microbiology (GMV) was reconstituted in 2014 with a mission to collect all the skills concerning wine making. The partners of the group GMV are 19 universities and two research centers. The main purpose is to build a benchmark for science and wine industry, able to offer applicative solutions and disseminate the numerous activities carried out by different Italian research centers on issues of "Wine Microbiology”. At present, the group is working both for research dissemination, with the publication of joint articles in the journal Frontiers in Microbiology, and for a common experiment involving 17 partners. The purpose of this experiment is to validate a synthetic medium, similar to grape must, for the characterization of wine strains belonging to Saccharomyces cerevisiae species. For this reason, a common protocol has been developed in order to assess its effectiveness to obtain reproducible and statistically valid results. Furthermore, this multicenter experiment will assess the extent of experimental differences due to the fermentation in different laboratories with the same strain. The development of a validated medium and of the confidential limits for fermentation data are expected to improve the comparison of experimental data obtained in different centers and to obtain a shared protocol for wine strainevaluation. The first preliminary results will be elucidated and discussed