72 research outputs found

    Competitiveness of the wine sector: considerations on future scenarios

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    For a critical assessment of the issues relating to the future viticulture nursery system in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses is essential to examine the relationship between factors of the supply chain and the extrinsic factors able of modulating the interactions between the whole wine system. The uncertainty of the evolution over time of the forecasts suggests examining these aspects for hypothetical scenarios which involves the following interfaces: Consumer (market)/ Producer, Grower/Nursery, Research/Nursery/Grower/Consumer. Other aspects might modulate the above relations: social ethics, energy cost, globalization, economic situation, climate change, Pathogens emergencies. It is clear that a fundamental part of research will be carried out to clarify whether GMOs can pose risks to health or the environment. On this basis a possible clarification it might also change the current hostile attitude of some countries or part of the population. The strategy choice to cultivate or not genetically modified vines could also result in disruption in the spread of viticulture in different countries, but this could not occur before ten years. Moreover another field of research is the intensification of the studies to understand the mechanisms that regulate the plants functioning and the role of symbiotic microorganisms which could facilitate the cultivation and the development of environmentally friendly techniques (biodynamic method?). Beneficial microorganisms, genetically modified or not, will be useful for finding biotechnological solutions, especially to control biotic and abiotic stress and for a biofertilization in balance with the aimed productions. In presence of a high critical situation of funding we need to wisely manage the ethical aspects of research and ensure adequate and rational fund investment. It would be desirable for local projects carry out a “Shared Research”, involving the various components of the “Wine chain”

    Agresto: A natural product from unripe grape

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    The interest aroused by consumers stimulated the development of an experimental project to produce a seasoning named “Agresto” in the specific area of Amiata Mountain with the aim of affirming the territorial specificities of a natural product derived from unripe grapes obtained from local grapevine varieties to enhance their use in gastronomy. With this project, we intended to adopt several strategies in the vineyard and in processing in order to obtain a final product from grapes cultivated by “organic farming” having sensory characteristics suitable for various types of dish combinations. For this purpose were chosen local varieties grown in the ampelographic collection located in Cinigiano (Gr) and the hybrid ‘Isabella’ from which were obtained three experimental Agresto. In several years (from 2010 to 2014) was also produced from ‘Sangiovese’ the “Traditional Agresto” according to an ancient recipe. Tue variety ‘Isabella’ is grown sporadically without pesticide treatments while the other varieties were cultivated according to the organic farming method. Moreover the Agresto is produced without alcoholic fermentation, so as the final product is free from methyl alcohol. Tue goal is to get to the production of a unique and genuine seasoning through natural methods and without preservatives. Tue main composition of different Agresto produced was determined as well as antioxidant activity and microbial analysis. Interesting sensory profiles were obtained using a parametric sheet specially adapted to this type of product. Tue traditional Agresto currently marketed in very modest amounts remains a niche product particularly required by Tuscany kitchen. It is believed that its use will expand providing more opportunities for the productive sector

    Use of beneficial bacteria Azospirillum brasilense Sp245 on grapevine rootstocks grafted with 'Sangiovese'

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    Azospirillum brasilense Sp245, a well-known PGPR (plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria), was examined in order to evaluate the effects on nursery propagation. In addition the aim was to test the ability of the inoculated bacterium to improve the rooting parameters of some rootstocks that do not easily root through conventional techniques. Nine rootstocks were tested in a conventional nursery, while two rootstocks were tested in organic nursery: V. berlandieri × V. riparia 420A, 161-49, 157-11, SO4; V. berlandieri × V. rupestris 140Ru, 775P, 1103P; V. riparia × V. rupestris 101-14, 3309C. The quality of the root system was improved in terms of the number of roots, root architecture and the total biomass of vines produced in the organic nursery, while in the conventional nursery the results depended on the rootstock. The results suggest that further study is needed for a better comprehension of the mode of action and to establish how PGPR could be used for the sustainable production of grapevine plants

    Oenological characterisation of indigenous strains of S. cerevisiae isolated in a biodynamic winery in the Cortona DOC area

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    Genotypic and technological characterisation of the S. cerevisiae population isolated in a biodynamic winery in the Cortona DOC area was performed to gain better knowledge of the variables that influence winemaking. The oenological performance of 11 S. cerevisiae strains was evaluated with physiological tests; strain typing was performed through analysis of interdelta sequences and 26S rDNA sequencing. The analysis revealed a remarkable variability in terms of S. cerevisiae strains, despite the homogeneity of wine features, underlining the high levels of biodiversity characterising biodynamic agriculture. Some strains were found in wines of different vintages, suggesting the presence of an established microbiota in the winery. Oenological tests demonstrated that while some yeasts provided reliable oenological performance, other strains were not able to accomplish prompt and effective alcoholic fermentation, or were characterised by spoilage characteristics, such as excessive production of volatile phenols or acetic acid. Indigenous strains of S. cerevisiae could be a useful instrument for reliable winemaking without altering the native microbiota of each oenological environment. However, characterisation of their oenological suitability, and the application of practices able to drive the evolution of microbiota, must be employed to reduce the risk of wine spoilage

    Brettanomyces bruxellensis yeasts: impact on wine and winemaking

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    Yeasts belonging to the Brettanomyces/Dekkera genus are non-conventional yeasts, which affect winemaking by causing wine spoilage all over the world. This mini-review focuses on recent results concerning the presence of Brettanomyces bruxellensis throughout the wine processing chain. Here, culture-dependent and independent methods to detect this yeast on grapes and at the very early stage of wine production are encompassed. Chemical, physical and biological tools, devised for the prevention and control of such a detrimental species during winemaking are also presented. Finally, the mini-review identifies future research areas relevant to the improvement of wine safety and sensory profiles

    Attuali e futuri enologi: atti giornata di studio nel ventennale d’attivazione del Corso di studio in Viticoltura ed Enologia dell’Università di Pisa, Pisa 6 dicembre 2013

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    Vengono presentate le attività svolte nell’ambito della giornata di studio tenutasi il 6 dicembre 2013, a titolo “Attuali e futuri enologi dell’Università di Pisa nel ventennale dell’attivazione del Corso di Studio in Viticoltura ed Enologia”, comprendenti le relazioni introduttive tenute dai docenti del CdS Viticoltura ed enologia, gli interventi di laureati Enologi, e della rassegna dei vini dal titolo “questo vino l’ho fatto anch’io”. Le relazioni introduttive analizzano criticamente il lavoro svolto finora per offrire l’opportunità di un confronto con studenti e laureati, aziende e operatori del settore, allo scopo di esaminare le prospettive del settore vitivinicolo. In Appendice: Ordinamento del Corso di Laurea, Elenco dei laureati, Elenco dei vini presentati


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    Il libro di Giancarlo Scalabrelli e Aurelio Visconti nasce dall’attenzione che gli autori da lungo tempo dedicano all’Agresto, condimento sconosciuto ai piĂč, la cui presenza sulle nostre tavole Ăš ricca di effetti benefici. L’agresto presenta diverse tipologie, che il libro ha contribuito a definire, ed Ăš capace di trasmettere ai nostri cibi delle note acidule senza prevaricare il sapore dell’alimento, cui s’integra magnificamente. All’impegno assiduo dello sperimentatore nel corso degli anni, si aggiunge l’attivitĂ  di ricerca che ha consentito recentemente di verificare come quelle sensazioni di beneficio che come consumatori si avvertono, siano in realtĂ  veritiera espressione di qualitĂ  intrinseche dell’Agresto. Ecco che il contenuto in acidi organici, catechine, polifenoli totali e attivitĂ  anti radicalica sono perfezionati dal metodo di produzione e dalle uve impiegate, contribuendo a potenziarne proprietĂ  antiossidanti e “scavenging” che mantiene pulite le arterie. È pertanto pertinente la proposta di includere l’Agresto tra gli alimenti funzionali. È anche un prodotto d’interesse ambientale che si produce utilizzando il frutto dei diradamenti delle uve acerbe effettuati all’inizio dell’estate, soprattutto in aziende a orientamento biologico o biodinamico. S’inserisce pertanto nell’attuale processo di valorizzazione delle risorse agrarie, volto a ottenere prodotti utili da materie prime “povere” creando ricchezza da beni altrimenti destinati alla distruzione

    Piccola guida per sopravvivere ai cenoni natalizi

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    Puntata di Aula 40, giovedĂŹ 17 dicembre in diretta dal Cnr di Pisa, sulle frequenze di Punto Radio con Massimo Marini e: Alfredo Quinones-Galvan, medico internista, esperto in Nutrizione e Metabolismo, Fondazione Toscana «Gabriele Monasterio»; Tommaso Minutoli Tegrimi, biologo in training Nutrizione e Metabolismo, Fondazione Toscana «Gabriele Monasterio»; Laura Pistoia, biologa in training Nutrizione e Metabolismo, Fondazione Toscana «Gabriele Monasterio»; Luca Landi, chef stellato del Ristorante Lunasia di Calambrone (Pi); Annita Toffanin, microbiologa del Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Agro-ambientali dell’UniversitĂ  di Pisa; Giuseppe Ferroni, esperto di enologia e viticultura del Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie, Alimentari e Agro-ambientali dell’UniversitĂ  di Pisa Pronti per le abbuffate natalizie? Anche Aula 40 andrĂ  in vacanza fino al 14 gennaio, ma prima di iniziare i festeggiamenti natalizi vogliamo darvi qualche consiglio per mangiare e bere bene durante le feste e soprattutto rimettervi subito in forma appena saranno passate. In questa puntata cercheremo anche di capire se i bagordi natalizi provocano dei danni alla nostra salute oppure se allargare la cinta una volta l’anno, in fin dei conti, non fa cosĂŹ male
