25 research outputs found

    Ecological Network as a Factor in the Development of Tourism of Ukrainian Danube

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    In the article the main components of the structural elements of the regional ecologicalnetwork are analyzes. The main reserve for increasing the area of ecological network are such landsas pastures and hayfields, lands of water fund, as well as forests and wooded land. The articleconsiders the distribution of the objects of Natural Conservation Fund on the Ukrainian Danube. Itwas found that the highest percentages of wilderness protection area are in administrative regions thathave access to the Black Seas and Danube. It is shown that in the regional network is not fullyrepresented all existing landscapes in the region

    Modern Administrative-territorial Reform in the Context of European Integration of Ukraine (on the example of the Ukrainian Danube Region)

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    At the present stage of development of Ukraine there was a question on carrying out of administrative-territorial reform, which is due primarily to the problems of transition to sustainable development and the requirements of the European Union. It is necessary to adapt administrative units with the requirements of the NUTS. Currently still developing the regional policy on administrative-territorial division and this approach does not meet basic European regions NUTS-II recommended to Ukraine. Genetic historical and geographical taxonomy of resettlement in contrast to the current administrative-territorial directly tied to the state regional policy, which is now in the stage of active formation. For the Ukrainian Danube region has significant multi-ethnic population that should be considered, especially in the allocation of territorial communities

    Social Aspect of Development of the Bulgarian Ethnogeographic System of the Ukrainian Danube

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    Based on the concept of ethnogeographic systems developed by the author, a study was made of the specifics of the social aspects of the life of the population of the ethnogeographic formation of the Ukrainian Danube with different ethnic composition of the population. In one of the most multiethnic regions of the state, where Ukrainians, Bulgarians, Russians, Moldavians, Gagauzes and others live compactly, the rights of the population to observe and develop the ethnic identity of the population are respected. Each community is characterized by a peculiar approach to preserving the ethnic identity of the population. The author conducted a sociological study, the results of which determined the characteristics of interethnic tolerance of the population and the ethnic-language situation in the region. The current stage of development of the Bulgarian diaspora of the country is characterized by the intensification of ethnocultural and ethnopolitical life. The activation of the revival of the culture and traditions of the Bulgarians is associated with the activities of the Association of Bulgarians of Ukraine. Her activities are aimed at reviving the language, traditions and culture of the Bulgarians. Bulgarians take a more active part in the political life and processes of state administration and local selfgovernment. An ethnosociological study showed that Bulgarians of the interfluve region are characterized by a proud attitude to their own ethnonym, stratification of the population by income level, 100% use of the mother language in everyday life and a relatively high level of knowledge of Ukrainian and Russian. The negative impact on ethnic self-identification of representatives of the main communities of the region has a socio-economic factor. This is especially clearly manifested among the descendants of the Transdanubian migrants, for whom identification with the inhabitants of a particular settlement is of great importance. Intensive inter-river ethnic processes are inherently ethnoevolutionary with clearly expressed intra-ethnic consolidation of almost all communities. The prospect of the development of EGS is associated primarily with the need to develop the labor-intensive sectors of agriculture and the processing of local raw materials

    Socio-economic Development of the Bulgarian Settlements of the Ukrainian Danube Region

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    Bulgarians in the Ukrainian Danube region are settled in a multiethnic environment along with Ukrainians, Russians, Moldovans, Gagauz and others. In the region they form the area of compact monoethnic settlement. Demographic processes in their environment are characterized by the restoration of the trajectory, after a sharp drop in the birth rate in the mid-1990s. In economic activity, one can trace the desire for individual management of the economy. Within the range of their distribution, the absolute majority of farms in the Odessa region are concentrated. All this takes place against the background of revitalization of the ethno-cultural life of the population

    Resources the Development of Tourism of Ukrainian Danube

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    Are examined geographic development background of tourist-recreational activity in Ukrainian Danube. Are analyzed the general particularities recreational potential of region. Ukrainian Danube the unique natural resource potential. It has huge reserves of water resources that are exclusive to the steppe zone. Specificity of the geographical location, variegated ethnic structure of the population, the deterioration of the conditions of his life and especially of the legal framework of the state in the field of ethno-national to a large extent define the modern ethno-cultural and ethno-political situation in the Ukrainian Danube region. Historic and geographic features of development between the rivers and caused considerable impact of external factors on ethno-national situation. The specific location of the region determines the presence of a significant number of potential users of the entertainment industry

    Tourism in Multicultural Regions (on the Example of the Ukrainian Danube)

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    The Ukrainian Danube region is characterized by a high level of self-regulation of interethnic issues. In the two hundred years since the last colonization of the region, there have been no ethnic conflicts. The conflicts that did take place were purely domestic in nature. Socio-cultural boundary of the region, which is caused by centuries-old historical and geographical processes in the Northern Black Sea region, is a direct catalyst for modern geopolitical and geoeconomic changes. The relations between Ukraine and Romania have the greatest influence on these processes. With the beginning of the intensive phase of Russian aggression, the geopolitical position of the Ukrainian Danube region has changed significantly. This region became the main center of export-import operations of our state. After the end of the war, a flow of goods and people will go through the Ukrainian Danube region to restore public life. In such a situation, it is necessary to develop comprehensive plans for sustainable development of the region, which will take into account all its competitive advantages. It is of particular importance to use the multiculturalism of the region for the development of tourism and obtaining working capital for economic entities and territorial communities. The main attention should be paid to the ethnic tourism oriented to the citizens of the countries that have their diasporas in the south-western part of the Odessa region

    Methods of Typing Allochthonous Bulgarian Ethnographic Systems of the Ukrainian Danube Region

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    The article substantiates the author's approach to the typification of alochthonous Bulgarian ethno-geographical formation of the Ukrainian Danube. The place of the ethnonational factor in the formations of regional policy is determined. The characteristics that determine the ethnic identity of the population of EGS of various taxonomic levels are determined. &nbsp

    Ethno-demographic Process in the Ukrainian Danube

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    The article discusses the features of modern geo-demographic processes in the Ukrainian Danube and the effects on them of ethnic factor. Traditionally, multi-ethnic composition of the population is causes the most favorable in the Odessa region geo-demographic processes. After       1994 and in ranges of compact settlement of ethno-national groups starts watching depopulation. Modern geo-demographic processes define recovery reality sex and age structure of the population or in the region, there will be a further intensification of depopulation processes

    Self-Identification of the Population in the Context of the Development of Ethnic Tourism (on the Example of the Ukrainian Danube)

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    The features of the influence of socio-geographical processes on the ethnic self-identification of the population are analyzed. It is considered as a factor of conservation of the attractiveness of the range of settlement of communities. The resulted author's map of settlement of the basic ethnonational groups of the Ukrainian Danube region, which largely reflects the territorial organization of resources for the development of ethnic tourism

    The Territorial Structure of the Population of Ukrainian Danube

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    The state of geo-demographic situation in the Ukrainian Danube, which is formed during this period, is examined. Unfortunately, in recent time within the Danube Region geo-demographic indicators have worsened (decreased natality, quickly began to grow on mortality rates), as a result is a population loss due to natural causes. Although the overall performance of geo-demographic process here is much better than in other administrative areas of the Odessa region, yet in the Ukrainian Danube for the last years, they are characterized by negative values and the population here is also reduced mainly due to natural causes. The change of structure of the population in the context of the resettlement areas ethno-national groups. It features ethno-geographic systems determine the features of geo-demographic situations