72 research outputs found

    Differential Scanning Calorimetric Studies on the Melting Behavior of Water in Stratum Corneum

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    The melting behavior of water in human stratum corneum (s. corneum) has been studied by sing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) in the temperature range from -40° to 20°C. The DSC thermogram was analyzed in terms of the amount of about water and the melting temperature of water in s. corneum. Extraction of the s. corneum with the mixed solvent of chloroform: methanol (2:1, v/v) or 0.5% sodium dodecyl sulfate aqueous solution decreased the bound water content, whereas extraction with water did not change the bound water content. The melting temperature of water in the s. corneum was lowered as the water contents decreased. Extraction of the water-soluble components from the s. corneum increased the melting temperature of water when the water contents were constant. The results suggest that 20–30% of water in the s. corneum is bound water interacting strongly with the protein or lipids in the s. corneum, and the excess of water over the bound water content is unbound water solubilizing the water-soluble components such as amino acids and urea in the s. corneum. The thermodynamic theory for freezing-point depression is favourably applied to the melting temperature change of the unbound water, which implies that the water-soluble components are present as an aqueous solution in the s. corneum. Measurements of the melting-point depression of water in s. corneum provides us the quantitative information on the amount of water-soluble components in the s. corneum. This technique is a sensitive and useful tool to evaluate the hydration behavior of s. corneum

    Analgesic Action of Acupuncture and Moxibustion: A Review of Unique Approaches in Japan

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    The mechanism of acupuncture analgesia (AA) is one of the most widely researched topics in complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) based on modern medical methodology. Endogenous opioid-mediated mechanisms of acupuncture have been well established since the 1970s. In this review, we have covered the progress of AA research by Japanese investigators. In particular, we have reviewed the physiological basis of analgesic effects induced by acupuncture and moxibustion, including the actions of endogenous opioid and diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNICs), and the afferent fibers participating in acupuncture and moxibustion stimuli are discussed

    Cloning of cDNA and genomic DNA for human cytochrome P-45011β

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    AbstractA full-length cDNA clone encoding steroid 11β-hydroxylase (P-45011β) has been isolated from a cDNA library derived from human adrenal tumor. The insert of the clone contains an open reading frame encoding a protein of 503 amino acid residues together with a 4 bp 5'-untranslated region and a 576 bp 3'-untranslated region to which a poly(A) tract is attached. The promoter region of the P-45011β gene has also been isolated from a genomic library derived from human pre-B cells. It contains a TATA box, a putative cAMP-responsive element, several repeated sequences and two sequence elements similar to the consensus sequence for binding of AP-1. A transient expression assay in Y-1 adrenal tumor cells demonstrates that the promoter activity is remarkably enhanced by treatment of the cells with cAMP. In addition, analysis using deletion mutants containing various lengths of the 5'-flanking region of the gene suggests that several cis-acting elements participate in transcriptional regulation of human P-45011β gene

    Measurement of evaporation-residue cross sections with light beams and deformed lanthanide target nuclei

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    To obtain a better understanding of the fusion reaction, we have focused on reactions involving deformed nuclei. Evaporation residue cross sections of the 169Tm+20Ne reaction were measured, from which we extracted the fusion excitation function. This is compared with literature data of the 169Tm+16O and 165Ho+20Ne systems. Irradiation with 20Ne ion beam has been carried out at the incident energy near the Coulomb barrier, where the effect of nuclear deformation is prominent. The results are consistent with the idea that the degree of deformation has an effect on the threshold value of the excitation functions near the Coulomb barrier

    Calcium sparks enhance the tissue fluidity within epithelial layers and promote apical extrusion of transformed cells

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    In vertebrates, newly emerging transformed cells are often apically extruded from epithelial layers through cell competition with surrounding normal epithelial cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanism remains elusive. Here, using phospho-SILAC screening, we show that phosphorylation of AHNAK2 is elevated in normal cells neighboring RasV12 cells soon after the induction of RasV12 expression, which is mediated by calcium-dependent protein kinase C. In addition, transient upsurges of intracellular calcium, which we call calcium sparks, frequently occur in normal cells neighboring RasV12 cells, which are mediated by mechanosensitive calcium channel TRPC1 upon membrane stretching. Calcium sparks then enhance cell movements of both normal and RasV12 cells through phosphorylation of AHNAK2 and promote apical extrusion. Moreover, comparable calcium sparks positively regulate apical extrusion of RasV12-transformed cells in zebrafish larvae as well. Hence, calcium sparks play a crucial role in the elimination of transformed cells at the early phase of cell competition


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    Aim: The aim of this study was to clarify the actual status of management of triggers ofbehavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) among care managers andthe factors that affect the implementation of management.Methods: An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was conducted for care managersfrom 4000 in-home long-term care support providers throughout Japan. The followingitems were surveyed: gender, basic qualifications, years of work experience with basicqualifications and care manager, cognitive symptoms, underlying illness and physical andmental conditions, living ability, living environment, social participation and life history,precautions when creating care plans, and difficulties in support. Univariate analysis wasconducted according to whether the management of BPSD triggers was implemented.Binary logistic regression analysis was conducted with the items that showed significantdifferences as independent variables, and the implementation of trigger management as thedependent variable.Results: An analysis was conducted on 832 care managers with the basic qualifications ofa certified care worker and nurse. Of these, 430 (53.6%) managed triggers, while 402 (46.4%)did not. Compared to those who didn’t manage triggers, a significantly higher percentageof those who did manage triggers assessed their cognitive symptoms, physical and mentalstatus, living ability, living environment and social participation, and adopted precautionswhen creating care plans. Factors affecting the implementation of trigger managementincluded the patient’s strengths, connection with local residents, promotion of familymembers’ understanding of dementia, consideration of abuse prevention, cooperation withdoctors, and basic qualifications.Conclusions: Half of the respondents implemented trigger management, which wasaffected by the list of precautions when creating care plans, and basic qualifications.Promoting care plans that include support, which increases the self-efficacy of peoplewith dementia, building stable relationships with local residents and family members,and cooperation with doctors, may lead to the implementation of trigger management. Inparticular, the necessity of promoting trigger management among certified care workerswas suggested