48 research outputs found

    Factors Influencing Greenways Use in Italy: Definition of a Method for Estimation

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    The issue of non-motorized mobility in the last decades has seen increasing attention at the international level. Also in Italy we assisted at the creation of hundreds of miles of trails dedicated to cycling and walking, many of which meet the greenway definition of the European Greenways Association: “Communication routes reserved exclusively for non-motorized journeys, developed in an integrated manner which enhances both the environment and quality of life of the surrounding area. These routes should meet satisfactory standards of width, gradient, and surface condition to ensure that they are both user-friendly and low-risk for users of all abilities. In this respect, canal towpaths and disused railway lines are a highly suitable resource for the development of greenways” (EGWA, 2002). More generally, greenways are green infrastructures that can be planned at different scales and for multiple purposes (ecological, recreational, cultural, non-motorized mobility) (Fabos, 1995; Ahern, 1995). Various methodologies and several studies on greenways planning have been conducted also in Italy (Rovelli et al., 2004; Toccolini et al., 2006; Senes et al., 2010). The growing number of infrastructures built and the related costs, combined with the recent economic crisis, led to an increasing need for public bodies to evaluate each project in terms of its ability to meet the needs of the communities, particularly in terms of attractiveness for users and benefits (not only economic) for local communities. To do this, planners and decision makers need to be provided with: 1) updated and consistent data on greenways and trails users; 2) models, based on the previous data, that can help to predict the number of users on a planned infrastructure. In such a context, the aim of this research was to assess the relationships between the number of users detected along some Italian greenways and the characteristics of the territory crossed (in terms of population and environment), in order to define a model capable of estimating the potential users of a greenway before it is realized. It represents one of the first attempts in Italy

    A minimum indicator set for assessing fontanili (lowland springs) of the Lombardy Region in Italy

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    This paper reports on the issue of fontanili assessment.A fontanile is a lowland spring, excavated by humans for the use of underground water for irrigation. From the XII century on, fontanili have been dug to extend water availability throughout the year and increase agricultural land use in the lowlands of Northern Italy. Because water of the fontanile stays at temperature without great changes throughout the year (between 8 and 15\ub0C), this environment is host to a vast variety of flora and fauna and has ecological and landscaping value. Because these springs are typical and unique landscape features of Northern Italy, there is not an international background on assessing methods of fontanili functions inside the countryside. The first goal has been to define a set of simple and consolidated indicators to evaluate watering, ecological and recreational function of 1160 fontanili of the Lombardy Region. The second one has been to identify homogenous areas with groups of fontanili in close proximity and with similar indicator values using interpolation tools. This classification can be used by Regional Administration to assign money to recover and maintain fontanili. The most important areas will be protected by regional and local planning instruments

    La qualità nella progettazione di una greenway: un esempio per il Ponente Ligure

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    The quality in the greenways design: an example for the Ponente Ligure In an international scenario of considerable development of greenways and rail-trails, Italy counts thousands kilometers of abandoned railways. This article presents a project proposal for the reuse of the abandoned railway line connecting Andora to S. Lorenzo al Mare as greenway, focusing on the enhancement of the most important quality aspects to meet the needs of users and promote the environmental value of the greenway. Such quality elements, outlined through an accurate bibliographic analysis, has been grouped into six project themes: attractiveness, continuity and recognition, historical and cultural heritage, safety, panoramic views and naturalness

    Early mobilisation in mechanically ventilated patients:A systematic integrative review of definitions and activities

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    From PubMed via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: received 2018-10-23, accepted 2018-12-11Publication status: epublishMechanically ventilated patients often develop muscle weakness post-intensive care admission. Current evidence suggests that early mobilisation of these patients can be an effective intervention in improving their outcomes. However, what constitutes early mobilisation in mechanically ventilated patients (EM-MV) remains unclear. We aimed to systematically explore the definitions and activity types of EM-MV in the literature. Whittemore and Knafl's framework guided this review. CINAHL, MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, ASSIA, and Cochrane Library were searched to capture studies from 2000 to 2018, combined with hand search of grey literature and reference lists of included studies. The Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tools were used to assess the methodological quality of included studies. Data extraction and quality assessment of studies were performed independently by each reviewer before coming together in sub-groups for discussion and agreement. An inductive and data-driven thematic analysis was undertaken on verbatim extracts of EM-MV definitions and activities in included studies. Seventy-six studies were included from which four major themes were inferred: (1) , (2) , (3) and (4) . The first theme indicates that EM-MV is either not fully defined in studies or when a definition is provided this is not standardised across studies. The remaining themes reflect the diversity of EM-MV activities which depends on patients' characteristics and ICU settings; the negotiated decision-making process between patients and staff; and their interdependent relationship during the implementation. This review highlights the absence of an agreed definition and on what constitutes early mobilisation in mechanically ventilated patients. To advance research and practice an agreed and shared definition is a pre-requisite

    Piano e progetto di area verde : manuale di progettazione : il sistema delle aree verdi, parchi e giardini pubblici e privati, percorsi verdi...

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    Il volume si presenta come un manuale di pianificazione e progettazione delle aree verdi, dal verde urbano alle aree di frangia metropolitana, al verde con funzione di recupero ambientale. La quarta edizione si arricchisce di tre nuovi capitoli sulle seguenti tematiche: gli spazi aperti delle scuole, i cosiddetti giardini curativi, i waterfront

    Healing gardens: giardini per guarire

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    Il contributo analizza la tematica relativa alla progettazione di aree verdi annesse a struttura di cura (origini, storia, sviluppi futuri)

    Piano e progetto di area verde : manuale di progettazione

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    Il volume si presenta come un manuale di pianificazione e progettazione delle aree verdi, intese nel loro significato pi\uf9 completo

    Gli spazi verdi delle residenze per anziani

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    I giardini e i parchi annessi alle residenze sanitarie assistenziali (RSA) costituiscono una componente essenziale per il buon funzionamento delle stesse. Il contributo definisce le linee guida per la corretta progettazione di un giardino per anziani tenendo conto degli aspetti riguardanti la sicurezz

    Infrastrutture verdi per la valorizzazione del territorio rurale: il caso del Naviglio di Bereguardo

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    Le infrastrutture verdi costituiscono un sistema di territori verdi in grado di apportare vantaggi sia alle persone che all'ambiente. il contributo valuta la possibilit\ue0 di utilizzare il tracciato del Naviglio di Bereguardo, storico canale nel milanese, come elemento di tale sistema di infrastrutture verdi. Lo studio propone una metodologia per la pianificazione e progettazione di tali elementi di connessione

    Le ferrovie abbandonate rivivono come "Binari Verdi"

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    La crescente richiesta da parte della popolazione di spazi verdi e la diffusione del cicloturismo hanno favorito numerosi interventi nel campo della mobilit\ue0 non motorizzata. Una grande opportunit\ue0 per la realizzazione di percorsi verdi (greenways) \ue8 rappresentata dal vasto patrimonio di ferrovie abbandonate presenti in Italia. Attraverso la realizzazione dei "Binari Verdi" \ue8 possibile coniugare la conservazione della memoria storica con le esigenze della collettivit\ue0, creando non soltanto delle piste ciclopedonali ma un prodotto turistico unico in grado di generare reali benefici economici e sociali per le zone attraversate