377 research outputs found

    Natural Killer cells responsiveness to physical esercise: a brief review

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    Natural killer cells (NK) are a group of peripheral blood lymphocytes which display cytotoxic ac- tivity against a wide range of tumour cells. They are a consistent part of the inflammatory re- sponse that is activated when either internal or external injuries occur as they are able to syn- thesize perforins. An important role is played by NK cells in the host defence against tumours without expressing any antigen-binding recap- tor in their membrane which, however, distin- guish T and B lymphocytes. NK activity appears early in the immune response, thus providing immediate protection during the time required for the activation and proliferation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes and for their differentiation into functional cells. Even though much research regarding the effects of aerobic training exercise on NK cell numbers and function, there appears to be much controversy regarding its effect. NK cells are rapidly mobilized into circulation in response to acute exercise, most likely by in- creased shear stress and catecholamine-in- duced down-regulation of adhesion molecule expression. However, tissue injury and inflam- mation which often accompanies strenuous ex- ercise have been associated to post-exercise NK cell suppression. Scientific evidence indicates exercise-induced changes in NK cell redistribu- tion and function should be strongly influenced by stress hormones including catecholamines, cortisol and prolactin as well as by soluble me- diators such as cytokines and prostaglandins. The role of exercise therapy in cancer patients and survivors rehabilitation is becoming increasingly important as it is thought to modulate immunity and inflammation. However, more knowledge about the effects of exercise on im-mune function in these patients is needed

    Brainstem Reflexes in Idiopathic Cervical Dystonia: Does Medullary Dysfunction Play a Role?

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    Background: Neurophysiological markers in dystonia have so far not been sistematically applied in clinical practice due to limited reproducibility of results and low correlations with clinical findings. Exceptions might be represented by the blink reflex (BR), including its recovery cycle (BRRC) and the trigemino-cervical reflex (TCR) which, compared to other neurophysiological methods, have shown more consistent alterations in cervical dystonia (CD). However, a comparison between the two techniques, and their possible correlation with disease symptoms, have not been thoroughly investigated. Objectives: To assess the role of BR, BRCC and TCR in the pathophysiology of idiopathic cervical dystonia. Methods: Fourteen patients and 14 age-matched healthy controls (HC) were recruited. Neurophysiological outcome measures included latency of R1 and R2 components of the BR, R2 amplitude, BRRC, latency and amplitude of P19/N31 complex of TCR. Clinical and demographic features of patients were also collected, including age at disease onset, disease duration, presence of tremor, sensory trick and pain. The Toronto Western Spasmodic Torticollis Rating Scale was used to characterize dystonia. Results: Compared to HC, CD patients showed increased latency of the BR R2 and decreased suppression of the BRRC. They also showed increased latency of the P19 and decreased amplitude of P19/N31 complex of TCR. The latency of P19 component of TCR was positively correlated with disease duration. Conclusions: We propose that the increased latency of R2 and P19 observed here might be reflective of brainstem dysfunction, mediated either by local interneuronal excitability changes or by subtle structural damage

    Modulation of cardiac contractility by muscle metaboreflex following efforts of different intensities in humans.

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    Regulation of protein synthesis at the translational level in neuroblastoma cells.

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    Mechatronic face mask anti covid-19 to remotely record cardiorespiratory variables in farm’s workers engaged in jobs at high risk of infection

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    The most frequent prodromes of COVID-19 infection are fever, signs of respiratory diseases, cough and shortness of breath. Nevertheless, it is not infrequent that patients with COVID-19 also show cardiac symptoms. So, it is of importance to detect the prodromal symptoms of the COVID-19 infection in order to be able to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible to provide the immediate insertion of the infected people in isolation/therapy protocols. Here is presented a prototype of a smart face mask, named AG47-SmartMask that, in addition to the function of both an active and passive anti COVID-19 filter by an electro-heated filter brought to a minimum temperature of 38°C, it also allows the continuous monitoring of numerous cardio-pulmonary variables. Several specific sensors are incorporated into the mask to assess the inside mask temperature from which synchronous waving with the breathing was acquired the breath frequency, relative humidity, air pressure together and end tidal carbon dioxide percentage, and an auricular assessment of the body temperature, the heart rate and the percentage of oxygen saturation of haemoglobin. Sensors are embedded within an advanced ICT platform. To validate the AG47-SmartMask tool, were engaged twenty seven Farm’s workers of a vegetable packaging chain and they dressed the face mask device to simulate, while working, both tachypnea and cough, and the AG47-SmartMask faithfully quantified the simulated dyspnoic events

    U-47700 and its analogs: non-fentanyl synthetic opioids impacting the recreational drug market

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    The recreational use of opioid drugs is a global threat to public health and safety. In particular, an epidemic of opioid overdose fatalities is being driven by illicitly manufactured fentanyl, while novel synthetic opioids (NSOs) are appearing on recreational drug markets as standalone products, adulterants in heroin, or ingredients in counterfeit drug preparations. Trans-3,4-dichloro-N-[2-(dimethylamino)cyclohexyl]-N-methylbenzamide (U-47700) is a prime example of a non-fentanyl NSO that is associated with numerous intoxications and fatalities. Here, we review the medicinal chemistry, preclinical pharmacology, clandestine availability, methods for detection, and forensic toxicology of U-47700 and its analogs. An up-to-date summary of the human cases involving U-47700 intoxication and death are described. The evidence demonstrates that U-47700 is a potent mu-opioid receptor agonist, which poses a serious risk for overdosing and death. However, most analogs of U-47700 appear to be less potent and have been detected infrequently in forensic specimens. U-47700 represents a classic example of how chemical entities from the medicinal chemistry or patent literature can be diverted for use in recreational drug markets. Lessons learned from the experiences with U-47700 can inform scientists, clinicians, and policymakers who are involved with responding to the spread and impact of NSOs

    A 12-week vigorous exercise protocol in a healthy group of persons over 65: study of physical function by means of the senior fitness test

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    The aim of this study was to assess the effects of vigorous exercise on functional abilities bymeans of a Senior Fitness Test (SFT) in a group of elderly adults. Twenty healthy and inactive people performed vigorous exercise (VE: 12 men and 8 women, aged 69.6 ± 3.9 years). At the beginning of the study (T0) and after 3months (T1), each subject’s functional ability was tested formuscular strength, agility, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and balance.The VE was designed with continuous and interval exercise involving large muscle activities. Functional exercises were performed between 60% and 84% of heart rate reserve (HRR) for a duration of 65 minutes. Five out of the 6 SFTs performed were found significantly improved: Chair Stand (T0 12.4 ± 2.4, T1 13.5 ± 2.6, < 0.01), Arm Curl (T0 14.2 ± 3.6, T1 16.6 ± 3.6, < 0.01), 2 min step (T0 98.2 ± 15.7, T1 108.9 ± 16.2, < 0.01), Chair Sit-and-Reach (T0 −9.9 ± 7.7 cm, T1 1.7 ± 6.3 cm, < 0.01), and Back Scratch (T0 −15.8 ± 10.9 cm, T1 −8.4 ± 13.1 cm, < 0.01). Our results suggest that a high intensity protocol and functional exercises can improve functional mobility and muscle endurance in those over 65 years of age. SFTs are an effective method for assessing improvements in the functional capacity of elderly adults

    Collagen gene variants and anterior cruciate ligament rupture in Italian athletes: a preliminary report

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    several studies have investigated the role of genetics in anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture, often returning conflicting results. the present pilot study aimed to analyze the association between six Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) (rs1800012; rs12722; rs13946; rs240736; rs970547; and rs4870723, located on the COL1A1, COL5A1, COL12A1, and COL14A1 genes), and ACL rupture, among Italian athletes. A hypothesis-driven association study was conducted. In total, 181 male and female athletes (n = 86 injured; n = 96 non-injured) were genotyped for the prioritized variants. All polymorphisms were genotyped using PCR RFLP, with the only exception being the rs1800012 on the COL1A1 gene, which was detected using MTPA PCR. The allele frequency distribution fell within the worldwide range. Despite the evident population variability, no selective pressure signals were recorded using PBS analysis. No significant difference was detected between the cases and controls for any of the SNPs (rs1800012; rs13946; rs240736; rs970547, and rs4870723) included in the analyses (p &gt; 0.008, Bonferroni-adjusted for multiple comparisons). Moreover, no significant differences were found when males and females were assessed separately. Further investigations based on a larger sample size are needed, in order to draw solid conclusions for the influence between collagen genes and ACL rupture

    Chronic Intermittent Ethanol Regulates Hippocampal GABA(A) Receptor Delta Subunit Gene Expression.

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    Chronic ethanol consumption causes structural and functional reorganization in the hippocampus and induces alterations in the gene expression of gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs). Distinct forced intermittent exposure models have been used previously to investigate changes in GABAAR expression, with contrasting results. Here, we used repeated cycles of a Chronic Intermittent Ethanol paradigm to examine the relationship between voluntary, dependence-associated ethanol consumption, and GABAAR gene expression in mouse hippocampus. Adult male C57BL/6J mice were exposed to four 16-h ethanol vapor (or air) cycles in inhalation chambers alternated with limited-access two-bottle choice between ethanol (15%) and water consumption. The mice exposed to ethanol vapor showed significant increases in ethanol consumption compared to their air-matched controls. GABAAR alpha4 and delta subunit gene expression were measured by qRT-PCR at different stages. There were significant changes in GABAAR delta subunit transcript levels at different time points in ethanol-vapor exposed mice, while the alpha4 subunit levels remained unchanged. Correlated concurrent blood ethanol concentrations suggested that GABAAR delta subunit mRNA levels fluctuate depending on ethanol intoxication, dependence, and withdrawal state. Using a vapor-based Chronic Intermittent Ethanol procedure with combined two-bottle choice consumption, we corroborated previous evidences showing that discontinuous ethanol exposure affects GABAAR delta subunit expression but we did not observe changes in alpha4 subunit. These findings indicate that hippocampal GABAAR delta subunit expression changes transiently over the course of a Chronic Intermittent Ethanol paradigm associated with voluntary intake, in response to ethanol-mediated disturbance of GABAergic neurotransmission

    Assessing simulated arm lymphoedema by a prototype of bioimpedance spectroscopy device. Possible implication of its use in the follow up of patients who underwent extensive breast cancer surgery

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    The aim of this research was to enable women after breast cancer surgery, in which arms lymphoedema often occurs, to self-monitor this disease using in-home an easy-to-use-device which assesses the arm’s resistance ratio, considered an indirect, non-invasive index of increased extracellular water volume in those limbs. An homemade equipment based on the bioimpedance spectroscopy technique, was tested on 20 healthy volunteers which, by means of two ECG disposable electrodes, connected to the device both their dominant and auxiliary upper arms and changes in electrical resistance were assessed while an alternate current of low intensity and sweeping frequency from 15 to 75 kHz had be injected. In the same volunteers, an arm lymphoedema with about 100 ml excess of extracellular water was simulated by subtracting 0.8% from measured resistance values in each arm. The arms’ resistance ratio against the increasing frequency gave rise to a parabolic branch visible on a mobile phone screen and, when the arm lymphoedema was simulated, the corresponding curve appeared positioned below that of the one without oedema. The patient’s self-awareness, due to the device’s self-management, could allow these subjects to actively approach the disease while sharing their results remotely with clinical specialists by an internet connection
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