27 research outputs found

    Unprecedented 21st century drought risk in the American Southwest and Central Plains

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    In the Southwest and Central Plains of Western North America, climate change is expected to increase drought severity in the coming decades. These regions nevertheless experienced extended Medieval-era droughts that were more persistent than any historical event, providing crucial targets in the paleoclimate record for benchmarking the severity of future drought risks. We use an empirical drought reconstruction and three soil moisture metrics from 17 state-of-the-art general circulation models to show that these models project significantly drier conditions in the later half of the 21st century compared to the 20th century and earlier paleoclimatic intervals. This desiccation is consistent across most of the models and moisture balance variables, indicating a coherent and robust drying response to warming despite the diversity of models and metrics analyzed. Notably, future drought risk will likely exceed even the driest centuries of the Medieval Climate Anomaly (1100–1300 CE) in both moderate (RCP 4.5) and high (RCP 8.5) future emissions scenarios, leading to unprecedented drought conditions during the last millennium

    Development and analysis of spring plant phenology products: 36 years of 1-km grids over the conterminous US

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    Time series of phenological products provide information on the timings of recurrent biological events and on their temporal trends. This information is key to studying the impacts of climate change on our planet as well as for managing natural resources and agricultural production. Here we develop and analyze new long term phenological products: 1 km grids of the Extended Spring Indices (SI-x) over the conterminous United States from 1980 to 2015. These new products (based on Daymet daily temperature grids and created by using cloud computing) allow the analysis of two primary variables (first leaf and first bloom) and two derivative products (Damage Index and Last Freeze Day) at a much finer spatial resolution than previous gridded or interpolated products. Furthermore, our products provide enough temporal depth to reliably analyze trends and changes in the timing of spring arrival at continental scales. Validation results confirm that our products largely agree with lilac and honeysuckle leaf and flowering onset observations. The spatial analysis shows a significantly delayed spring onset in the northern US whereas in the western and the Great Lakes region, spring onset advances. The mean temporal variabilities of the indices were analyzed for the nine major climatic regions of the US and results showed a clear division into three main groups: early, average and late spring onset. Finally, the region belonging to each group was mapped. These examples show the potential of our four phenological products to improve understanding of the responses of ecosystems to a changing climat

    Megadroughts in the Common Era and the Anthropocene

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    Exceptional drought events, known as megadroughts, have occurred on every continent outside Antarctica over the past ~2,000 years, causing major ecological and societal disturbances. In this Review, we discuss shared causes and features of Common Era (Year 1–present) and future megadroughts. Decadal variations in sea surface temperatures are the primary driver of megadroughts, with secondary contributions from radiative forcing and land–atmosphere interactions. Anthropogenic climate change has intensified ongoing megadroughts in south-western North America and across Chile and Argentina. Future megadroughts will be substantially warmer than past events, with this warming driving projected increases in megadrought risk and severity across many regions, including western North America, Central America, Europe and the Mediterranean, extratropical South America, and Australia. However, several knowledge gaps currently undermine confidence in understanding past and future megadroughts. These gaps include a paucity of high-resolution palaeoclimate information over Africa, tropical South America and other regions; incomplete representations of internal variability and land surface processes in climate models; and the undetermined capacity of water-resource management systems to mitigate megadrought impacts. Addressing these deficiencies will be crucial for increasing confidence in projections of future megadrought risk and for resiliency planning

    Global trends in the frequency and duration of temperature extremes

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    Anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and duration of extreme climate events, including extreme heat events (EHE) and extreme cold events (ECE). How the frequency and duration of both EHE and ECE have changed over time within both terrestrial and marine environments globally has not been fully explored. Here, we use detrended daily estimates of minimum and maximum temperature from the ERA5 reanalysis over a 70-year period (1950-2019) to estimate the daily occurrence of EHE and ECE across the globe. We measure the frequency and duration of EHE and ECE by season across years and estimate how these measures have changed over time. Frequency and duration for both EHE and ECE presented similar patterns characterized by low spatial heterogeneity and strong seasonal variation. High EHE frequency and duration occurred within the Antarctic during the austral summer and winter and within the Arctic Ocean during the boreal winter. High ECE frequency and duration occurred within the Nearctic and Palearctic during the boreal winter and the Arctic Ocean during the boreal summer. The trend analysis presented pronounced differences between frequency and duration, high spatial heterogeneity, especially within terrestrial environments, and strong seasonal variation. Positive EHE trends, primarily in duration within marine environments, occurred during the boreal summer within the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and during the austral summer within the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. The eastern tropical Pacific contained positive EHE and ECE trends, primary in duration during the boreal winter. Our findings emphasize the many near-term challenges that extreme temperature events are likely to pose for human and natural systems within terrestrial and marine environments, and the need to advance our understanding of the developing long-term implications of these changing dynamics as climate change progresses.</p

    A Matlab© toolbox for calculating spring indices from daily meteorological data

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    AbstractMetrics to track seasonal transitions are needed for a wide variety of ecological and climatological applications. Here a MATLAB©toolkit for calculating spring indices is documented. The spring indices have been widely used in earlier studies to model phenological variability and change through time across a wide range of spatial scales. These indices require only daily minimum and maximum temperature observations (e.g., from meteorological records) as input along with latitude, and produce a day of year value corresponding to the simulated average timing of first leaf and first bloom events among three plant cultivars. Core functions to calculate the spring indices require no external dependencies, and data for running several illustrative test cases are included. Instructions and routines for conducing more sophisticated monitoring and modeling studies using the spring indices are also supplied and documented

    Global trends in the frequency and duration of temperature extremes

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    Anthropogenic climate change has affected the frequency and duration of extreme climate events, including extreme heat events (EHE) and extreme cold events (ECE). How the frequency and duration of both EHE and ECE have changed over time within both terrestrial and marine environments globally has not been fully explored. Here, we use detrended daily estimates of minimum and maximum temperature from the ERA5 reanalysis over a 70-year period (1950-2019) to estimate the daily occurrence of EHE and ECE across the globe. We measure the frequency and duration of EHE and ECE by season across years and estimate how these measures have changed over time. Frequency and duration for both EHE and ECE presented similar patterns characterized by low spatial heterogeneity and strong seasonal variation. High EHE frequency and duration occurred within the Antarctic during the austral summer and winter and within the Arctic Ocean during the boreal winter. High ECE frequency and duration occurred within the Nearctic and Palearctic during the boreal winter and the Arctic Ocean during the boreal summer. The trend analysis presented pronounced differences between frequency and duration, high spatial heterogeneity, especially within terrestrial environments, and strong seasonal variation. Positive EHE trends, primarily in duration within marine environments, occurred during the boreal summer within the mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere and during the austral summer within the mid-latitudes of the Southern Hemisphere. The eastern tropical Pacific contained positive EHE and ECE trends, primary in duration during the boreal winter. Our findings emphasize the many near-term challenges that extreme temperature events are likely to pose for human and natural systems within terrestrial and marine environments, and the need to advance our understanding of the developing long-term implications of these changing dynamics as climate change progresses.</p