42 research outputs found

    Different types of maltreatment and health-related quality of life in older age

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    Diff erent types of maltreatment against older people, perpetrated by those within their close social network, stand in contrast to well-known theories of intergenerational solidarity. Th e aim of this study was to examine the relationships between diff erent types of maltreatment reported by Polish older people and their health-related quality of life. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a simple random sample of 631 older (i.e., aged 65 years and over) citizens of Cracow (36.6% males and 63.4% females). Th e study was based on face to face interviews. Structured questionnaire consisting of questions meant to recognize diff erent types of maltreatment and the perpetrators of such maltreatment. Health-related quality of life was evaluated with scales included in the SF-36. Th e infl uence of a particular dimension of quality of life on the risk of being a victim of violence was explored in multivariate logistic regression models which showed that risk of poor perception of the health status was higher in both, older women (ExpB = 2.04; 95% CI = (1.21; 3.44)) and older men (ExpB = 2.01; 95% CI = (1.00; 4.06)), who presented belief that older people in Poland are poorly treated by younger parts of the society. Risk of high limitation in functional status was higher in men confi rmed that older people in Poland are poorly treated by rest of the society (ExpB = 2.40; 95% CI = (1.23; 4.71)). Risk of low psychological well-being was higher in women confi rmed self-defi ning themselves as a victim of psychological abuse (ExpB = 2.60; 95% CI = (1.27; 5.34)) and those who defi ned themselves as a victim of neglect by family members (ExpB = 2.73; 95% CI = (1.22; 6.08)). Men who believed that older people are poorly treated in Poland also had higher risk of low psychological well-being (ExpB = 2.30; 95% CI = (1.18; 4.46)). Presented data show that in self-defi nition older people perceived themselves as a victim of maltreatment. Coping with these negative beliefs and opinion should be taken into account as a challenge to develop the social capital based on mutual trust and intergenerational solidarity

    Job stress and mortality in older age

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    Objectives: This paper aims to assess the relationship between the determinants of the psychosocial work environment, as expressed in terms of JDC or ERI models, and all-cause mortality in older individuals. Materials and Methods: The baseline study was conducted on a cohort comprising a random sample of 65-year-old community-dwelling citizens of Kraków, Poland. All of the 727 participants (410 women, 317 men) were interviewed in their households in the period between 2001 and 2003; a structured questionnaire was used regarding their occupational activity history, which included indexes measuring particular dimensions of their psychosocial work environment based on Karasek's Job Demand-Control model and Siegrist's Effort-Reward Imbalance model, as well as health-related quality of life and demographic data. Mortality was ascertained by monitoring City Vital Records for 7 years. Analyses were conducted separately for men and women, with the multivariate Cox proportional hazard model. Results: During a 7-year follow-up period, 59 participants (8.1%) died, including 21 women (5.1% of total women) and 38 men (12%) (p < 0.05). Significant differences in the number of deaths occurred regarding disproportion between physical demands and control in men: those with low physical demands and low control died three times more often than those with high control, regardless of the level of demands. The multivariate Cox proportional hazard model showed that significantly higher risk of death was observed only in men with low physical demands and low control, compared to those with low physical demands and high control (Exp(B) = 4.65, 95% CI: 1.64-13.2). Conclusions: Observed differences in mortality patterns are similar to the patterns of relationships observed in health-related quality of life (HRQoL) level at the beginning of old age; however, the relationship between efforts and rewards or demands and control and mortality was not fully confirmed

    Development of parents' of Children with Hymenoptera Venom Allergy Quality of Life Scale (PoCHVAQoLS)

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    Introduction: Venom allergy in children, as a potentially life-threatening disease, may have a considerable impact on the quality of life of the parents of the affected patients. Aim: To present development of the quality of life scale for such parents. Material and methods: The study sample included 70 parents of children with a history of insect sting reaction, referred for consultations to the allergy centre of the University Children's Hospital of Krakow, Krakow, Poland, in 2000-2010. An initial pool of 56 items divided into 6 domains was prepared. The items with intercorrelations higher than 0.7 were removed from each domain and principal component analysis was conducted for each domain separately to provide a one-dimensional subscale for each domain. Reliability of the subscales was assessed using the Cronbach a coefficient in terms of the Classical Test Theory and with the rho coefficient in terms of the Item Response Theory. The multidimensionality of the scale was tested using multitrait scaling. Results: Two to four items from each domain were selected to constitute five subscales. Both the rho and a coefficients for all the subscales were 0.75 or higher. The multitrait method showed that almost all the items indicated stronger correlations with their own subscale than with other subscales. Correlations between subscales were lower than 0.5. Conclusions: The presented scale consists of high validity and reliability subscales measuring the quality of life of parents of Hymenoptera venom allergic children. As their quality of life is strongly related to the health of their children, such information may be helpful in everyday clinical practice

    Development of children's hymenoptera venom allergy quality of life scale (CHVAQoLS)

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    BACKGROUND: Venom allergy is a rare but life-threatening disease and may have a considerable impact on the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) of patients, especially children. This paper presents development of the HRQoL scale for children and adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy (HVA). METHODS: The study sample consisted of 71 children, born between 1992 and 2000, who presented with a history of insect sting reaction when referred for consultation in the allergy center of Polish-American Children’s Hospital, Krakow, Poland, during the period from 2000 to 2010. The initial pool of 60 items - divided into 6 domains - was prepared. The items with intercorrelations higher than 0.7 were removed from each domain and then principal component analysis was conducted for each domain separately, to provide a one-dimensional subscale for each domain. Reliability of the subscales was assessed using Cronbach alpha coefficient in terms of Classical Test Theory and with rho coefficient in terms of Item Response Theory. The multidimensionality of the scale was tested using multi-trait scaling. RESULTS: Three to four items from each domain were subsequently selected to constitute six subscales. Rho coefficients for all the subscales reached 0.8, similar results were achieved with the Cronbach alpha coefficients. Multi-trait method showed that the majority of the items indicated stronger correlations with their own subscales than with other subscales, which proves that our constructed subscales measure different dimensions of HRQoL. CONCLUSIONS: The presented scale comprises high validity and reliability subscales measuring six dimensions of HRQoL related to Hymenoptera venom allergy in children and adolescents. Such information may be useful in everyday clinical practice

    Congruence of the current practices in Hymenoptera venom allergic patients in Poland with EAACI guidelines

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    Introduction: Venom immunotherapy (VIT) practice is the definitive treatment for patients with potentially fatal allergic reactions to Hymenoptera stings. The aim is assesing compliance of VIT practice in Poland with the current European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) guidance. Material and methods: A multicentre study was carried out using a structured questionnaire which was sent by post to all VIT practitioners in Poland. Some questionnaire items were altered, in comparison to original version by adding additional answer options or alowing multiple answer option. The response rate was 100%. The obtained results were compared with the published EAACI guidelines. Results: Twenty-six Polish centres took part in the survey. SSIgE and skin prick tests (SPT) are together used as the first line of investigation, whereas confirmatory intradermal tests (IDT) are applied in half of centres. Only a few centres measure baseline serum tryptase levels. The ultra-rush protocol is preferred. Antihistamine pre-medication is routinely practiced. A target dose equal to 100 µg is used in most centres. A 6-week interval between booster doses is the most frequent. Five years is considered as an optimal VIT duration. Before the VIT completion, SSIgE is evaluated in fifty percent of centres, whereas sting challenge is considered by half of responders. Conclusions: There are some differences between current practice in Poland and the EAACI recommendations, indicating areas requiring better compliance. Comparision between Poland and the United Kingdom revealed that health service organization and health care funding may play a major role in the provision of allergy services. This may affect the extent to which international guidance may be applied in individual countries. It is worth considering conducting the same survey in other European countrie

    Biedronki (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) odłowione przy użyciu samołówek świetlnych w trzech kompleksach leśnych we wschodniej i centralnej Polsce

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    Chrząszcze z rodziny biedronkowatych (Coccinellidae), jako ważny czynnik ograniczający liczebność stawonogów powodujących szkody w uprawach, są częstym obiektem badań entomologicznych. Do odłowów stosuje się różne metody, przy czym do rzadziej wykorzystywanych należy metoda przywabiania chrząszczy do światła. W niniejszych badaniach zastosowaliśmy tę metodę do odłowu biedronek w rezerwacie Jata k. Łukowa oraz w dwóch kompleksach leśnych położonych w granicach administracyjnych Warszawy: w rezerwacie Las Bielański i w Lesie Młocińskim. Nocne odłowy owadów do samołówek świetlnych prowadzono w latach 2018 i 2019 między marcem a listopadem, jednak biedronki wpadały do pułapek w okresie od kwietnia do września. Łącznie na trzech stanowiskach odłowiono 347 osobników Coccinellidae należących do 16 gatunków. Największe bogactwo gatunkowe (15 gatunków), a jednocześnie najmniejszą średnią liczebność biedronek (1,3 osobnika na próbę) odnotowano w Jacie. W Lesie Bielańskim stwierdzono 9 gatunków i średnio 4 osobniki na próbę, a w Lesie Młocińskim 4 gatunki i średnio 2,2 osobnika na próbę. Na wszystkich trzech stanowiskach gatunkiem dominującym była Calvia decemguttata (L.). Wysoki udział miały również Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) i Vibidia duodecimguttata (Poda). Większość odłowionych osobników biedronek (71%) należała do gatunków pozbawionych ubarwienia ostrzegawczego, co może pośrednio świadczyć o ich nocnym trybie życia

    The stilbene and dibenzo[b,f]oxepine derivatives as anticancer compounds

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    In the present study, the synthesis and cytotoxic effect of six stilbenes and three oxepine derivatives against twocancerous–HeLa and U87, and two normal–EUFA30 and HEK293 cell lines has been reported. The results ofcytotoxic assay andflow cytometry analysis revealed that compounds 9-nitrobenzo[b]naphtho[1,2-f]oxepine(4), (E)-3,3′,4,4′,5,5′-hexamethoxystilbene (6) and 4-hydroxy-2′,4′-dinitrostilbene (8) were the most active andtheir interaction with tubulin (crystal structure from PDB) has been analyzed by computer molecular modeling.Molecular docking of these compounds on colchicine binding site of the tubulin indicates the interaction of (4),(6) and (8) with tubulin. The compound (4) could interact stronger with tubulin, relative to colchicine, however,with no selectivity of action against cancer and normal cells. Conversely, compounds (6) and (8) interact moreweakly with tubulin, relative to colchicine but they act more selectively towards cancerous versus normal celllines. Obtained results proved that the compounds that are the most active against cancerous cells operatethrough tubulin binding

    Theoretical validity and reliability of Vespide Quality of Life Questionnaire in Polish adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy

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    Measurement of health-related quality of life is mostly used with advanced measurement tools, such as scales. The use of a certain scale in different cultural settings or in age groups other than those it was designed for needs conducting the adaptation process and assessment of psychometric properties of the adapted scale. This paper presents the results of theoretical validity and reliability analysis of the Polish adaptation of the VQLQ scale for adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy. The study sample consisted of 78 adolescents aged 14-19 years, who were treated with venom immunotherapy in Polish allergological centers in 2008 year. Theoretical validity of the scale was analyzed with exploratory factor analysis using the principal components method. Reliability analysis was assessed in terms of internal consistency with Cronbach's α coefficient and by testing Kline's criterion. The results showed satisfactory validity of the scale: factor analysis revealed a 3-factor structure of the scale - extracted factors were described as anxiety, caution and discomfort. All the scale items contributed to unique factors, except for one item concerning limitation in summer due to allergy, which was identified as a separate dimension of health-related quality of life of Polish adolescents with Hymenoptera venom allergy. All the extracted subscales were characterized by values of α coefficient equal or higher than 0.8, what is usually considered as a high-level reliability coefficient. The adapted scale is a valid and reliable tool measuring health-related quality of life in Polish adolescents treated with venom-specific immunotherapy