636 research outputs found

    Geschäftsprozessmanagement — Einsatz, Weiterentwicklung und Anpassungsmöglichkeiten aus Methodiksicht

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    Zusammenfassungen: Unternehmen setzen das Konzept des Geschäftsprozessmanagements (Business Process Management, BPM) in vollkommen unterschiedlicher Art und Weise um. Durch eine empirische Untersuchung wurden vier Einflussfaktoren identifiziert, auf deren Grundlage vier grundsätzlich unterschiedliche (Ist- )BPM-Ansätze unterschieden werden können. Wenn zusätzlich auch BPM-Weiterentwicklungspläne einbezogen werden, ergeben sich fünf dominierende BPM-Projekttypen. Anhand zweier Beispiele wird illustriert, wie die Unterscheidung von BPM-Ansätzen und - Projekttypen zur situationsspezifischen Fortentwicklung bestehender Referenzmodelle und Methoden im Bereich BPM eingesetzt werden könne

    Critical Success Factors ofService Orientation inInformation Systems Engineering: Derivation and Empirical Evaluation ofaCausal Model

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    Service orientation has been a major buzz-word in recent years. While the buzz is on a decline, organizations are slowly, but steadily moving towards service oriented designs. However, service orientation turns out to be as much of a managerial challenge as of a technical one. The most important complexity drivers in the service oriented design of information systems seem to be (a) inconsistent design goals of stakeholders and (b) the pursuit of exhaustive service orientation coverage. This research focuses on the following two questions: (1)What are the characteristics of successful implementations of service oriented information systems, and (2)what are the critical success factors influencing, driving and/or, determining these characteristics? Data of an empirical analysis is used to test a set of cause-effect relationship hypotheses based on nine latent variables. In the core of this model we differentiate the variables "overall service orientation infrastructure success” and "service orientation project success”. The hypothesized interrelationships between the nine variables lead to a causal model which is proven to hol

    Service robots in hospitals : new perspectives on niche evolution and technology affordances

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    Changing demands in society and the limited capabilities of health systems have paved the way for robots to move out of industrial contexts and enter more human-centered environments such as health care. We explore the shared beliefs and concerns of health workers on the introduction of autonomously operating service robots in hospitals or professional care facilities. By means of Q-methodology, a mixed research approach specifically designed for studying subjective thought patterns, we identify five potential end-user niches, each of which perceives different affordances and outcomes from using service robots in their working environment. Our findings allow for better understanding resistance and susceptibility of different users in a hospital and encourage managerial awareness of varying demands, needs, and surrounding conditions that a service robot must contend with. We also discuss general insights into presenting the Q-methodology results and how an affordance-based view could inform the adoption, appropriation, and adaptation of emerging technologies

    On the Use of Experiments in Design Science Research: A Proposition of an Evaluation Framework

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    Although experiments are considered a valid scientific method for evaluating the outcome of design science research (DSR), only minimal procedural guidelines or standards exist that help researchers in the setup and conduct. To take advantage of and encourage researchers to include design experiments as an inherent part of their build and test cycle, this study proposes a set of guidelines. In order to get a broad overview of how researchers currently apply the experimental method in DSR and to detect potential drawbacks, an extensive review of the extant literature was conducted. On this basis, we propose an evaluation framework that complements the general design science research guidelines of Hevner and colleagues. The purpose of this framework is to assist researchers, reviewers, editors, and readers in understanding possible pitfalls as well as to ask the right questions which need to be answered in the conduct of design experiments

    Critical Success Factors of Service Orientation in Information Systems Engineering

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    Service orientation has been a majorbuzz-word in recent years. While thebuzz is on a decline, organizations areslowly, but steadily moving towardsservice oriented designs. However, serviceorientation turns out to be as muchof a managerial challenge as of a technicalone. The most important complexitydrivers in the service orienteddesign of information systems seemto be (a) inconsistent design goals ofstakeholders and (b) the pursuit of exhaustiveservice orientation coverage.This research focuses on the followingtwo questions: (1) What are the characteristicsof successful implementationsof service oriented informationsystems, and (2) what are the criticalsuccess factors influencing, drivingand/or, determining these characteristics?Data of an empirical analysis isused to test a set of cause-effect relationshiphypotheses based on nine latentvariables. In the core of this modelwe differentiate the variables “overallservice orientation infrastructure success”and “service orientation projectsuccess”. The hypothesized interrelationshipsbetween the nine variableslead to a causal model which is provento hold

    Principles for the design of digital occupational health systems

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    There is a growing body of literature that addresses the importance of health and wellbeing in the workplace, and the effectiveness of corporate wellness programs. Following advancements in low-cost and unobtrusive computing technology, an emerging trend in corporate wellness programs is to offer wearable devices to employees. These devices monitor employees’ physiological and environmental conditions in order to improve their awareness of their personal health. In addition, organizations can harness the aggregated anonymized data provided by such technology to investigate ways of improving the work environment. However, promoting digital health monitoring systems introduces new dynamic interactions between the social actors and technology. Three main categories of strain caused by the use of these systems in a work environment are value tensions (privacy vs. wellbeing); action tensions (work vs. leisure activities), and role tensions (leisure vs. work roles). Based on an analysis of these tensions, design principles for digital occupational health systems are derived that minimize strain and have much bigger chances to be accepted and thus to create value for all stakeholders. Consequently, this study follows the design science research paradigm to derive design principles

    Porous Graphene-like Carbon from Fast Catalytic Decomposition of Biomass for Energy Storage Applications

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    A novel carbon material made of porous graphene-like nanosheets was synthesized from biomass resources by a simple catalytic graphitization process using nickel as a catalyst for applications in electrodes for energy storage devices. A recycled fiberboard precursor was impregnated with saturated nickel nitrate followed by high-temperature pyrolysis. The highly exothermic combustion of in situ formed nitrocellulose produces the expansion of the cellulose fibers and the reorganization of the carbon structure into a three-dimensional (3D) porous assembly of thin carbon nanosheets. After acid washing, nickel particles are fully removed, leaving nanosized holes in the wrinkled graphene-like sheets. These nanoholes confer the resulting carbon material with ≈75% capacitance retention, when applied as a supercapacitor electrode in aqueous media at a specific current of 100 A·g–1 compared to the capacitance reached at 20 mA·g–1, and ≈35% capacity retention, when applied as a negative electrode for lithium-ion battery cells at a specific current of 3720 mA·g–1 compared to the specific capacity at 37.2 mA·g–1. These findings suggest a novel way for synthesizing 3D nanocarbon networks from a cellulosic precursor requiring low temperatures and being amenable to large-scale production while using a sustainable starting precursor such as recycled fiberwood.Spanish Government Agency Ministerio de Economí a y Competitividad (MINECO) (grant number MAT2016-76526-R)