136 research outputs found

    State of the Vietnamese Coastā€”Assessing Three Decades (1986 to 2021) of Coastline Dynamics Using the Landsat Archive

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    Vietnamā€™s 3260 km coastline is densely populated, experiences rapid urban and economic growth, and faces at the same time a high risk of coastal hazards. Satellite archives provide a free and powerful opportunity for long-term area-wide monitoring of the coastal zone. This paper presents an automated analysis of coastline dynamics from 1986 to 2021 for Vietnamā€™s entire coastal zone using the Landsat archive. The proposed method is implemented within the cloud-computing platform Google Earth Engine to only involve publicly and globally available datasets and tools. We generated annual coastline composites representing the mean-high water level and extracted sub-pixel coastlines. We further quantified coastline change rates along shore-perpendicular transects, revealing that half of Vietnamā€™s coast did not experience significant change, while the remaining half is classified as erosional (27.7%) and accretional (27.1%). A hotspot analysis shows that coastal segments with the highest change rates are concentrated in the low-lying deltas of the Mekong River in the south and the Red River in the north. Hotspots with the highest accretion rates of up to +47 m/year are mainly associated with the construction of artificial coastlines, while hotspots with the highest erosion rates of āˆ’28 m/year may be related to natural sediment redistribution and human activity

    Arctic shrub expansion revealed by Landsat-derived multitemporal vegetation cover fractions in the Western Canadian Arctic

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    Warming induced shifts in tundra vegetation composition and structure, including circumpolar expansion of shrubs, modifies ecosystem structure and functioning with potentially global consequences due to feedback mechanisms between vegetation and climate. Satellite-derived vegetation indices indicate widespread greening of the surface, often associated with regional evidence of shrub expansion obtained from long-term ecological monitoring and repeated orthophotos. However, explicitly quantifying shrub expansion across large scales using satellite observations requires characterising the fine-scale mosaic of Arctic vegetation types beyond index-based approaches. Although previous studies have illustrated the potential of estimating fractional cover of various Plant Functional Types (PFTs) from satellite imagery, limited availability of reference data across space and time has constrained deriving fraction cover time series capable of detecting shrub expansion. We applied regression-based unmixing using synthetic training data to build multitemporal machine learning models in order to estimate fractional cover of shrubs and other surface components in the Mackenzie Delta Region for six time intervals between 1984 and 2020. We trained Kernel Ridge Regression (KRR) and Random Forest Regression (RFR) models using Landsat-derived spectral-temporal-metrics and synthetic training data generated from pure class spectra obtained directly from the imagery. Independent validation using very-high-resolution imagery suggested that KRR outperforms RFR, estimating shrub cover with a MAE of 10.6 and remaining surface components with MAEs between 3.0 and 11.2. Canopy-forming shrubs were well modelled across all cover densities, coniferous tree cover tended to be overestimated and differentiating between herbaceous and lichen cover was challenging. Shrub cover expanded by on average + 2.2 per decade for the entire study area and + 4.2 per decade within the low Arctic tundra, while relative changes were strongest in the northernmost regions. In conjunction with shrub expansion, we observed herbaceous plant and lichen cover decline. Our results corroborate the perception of the replacement and homogenisation of Arctic vegetation communities facilitated by the competitive advantage of shrub species under a warming climate. The proposed method allows for multidecadal quantitative estimates of fractional cover at 30 m resolution, initiating new opportunities for mapping past and present fractional cover of tundra PFTs and can help advance our understanding of Arctic shrub expansion within the vast and heterogeneous tundra biome

    Mapping buried paleogeographical features of the Nile Delta (Egypt) using the Landsat archive

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    The contribution highlights the use of Landsat spectral-temporal metrics (STMs) for the detection of surface anomalies that are potentially related to buried near-surface paleogeomorphological deposits in the Nile Delta (Egypt), in particular for a buried river branch close to Buto. The processing was completed in the Google Earth Engine (GEE) for the entire Nile Delta and for selected seasons of the year (summer/winter) using Landsat data from 1985 to 2019. We derived the STMs of the tasseled cap transformation (TC), the Normalized Difference Wetness Index (NDWI), and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI). These features were compared to historical topographic maps of the Survey of Egypt, CORONA imagery, the digital elevation model of the TanDEM-X mission, and modern high-resolution satellite imagery. The results suggest that the extent of channels is best revealed when differencing the median NDWI between summer (July/August) and winter (January/February) seasons (1NDWI). The observed difference is likely due to lower soil/plant moisture during summer, which is potentially caused by coarser-grained deposits and the morphology of the former levee. Similar anomalies were found in the immediate surroundings of several Pleistocene sand hills (ā€œgezirasā€) and settlement mounds (ā€œtellsā€) of the eastern delta, which allowed some mapping of the potential near-surface continuation. Such anomalies were not observed for the surroundings of tells of the western Nile Delta. Additional linear and meandering 1NDWI anomalies were found in the eastern Nile Delta in the immediate surroundings of the ancient site of Bubastis (Tell Basta), as well as several kilometers north of Zagazig. These anomalies might indicate former courses of Nile river branches. However, the 1NDWI does not provide an unambiguous delineation

    A Circum-Arctic Monitoring Framework for Quantifying Annual Erosion Rates of Permafrost Coasts

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    This study demonstrates a circum-Arctic monitoring framework for quantifying annual change of permafrost-affected coasts at a spatial resolution of 10 m. Frequent cloud coverage and challenging lighting conditions, including polar night, limit the usability of optical data in Arctic regions. For this reason, Synthetic Aperture RADAR (SAR) data in the form of annual median and standard deviation (sd) Sentinel-1 (S1) backscatter images covering the months Juneā€“September for the years 2017ā€“2021 were computed. Annual composites for the year 2020 were hereby utilized as input for the generation of a high-quality coastline product via a Deep Learning (DL) workflow, covering 161,600 km of the Arctic coastline. The previously computed annual S1 composites for the years 2017 and 2021 were employed as input data for the Change Vector Analysis (CVA)-based coastal change investigation. The generated DL coastline product served hereby as a reference. Maximum erosion rates of up to 67 m per year could be observed based on 400 m coastline segments. Overall highest average annual erosion can be reported for the United States (Alaska) with 0.75 m per year, followed by Russia with 0.62 m per year. Out of all seas covered in this study, the Beaufort Sea featured the overall strongest average annual coastal erosion of 1.12 m. Several quality layers are provided for both the DL coastline product and the CVA-based coastal change analysis to assess the applicability and accuracy of the output products. The predicted coastal change rates show good agreement with findings published in previous literature. The proposed methods and data may act as a valuable tool for future analysis of permafrost loss and carbon emissions in Arctic coastal environments

    Integrating random forest and crop modeling improves the crop yield prediction of winter wheat and oil seed rape

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    The fast and accurate yield estimates with the increasing availability and variety of global satellite products and the rapid development of new algorithms remain a goal for precision agriculture and food security. However, the consistency and reliability of suitable methodologies that provide accurate crop yield outcomes still need to be explored. The study investigates the coupling of crop modeling and machine learning (ML) to improve the yield prediction of winter wheat (WW) and oil seed rape (OSR) and provides examples for the Free State of Bavaria (70,550Ā km2), Germany, in 2019. The main objectives are to find whether a coupling approach [Light Use Efficiency (LUE) + Random Forest (RF)] would result in better and more accurate yield predictions compared to results provided with other models not using the LUE. Four different RF models [RF1 (input: Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)), RF2 (input: climate variables), RF3 (input: NDVI + climate variables), RF4 (input: LUE generated biomass + climate variables)], and one semi-empiric LUE model were designed with different input requirements to find the best predictors of crop monitoring. The results indicate that the individual use of the NDVI (in RF1) and the climate variables (in RF2) could not be the most accurate, reliable, and precise solution for crop monitoring; however, their combined use (in RF3) resulted in higher accuracies. Notably, the study suggested the coupling of the LUE model variables to the RF4 model can reduce the relative root mean square error (RRMSE) from āˆ’8% (WW) and āˆ’1.6% (OSR) and increase the R 2 by 14.3% (for both WW and OSR), compared to results just relying on LUE. Moreover, the research compares models yield outputs by inputting three different spatial inputs: Sentinel-2(S)-MOD13Q1 (10Ā m), Landsat (L)-MOD13Q1 (30Ā m), and MOD13Q1 (MODIS) (250Ā m). The S-MOD13Q1 data has relatively improved the performance of models with higher mean R 2 [0.80 (WW), 0.69 (OSR)], and lower RRMSE (%) (9.18, 10.21) compared to L-MOD13Q1 (30Ā m) and MOD13Q1 (250Ā m). Satellite-based crop biomass, solar radiation, and temperature are found to be the most influential variables in the yield prediction of both crops
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