645 research outputs found

    GeschÀftsmodelle in der Plattformökonomie: Eine Untersuchung im deutschen Bekleidungshandel

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    Digitale Plattformen entwickeln sich zu dem dominanten GeschĂ€ftsmodell im E-Commerce. Durch ihre speziellen Logiken und Funktionsweisen – die so genannte Plattformökonomie – verĂ€ndern sie ganze Branchen und MĂ€rkte. Die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit diesem Forschungsfeld findet vor allem auf mikroökonomischer, transaktionskostenorientierter Ebene statt. Dabei steht hĂ€ufig die institutionelle Rolle der Plattform im Vordergrund. Die konkreten GeschĂ€ftsmodelle in der Plattformökonomie sind hingegen bisher nur unzureichend erforscht. Die vorliegende Arbeit verschreibt sich daher dem Ziel, den Einfluss der Plattformökonomie auf GeschĂ€ftsmodelle im E-Commerce darzustellen. Dies soll am Beispiel des deutschen Bekleidungshandels geschehen. Insbesondere die praktische Relevanz dieses Themas wird in der Untersuchung theoretisch möglicher und praktisch bedeutsamer GeschĂ€ftsmodelle aufgezeigt. DarĂŒber hinaus tragen zahlreiche Interviews mit EntscheidungstrĂ€gern wichtiger Branchenakteure dazu bei, die Wirkung der Plattformökonomie auf die wirtschaftliche RealitĂ€t des deutschen Bekleidungshandels darzustellen. So soll ein Beitrag fĂŒr das wissenschaftliche VerstĂ€ndnis von GeschĂ€ftsmodellen in der Plattformökonomie geleistet werden. Zudem werden konkrete Empfehlungen fĂŒr die Gestaltung des GeschĂ€ftsmodells erarbeitet

    Gemfibrozil-Induced Intracellular Triglyceride Increase in SH-SY5Y, HEK and Calu-3 Cells

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    Gemfibrozil is a drug that has been used for over 40 years to lower triglycerides in blood. As a ligand for peroxisome proliferative-activated receptor-alpha (PPARα), which is expressed in many tissues, it induces the transcription of numerous genes for carbohydrate and lipid-metabolism. However, nothing is known about how intracellular lipid-homeostasis and, in particular, triglycerides are affected. As triglycerides are stored in lipid-droplets, which are known to be associated with many diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, fatty liver disease and type-2 diabetes, treatment with gemfibrozil could adversely affect these diseases. To address the question whether gemfibrozil also affects intracellular lipid-levels, SH-SY5Y, HEK and Calu-3 cells, representing three different metabolically active organs (brain, lung and kidney), were incubated with gemfibrozil and subsequently analyzed semi-quantitatively by mass-spectrometry. Importantly, all cells showed a strong increase in intracellular triglycerides (SH-SY5Y: 170.3%; HEK: 272.1%; Calu-3: 448.1%), suggesting that the decreased triglyceride-levels might be due to an enhanced cellular uptake. Besides the common intracellular triglyceride increase, a cell-line specific alteration in acylcarnitines are found, suggesting that especially in neuronal cell lines gemfibrozil increases the transport of fatty acids to mitochondria and therefore increases the turnover of fatty acids for the benefit of additional energy supply, which could be important in diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease

    The Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency on Neurodegenerative Diseases

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    Approximately 90% of the elderly population in the western countries has at least a mild to moderate vitamin D hypovitaminosis. Besides the well-known function of vitamin D in calcium homeostasis, it has been recently found that several enzymes and receptors involved in its homeostasis are expressed in the nervous system and brain suggesting also an important role in the brain homeostasis. Interestingly, epidemiological and clinical studies found reduced vitamin D level associated with an increased risk of several neurodegenerative disorders. In this chapter, we focus on a potential link between vitamin D and Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, prion disease, and motor neuron disease. Epidemiological studies were summarized, an overview of the known potential underlying pathomolecular mechanisms are given, and results from clinical studies dealing with vitamin D supplementation were presented. As an outlook, recent literature suggesting an impact of vitamin D on autism spectrum disease, depression, and schizophrenia are briefly discussed. In conclusion, the identification of an abundant vitamin D metabolism in the brain and the tight link between the increasing number of several neurological and mental disorders emphasize the need of further research making a clear recommendation of the intake and supplementation of vitamin D in a growing elderly population

    Vitamin D and Its Analogues: From Differences in Molecular Mechanisms to Potential Benefits of Adapted Use in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Lifestyle habits and insufficient sunlight exposure lead to a high prevalence of vitamin D hypovitaminosis, especially in the elderly. Recent studies suggest that in central Europe more than 50% of people over 60 years are not sufficiently supplied with vitamin D. Since vitamin D hypovitaminosis is associated with many diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), vitamin D supplementation seems to be particularly useful for this vulnerable age population. Importantly, in addition to vitamin D, several analogues are known and used for different medical purposes. These vitamin D analogues differ not only in their pharmacokinetics and binding affinity to the vitamin D receptor, but also in their potential side effects. Here, we discuss these aspects, especially those of the commonly used vitamin D analogues alfacalcidol, paricalcitol, doxercalciferol, tacalcitol, calcipotriol, and eldecalcitol. In addition to their pleiotropic effects on mechanisms relevant to AD, potential effects of vitamin D analogues on comorbidities common in the context of geriatric diseases are summarized. AD is defined as a complex neurodegenerative disease of the central nervous system and is commonly represented in the elderly population. It is usually caused by extracellular accumulation of amyloidogenic plaques, consisting of amyloid (AÎČ) peptides. Furthermore, the formation of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles involving hyperphosphorylated tau proteins contributes to the pathology of AD. In conclusion, this review emphasizes the importance of an adequate vitamin D supply and discusses the specifics of administering various vitamin D analogues compared with vitamin D in geriatric patients, especially those suffering from AD

    The Impact of Vitamin E and Other Fat-Soluble Vitamins on AlzheimerÂŽs Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia in the elderly population, currently affecting 46 million people worldwide. Histopathologically, the disease is characterized by the occurrence of extracellular amyloid plaques composed of aggregated amyloid-ÎČ (AÎČ) peptides and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles containing the microtubule-associated protein tau. AÎČ peptides are derived from the sequential processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) by enzymes called secretases, which are strongly influenced by the lipid environment. Several vitamins have been reported to be reduced in the plasma/serum of AD-affected individuals indicating they have an impact on AD pathogenesis. In this review we focus on vitamin E and the other lipophilic vitamins A, D, and K, and summarize the current knowledge about their status in AD patients, their impact on cognitive functions and AD risk, as well as their influence on the molecular mechanisms of AD. The vitamins might affect the generation and clearance of AÎČ both by direct effects and indirectly by altering the cellular lipid homeostasis. Additionally, vitamins A, D, E, and K are reported to influence further mechanisms discussed to be involved in AD pathogenesis, e.g., AÎČ-aggregation, AÎČ-induced neurotoxicity, oxidative stress, and inflammatory processes, as summarized in this article

    Discrete gradients in short-range molecular dynamics simulations

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    Discrete gradients (DG) or more exactly discrete gradient methods are time integration schemes that are custom-built to preserve first integrals or Lyapunov functions of a given ordinary differential equation (ODE). In conservative molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, the energy of the system is constant and therefore a first integral of motion. Hence, discrete gradient methods seem to be a natural choice as an integration scheme in conservative molecular dynamics simulations

    Sweet cherry flesh cells burst in non-random clusters along minor veins

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    Main conclusion: Sweet cherry flesh cells burst when exposed to water but they do so in clusters indicating heterogeneity with respect to osmotic concentration, which depends on proximity to a minor vein. Abstract: Water plays a key role in cracking in sweet cherry fruit. Magnetic resonance imaging has previously indicated preferential partitioning of water along veins. A more negative osmotic potential along veins seems the likely explanation. Here we establish if cell bursting in mature sweet cherry fruit is also associated with the veins. Cell bursting was identified by a novel light microscope technique involving exposure of a cut fruit surface to water or to sucrose solutions. Upon exposure to water there was no bursting of skin cells but for cells of the flesh (mesocarp) bursting increased with time. When the cut surface was exposed to sucrose solutions of decreasing osmotic concentrations (increasing water potentials) the incidence of cell bursting increased from hypertonic (no bursting), to isotonic, to hypotonic. Cell bursting in the outer mesocarp occurred primarily in the vicinity of minor veins that in the inner mesocarp was primarily between radial veins. The median distance between a minor vein and a bursting cell (mean diameter 0.129 mm) was about 0.318 mm that between a radial vein and a bursting cell was about 0.497 mm. In contrast, the distance between adjacent minor veins averaged 2.57 mm, that between adjacent radial veins averaged 0.83 mm. Cell bursting tends to occur in clusters. Mapping of cell bursting indicates (1) that a seemingly uniform population of mesocarp cells actually represents a heterogeneous population with regard to their cell osmotic potentials and (2) cell bursting afflicts clusters of neighbouring cells in the vicinities of minor veins

    Sensitivity to Angular and Radial Source Movements as a Function of Acoustic Complexity in Normal and Impaired Hearing

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    In contrast to static sounds, spatially dynamic sounds have received little attention in psychoacoustic research so far. This holds true especially for acoustically complex (reverberant, multisource) conditions and impaired hearing. The current study therefore investigated the influence of reverberation and the number of concurrent sound sources on source movement detection in young normal-hearing (YNH) and elderly hearing-impaired (EHI) listeners. A listening environment based on natural environmental sounds was simulated using virtual acoustics and rendered over headphones. Both near-far (‘radial’) and left-right (‘angular’) movements of a frontal target source were considered. The acoustic complexity was varied by adding static lateral distractor sound sources as well as reverberation. Acoustic analyses confirmed the expected changes in stimulus features that are thought to underlie radial and angular source movements under anechoic conditions and suggested a special role of monaural spectral changes under reverberant conditions. Analyses of the detection thresholds showed that, with the exception of the single-source scenarios, the EHI group was less sensitive to source movements than the YNH group, despite adequate stimulus audibility. Adding static sound sources clearly impaired the detectability of angular source movements for the EHI (but not the YNH) group. Reverberation, on the other hand, clearly impaired radial source movement detection for the EHI (but not the YNH) listeners. These results illustrate the feasibility of studying factors related to auditory movement perception with the help of the developed test setup

    CDM projects in China's energy supply and demand sectors – Opportunities and barriers

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    China has had an enormous growth of energy and electricity consumption during the last decades. This has been fuelled primarily by using domestic coal resources. Until 1997, annual construction of power stations averaged around 15 GW which was not sufficient to alleviate the demand surplus. Forecasts envisaged continuation of this growth. The majority of power stations is small scale and reather inefficient. Local air pollution is becoming very strong and is increasingly seen as a politi-cal issue. Foreign investment in the power sector has been hampered by bureaucracy and unclear competencies. On the demand side, energy efficiency has improved markedly in the last two dec-ades, albeit from a very low basis. Due to the economic transformation, many proven incentives for efficiency improvement cannot be used any more. The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) opens a host of possibilities to link foreign investment in the energy supply and demand sectors with projects that enhance efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. All big industrial countries have been very keen on climate policy coop-eration with China. While the official Chinese negotiation position towards the CDM and climate policy in general has been extremely cautious, many government bodies show great interest. The Asian financial crisis, which led to an electricity oversupply in 1998, gives the possibility to retire the most inefficient power plants.China wies in den letzten Jahrzehnten ein enormes Wachstum des Energie- und Stromverbrauchs auf. Es wurde hauptsĂ€chlich durch heimische Kohleressourcen gespeist. Bis 1997 belief sich der jĂ€hrliche Zubau an Kraftwerksleistung auf ca. 15 GW, aber selbst das reichte nicht aus, um den NachfrageĂŒberhang abzubauen. Die Mehrzahl der Kraftwerke ist klein und ziemlich ineffizient. Die lokale Luftverschmutzung wird sehr stark und zusehends als politisches Problem angesehen. AuslĂ€ndische Investitionen im Energiesektor sind durch bĂŒrokratische HĂŒrden und unklare Kompetenzverteilung behindert worden. Auf der Nachfrageseite ist die Energieeffizienz in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark verbessert worden, allerdings von einer sehr niedrigen Ausgangslage. Aufgrund der ökonomischen Transformation können viele bewĂ€hrte Anreize zur Effizienzsteigerung nicht mehr eingesetzt werden. Der CDM eröffnet vielfĂ€ltige Möglichkeiten zur Verbindung von Direktinvestitionen in Energieangebot und - nachfrage. CDM-Projekte erhöhen die Effizienz und verringern Treibhaus-Gasemissionen. Alle großen IndustrielĂ€nder sind sehr an Klimaschutzkooperation mit China interessiert. WĂ€hrend die offizielle chinesische Verhandlungsposition bezĂŒglich des CDM und Klima-Politik im allgemeinen sehr zurĂŒckhaltend ist, sind viele Regierungsinstitutionen sehr stark am CDM interessiert. Die Asienkrise, die 1998 zu einem AngebotsĂŒberhang im Stromsektor fĂŒhrte, ermöglicht die Abschaltung der ineffizientesten Kraftwerke

    GDPR Compliant Collection of Therapist-Patient-Dialogues

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    According to the Global Burden of Disease list provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), mental disorders are among the most debilitating disorders.To improve the diagnosis and the therapy effectiveness in recent years, researchers have tried to identify individual biomarkers. Gathering neurobiological data however, is costly and time-consuming. Another potential source of information, which is already part of the clinical routine, are therapist-patient dialogues. While there are some pioneering works investigating the role of language as predictors for various therapeutic parameters, for example patient-therapist alliance, there are no large-scale studies. A major obstacle to conduct these studies is the availability of sizeable datasets, which are needed to train machine learning models. While these conversations are part of the daily routine of clinicians, gathering them is usually hindered by various ethical (purpose of data usage), legal (data privacy) and technical (data formatting) limitations. Some of these limitations are particular to the domain of therapy dialogues, like the increased difficulty in anonymisation, or the transcription of the recordings. In this paper, we elaborate on the challenges we faced in starting our collection of therapist-patient dialogues in a psychiatry clinic under the General Data Privacy Regulation of the European Union with the goal to use the data for Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. We give an overview of each step in our procedure and point out the potential pitfalls to motivate further research in this field
