45 research outputs found

    Design and Control of Redundant Parallel Wire Robots

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    Ein Nachteil konventioneller Parallelkinematiken liegt in ihrem schlechten VerhĂ€ltnis von Bauraum- zu Arbeitsraumvolumen. Dies liegt im begrenzten Hub der oftmals verwendeten Linearaktoren (z.B. Hydraulikzylinder oder Kugelrollspindeln). Dieser Nachteil kann durch die Verwendung von Seilen und Seilwinden statt linearer Aktoren beseitigt werden. Solche Systeme werden als (parallele) Seilroboter bezeichnet. Die hier beschriebene Arbeit entstand im Rahmen des DFG-Projektes Artist (Arbeitsraumsynthese seilgetriebener Parallelkinematikstrukturen, gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft unter HI370/24-1 und SCHR1176/1-2). Schwerpunkte der Arbeit liegen dabei einerseits auf der echtzeitfĂ€higen Umsetzung der zur Regelung benötigten Seilkraftberechnungsmethoden. Experimente dazu erfolgten an einem PrĂŒfstand. Andererseits liegt ein Fokus auf Methoden zur Analyse von ArbeitsrĂ€umen sowie auf Verfahren zur Synthese von Geometrieparametern von Seilrobotern fĂŒr definierte Anforderungen. Dabei kann auf VorgĂ€ngerarbeiten zurĂŒckgegriffen werden, die auf der Verwendung von Intervallanalyse beruhen. Die Verfahren beruhen auf der Aufstellung eines Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP), das dann ĂŒber Methoden der Intervallanalyse gelöst wird. Dabei kam ein bereits vorhandenes Software-Framework aus dem DFG-Projekt „Entwicklung eines Syntheseverfahrens fĂŒr fehler- und strukturoptimierte Parallelkinematikmaschinen“ zum Einsatz. Dies wurde ursprĂŒnglich fĂŒr die Untersuchung herkömmlicher Parallelkinematiken entwickelt und im Rahmen dieser Arbeit fĂŒr Seilroboter modifiziert und spezialisiert.A drawback of conventional parallel kinematic machines is their disadvantageous ratio between the required construction space and the workspace of the endeffector. This is mainly due to to the limited stroke of the employed linear actuators (e.g. hydraulical cylinders or ball bearing screws). This drawback can be compensated by the use of wires and winches instead of linear actuators. Systems like this are called (parallel) wire robots. The work presented here is a result of the DFG-project Artist (Arbeitsraumsynthese seilgetriebener Parallelkinematikstrukturen, funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG under HI370/24-1 and SCHR1176/1-2). The goal of the project was the expertimental as well as the theoretical research on wire robots. On one hand, the focus was set on the realtime-capable implementation of wire force calculation methods needed for control purposes. The first experiments were performed on a prototype. On the other hand, a focus is set on methods for workspace analysis and synthesis. Within this work, previously developed methods can be employed, which are based on interval analysis. These methods use the formulation of a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP), which is solved by interval analysis. This is supported by a software framework developed within the DFG-project „Entwicklung eines Syntheseverfahrens fĂŒr fehler- und strukturoptimierte Parallelkinematikmaschinen“. It was originally developed for conventional parallel kinematic machines, and was specialized for wire robots within this work

    Einsatz von Social Software in Unternehmen: Studie ĂŒber Umfang und Zweck der Nutzung

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    Wikipedia, Facebook und Flickr sind nur einige Beispiele erfolgreicher öffentlicher Social Software-Anwendungen. Es stellt sich zunehmend die Frage, welchen Stellenwert die Nutzung von Social Software fĂŒr Unternehmen hat. Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht stellt die Ergebnisse einer Studie zum Umfang und Zweck der Nutzung von Social Software innerhalb von Unternehmen dar. Es werden unter anderem die Fragen beantwortet, welche Anwendungen am hĂ€ufigsten Verwendung finden und welche Vor- und Nachteile mit dem Einsatz verbunden sind. Die Resultate basieren auf fĂŒnf qualitativen Einzelfallstudien, sowie einer quantitativen Online-Umfrage, welche im deutschsprachigen Raum durchgefĂŒhrt wurden. Abschließend werden die Resultate mit denen anderer Studien zum gleichen Themengebiet verglichen

    Discussion on Applicability and Requirements for the Installation of Fastenings Using Robot Systems in the Construction Industry

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    Since robotics is becoming increasingly widespread in the construction industry, more phases and working steps should be investigated for their applicability to automation. Ideally, only few robot systems would be needed and thus be multifunctional.Current robot systems are used almost exclusively in precast construction. At the construction site, only prototypes are in use, and only individual parts of the building shell construction and assembly can be handled.This paper examines to what extent robots can be applied for the installation of fastenings and which boundary conditions exist or need to be addressed. Automated construction, and more precise installation of fastenings, has been partially implemented, which has been shown to increase productivity as well as installation quality, and therefore the components’ structural safety. This knowledge must now be extended to robots. The present work is based on an overview of current research and development and includes a discussion on the current research at the University Duisburg-Essen on a cable robot for brickwork construction. It further demonstrates that fastenings pose an important additional application, especially to ensure the changeover to other building materials. These can be built-in parts, but also brickwork connections or prefabricated parts.It can be assumed that robots will become increasingly important in the construction industry for reasons that include high quality, safety, speed and economic aspects.This is an extended paper of the Creative Construction Conference in Budapest on “Examination of Advanced Fastening Systems for the use of Robots in the Construction Industry” (Spyridis et al., 2019)

    Ein Modell fĂŒr verantwortungsvolles Handeln in der IT-Organisation

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    In der Betriebswirtschaft ist verantwortungsvolles Handeln, reprĂ€sentiert durch Konzepte wie Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Corporate Citizenship (CC) oder Nachhaltigkeit/Sustainability, eine in Forschung und Praxis breit diskutierte Thematik. Eine umfassende Übertragung der Problematik auf das IT-Management hat jenseits von isolierten Einzelthemen wie „Green IT“ etc. jedoch noch nicht stattgefunden. In diesem Beitrag wird deshalb ein Modell vorgestellt, welches auf der einen Seite einen ganzheitlichen Rahmen fĂŒr verantwortungsvolles Handeln in der IT-Organisation eröffnet, und auf der anderen Seite Stellschrauben fĂŒr die aktive, verantwortungsvolle Beeinflussung des Wettbewerbsumfelds aufzeigt. Konkretisiert wird das aufgezeigte Modell anhand verschiedener Maßnahmenfelder zur Umsetzung verantwortungsvollen Handelns

    A reconfigurable, tendon-based haptic interface for research into human-environment interactions

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    Human reaction to external stimuli can be investigated in a comprehensive way by using a versatile virtual-reality setup involving multiple display technologies. It is apparent that versatility remains a main challenge when human reactions are examined through the use of haptic interfaces as the interfaces must be able to cope with the entire range of diverse movements and forces/torques a human subject produces. To address the versatility challenge, we have developed a large-scale reconfigurable tendon-based haptic interface which can be adapted to a large variety of task dynamics and is integrated into a Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE). To prove the versatility of the haptic interface, two tasks, incorporating once the force and once the velocity extrema of a human subject's extremities, were implemented: a simulator with 3-DOF highly dynamic force feedback and a 3-DOF setup optimized to perform dynamic movements. In addition, a 6-DOF platform capable of lifting a human subject off the ground was realized. For these three applications, a position controller was implemented, adapted to each task, and tested. In the controller tests with highly different, task-specific trajectories, the three robot configurations fulfilled the demands on the application-specific accuracy which illustrates and confirms the versatility of the developed haptic interfac

    Subretinal electronic chips allow blind patients to read letters and combine them to words

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    A light-sensitive, externally powered microchip was surgically implanted subretinally near the macular region of volunteers blind from hereditary retinal dystrophy. The implant contains an array of 1500 active microphotodiodes (‘chip’), each with its own amplifier and local stimulation electrode. At the implant's tip, another array of 16 wire-connected electrodes allows light-independent direct stimulation and testing of the neuron–electrode interface. Visual scenes are projected naturally through the eye's lens onto the chip under the transparent retina. The chip generates a corresponding pattern of 38 × 40 pixels, each releasing light-intensity-dependent electric stimulation pulses. Subsequently, three previously blind persons could locate bright objects on a dark table, two of whom could discern grating patterns. One of these patients was able to correctly describe and name objects like a fork or knife on a table, geometric patterns, different kinds of fruit and discern shades of grey with only 15 per cent contrast. Without a training period, the regained visual functions enabled him to localize and approach persons in a room freely and to read large letters as complete words after several years of blindness. These results demonstrate for the first time that subretinal micro-electrode arrays with 1500 photodiodes can create detailed meaningful visual perception in previously blind individuals

    Closed-form force distribution for parallel wire robots

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