59 research outputs found

    Behind the fashion scene in Egypt

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    The fashion industry in Egypt is growing, despite a struggling economy and lack of resources. AUC Radio’s Nada El-Tobgy reports on how Egyptian designers struggle to boost to an industry that has a long way to go, giving insight into their own different experiences and diverse backgrounds that eventually lead them to making names for themselves in Egypt


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    Canola (Brassica juncea L.) and mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seed sprout effects on diabetic rats  have no available information and to clarify their effects, both sprouts were investigated in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic and normal rats. Rats were fed on a semi-modified diet containing 10% of canola or mustard sprouted using tap or saline water for sprouting ad-libitum for 6 weeks. STZ showed increases in blood sugar, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), vary low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-c) and triglycerides (TG). The addition of canola and mustard with or without salinty at 10% to diabetic rats diet as semimodified diet resulted a significant decrease in blood glucose, TG and VLDL-c and data was more pronounced using mustard sprouted or saline water without changes in the HDL-c   parameter. These results showed that canola and mustard especially mustard sprouted in saline water had a hypoglycemic activity in diabetic rats and partly improved lipid metabolism in the experimental rats, with non-toxic to rats in doses given  over 6 weeks period in this study

    The intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of pictorial drawings in the pottery of the Archaic age as an entry point for the creation of contemporary painting

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    The research deals with the study of the distinctive artistic features of pictorial drawings in the pottery of the historical age, and the intellectual and philosophical propositions that are associated with them, expressed by the artist and her body through various and studied topics. On which the artistic innovations of this era are based, the graphic drawings on the vessels of the historical era have acquired special features, characterized by simplicity and accuracy in drawing; It was characterized by vitality and movement free from monotony and stagnation, calm in colors and creativity in dealing with subjects that were characterized by fertile imagination, as the research dealt with the intellectual and aesthetic dimensions of the paintings of the Archaic era, where the drawings were linked to ideological thought and myths as well as they expressed topics depicting different scenes of life such as scenes of singing and music. Banquets, sports matches ... and others, The results of the theoretical study came to confirm the domination of mythological and doctrinal subjects over the artist’s imagination in the Archaic era in the Greek civilization. At the end of the research, a subjective experiment was applied for the researcher aimed at extracting the artistic features and aesthetic mysteries of the pictorial drawings on the surfaces of pottery as a source of artistic creativity in the field of photographic art. As well as the creation of contemporary pictorial works by drawing inspiration from the style and artistic features of pictorial drawings in pottery in the historical era, in line with the philosophy of contemporary ar

    Etiikka yritystoiminnassa

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli selvittää ja tutkia etiikan merkitystä yritysmaailmassa. Aluksi työssä perehdyttiin etiikkaan käsitteenä ja selvitettiin eri eettisiä teorioita. Työn lopussa suoritettiin tutkimus, jossa selvitettiin seitsemän valitun yrityksen omaan kertomaan eettisyydestään ja vastuullisuudestaan. Opinnäytetyön aluksi käytiin läpi mitä tarkoitetaan etiikalla, moraalilla, arvoilla ja normeilla ja mikä on niiden välinen suhde. Lisäksi työssä kerrottiin erilaisista normatiivisen etiikan teorioista sekä etiikan ja lain välisestä suhteesta. Opinnäytetyön teoriaosuudessa keskeisin kohta oli eettisyyden merkitys yritysmaailmassa. Osiossa annetaan selitys käsitteille eettiset toimintaohjeet, arvot, yhteiskuntavastuu, eettinen mainonta ja vastuullinen viestintä sekä eettinen johtaminen. Soveltavan etiikan kohdalla käsitellään keskeisimmät kohdat liittyen tutkimukseen valittuihin yrityksiin. Teoriaosuuden lopuksi kerrottiin eettisen toiminnan hyödyistä ja haitoista ja riskeistä. Tutkimusosuuteen valittiin seitsemän julkista osakeyhtiötä. Osakeyhtiöt jaettiin soveltavan etiikan mukaan neljään kategoriaan: ympäristöetiikka, puolustustarvikealan etiikka, elintarvikealan etiikka ja bioetiikka. Tutkimuksessa aineistona käytettiin yritysten vuosikertomuksia vuodelta 2015. Vuosikertomuksista etsittiin erillinen vastuullisuusosio, kertomat yhteiskuntavastuusta, sekä käsitehaulla yritysten arvoja, visiota, mainintoja vastuullisuudesta, etiikasta ja eettisyydestä. Tutkimustulokseksi saatiin, että yrityksen kertovat vastuullisuudestaan vuosikertomuksissaan melko vaihtelevasti. Tutkimuksessa käytettyjen menetelmien mukaan, eniten vastuullisuudestaan vuosikertomuksissa kertovat ympäristöetiikkaan sovellettu Neste, puolustustarvikealan etiikkaan sovellettu Patria sekä elintarvikealan etiikkaan sovellettu HKSCan.The purpose of this thesis was to make a research about the role of ethics in business. At first the thesis familiarized the term ethics and sorted out different ethic theories. At the end of the thesis a research were made about seven corporations’ ethical work and responsibilities based on their annual report. In the beginning of the thesis was clarified the meaning of ethics, moral, values and norms and how they are connected. Also were clarified different normative ethics theories and the relationship between ethics and law. The main focus in the theory part was the chapter about ethics in business. The chapter gives a clarification of terms like code of conduct, company values and social responsibilities, ethics in advertising and communication and ethical leadership. In the section of applied ethics reviewed the most crucial parts considering the corporations chosen to the research. In the end of the theory part were told the benefits of ethics in business as well the downsides and risks. For the empirical part were chosen seven public corporations. The corporations were divided into four groups based on their applied ethics considering their industry: environmental ethics, ethics in the business of defense materiel, ethics in the business of groceries and bioethics. The used materials of the research were corporation’s annual reports from the year 2015. Issues that were looked from the annual reports were separate responsibility section, and via term search corporations’ values, vision, quotes about social responsibilities, mentions about responsibility and ethics in general. As the result for the empirical part, corporations share information in their annual reports about their responsibilities variably. Research methods used in the empirical part reveals that Neste applied in environmental ethics, Patria applied in defense material ethics and HKScan applied in groceries ethics share the most information in their annual reports from the corporations chosen into the research

    Coronary Heart Disease and Alcohol: Can You Drink Your Way to a Healthier Heart?

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    Recent studies have shown that there exists an inverse relationship between coronary heart disease(CHD) and alcohol consumption. Separate studies have been done on men and women showing similar effects of alcohol consumption on CHD risks. Most studies agree that light to moderate drinkers have a decreased risk of CHD as compared to nondrinkers. However, there is some disagreement as to whether light or heavy drinkers benefit from a greater protective effect for CHD. Also, there is some conflict as to which alcoholic beverage(beer, wine, or distilled spirits) is more beneficial in reducing the risk of coronary heart disease. Results from recent studies suggest that all provide a protective effect, but different studies provide different alcoholic beverages as being the one with the greatest risk-reducing effects. The mechanism by which alcohol reduces CHD risk is not completely understood, but most studies agree that it is due to alcohol s effect on increasing high-density lipoproteins(HDLs) in the body. Also, some studies suggest that alcohol may also stimulate clot-dissolving factors and decrease platelet aggregation which lower the risk for coronary artery obstruction. Despite the agreement that alcohol may reduce CHD risk, the findings do not justify heavy drinking since large quantities of alcohol consumption are correlated to numerous health problems and diseases

    Correction-Residence Time Analysis in Systems Having Many Connections with Their Environment

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    Residence Time Analysis in Systems Having Many Connections with Their Environment

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    Canola (Brassica juncea L.) and mustard (Sinapis alba L.) seed sprout effects on diabetic rats  have no available information and to clarify their effects, both sprouts were investigated in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic and normal rats. Rats were fed on a semi-modified diet containing 10% of canola or mustard sprouted using tap or saline water for sprouting ad-libitum for 6 weeks. STZ showed increases in blood sugar, low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-c), vary low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-c) and triglycerides (TG). The addition of canola and mustard with or without salinty at 10% to diabetic rats diet as semimodified diet resulted a significant decrease in blood glucose, TG and VLDL-c and data was more pronounced using mustard sprouted or saline water without changes in the HDL-c   parameter. These results showed that canola and mustard especially mustard sprouted in saline water had a hypoglycemic activity in diabetic rats and partly improved lipid metabolism in the experimental rats, with non-toxic to rats in doses given  over 6 weeks period in this study