28 research outputs found

    Addition of Ba (Oh)2 To A Closed White Water System as a Means of Controlling Acidity and Sulfate Ion Build Up

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    In an effort to reduce the intake of fresh water into a mill a greater quantity of white water must be recycled to meet the demands of production. Unless some action is taken, continued reuse of the water produces a badly deteriorated paper-making system. It is believed that the buildup of free acid and sulfate ions from the addition of paper-maker\u27s alum causes the degradation. A bench trial using a Noble and Wood hand-sheet maker capable of recirculating white water was used to duplicate such a deteriorated system and then to restore it with the introduction of Ba(OH)2. The hydroxides would neutralize the acidity while the barium would precipitate the sulfate, giving a fine white pigment: a filler formed in situ. An offset furnish consisting of equal amounts of bleached hardwood and bleached softwood kraft was prepared for use. Pexol was added at the rate of 1% based on O.D. fiber content and alum was added at the rate of 2%. Deionized water was used-in the beater and as make up water in the sheet mold. No other water was added to the closed system. 5% Ba(OH)2 was introduced into the system following its deterioration. White water tests showed immediate reduction in the total acidity and sulfate ion concentration. Handsheet tests revealed improvements in opacity, brightness and sizing with only moderate decrease in tensile despite the increased ash content. A slurry solids check indicated virtually a complete precipitation of all barium added. Retention of BaSO4 averaged about 88%. The theoretical feasibility of such a reaction is now a reality. Results were favorable but the economics involved were not. So, other less costly and less efficient means of controlling the paper-making system will be utilized for now

    Critical assessment and ramifications of a purported marine trophic cascade

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    When identifying potential trophic cascades, it is important to clearly establish the trophic linkages between predators and prey with respect to temporal abundance, demographics, distribution, and diet. In the northwest Atlantic Ocean, the depletion of large coastal sharks was thought to trigger a trophic cascade whereby predation release resulted in increased cownose ray abundance, which then caused increased predation on and subsequent collapse of commercial bivalve stocks. These claims were used to justify the development of a predator-control fishery for cownose rays, the “Save the Bay, Eat a Ray” fishery, to reduce predation on commercial bivalves. A reexamination of data suggests declines in large coastal sharks did not coincide with purported rapid increases in cownose ray abundance. Likewise, the increase in cownose ray abundance did not coincide with declines in commercial bivalves. The lack of temporal correlations coupled with published diet data suggest the purported trophic cascade is lacking the empirical linkages required of a trophic cascade. Furthermore, the life history parameters of cownose rays suggest they have low reproductive potential and their populations are incapable of rapid increases. Hypothesized trophic cascades should be closely scrutinized as spurious conclusions may negatively influence conservation and management decision