9 research outputs found

    Students’ English Translation of Islamic Short Stories by The Sixth Semester of English Education Department

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    Translation is one of the best skills that can help us to understand the word, phrase, clause, and sentence in a text or context, to understand the message what the speaker said and especially to communicate each other. This research was conducted based on the research background that is many students got confuse or difficulties to translate sentence. It makes them often fail to understand the meaning of the sentence. The objectives of this research are to know the accuracy, clarity, naturalness, and mechanic of the students’ English translation of Islamic short stories by the sixth semester of English Education Department at IAIN Samarinda in academic year 2019/2020 and to know the quality of the students’ English Translation of Islamic short stories by the sixth semester of English Education Department at IAIN Samarinda in academic year 2019/2020. This research used descriptive quantitative research. The main instrument was the translation text. The subject of the research was the sixth semester students of English Education Department, IAIN Samarinda which consist of 30 students. The collected data were analyzed by using statistic calculation of Mean. The result of this research showed the students’ translating English into Indonesian based on each aspect as follows: first, the result of all the accuracy’s score were 22 (good to average), second, the result of all the clarity’s score was 20 (fair to poor), third, the result of all the naturalness’s score was 16 (very poor), and last, the result of all the mechanic’s score was 12 (very poor). Based on the result of this thesis, that the Mean score is 69,43. The researcher concludes that the class quality in translating English Islamic short stories is the category “Fair” quality

    Relationship of Emotional Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence Towards Educators Professionalism at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda

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    This study aims to determine the relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence towards the educators’ professionalism at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda. This type of research is a field research with a quantitative approach, the data collection techniques in this study are observations and questionnaires which are then analyzed using the Alpha Cronbach formula, this is because the type of correlation in this study is multiple correlation, so to obtain valid and reliable results the calculation uses  the IMB SPSSP 20 with a significant level of 5%. The results found were the relationship between emotional intelligence and professionalism of educators at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda was 0.750, and the relationship between spiritual intelligence and the professionalism of educators at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda was 0.756, while the relationship between emotional intelligence and spiritual intelligence towards the professionalism of educators at SMP Negeri 34 Samarinda is 0.836. Thus all the existing variables are said to be related to one another

    Technology Integration in English Learning in East Kalimantan

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    This study aims to identify forms of technology integration in learning English at MTs. level, especially in the East Kalimantan region, and to find out the forms of learning innovations carried out by English teachers as a form of solution to the challenge of the science and technology development in the digital era. This type of research is qualitative descriptive, and observations, interviews, and documentation as a form of data collection techniques, then analyzed based on Miles and Huberman's theory with the stages of initial observation, data collection research, data reduction, data compilation and grouping, validation, and conclusions. The results obtained are the types of technology used in learning English including Youtube, WhatsApp, email, blog, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The form of learning innovations conducted by teachers is based on the use of technology that is utilized in the form of innovative strategies, methods, techniques, design of teaching materials, and development of teaching materials


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    The purpose of the study is to describe the forms of code-switching in the speech of border community groups in Nunukan and Malinau who use two or more languages in their daily communication and to find the factors that determine code-switching in the speech of border community groups. This research method is sociolinguistic field research employing a qualitative descriptive design. The data sources are the border community organizations of Nunukan and Malinau. The study consists of primary data in spontaneous speech from various contexts of speech events by border community groups of Nunukan and Malinau and secondary data in information, sociocultural background, and language gleaned from observations and interviews. The results of this study show that (1) the forms of code-switching in the speech of border communities of Nunukan and Malinau consist of code-switching from Bugis to Indonesian and vice versa, from Tidung to Indonesian and vice versa, from Banjarese to Indonesian and vice versa, and from Indonesian to Malay-Malay and vice versa. (2) The factors that cause code-switching in the speech of border community groups (Nunukan and Malinau) are speakers, speech partners, attendance and departure of speech participants, and variations in the topic of conversation


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     Learning style is the method of a person to get solutions from problem-solving in process of learning. In this case, students’ learning styles have closely relation to their achievement. In this research, the researchers focus on the the type of learning styles of high achiever students of the English department at IAIN Samarinda. This is a survey research where the researchers collected by usig the Perceptual Learning Style Preference Questionnaire. The subject of this research is the high achiever students of the English Department at IAIN Samarinda that consists of twenty-two students from fifth and seventh semester students. This research found that all of learning styles exist in this research results where visual learning style become the highest percentage among others. Students’ learning habits in everyday life also play important role in determining their learning style. Research discussion and suggestion are provided further in this study.


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    This present study focuses on the students’ mastery of reading skills and its correlation with their reading comprehension ability. The study intends to find out the answers to the following research problems: (1) What is students’ mastery of reading skills? and (2) Is there any correlation between students’ mastery of reading skills and their reading comprehension ability of the second year students of an SLTP in Lembang?. Derived from the problems mentioned above, the objectives of the study are: (1) To find out what students’ mastery of reading skills is, and (2) To find out the correlation between the students’ mastery of reading skills and their comprehension ability of the second year students of an SLTP in Lembang. To lead the researcher in collecting the data, a hypothesis was formulated for the study: there is a positive correlation between the students’ mastery of reading skills and their reading comprehension ability. This study used a descriptive analysis method by using an ex post facto design. The target population of the study was the second year students of an SLTP in Lembang. A cluster random sampling procedure was employed by listing all the second year students of about 469 students. Then they were grouped into high achievement students and low achievement students. 20% of the whole or both groups were taken as the sample of the study (92 students). Two kinds of instruments were employed for this study: students’ problems in reading (questionnaire) which was developed into Likert scale model, and reading test. Descriptive statistic of Pearson Product Moment Coefficient Correlation was used to answer the research problems by using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). The data obtained from the study revealed that the value (r) of the correlation between students’ mastery of reading skills and their reading comprehension ability at the level of significant .01 was -.765. It indicates that both variables are significantly correlated so that the hypothesis of the study: there is a very high significant correlation between students’ mastery of reading skills and their reading comprehension ability of the second year students of an SLTP in Lembang was accepted. As students still have many problems in reading comprehension, it is suggested that for English teachers of Junior High School, it is better to help the students to overcome their problems in reading by applying and creating innovation of better and effective techniques or methods of teaching reading in the process of teaching and learning in order to increase their ability in reading comprehension. For further researches, the students’ problems in reading need to be found out in different levels of students i.e. elementary school, senior high school, and college students. It is also advised for the students to get more practice in order to increase their ability in comprehending the tex

    Pengembangan IMTAK sebagai Upaya Membangun Ukhuwah Islamiyah: Studi Kasus PAI Berwawasan Multikultural

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    The objective of this study was to find out the implementation of multiculturalism of the Islamic values and how to develop the multiculturalism of the Islamic values at SMA 5 Samarinda. The result of data findings shows that the implementation of multiculturalism of the Islamic values at SMA 5 Samarinda covers some following sectors, they are: 1) the implementation of asma’ul husna values, 2) love other Muslims, 3) strong attitude, 4) never give up, 5) religious values action, 6) appreciating others, 7) caring, 8) sharing to others, 9) democratic, 10) khalifah concept, and 11) tolerance to other religion. In terms of how to develop of the multiculturalism of the Islamic values at SMA 5 Samarinda, it was found that the result of mean score of the questionnaire was 2.86 or it is categorized “Very Good”. To sum up, the development of the multiculturalism of the Islamic values at SMA 5 Samarinda can be categorized as a Very Good

    The Implications of Naturalist Illustration Image Media on Early Childhood Learning Concentration and Motivation

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    Early childhood between the ages of 0 and 6 years experiences rapid growth and development. Children at this age have considerable potential that must be nurtured by providing essential knowledge, attitudes, and skills. Teachers are responsible for helping students reach their full potential through learning activities. One of them is creating exciting learning media that increases students' concentration and motivation. This study aims to adapt the use of naturalist illustration media to children's concentration and learning motivation. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using documentation, observation, and interviews. The results show that using realistic images can arouse children's curiosity, increase their focus, and encourage learning through activities and consequences. Based on the findings of this study, it can be concluded that the use of naturalist images is very suitable for early childhood education, as evidenced by the increase in children's attention and learning motivatio