1,244 research outputs found

    Using SVG–XML FOR representation of historical graphical data

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    Modern data representation requires XML-based approach. One of the ways to represent any kind of graphical data in electronic form is to use Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). So, XML and SVG are ideal means for the digital representation of national heritage. Moreover, for the powerful using of SVG one should learn a very complex syntax and related XML applications. In this paper the advantages and drawbacks of SVG, in processing of national heritage, are specified. Some examples about processing frescos and manuscripts are presented

    Two counterfeit coins

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    AbstractWe consider the problem of ascertaining the minimum number of weighings which suffice to determine the counterfeit (heavier) coins in a set of n coins of the same appearance, given a balance scale and the information that there are exactly two heavier coins present. An optimal procedure is constructed for infinitely many n's, and for all other n's a lower bound and an upper bound for the maximum number of steps of an optimal precedure are determined which differ by just one unit. Some results of Cairns are improved, and his conjecture at the end of [3] is proved in a slightly modified form

    Harmonic maps and associated energy functionals

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    In this thesis, we study the existence and applications of harmonic maps in negative curvature settings. We cover three separate, but related strands of research. Firstly, we study the existence of harmonic maps between complete simply connected negatively curved manifold. There have been many results in this vein, culminating in the result of Benoist–Hulin asserting the existence of a harmonic map at a finite distance from an arbitrary quasi-isometry between pinched Hadamard manifolds (i.e. complete simply connected Riemannian manifolds with sectional curvatures bounded between two negative constants). Nearest-point projections to convex sets are natural objects of study that fall outside the scope of this work. Given a pinched Hadamard manifold M and a convex subset K of M, under certain conditions on K, we show that there exists a harmonic map h: M → M that is at a bounded distance from the nearest-point retraction r : M → K. In particular, when M is n-dimensional hyperbolic space, we show this existence when K is the convex hull of (1) a quasicircle in the sphere at infinity of M, or (2) an open subset of the sphere at infinity with Lipschitz boundary. Secondly, we apply harmonic maps to study the Putman–Wieland conjecture. This is an algebraic conjecture stating that, given a finite cover of closed surfaces p : S'→S and a cohomology class χ ∈ H1(˜S', Z) \ {0}, the orbit of χ under the group of mapping classes on S that lift via p to S' is infinite. Given such a p and χ, we define the energy functional E : T (S) → R defined on the Teichmüller space T (S) of the Riemann surface structures on S as follows: given a Riemann surface X marked by S, we can lift X to a Riemann surface Y marked by S' such that p is homotopic to a holomorphic immersion Y → X. We then set E(X) to be the energy of the harmonic form on Y that corresponds to χ. Our main result is that χ is a counterexample to the Putman–Wieland conjecture if and only if E is constant on T (S). As an application, we show that the Putman–Wieland conjecture holds for covers satisfying a suitable expansion property. This part of the thesis was obtained in joint work with my advisor Vladimir Marković. Finally, this leads us naturally to study energy functionals on T (S) associated to representations into higher-rank Lie groups. Specifically, given a closed surface S and a completely reducible representation ρ of its fundamental group into GL(n,C), by the non-abelian Hodge theorem, for any Riemann surface X marked by S, there exists a harmonic ρ-equivariant map f from the universal cover of X into GL(n,C)/U(n). The Dirichlet energy of f over X defines a map Eρ : T (S) → R. It is a classical result of Toledo that Eρ is plurisubharmonic. For n = 1, this fact plays a crucial role in our study of the Putman–Wieland conjecture. More generally, we study the directions in T (S) along which this plurisubharmonicity of Eρ is not strict. We give a classification of such directions in terms of the Higgs bundle obtained from ρ by the non-abelian Hodge correspondence. In particular, we show that for a generic representation ρ and a Riemann surface X marked by S, the map Eρ is strictly plurisubharmonic at X. We are also able to construct, for any X marked by S, a representation ρ such that Eρ is not strictly plurisubharmonic at X. Finally, we relate the points and directions where Eρ is not strictly plurisubharmonic to the Hitchin fibration and the C*-action on the moduli space of Higgs bundles, two basic objects in non-abelian Hodge theory

    Run-time application migration using checkpoint/restore in userspace

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    This paper presents an empirical study on the feasibility of using Checkpoint/Restore In Userspace (CRIU) for run-time application migration between hosts, with a particular focus on edge computing and cloud infrastructures. The paper provides experimental support for CRIU in Docker and offers insights into the impact of application memory usage on checkpoint size, time, and resources. Through a series of tests, we find that the time to checkpoint is linearly proportional to the size of the memory allocation of the container, while the restore is less so. Our findings contribute to the understanding of CRIU's performance and its potential use in edge computing scenarios. To obtain accurate and meaningful findings, we monitored system telemetry while using CRIU to observe its impact on the host machine's CPU and RAM. Although our results may not be groundbreaking, they offer a good overview and a technical report on the feasibility of using CRIU on edge devices. This study's findings and experimental support for CRIU in Docker could serve as a useful reference for future research on performance optimization and application migration using CRIU


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    This article deals with the subject of traffic law regulations regarding young drivers, in Serbia as well as abroad. Although different traffic laws do contain norms referring to young drivers, they did not turned out to be satisfying. From that reason rises the need for certain corrections to be made. In the last few years, it has been intensively worked on the improvement of traffic safety, throughout new laws and orders, aggressive media campaigns and professional driving schools simulating realistic circumstances in traffic and preparing drivers to cope with different situations. Despite the fact that citizens’ awareness of this problem is growing, the number of young people losing life in accidents still remains frightening. Moreover, that number constantly grows. On the other hand, we cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that in the moment of traffic accident, most drivers turn out to be influenced by drugs, alcohol etc. If we consider the significance of this problem, it is clear why so much attention has been dedicated to it and also why it is necessary to take certain steps in order to solve it in a quality way. In the text below, we will demonstrate few law solutions and do their comparison.U radu će se obraditi regulacija zakona o saobraćaju u odnosu na mlade vozače, kako u Srbiji, tako i u inostranstvu. Iako zakoni o saobraćaju sadrže norme koje se odnose na mlade vozače one se nisu pokazale kao dovoljne. Iz tog razloga javlja se potreba da se izvrše određene izmene. Poslednjih godina intezivno se radi na povećanju bezbednosti u saobraćaju kroz donošenje novih zakona i propisa, preko sve agresivnije medijske kampanje pa do profesionalnih škola za obuku vozača koje, simulacijom realnih okolnosti u saobraćaju, spremaju vozače za snalaženje u različitim situacijama. Međutim, iako se svest građana o ovom problemu povećava i dalje je zabrinjavajući broj mladih ljudi koji život izgube u saobraćajnim nesrećama, a ono što jos više brine je što taj broj neprestano raste. Ne može se zanemariti ni činjenica da je u trenutku nesreće veliki broj vozača pod dejstvom alkohola i narkotika. Ako uzmemo u obzir značaj pitanja jasno je zašto mu je posvećena tolika pažnja i zašto je neophodno preduzeti nešto radi njegovog što kvalitetnijeg rešavanja. U daljem tekstu izložićemo neka zakonska rešenja i izvršiti njihovo upoređivanje


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    The Solvency II Directive has announced major changes in the insurance of the EU member countries, as well as non-member countries, when it comes to the solvency of the companies. Adopted November 22, 2009, but the beginning of implementation has been delayed until January 1, 2016. If we consider that the harmonization of legislation of countries takes time, resources, and education of professional personnel then this delay is understandable. The main reason for the adoption of the new Directive is strengthening of the single market in insurance and reinsurance through harmonized legal rules in order to increase the protection of the insurance users. Solvency II aims at a common market, working permit in one EU member allows carrying out activities in all other member countries. The issue of supervision in insurance is one of the most important issues in the directive, and all EU members are obligated to harmonize domestic legislation with the rules of the directive. The main intention of supervision is to protect a contractor, and users of insurance. In this paper author analyses three pillars of the directive and challenges of implementation, as well as the supervision, the rules of the directive on the supervision of insurance companies, and the manner in which the control is regulated in some EU member, and non-member countries.Direktiva Solventnost II je najavila velike promene na tržištu osiguranja kako zemlja članica EU, tako i zemalja nečlanica, kada je u pitanju solventnost društva. Usvojena je 25. novembra 2009. godine, ali početak primene je odlagan sve do 1. januara 2016 godine. Ako uzmemo u obzir, da je za usklađivanje zakonodavstva zemalja potrebno dosta vremena, sredstava, kao i edukacija stručnog kadara, onda je navedeno odlaganje i razumljivo. Glavni razlog usvajanja nove direktive je jačanje jedinstvenog tržišta osiguranja i reosiguranja preko harmonizovanih zakonskih pravila radi veće zaštite osiguranika. Solventnost II cilja na zajedničko tržište, tj. dozvola za rad u jednoj državi članici dopušta društvu obavljanje delatnost u svim drugim zemljama članicama. Pitanje nadzora u osiguranju je jedno od najznačajnih pitanja kojima se direktiva bavi, i sve države članice su u obavezi da usklade domaće zakonodavstvo sa pravilima direktive. Glavni cilj nadzora je zaštita kako ugovarača, tako i korisnika osiguranja. U radu se govori pre svega o tri stuba direktive i izazovima u njenoj primeni, zatim o pojmu nadzora, o pravilima direktive o nadzoru nad poslovanjem osiguravajućih društava, kao i načinu na koji je nadzor regulisan u nekim zemljama članicama, i nečlanicama EU

    Non-strict plurisubharmonicity of energy on Teichm\"uller space

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    For an irreducible representation ρ:π1(Σg)GL(n,C)\rho:\pi_1(\Sigma_g)\to\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{C}) there is an energy functional Eρ:TgR\mathrm{E}_\rho:\mathcal{T}_g\to\mathbb{R}, defined on Teichm\"uller space by taking the energy of the associated equivariant harmonic map into the symmetric space GL(n,C)/U(n)\mathrm{GL}(n,\mathbb{C})/\mathrm{U}(n). It follows from a result of Toledo that Eρ\mathrm{E}_\rho is plurisubharmonic, i.e. its Levi form is positive semi-definite. We study the kernel of this Levi form, and relate it to the C\mathbb{C}^* action on the moduli space of Higgs bundles. We also show that the points in Tg\mathcal{T}_g where strict plurisubharmonicity fails (i.e. this kernel is non-zero) are critical points of the Hitchin fibration. When n2n\geq 2 and g3g\geq 3, we show that for a generic choice (S,ρ)(S,\rho), the map Eρ\mathrm{E}_\rho is strictly plurisubharmonic. We also describe the kernel of the Levi form for n=1n=1.Comment: 29 pages, 0 figure


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    The Project "Mobile Legal Clinic – service for vulnerable and disadvantaged groups" was implemented by the Club for Youth Empowerment 018 (KOM 018) from Niš in cooperation with the Faculty of Law, University of Nis, and the Association of Roma “Prokuplje” from Prokuplje, in the period from December 2016 to November 201

    Evroregioni u Podrinju

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    Regionalization is a contemporary conception of a development within a society. We are interested in cooperation at regions whose area is intersected by the national border. One of those borders is the Drina River that in different periods had changeable role of connecting or separating. In this way we want to stress the necessity of making a stronger, functional connection and developing of overall process of integration in the Podrinje region, on a land between the two republics-Serbia and the Republic of Srpska, because we think that this area has the most reasons for that, but so far it has been done very little. The first attempts to form Euroregions in Lower Podrinje region have already started, but it lacks many activities for this area to receive a cross-border role that it deserves.Regionalizaciju izdvajamo kao savremeni koncept razvoja u okviru jednog društva. Naš predmet interesovanja je saradnja na regionalnom nivou čije područje preseca državna granica. Jedna takva, istorijski nametnuta, granica je reka Drina, koja je u različitim periodima imala i promenljivu ulogu - spajanja ili razdvajanja. Ovom prilikom želimo da ukažemo na potrebu stvaranja čvršće funkcionalne veze i razvoja sveobuhvatnog procesa integracije u oblasti Podrinja, na kontaktu između dveju republika - Srbije i Srpske, jer smatramo da u ovom području postoji najviše osnova za to, a do sada je učinjeno vrlo malo. Prvi pokušaji oko formiranja evroregiona u donjem Podrinju već su pokrenuti, ali nedostaje još mnogo aktivnosti kako bi ovo područje dobilo transgraničnu ulogu kakvu zaslužuje