661 research outputs found

    Fenomena Erologi Jepang-Indonesia Pada Mahasiswa Bahasa Jepang Tahap Menengah Di Universitas Indonesia

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    Errology is a term launched by Prof. Mineo Suenobu (1995-1999) that means study of error analysis. Japanese- Indonesian errology is a study of various errors done by Indonesian students in learning Japanese as a a foreign language. The intermediate course in this research is a Japanese class from third grade students at Department of Japanese Studies, Faculty of Humanities. Therefore, the Japanese-Indonesian errology in this research is about the errors from early intermediate Japanese, Intermediate Japanese is a level of foreigner’s Japanese who has learned hiragana, katakana, 300 Chinese characters, 1500 words and basic grammar. This competence reached about 1000 Chinese characters, 6000 words and some advanced grammatical categories. From language acquisition, there are two kind of errors: (1) interlingual errors, caused by the students’ mother tongue; (2) intralingual errors, caused by the structural problems of Japanese language. Interlingual errors are much more than intralingual errors. From the structure of language, there are six kind of errors: (1) grammatical errors; (2) lexical errors; (3) pragmatic errors; (4) lexical- pragmatic errors; (5) lexical grammatical errors; (6) grammatical-pragmatic errors. Grammatical errors are the most.&nbsp

    Alat Pemantau Jumlah Hasil Produksi dalam Industri Sepatu

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    Perkembangan dunia industri sepatu sudah semakin berkembang pesat dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman yang ada. Proses pemantauan jumlah hasil produksi menjadi perhatian utama bagi semua industri yang ada di dunia. Sistem monitoring pada umumnya masih bersifat manual sehingga proses produksi belum terotomatisasi. Hal ini tentunya akan menghambat jalannya proses produksi sehingga target produksi sulit untuk dicapai. Perancangan dan implementasi alat pemantau jumlah hasil produksi dalam industri sepatu ini akan menggunakan sensor inframerah sebagai pendeteksi sepatu, yang kemudian data hasil sensor dikirimkan secara wireless dan diterima oleh personal computer (PC) melalui LAN. Keuntungan yang dapat diperoleh dari perancangan alat ini adalah sistem sudah bersifat otomatis sehingga tidak memerlukan penghitungan jumlah produksi secara manual dan mengurangi kesalahan manusia. Alat pemantau hasil produksi sepatu ini dilengkapi dengan buzzer yang berfungsi sebagai penanda bahwa sedang terjadi kegagalan yang melebihi dari persentase yang ditentukan di setiap line produksi. Peringatan pada PC pun akan muncul dengan tampilan berwarna merah pada line produksi yang bermasalah sehingga kepala produksi dapat segera menangani masalah yang ada. Alat ini juga dirancang agar dapat menampilkan data-data hasil produksi secara online dengan teknologi desktop remote sehingga proses produksi dapat dipantau oleh pimpinan Perusahaan dari mana saja melalui koneksi intern

    Fenomena Muenshakai sebagai Akibat Pola Hidup Individualisme Serta Dampaknya terhadap Keadaan Sosial dan Ekonomi di Jepang

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    Article described capitalist social life of modern Japanesse that was having individualistic characteristic. This high indivialistic life affected the availability of disconnected family life called muenshakai (無縁社会). This phenomenon caused social and economic shifts in the Japanese family. This research used qualitative approach elaborated in descriptive analysis. The object of research or data corpus was the problem of a decline in Japan population in terms of the breakdown of the family. The research results indicated that muenshakai phenomenon has emerged in Japan caused by some sequential events, those are: the 2nd World War “legacy”, the availability of baby boom, the abolition of shūshinkoyō (終身雇用), the decreasing of marital rate, the increasing of divorce rate, the decreasing of bith rate (少子化), and the lost of family relationship. It can be concluded that the urban individualistic life style is able to change the traditional thinking pattern into oportunistic one that becomes one of the causal factors of muenshakai phenomenon

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Pembentuk Komponen Brand Experience Di Platinum Grill Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor Product Experience, Look and Feel, dan Experiential Communications sebagai pembentuk Brand Experience di Platinum Grill Surabaya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan metode wawancara mendalam terhadap 10 informan. Teknik analisa yang digunakan yaitu analisa triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor pembentuk Brand Experience berpengaruh di Platinum Grill Surabaya dan dapat memberikan kepuasan bagi konsumen. Berdasarkan analisa triangulasi disimpulkan bahwa faktor Experiential Communications paling berpengaruh dalam memberikan kepuasan konsumen

    A Review of Japanese Passive Sentences

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    Pembuatan Game Shoot ‘Em Up “Elemental Raiders” Dengan Fitur Elemen Dan Multiplayer Menggunakan Unity

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    “Elemental Raiders” is created using Unity. “Elemental Raiders” is a shooting game which features four basic elements of water, fire, air, and earth. Objects included in the game are enemies, power-ups, and environment. Testing is done with questionnaires filled out by 40 respondents. Results had shown that respondents enjoyed the element featured in this game and gained new experience

    Benchmarking Software Dan Website Report Untuk Memudahkan Kategorisasi Device Berbasis Android Berdasarkan Performa

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    The popularity of Android based device could lead into an abundant amount of device choices from many vendors. There's a lot factors that one needed to consider before they can decide one device on the market that fully coping their needs. Some of whice are device's performance, size, and price. The benchmark application will put the device into trial which consists of CPU computation, JavaScript performance, Graphics, and Storage capability. Application aside, there will be a web service intended to provide service for masses in an easier and a simpler way.Based on the test results, the application can run well and can perform all of its functions. Score output are relevant and can give the user general view about the performance from the device on the market. On several later iteration of android version, USAge permission for external storage are very limited. Hence, DriveSpeed2 can't be run because the application couldn't write on external storage freely


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    Tesis ini berjudul Pajak Penghasilan Terhadap Pelaku Usaha Bisnis Online Shop. Tipe penelitian ini dengan menggunakan pendekatan Yuridis Normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undang dan pendekatan konseptual. Dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa untuk mewujudkan kemandirian dalam pembiayaan pembangunan sangat bergantung pada penerimaan dalam negeri yang bersumber dari pajak. Salah satu jenis pemungutan pajak adalah pajak penghasilan. Dengan semakin berkembangnya kemajuan teknologi, suatu kegiatan transaksi jual beli dapat dilakukan secara online. Saat ini banyak bermunculan suatu usaha bisnis online shop. Suatu kegiatan bisnis yang memperoleh suatu keuntungan yang memberikan pertambahan kekayaan bagi pelaku usaha tersebut tentunya dapat dikenakan Pajak Penghasilan. Hal ini sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang nomor 16 Tahun 2009 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan. Kegiatan bisnis yang dilakukan secara online tentunya sangat menyulitkan untuk dikenakan pajak, terlebih lagi sistem yang dianut di Indonesia adalah Self Assessement. Sistem Self Assessement tersebut memberikan kepercayaan kepada Wajib Pajak tersebut untuk menghitung, melaporkan dan membayar sendiri Pajak Penghasilanny

    Pola Resistensi Kuman Mycobacterium Tuberculosis dan Keefektifan Paduan Oat pada Penderita Tb Paru di 10 Puskesmas DKI Jakarta, 1997

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    Explorative study to find out the susceptibility pattern of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and the effectiveness of fixed pack of tuberculosis drugs for resistant TB patients, had been conducted at 10 Health Centers in Jakarta. The study was conducted prospectively and the cohort of TB cases were found out by passive case finding method during March-December 1997. Case management carried out complying the TB treatment guidelines at HCs. The HCs were selectedpurposively based on the number of TB patients per month during 1996. The cases being studied consist of cases with no prior treatment and cases with history of one month treatment or more. Sputum AFB confirmation and susceptibility testing had done at Persahabatan Hospital and 10% cross check at Laboratory of Microbiology University of Indonesia. A total of 226 cases out of 330 cases from 10 HCs, met the requirement of the inclusion criteria. More than 50% of the cases were people of productive age. Among the study cases with no prior treatment 15.2% were resistant to at least 1 drug. Among the cases with history of one month treatment or morefefhe resistance prevalence to at least one drug was 4.7%. The total resistance prevalence at 10 HCs was 19.9% (38 cases). Total resistance to isoniazide (INH) was 15.2% and the multi drug resistance (MDR) was 4.7%. The conversion rate of all study cases was 59.3%, 70.8% completed the full course of anti tuberculosis drugs and 20.8% drop out. Among the resistant cases (38 cases), the conversion rate was 47.4% and 63.2% completed the full course. Using Chi square test there was no significant difference statisticaly on conversion rate among the groups of the whole cases, cases with no prior treatment, cases with history of one month treatment or more and the resistant cases. Despite the need for further clinical significance confirmation, the information of non statistical significant difference among the conversion rates of all groups, offered healing expectation for the TB resistant cases if the more strict conditions of case holding management are applied