4 research outputs found

    Universitet og forskning i Sør-Afrika. Utfordringar etter apartheid og akademisk boikott

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    Dette notatet gir ein gjennomgang av universitets- og forskingssektoren i Sør-Afrika. Hovudutfordringane for universiteta i eit nytt og demokratisk Sør-Afrika blir identifisert, og forskingas rolle og organisering av denne blir vurdert. Til slutt gir notatet ein diskusjon av kva rolle norske universitet og utanlandsk støtte kan ha etter at den akademiske boikotten er heva

    Re-imagining African-Nordic relations in a changing global order

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    Ahead of the 20th Annual African–Nordic Foreign Ministers’ meeting, scheduled for 14 June 2022 in Helsinki, this study considers how turbulence in the international system may affect relations between Africa and the Nordic region (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden). In particular, it examines how the special relationship between these two regions may be affected by changes in the global order, and how it may have to adapt to ensure that the relationship evolves and remains relevant for both regions. The report evaluates the levels and spheres of African–Nordic cooperation and is divided into four parts. First, an overview of African and Nordic positions and priorities is presented. Second, Africa’s strategic partnerships with various countries and regions – China, Europe, India, Russia and Turkey – are explored, in order to compare the Africa–Nordic relationship with these others. Contributors examines how these partnerships are structured, the types of initiatives or activities undertaken to sustain them, and how these partnerships have adapted to today’s global order. Third, the report analyses several elements of the Africa–Nordic relationship that may shape the direction of the partnership in future, including: - Nordic development assistance to Africa; - Migration and its potential implications for Africa and the Nordic countries, including the impact of the war in Ukraine; - Africa–Nordic trade, investment and loans; - Political, peace and security relations and cooperation; - African and Nordic support for, and cooperation in, multilateral organisations; - Climate change. Finally, the various sections of the report are synthesised, and overall findings are presented