34 research outputs found


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    The study aims to identify guidelines for defining a model of cultural planning oriented to the development of the emerging sector of the territory of Reggio Calabria’s metropolitan city, specifically rural areas, to provide an integrated plan of development of cultural identity. The methodology consisted of a preliminary fact-finding investigation. This has lead to, in theory, an operating model where it is proved that the first action to be performed is the accurate identification of an effective tool that can be applied to the province towed to the emergence and local development: the Mediterranean diet. The second step involved the selection of municipalities able to apply the best practices in the area for the promotion of the Mediterranean Diet. Through a checklist, formulated ad hoc, is checked for quality valorization plans that each municipality must prepare. What you intend to prove is that a careful and participatory cultural program could be the possible way out from the narrow vision of culture as a marginal aspect of economic life and in fact placed in the policies of socio-economic development of the territory. DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.11.1

    The Public/Private Partnership for Urban Regeneration in the USA

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    The paper examines the cooperation consists of the public / private partnership in the American environment, starting from the definition of the same, as experience shows partneship to represent the local government an alternative way to pursue growth and improvement in respect of sustainable development. In this context also shows the need for local government to work with business and the community to promote the territorys competitiveness, and wellness of local residents. The case of San Diego, California, shows how virtuous interaction and collaborative subjects (private, public, non-profit) has led to the economic and social development of different neighborhoods

    The Unesco Intangible Heritage as Input for the Development of Rural Areas: A Theoretical Model for the Valorization of the Mediterranean Diet

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    AbstractThe study aims to identify guidelines for defining a model of cultural planning, oriented to the development of the city of Reggio Calabria as a metropolitan centre. It will focus specifically on the rural areas, to provide an integrated plan for the advancement of cultural identity. This study develops a theoretical operating model for the valorization of the Mediterranean diet. The methodology consists of a preliminary fact-finding investigation. The second step involves the selection of municipalities able to apply best practices in the area in order to promote the Mediterranean Diet


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    The need to enhance the Inner Areas of Calabria where there are numerous unused buildings with particular historical-architectural characteristics, guided in the choice of applying the SostEc model and in order to highlight itseffectiveness as an evaluative tool to be used throughout the decision-making process. This article analyzes anapplication case in Condofuri: city in Reggio Calabria's province.The benefits and disadvantages of two economic models are compared: a profit management model and a mixedmodel with a non-profit component

    The Outstanding Universal Value of the Isola Ellenofona

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    This paper is a summary of the research carried out to bring out the distinctive elements of cultural heritage, for the outstanding and universal value, they characterize a well-defined area of Calabria to get UNESCO recognition. This action is part of a broader framework of interventions, aimed at understanding the importance of the actions for the protection, preservation and transmission to future generations of the cultural, natural and intangible heritage in the territory through the establishment an integrated actions to be taken to the economic development and social context


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    Motta San Niceto and its castle represent an important resource asheritage for the neighbouring territories; therefore, the Castle of San Niceto, in the course of the centuries, was an important fortress for the defence of the people and collection point of resources. The historical interaction between the territories and the castle, as demonstrated by the various historical sources, has allowed us to develop a hypothesis for the development of the resources of the Ionic calabrese area; historically this area has been part of the so-called barony of San Niceto that included the areas of Motta San Giovanni, Montebello Ionico, Saline, Bocale, Pellaro, Valanidi. This paper directs the attention toward the local products, which represent the historical identity and source of wealth for the territories. After an analysis on best practices and on the characteristic area concerned, the project defines the objectives and actions (tangible and intangible) of the hypothesis of intervention; this idea finds its realization in the creation of a pole in which promote cultural activities for the knowledge of local products and the history of the territories. After the definition of the characteristics of the project, that is developed in two different scenarios, it becomes necessary to check the sustainability of the initiative through the feasibility study

    The Fortification System of the Straits. The Evaluations as Decision Support in the Economic Development Strategies of the Metropolitan City

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    The research analyzes the ability of the economic assessment to promote local development. At this stage, we try to shed more light on the importance of this matter, proposing a study on the one hand can highlight the features and the most important aspects of the evaluation and the other is able to demonstrate the operational validity of the latter in promote local development. Local development becomes an important tool for the exploitation of resources of a territory , which takes an active role , offering more and more exploitable resources over time . Finally, it is exposed to the concept of " cultural system " as a model of spatial development can promote the economy of the area and the redevelopment and improvement of the overall livability of a given territory. The culture thus becomes an increasingly important role for the marketi ! ng land , in order to improve the quality of life and promote the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory, in order to activate the factors necessary for its development . The second part is exposed to the project concerning the creation of the cultural system as a process of planning for the future development of the city. A project that involves many actors, especially citizens increasingly seen as behind the choices of a city more efficient. In the context of the current localization economies , in fact , cities are having to compete with each other in pursuit of a development in the long term through investment in the territory and citizens , as an impetus to innovation and research . The three assets to be followed in order to enhance the city will be the ones to make it more welcoming and attractive , with a strong relational identity , sustainable and innovative . Understand, then , as Reggio Calabria to respond to the characteristics of " cultural system " is the goal of this work. Understand what are the reasons that lead a reality, such as that in question, as if to better integrate , to make a place more innovative, both in terms of territorial and cultural , without losing sight of the centrality of the person, respect and protection of human dignity , freedom, and the promotion of interpersonal relationships. Not far away are the days when any attempt to associate the terms " culture " and "economy" - when not even irreverent - seemed no doubt risky. Yet the idea that culture can be an engine of growth for the economy of a country is today widely demonstrated and shared by the scientific community. This is a significant mutation of trend that is gradually shifting the meaning of the function and use of the cultural property - until recent years reduced to a conceptual category in which the assets were intended as a memory of a cultural identity and therefore a vehicle for education and training - towards a vision that has enriched the profile of a conservative approach much more dynamic and economically productive . If you add to this the picture that is emerging in the era of globalization of markets and which tends , paradoxically, to strengthen the role and significance of territory in its specificity and cultural identity , it is not difficult to imagine how any policy intervention in the sector cultural , if on the one hand can not be separated from the concept of preservation , another must necessarily be open to an interpretation of the territory as a resource , developing planning skills with a strong innovative content. It requires, in this context, the need to "system" and to understand the change as the result of multiple and highly coordinated actions . If the strategies adopted to date , especially in Italy , have failed to ensure a real and sustainable economic development is compatible because, in reality, have segmented the field and separate the processes of development of cultural heritage from the local context in which they gravitate [ 1 ] . The advantage of the cultural consumption of a resource may induce socialized through its reuse by means of enhancement and management is a goal that can be checked with the help of different disciplines. The enhancement projects are a particular case within the realm of architectural design , but the economic evaluation together with the estimation disciplines continues to be a substantial contribution to the development of design processes . It presupposes , in the case of conservation projects , the presence of value judgments Quantitative alongside qualitative judgments , most often related to the historical interpretation of existing artifacts and building complexes . The transition from the formal model , which refers to private assets in the current market environment, the model which refers to the Economy substantial public goods with coordinates outside the market , in effect, shifts the focus from consumer use of resources: assets whose value is tied to the exchange and to the prevalence of the logic of the market, but rather resources whose value depends on the use, directly and indirectly from the use and non-use . The fact that we consider public goods as an economic resource , even if not placed in a context of market rules, raises complex issues , which are not exhausted by simple considerations on the scheme owner of the goods . On the one hand , as I said before, because of the difficulties to attribute a value in the monetary sense , and second, for the different meanings of technical feasibility , economic and financial continue to be a key stage in the planning of interventions on public resources . The territory has always been considered an integral part of our lives, recognized as a place of personal identity , cultural and religious . The desire to tradition, the rediscovery of ancient crafts and the production of typical signs are evident that without a strong local roots there is no significant experience in personal and social life . Among the main human needs is precisely the discovery of the territory, the sense of belonging to someone, even before something. The human being is always looking for a place that satisfies both environmentally and culturally, without which it would live dispersed. Precisely for this reason, in every historical moment has expressed a willingness to change the place where he lived apportandone valid media changes and trying to make it better and appropriate to meet his needs . In an increasingly globalized society , however , many regions are competing with each other and then it is even more difficult to enhance and encourage entrepreneurship in an area, and that is why we need rules and tools , able to promote the product area, also through a communication that is capable of enhancing the development potential and the socio-economic and environmental issues, whilst promoting local entrepreneurship . The territories , in fact, have to fit in the global market , using a fast market and explanatory , communicating the wealth of an area, its entrepreneurial vocations , the location opportunities , business opportunities . These are the tools that support the creation of local businesses and attracting capital from outside the territory , allow you to stimulate economic development . Through the challenges of globalization has been given a new role in the region , from a competition between economic actors in a competition between local systems. The territory is rediscovered as a complex system, hidden in a highly competitive global dimension : in this step to adopt a strategy of cultural system is critical to the necessity of dealing with homogeneous systems . A strategy that is able to exploit the opportunities offered by new communications technologies and extend business opportunities. This work is divided into two parts: the first part will present the concept of cultural and conceptual tools of economic evaluation applied to the product area. In particular, it analyzes the ability of this discipline to promote local development. At this stage, we try to shed more light on the importance of this matter, proposing a study on the one hand can highlight the features and the most important aspects of the evaluation and the other is able to demonstrate the operational validity of the latter in promote local development. The local development , in fact, becomes an important tool for the exploitation of resources of a territory , which takes an active role , offering more and more exploitable resources over time . Finally, it is exposed to the concept of " cultural system " as a model of spatial development can promote the economy of the area and the redevelopment and improvement of the overall livability of a given territory. The pattern of the district, in fact, is a reality for a long time active and dynamic in the industrial sector which today begins to be considered a great potential in the field of culture and urban development. The culture thus becomes an increasingly important role for territorial marketing in order to improve the quality of life and promote the attractiveness and competitiveness of the territory, in order to activate the factors necessary for its development . Concepts such as empowerment , innovation and creativity are , today , conditions that characterize the social, institutional , environmental and demographic constraints to economic growth of the post-industrialized countries . The Cultural District Evolved is based precisely on this assumption , for which this model aspires to become an important development trend in America, Europe and Italy . An example of a city that has been able to use culture as supporting its growth is Linz , a country capable of putting together a social progress , cultural and economic , as to be rated as one of the best achievements of the cultural district . The second part is exposed to the project concerning the creation of the cultural system as a process of planning for the future development of the city. A project that involves many actors, especially citizens increasingly seen as behind the choices of a city more efficient. In the context of the current localization economies , in fact , cities are having to compete with each other in pursuit of a development in the long term through investment in the territory and citizens , as an impetus to innovation and research . The three assets to be followed in order to enhance the city will be the ones to make it more welcoming and attractive , with a strong relational identity , sustainable and innovative . Understand, then , as Reggio Calabria to respond to the characteristics of " cultural system " is the goal of this work. Understand what are the reasons that lead a reality, such as that in question, as if to better integrate , to make a place more innovative, both in terms of territorial and cultural , without losing sight of the centrality of the person, respect and protection of human dignity , freedom, and the promotion of interpersonal relationships


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    Southern Italian cities are often characterized by widespread phenomena of illegal settlements, that have resulted – among other things – in a worsening of the quality of life in the urban-rural interface, and the weakening of the considerable architectural interest of the entire city. The goal of this paper is to propose an approach that would help rehabilitate what is already built, and in so doing improving on the quality and liveability of those cities. This approach is based on a particular methodology based on the promotion of Urban Complex Programs (PUC), which provide a system of development rights resulting from the demolition of unfinished illegal settlements. The benefits of this approach are many, including improvements in efficiencies and safety, meeting demands of environmental protection and reducing consumption of energy, seismic risk prevention and improving the liveability and attractiveness of the areas with illegal settlements. These benefits can be obtained only on one condition: that they are based on a system of collective and public amenities in accordance with the principle of sustainability in multiple dimensions (environmental, cultural, technological, political, institutional, social and economic). But for this approach to be viable it needs also to be convenient for the private actors aswell. With this paper we hope to provide first an original approach that can improve the conditions of cities burdened with the problems of illegal settlements that is both sustainable and convenient and, second, an instrument that can provide information for both the public and private sectors on the fairness of the procedure and their mutual interest in pursuing this approach.DOI: http://dx.medra.org/10.19254/LaborEst.09.1

    The Public/Private Partnership for Urban Regeneration in the USA

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    The paper examines the cooperation consists of the public / private partnership in the American environment, starting from the definition of the same, as experience shows partneship to represent the local government an alternative way to pursue growth and improvement in respect of sustainable development. In this context also shows the need for local government to work with business and the community to promote the territorys competitiveness, and wellness of local residents. The case of San Diego, California, shows how virtuous interaction and collaborative subjects (private, public, non-profit) has led to the economic and social development of different neighborhoods