14 research outputs found

    Hepatoprotective and Antioxidant Effect of Nyctanthes Arbor –Tristis Leaf Fractions Against Ccl4- Induced Liver Injury in Rats

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    The aim of the present work is to evaluate the hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of Nyctanthes arbor –tristis leaf fractions. The petroleum ether, ethylacetate and butanolic fractions of Nyctanthes arbor –tristis leaves were studied to evaluate the hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities in CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Oral administration of the fractions at doses of 200 and 400 mg/kg once daily for 10 days significantly restored normalization of serum enzyme levels, viz. glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase (SGOT), glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) and markers viz. total bilirubin and direct bilirubin and the results were comparable to the effects of Liv 52. The ethylacetate and butanolic extract at the dose of 400 mg/kg was found to be more potent when compared to petroleum ether extract at similar dose. The hepatoprotection is also supported by histopathology of treated animals. In regard to antioxidant activity, ethylacetate and butanolic fractions exhibited a significant effect showing increased levels of enzymatic and non-enzymatic parameters, viz. catalase, GSH, SOD and decreased level of malondialdhyde (MDA). The results of this study strongly indicate that Nyctanthes arbor –tristis leaves have potent antioxidant and hepatoprotective action against CCl4-induced hepatic damage in rats which may be due to the presence phytoconstituents such as flavonoids

    ISSN: 2454-132X Impact factor: 4.295 A Distributed Approach for Development of DBSCAN Clustering

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    Abstract: Clustering plays an outstanding role in data mining applications such as scientific data exploration, information retrieval and text mining, web analysis, bioinformatics, and many others DBSCAN (Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) is a density-based clustering algorithm. The key idea of the DBSCAN algorithm is that for each data point in a cluster, the neighborhood within a given radius has to contain at least a minimum number of points. We have proposed improved evenhanded workload allocation using hierarchical (Tree-Based) approach for constructing of data cluste

    Documentation of Ethnoveterinary remedies of camel diseases in Rajasthan, India

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    447-453The present paper highlights the indigenous knowledge of camel owners or the local healers on the ethnoveterinary remedies of camel disease in Rajasthan. The information concerning the ethnoveterinary practices adopted for the treatment of diseases prevailing in the area, viz. surra, pneumonia, camel pox, diarrhea, constipation, internal and external parasites, wounds, food poisoning, inflammation, infertility, arthritis, anaemia, snakebite, sunstroke and ingestion of sand was collected using interview schedule in Bikaner and Udaipur districts of the state. <span style="mso-bidi-font-weight: bold">The camel owners/healers were found familiar with the sand ball test or hair stick test for diagnosis of trypanosomiasis or surra and people use burnt diesel oil or kerosene along with camel urine on the infected parts of the camel. The results revealed that there is great agreement among the informants for the usages of jaggery, Curcuma longa L., Dalbergia sisoo Roxb. , Cucumis callosus, Azadirachta indica, <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Brassica juncea oil, tobacco leaves, alum, <i style="mso-bidi-font-style: normal">Allium sativum L., Zingiber officinale Rosc., Trigonella foenum, buttermilk, vegetable oil, etc. The findings of the study would help the extension workers, policy makers and Scientists to have insight into the evolution of appropriate technology and for the discovery of new medicinal compounds. </span

    Compression Characteristics of Water Hyacinth Plant

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    Studies were carried out to observe the effect of compression pressure on compression characteristics of water hyacinth (Elchhorma crassipes) plant. There was rapid reduction in volume and weight and bulk density of the compressed plant during initial and later stages of compression process. Compression pressure of 2.63 MPa was required to get maximum volume (94 %) and weight (29.76 %) reduction of water hyacinth

    Karakteristike habanja motičica vučenog kultivatora u abrazivnom pesku

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    Wear of soil engaging components occurs because the materials used are normally softer than the natural abrasives in the soil. Most of sweeps of cultivator are manufactured locally which are hardly as per with the standards which affects operational life of tillage tool. So, there was a need to study wear characteristics of sweeps so as to provide the suitable sweeps. Study was conducted in rotary soil bin in abrasive sand. Sweeps of three different makes were tested at speed 1 m•s-1 and depth100 mm respectively. After running the sweeps for 20 h in the soil bin, sweeps were weighted and loss in weight and dimensional wear loss was noted down. Similar procedure was followed for 100 h time intervals. It was observed that the weight of sweeps decreased linearly with increase in working period for all the tested sweeps. The maximum cumulative wear was observed for sweep S2 (18.25 gm) followed by sweep S1 (15.4 gm) and sweep S3 (13.8 gm). The maximum cumulative tip wear was observed for sweep S2 (1.78 mm) followed by sweep S1 (1.48 mm) and sweep S3 (1.31 mm) and maximum cumulative edge wear was observed for sweep S2 (1.20 mm) followed by sweep S1 (0.96 mm) and sweep S3 (0.84 mm) when operated for 100 h. The sweep S3 was found best in this study which has minimum gravimetric wear, tip wear and wing wear.Radni organi se troše u didru sa zemljištem jer su materijali od kojih su izrađeni uobičajeno mekši od prirodnih abraziva u zemljištu. Većina kultivatorskih motičica su izrađene u lokalnim radionicama, i retko odgovaraju standardima koji se odnose na radni vek radnog organa za obradu zemljišta. Zato je bilo potrebno ispitati karakteristike habanja motičica dostupnih na tržištu, kako bi se izdvojile one koje odgovaraju standardima. Ispitivanje je izvedeno u kružnom zemljišnom bazenu sa abrazivnim peskom. Motičice tri različita proizvođača ispitivane su pri brzini rada od 1 m•s-1 i na dubini od 100 mm. Posle rada u trajanju od 20 h u zemljanom bazenu, motičice su merene da bi se dobili gubitak mase i smanjenja dimenzija zbog habanja. Sličan postupak je ponovljen i posle 100 časova rada. Utvrđeno je da se masa motičica smanjuje linearno sa povećanjem radnog perioda kod svih ispitivanih modela. Maksimalno kumulativno habanje ustanovljeno je kod motičice S2 (18.25 g), zatim kod motičice S1 (15.4 g) i najmanje kod modela S3 (13.8 g). Maksimalno kumulativno smanjenje dimenzija dobijeno je kod modela S2 (1.78 mm), zatim kod motičice S1 (1.48mm) i najmanje kod modela S3 (1.31 mm), a maksimalno kumulativno habanje ivica bilo je dobijeno kod motičice S2 (1.20 mm), zatim kod motičice S1 (0.96 mm) i najmanje kod modela S3 (0.84 mm), posle 100 časova rada. Zaključeno je da je motičica S3 pokazala najbolje rezultate u ovom ispitivanju, sa najmanjim habanjem po svim merenim kriterijumima

    Pogodnost ulja pirinčanih mekinja kao stočne hrane za proizvodnju biodizela

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    India is second largest rice producing country and the estimated yield of crude rice bran oil (RBO) is about 400.000 tons of which only 50% is of edible grade, 50% of the total available rice bran oil is left unutilized due to presence of active lipase in bran and lack of economic stabilization methods most of the bran is used as animal feed or for industrial application. One of the best ways for the potential utilization of RBO is the production of biodiesel; also a very little research has been done to utilize this oil as a replacement for mineral diesel. In the present study, biodiesel has been prepared from Rice Bran oil by trans-esterification method meeting the acceptable quality standards and then used as fuel.Indija je druga zemlja po proizvodnji pirinča, sa procenjenim prinosom ulja sirovih pirinčanih mekinja (RBO) od oko 400.000 t, od čega je samo 50% jestivo, a ostalih 50% ukupno raspoloživog ulja pirinčanih mekinja ostaje neupotrebljeno zbog prisustva aktivne lipaze u ljusci i nedostatka ekonomičnih metoda stabilizacije, pa se najveća količina ljuske koristi za stočnu hranu i industrijsku upotrebu. Jedan od najboljih načina za potencijalnu upotrebu RBO je proizvodnja biodizela; takođe, veoma malo istraživanja je izvedeno na upotrebi ovog ulja kao zamene za mineralni dizel. U ovom istraživanju biodizel je pripreman od ulja pirinčanih mekinja trans-esterifikacijom, čime je dobijen prihvatljiv kvalitet prema važećim standardima, a koji je kasnije upotrebljen kao gorivo

    Highly Nonlinear Multi-Material Chalcogenide Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation

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    In this paper, we have numerically simulated a highly nonlinear multi-material chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber in order to investigate both the linear and the nonlinear parameters for generating a supercontinuum. The photonic crystal fiber is designed with borosilicate and As₂S₃ glass, where borosilicate is doped in a spiral shape in the cladding region of the fiber. The designed fiber was carefully anlaysed for the parameters, effective refractive index, effective mode area, dispersion and nonlinearity coefficient. The estimated parameters are found satisfactory and suitable for further simulation and investigation of the design for broadband supercontinuum generation

    Highly Nonlinear Multi-Material Chalcogenide Spiral Photonic Crystal Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation

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    In this paper, we have numerically simulated a highly nonlinear multi-material chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber in order to investigate both the linear and the nonlinear parameters for generating a supercontinuum. The photonic crystal fiber is designed with borosilicate and As₂S₃ glass, where borosilicate is doped in a spiral shape in the cladding region of the fiber. The designed fiber was carefully anlaysed for the parameters, effective refractive index, effective mode area, dispersion and nonlinearity coefficient. The estimated parameters are found satisfactory and suitable for further simulation and investigation of the design for broadband supercontinuum generation