31 research outputs found

    The Anatomy Of A Production: The Analysis Of The Directorial Journey Mounting steel Magnolias For The Stage

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    This study is based on the Vine Theater Company\u27s production of Steel Magnolias performed in March of 2007 at the Garden Theater in Winter Park Florida, directed by Aradhana Tiwari. This document examines the directorial journey from vision to the stage. Specifically it will explore a.) The dynamics of the production process from a directorial lens. b.) Interpreting Harling\u27s text for design and performance c.) The development of an artistic aesthetic through collaboration. In May of 2007, I mounted a production of Steel Magnolias for the Orlando International Fringe Festival. The show was performed in the Universal, a thrust space at the Orlando Repertory Theater. Soon after, Producers Stephanie Williams invited me to direct the same production again for her theater company, The Vine. This time the show will be mounted in a proscenium space called the Garden Theater, located in Winter Garden\u27s Historical Preservation District. We will have three to four weeks of rehearsal. Two of those weeks will be in an alternate rehearsal space with one week on set prior to open. The show will run from March 7th through the 22nd with a few days in the dark. We will soon re-audition the show and open it up to professional actors. I am being paid a set sum for directorial responsibilities and an additional sum for sound design of the show. I\u27ll be collaborating with Lighting Designer Erin Minor and Set Designer Tommy Mangieri, and costume designer Kelly VanDyke. We are all advised to stay within the parameters of a set budget. A tech crew will be provided by the Vine Theater Company. Everyone involved with the production is being compensated for their work, specific sums are at the producers discloser. My early vision for this production is romanticized realism. From the set, to lighting, costumes, sound and even blocking. My goal is to execute a slice of life in this salon located in a tiny Louisiana parish during the mid 1980\u27s within a slightly romanticized portrait. One of the ways I\u27ll go about doing this is to create a series of character building exercises tailored to the specific story. I aim to craft real characters with honest moments, but frame them inside a slightly romanticized set and proscenium blocking. Some of the challenges I\u27ll be exploring in this study are how to adapt a thrust show to a proscenium, how to integrate old and new cast members into a unified process and progression, how to facilitate a collaborative process and lastly, how to achieve an artistic vision while sustaining the integrity of a small budget. The materials I\u27ll be submitting is a collection of research, a log of technical needs and other printed information, reflections on every aspect of production such as set, sound, lighting, costumes, and a detailed rehearsal journal logging the production progression. These documents will track design ideas and archive any required changes that ensue. Finally, upon completion of the show I\u27ll write a post -production summary. This will examine how close I got to my original goals, evaluate the process I implemented, highlight necessary modifications that were made along the way, and discus what I learned from the experience


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    Penelitian ini berangkat dari latar belakang terdapatnya indikator kurang maksimalnya peran pedagang kaki lima dalam mengimplementasi tentang Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Kima di Desa Menggala Sakti, dalam merealisasikan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 tentang Ketertiban Umum yang sudah menjadi tanggung jawabnya. Adapun yang menjadi Rumusan Masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah tentang bagaimana Penertiban Pedagang Kaki lima di Desa Menggala Sakti, Apa Hambatan Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Desa Menggala Sakti Kabupaten Rokan Hilir, serta Bagaimana Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Desa Menggala Sakti menurut Fiqih Siyasah. Jenis Penilitian ini adalah penilitian lapangan (field research) yaitu penilitian yang pengumpulan datanya dilakukan dilapangan yang diperoleh dari informen dan objek penilitian.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah Untuk mengetahui Proses Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Desa Menggala Sakti Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Berdasarkan Peraturan daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Ketertiban Umum, Untuk mengetahui Apa Hambatan Penetiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Desa Menggala Sakti Kabupaten Rokan HilirMenurut Fiqh Siyasah. Serta Untuk mengetahui Bagaimana Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima di Desa Menggala Sakti menurut Perspektif Fiqih Siyasah. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah menunjukkan bahwasanya Penertiban Pedagang Kaki Lima Didesa Menggala Sakti Kecamatan Tanah Putih Kabupaten Rokan Hilir Berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 Tentang Ketertiban Umum menurut perspektif fiqih siyasah, dikatakan cukup terealisasikan namun belum maksimal dikarenakan belum maksimalnya pelaksanaan ketertiban umum bahwasanya ada beberapa faktor penghambat pelaksanaan ketertiban umum seperti Banyaknya masyarakat yang kurang mampu dalam menyewa ruko atau kios hal ini menjadi pemicu serta penyebab ketidaktertiban pedagang kaki lima sehingga mereka terpaksa berjualan dipinggiran jalan yang menyebab jalanan macet. Ditinjau dari perspektif fiqih siyasah.hal ini sejalan dengan fiqih Siyasah Dusturiyyah dimana masyarakat merupakan tanggung jawab dari seorang pemimpin

    Performance Comparison of Protection Strategies in WDM Mesh Networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2010, nr 1

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    Recent development in optical networking employing wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) fulfills the high bandwidth demand applications. Failure of such networks, leads to enormous data and revenue loss. Protection is one of the key techniques, which is used in designing survivable WDM networks. In this paper we compare dedicated and shared protection strategies employed inWDMmesh networks to protect optical networks failure, particularly fiber failure. Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm is considered for carrying out simulations. The paper compares the performance of protection schemes, such as, dedicated path protection (DPP), shared path protection (SPP) and shared link protection (SLP) schemes. Capacity utilization, switching time and blocking probability are the parameters considered to measure the performance of the protection schemes. Simulation results show that, SPP is more efficient in terms of capacity utilization over DPP and SLP schemes, whereas, SLP offered better switching time than both DPP and SPP schemes. The average call drop rate is minimum for shared path protection scheme and maximum for shared link protection scheme

    The Space-Exposed Kombucha Microbial Community Member Komagataeibacter oboediens Showed Only Minor Changes in Its Genome After Reactivation on Earth

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    Komagataeibacter is the dominant taxon and cellulose-producing bacteria in the Kombucha Microbial Community (KMC). This is the first study to isolate the K. oboediens genome from a reactivated space-exposed KMC sample and comprehensively characterize it. The space-exposed genome was compared with the Earth-based reference genome to understand the genome stability of K. oboediens under extraterrestrial conditions during a long time. Our results suggest that the genomes of K. oboediens IMBG180 (ground sample) and K. oboediens IMBG185 (spaceexposed) are remarkably similar in topology, genomic islands, transposases, prion-like proteins, and number of plasmids and CRISPR-Cas cassettes. Nonetheless, there was a difference in the length of plasmids and the location of cas genes. A small difference was observed in the number of protein coding genes. Despite these differences, they do not affect any genetic metabolic profile of the cellulose synthesis, nitrogen-fixation, hopanoid lipids biosynthesis, and stress-related pathways. Minor changes are only observed in central carbohydrate and energy metabolism pathways gene numbers or sequence completeness. Altogether, these findings suggest that K. oboediens maintains its genome stability and functionality in KMC exposed to the space environment most probably due to the protective role of the KMC biofilm. Furthermore, due to its unaffected metabolic pathways, this bacterial species may also retain some promising potential for space applications

    Rotationally Inelastic Scattering of H2 (1Σe , V = 0) Molecule Due to He Atom

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    Ergonomic Evaluation of Pruning in Simulated Greenhouse conditions

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    363-369Greenhouse is a space-efficient structure for farming. The workers stretch their bodies to perform operations away from the body and at different heights. The present study aimed to assess the physiological and postural discomfort because of the varied working heights and horizontal distances and also attempts to suggest suitable interventions to overcome them. The current study investigated the physiological and subjective measures of exertion while working at different heights (elbow height, shoulder height and above shoulder height) and horizontal distances (30, 45, 60, and 75 cm) with two different pruning tools under simulated laboratory conditions. All the physiological parameters and responses against different conditions were recorded from six male participants and analyzed as per experimental requirements. The outcome of the present study demonstrated that physiological cost and subjective measure of exertion varied significantly with the variation in heights and horizontal distances. Heart rate, oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, and perceived exertion were significantly higher “above the shoulder height” than elbow and shoulder height. Similarly, all the measured physiological parameters and Rating of Perceived Exertion (RPE) exhibited a gradual increase with increasing the distance from the worker’s body. The study also revealed a differential effect of tools used while performing the pruning work. Further, the multiple regression analysis helped to predict Relative Cardiac Cost from RPE and other evaluated physiological parameters. Overall, findings from the current study concluded that conventional pruning activities need workspace optimization and ergonomic intervention to select pruning tools and achieve the desired productivity with minimum Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs)