3 research outputs found

    Performance Issues Along the Six Elements of Holcim Solusi Rumah\u27s Marketing Mix and Solution Recommedations

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    This study aims at identifying key issues in SR franchise business along the six elements of marketing mix: people, partner, place, product, promotion, and price, and then propose solution recommendations for the identified issues. Data is collected through a method of in-depth interviews with key SR stakeholders, internally and externally, namely end customers, SR personnels, and SR franchisees. Issues identified are mapped into a Problem Tree Analysis diagram to determine causal relations among the scattered issues that lead to a general core problem and their impacts. Solutions to the mapped issues are then formulated using an Objective Tree in order for recommended actions to be given

    Determining Bakrie Telecom\u27s Business Strategy to Boost the Revenue From Internet Data Business

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    The study is aim to explore & analyze business model and business strategy for Bakrie Telecom (BTEL) in order to increase the revenue from internet data business. Trend of internet/telecommunication such as the use of smartphone (Android, IPhone, and BlackBerry) are giving significant revenue for operator. But total revenue earned by Bakrie Telecom, not quite able to offset current funds out. Issues facing Bakrie Telecom in internet data business can be overcome by applying a Business Model Canvas, which has nine factors that include improvements in Customer/Client, Brand Development, campaign activities to increase product awareness, product delivery by the supplier, resources development, budget/fees management, and which revenues to be gained. This research will get excellent result if capable of forming Canvas business model measured its success by applying Diamond business strategy in Bakrie Telecom. Those strategy is expected to increase corporate earnings especially from internet data business and able to earn internet market widespread in Indonesia. The recommendation to implement business model and business strategy are began by providing employees upgrading/training skills, improvements in terms of finances, expansion and infrastructure\u27s development and build the programs that can make customers interested in using internet products of Bakrie Telecom

    Analysis on the Effectiveness of AXIS Mobile Internet Strategy and Identification of Areas for Future Improvements

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    The market penetration for voice and SMS hasreached 100% and style of communication has change using data(mobile internet). Mobile internet has be new source that isexpected to increase operator revenues. The development ofmobile internet technology from 2G (EDGE) to 3G (HSDPA) andsmart phone supports the development of mobile internet usersin Indonesia. For three years Axis quite successfully apply CostLeadership strategy to compete with the other operators,especially with medium-class operator. In 2011, Axis revenuegrowth target didn\u27t fit with target which grew only 90% of thetarget of 100%. Axis has a target to 3 major operators inIndonesia within the next two years to reach this target, the Axishave to compete with the current three major operators. Basedon existing problems, AXIS should immediately makeimprovements in all business lines including mobile internet. Thisthesis has focused on analyzing the right strategy for mobileinternet using qualitative data and using Axis Five ForcesFramework and SWOT analysis. The result from Five ForcesFramework is industry of mobile internet have good prospectand using SWOT analysis to find the strength and weakness ofAXIS. From 5 Business level strategies, find the best strategy isdifferentiation strategy. Differentiation strategy start fromdevelop customer loyalty program, maintain quality coveragearea of mobile internet, aiming for premium users and bundlingprograms on high-end gadgets are feature or system need toapply in Axis for this strategy