219 research outputs found

    High-energy threshold reaction rates on 0.8 GeV proton-irradiated thick Pb-target

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    This works presents results of activation-aided determination of threshold reaction rates in 92 209Bi, natPb, 197Au, 181Ta, 169Tm, natIn, 93Nb, 64Zn, 65Cu, 63Cu, 59Co, 19F, and 12C samples and in 121 27Al samples. All the samples were aligned with the proton beam axis inside and outside the demountable 92-cm thick Pb target of 15-cm diameter assembled of 23 4-cm thick discs. The samples were placed on 12 target disks to reproduce the long axis distribution of protons and neutrons. In June 2006, the target was exposed for 18 hours to a 800-MeV proton beam extracted from the ITEP U-10 accelerator. The proton fluence and the proton beam shape were determined using the 27Al(p,x)7Be monitor reaction. The reaction rates were determined by the direct gamma-spectrometry techniques. In total, 1196 gamma-spectra have been measured, and about 1500 reaction rates determined. The measured reaction rates were simulated by the MCNPX code using the following databases: ENDF/B6 for neutrons below 20 MeV, MENDL2 for 20-100 MeV neutrons, and MENDL2P for proton cross sections up to 200 MeV. An acceptable agreement of simulations with experimental data has been found.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, only pdf file, to be published in Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Technology (ND2007), Nice, France, April 22-27, 200

    Residual nuclide formation in 206,207,208,nat-Pb and 209-Bi induced by 0.04-2.6 GeV Protons as well as in 56-Fe induced by 0.3-2.6 GeV Protons

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    5972 independent and cumulative yields of radioactive residuals nuclei have been measured in 55 thin 206,207,208,nat-Pb and 209-Bi targets irradiated by 0.04, 0.07, 0.10, 0.15, 0.25, 0.6, 0.8, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, and 2.6 GeV protons. Besides, 219 yields have been measured in 0.3, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.6 GeV proton-irradiated 56-Fe target. The protons were extracted from the ITEP U-10 synchrotron. The measured data are compared with experimental results obtained elsewhere and with theoretical calculations by LAHET, MCNPX, CEM03, LAQGSM03, CASCADE, CASCADO, and LAHETO codes. The predictive power was found to be different for each of the codes tested, but was satisfactory on the whole in the case of spallation products. At the same time, none of the codes can de-scribe well the product yields throughout the whole product mass range, and all codes must be further improved.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, only pdf file, to be published in Proc. Int. Conf. on Nucl. Data for Sci. and Technology (ND2007), Nice, France, April 22-27, 20

    Verification of high-energy transport codes on the basis of activation data

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    Nuclide production cross sections measured at ITEP for the targets of nat-Cr, 56-Fe, nat-Ni, 93-Nb, 181-Ta, nat-W, nat-Pb, 209-Bi irradiated by protons with energies from 40 to 2600 MeV were used to estimate the predictive accuracy of several popular high-energy transport codes. A general agreement of the ITEP data with the data obtained by other groups, including the numerous GSI data measured by the inverse kinematics method was found. Simulations of the measured data were performed with the MCNPX (Bertini and ISABEL options), CEM03.02, INCL4.2+ABLA, INCL4.5+ABLA07, PHITS, and CASCADE.07 codes. Deviation factors between the calculated and experimental cross sections have been estimated for each target and for the whole energy range covered by our measurements. Two-dimensional diagrams of deviation factor values were produced for estimating the predictive power of every code for intermediate, not measured masses of nuclei-targets and bombarding energies of protons. Further improvements of all tested here codes are recommended. In addition, new measurements at ITEP of nuclide yields from a 208-Pb target irradiated by 500 MeV protons are presented. A good agreement between these new data and the GSI measurements obtained by the inverse kinematics method was foundComment: 31 pages, 18 figures, 6 tables, only pdf, LANL Report LA-UR-11-02704, Los Alamos (2011), submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Aspectuality and Variability of Verbal Phraseological Units in Russian Language and Speech

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    The article deals with the problems of classification of verb phraseological units and their variants in the Russian language. Formalized criteria for the differentiation of phraseological variants depending on their syntactic and derivational structure are presented on the example of Russian verbal phraseological units. The criteria are based on the grammatical features of verbs, which are the core component of phraseological units, such as aspect and phase, taking into account the theoretical provisions of modern Slavic aspectology on the correlation and derivation of verbs. The work was done at the intersection of phraseology and aspectology, its results have both theoretical and practical significance, in particular, for clarifying the lexicographic description of Russian verbal phraseological units. More than 4,000 verbal phraseological units and more than 10,000 actual contexts in which these phraseological units and their variants are used served as the material for the analysis. The authors proposed criteria for distinguishing phraseological variants (grammatical, lexico-grammatical and lexical) and phraseological synonyms based on the morphological features of verbs (the semantics of aspect and phase), lexical composition and syntactic structure of phraseological units. The phase valence and “creative potential” of verbal phraseological units are shown, which serves as a potential source of replenishment of the phraseological fund of the Russian language