41 research outputs found

    Implementing sub steps in a parallel automata cellular model

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    Computer simulations using Cellular Automata (CA) have been applied with considerable success in different scientific areas. In this work we use CA in order to specify and implement a simulation model that allows to investigate behavioural dynamics for pedestrians in an emergency evacuation. A CA model is discrete and handled by rules. However several aspects of the crown behaviour should appear as a continuous phenomenon. In this paper we implement the sub steps technique in order to solve an unexpected phenomenon: the formation of holes (empty cells) both around the exit and mixed in the crowd evacuation. The holes occur when individuals of consecutive cells want move towards an exit. Additionally, the methodology allowed us to include, as a new parameter of the model, speeds associated to the pedestrians. Due to the incorporation of new features, the model complexity increases. We apply a parallel technique in order to accelerate the simulation and take advantage of modern computer architectures. We test our approaches to several environment configurations achieving important reduction of simulation time and the total evacuation time.Presentado en el XI Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Implementing sub steps in a parallel automata cellular model

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    Computer simulations using Cellular Automata (CA) have been applied with considerable success in different scientific areas. In this work we use CA in order to specify and implement a simulation model that allows to investigate behavioural dynamics for pedestrians in an emergency evacuation. A CA model is discrete and handled by rules. However several aspects of the crown behaviour should appear as a continuous phenomenon. In this paper we implement the sub steps technique in order to solve an unexpected phenomenon: the formation of holes (empty cells) both around the exit and mixed in the crowd evacuation. The holes occur when individuals of consecutive cells want move towards an exit. Additionally, the methodology allowed us to include, as a new parameter of the model, speeds associated to the pedestrians. Due to the incorporation of new features, the model complexity increases. We apply a parallel technique in order to accelerate the simulation and take advantage of modern computer architectures. We test our approaches to several environment configurations achieving important reduction of simulation time and the total evacuation time.Presentado en el XI Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Simulating Behaviours to Face up an Emergency Evacuation

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    Computer based models describing pedestrian behavior in an emergency evacuation play a vital role in the development of active strategies that minimize the evacuation time when a closed area must be evacuated. The reference model has a hybrid structure where the dynamics of fire and smoke propagation are modeled by means of Cellular Automata and for simulating people's behavior we are using Intelligent Agents. The model consists of two sub-models, called environmental and pedestrian ones. As part of the pedestrian model, this paper concentrates in a methodology that is able to model some of the frequently observed human?s behaviors in evacuation exercises. Each agent will perceive what is happening around, select the options that exist in that context and then it makes a decision that will reflect its ability to cope with an emergency evacuation, called in this work, behavior. We also developed simple exercises where the model is applied to the simulation of an evacuation due to a potential hazard, such as fire, smoke or some kind of collapse.Fil: Tissera, Pablo Cristian. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias F铆sico Matem谩ticas y Naturales. Departamento de Inform谩tica. Laboratorio Investigaci贸n y Desarrollo En Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Castro, Alicia. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias F铆sico Matem谩ticas y Naturales. Departamento de Inform谩tica. Laboratorio Investigaci贸n y Desarrollo En Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Printista, Alicia Marcela. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas. Centro Cient铆fico Tecnol贸gico San Luis; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Facultad de Ciencias F铆sico Matem谩ticas y Naturales. Departamento de Inform谩tica. Laboratorio Investigaci贸n y Desarrollo en Inteligencia Computacional; ArgentinaFil: Luque, Emilio. Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona; Espa帽

    A parallel proposal for SEIR model using Cellular Automata

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    Cellular Automata have been used with success in simulations of simples and complex systems belonging to different scientific areas, such as chemistry, biochemistry, economy, physics, etc.. In this work, we propose to use it in order to specify and implement a simulation model that allows to investigate behavioural dynamics for seasonal flu. This work presents a general solution where parallel programming techniques of shared memory are applied. Finally some experimental results about performance and flu behaviour are showed.XVI Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP).Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Evacuation simulations using cellular automata

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    Computer simulations using Cellular Automata (CA) have been applied with considerable success in diferent scientific areas, such as chemistry, biochemistry, economy, physics, etc. In this work we use CA in order to specify and implement a simulation model that allows to investigate behavioral dynamics for pedestrians in an emergency evacuation. In particular, we will concentrate on those cases that involve the forced evacuation of a large number of people due to the threat of the fire, within a building with a specific number of exits. The work includes a brief introduction to the main concepts of CA that were considered for implementing the simulation model. As support of the model, a new simulation system named EVAC is presented which allows to design, construct, execute, visualize and analyze different configurations of the building to be evacuated. The experimental work allows to identify important safety aspects to be considered at the time of designing a building, to detect the strengths of the CA approach when used as simulation tool and to suggest possible extensions that would allow to represent some particularities of the problem in a more suitable way.Facultad de Inform谩tic

    Desarrollo de aplicaciones paralelas en erlang/OTP utilizando m煤ltiples planificadores

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    Este trabajo se enfoca en el desarrollo de aplicaciones distribuidas y paralelas mediante el uso de un lenguaje orientado a la concurrencia, denominado Erlang. El objetivo es explorar las capacidades y limitaciones de este lenguaje de programaci贸n cuando se desea implementar aplicaciones sobre arquitecturas multicore. Como caso de uso, se describe una secuencia de implementaciones de un modelo de Aut贸mata Celular, el cual presenta ciertas caracter铆sticas espec铆ficas que lo hacen un modelo atractivo para aplicaci贸n de t茅cnicas de paralelizaci贸n.WPDP- XIII Workshop procesamiento distribuido y paraleloRed de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Simulaci贸n de evacuaciones basada en aut贸matas celulares

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    Las simulaciones por computadoras basadas en Aut贸matas Celulares (AC) han sido aplicadas exitosamente en distintas 谩reas cient铆 cas, tales como la qu铆mica, bioqu铆mica, econom铆a, f铆sica, etc. En este trabajo hacemos uso de los AC para especi car e implementar un modelo de simulaci贸n que nos permita investigar las din谩micas pedestres en situaciones de emergencia. En particular, nos centraremos en aquellos casos que involucran la evacuaci 贸n forzada de una multitud de personas debido a la amenaza del fuego, dentro de un 谩rea cerrada de nida con un n煤mero espec铆 co de salidas. El trabajo incluye una breve introducci贸n a la teor铆a y generalidades de los AC, que nos guiar谩 para la implementaci贸n del modelo de simulaci贸n del problema. Como soporte del modelo se provee una nueva herramienta de simulaci贸n denominada EVAC que permite dise帽ar, construir, ejecutar, visualizar y analizar distintos modelos ambientales en los cuales tendr谩 lugar el proceso de evacuaci贸n. El trabajo experimental incluye distintas con guraciones de los ambientes a evacuar y el an谩lisis del desempe帽o de la evacuaci贸n. El trabajo permite identi car aspectos de seguridad importantes a la hora de dise帽ar un edi cio, las fortalezas de los AC como herramientas de simulaci贸n y posibles extensiones que permitir铆an representar m谩s adecuadamente algunas particularidades del problemaComputer simulations based on Cellular Automata (CA) have been applied with considerable success in different scienti c areas, such as chemistry, biochemistry, economy, physics, etc. In this work we use CAs in order to specify and implement a simulation model that allows us to investigate behavioral dynamics for pedestrians in an emergency. In particular, we will focus in those cases that involve the forced evacuation of a multitude of people due to the threat of the re, within an closed area de ned with a speci c number of exits. The work includes a brief introduction to the basic concepts of CAs that will guide in the implementation of the simulation model. As support of the model, a new simulation tool named EVAC is presented. EVAC allows to design, construct, execute, visualize and analyse different environmental models in which the evacuation process will take place. The experimental work considers different building con gurations to be evacuated and describes the performance analysis of the forced evacuations due to the threat of the re. The work allows to identify important aspects of security to be considered at the time of designing a building, the strengths of the CA approach when used as simulation tool and possible extensions that would allow to represent more suitably some particularitities of the problem.Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI

    Multi-column Partitioning for Agent-based CA Model

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    Computer simulations using Cellular Automata (CA) have been applied with considerable success in different scientific areas, such as chemistry, biochemistry, economy, physics, etc. In this work we use CA in order to specify and implement a simulation model that allows to investigate behavioural dynamics for pedestrians in an emergency evacuation. Two important aspects must be considered when simulating the movement of people: a) estimation of distances from the cells to an exit and b) handling of collisions between individuals. For the first problem, the Dijkstra algorithm was used. In relation to the collisions, we proposed two approaches to solve the movement of people: centralised on a empty cell and distributed in the neighbouring cells. This latter approach leads to the formulation of Agent-based CA Model for pedestrians motion. Finally, in order to accelerate the simulation and take advantage of modern computer architectures, the paper also presents a parallel implementation which is an adaptation of the traditional Ghost Cell Pattern technique. This implementation will be essential when the model complexity increases due to the incorporation of new features. We apply our approaches to several environment configurations achieving important reduction of simulation time.Sociedad Argentina de Inform谩tica e Investigaci贸n Operativ

    Implementing sub steps in a parallel automata cellular model

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    Computer simulations using Cellular Automata (CA) have been applied with considerable success in different scientific areas. In this work we use CA in order to specify and implement a simulation model that allows to investigate behavioural dynamics for pedestrians in an emergency evacuation. A CA model is discrete and handled by rules. However several aspects of the crown behaviour should appear as a continuous phenomenon. In this paper we implement the sub steps technique in order to solve an unexpected phenomenon: the formation of holes (empty cells) both around the exit and mixed in the crowd evacuation. The holes occur when individuals of consecutive cells want move towards an exit. Additionally, the methodology allowed us to include, as a new parameter of the model, speeds associated to the pedestrians. Due to the incorporation of new features, the model complexity increases. We apply a parallel technique in order to accelerate the simulation and take advantage of modern computer architectures. We test our approaches to several environment configurations achieving important reduction of simulation time and the total evacuation time.Presentado en el XI Workshop Procesamiento Distribuido y Paralelo (WPDP)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Inform谩tica (RedUNCI