187 research outputs found

    Polygenic and environmental determinants of tics in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children

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    Tourette syndrome (TS) is caused by multiple genetic and environmental factors. Yet, little is known about the interplay of these factors in the occurrence of tics. We investigated whether polygenic risk score (PRS) of TS and pregnancy-related factors together enhance the explained variance of tic occurrence in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (Ncases = 612; Ncontrols = 4,201; 50% male; mean age 13.8 years). We included a cumulative adverse pregnancy risk score, maternal anxiety and depression, and maternal smoking and alcohol use during pregnancy. We investigated possible joint effects of genetic and pregnancy-related risk factors using a multivariable approach, and explored mediation effects between the pregnancy-related risk factors in explaining tic presence. The PRS and the cumulative adverse pregnancy risk score, maternal anxiety, or maternal depression explained significantly more variance of tic presence compared to models including only the PRS. Furthermore, we found that the cumulative adverse pregnancy risk score mediated the association between several pregnancy-related factors (maternal anxiety, depression, and smoking) and tics. The combination of a PRS and pregnancy-related risk factors explained more variance of tics in a general population cohort compared to studying these factors in isolation.</p

    Ethanol Activates Immune Response In Lymphoblastoid Cells

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    The short term effects of alcohol on gene expression in brain tissue cannot directly be studied in humans. Because neuroimmune signaling is altered by alcohol, immune cells are a logical, accessible choice to study and might provide biomarkers. RNAseq was used to study the effects of 48 h exposure to ethanol on lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) from 21 alcoholics and 21 controls. Ethanol exposure resulted in differential expression of 4,577 of the 12,526 genes detectably expressed in the LCLs (FDR ≤ 0.05); 55% of these showed increased expression. Cells from alcoholics and controls responded similarly. The genes whose expression changed fell into many pathways. NFκB, neuroinflammation, IL-6, and dendritic cell maturation pathways were activated, consistent with increased signaling by NFκB, TNF, TGFβ, IL1, IL4, IL18, TLR4, and LPS. Signaling by Interferons A and B decreased, which may be responsible for a slightly blunted immune response compared to 24 h ethanol treatment. EIF2, phospholipase C and VEGF signaling were decreased. Baseline gene expression patterns were similar in LCLs from alcoholics and controls. At relaxed stringency (p<0.05), 1164 genes differed, 340 of which were also affected by ethanol. There was a suggestion of compensation, with 77% showing opposing fold changes. Aldosterone signaling and phospholipase C signaling differed. The pattern of expression was consistent with increased signaling by several cytokines and TLR2 in alcoholics. The cholesterol biosynthesis pathway was lower in alcoholics, including a decrease in the rate-limiting enzyme HMGCR. LCLs show many effects of ethanol exposure, some of which might provide biomarkers for AUD and aid in interpreting the effects of genes identified by GWAS

    Stress-response pathways are altered in the hippocampus of chronic alcoholics

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    The chronic high-level alcohol consumption seen in alcoholism leads to dramatic effects on the hippocampus, including decreased white matter, loss of oligodendrocytes and other glial cells, and inhibition of neurogenesis. Examining gene expression in post mortem hippocampal tissue from 20 alcoholics and 19 controls allowed us to detect differentially expressed genes that may play a role in the risk for alcoholism or whose expression is modified by chronic consumption of alcohol. We identified 639 named genes whose expression significantly differed between alcoholics and controls at a False Discovery Rate (FDR) ≤ 0.20; 52% of these genes differed by at least 1.2-fold. Differentially expressed genes included the glucocorticoid receptor and the related gene FK506 binding protein 5 (FKBP5), UDP glycosyltransferase 8 (UGT8), urea transporter (SLC14A1), zinc transporter (SLC39A10), Interleukin 1 receptor type 1 (IL1R1), thioredoxin interacting protein (TXNIP), and many metallothioneins. Pathways related to inflammation, hypoxia, and stress showed activation, and pathways that play roles in neurogenesis and myelination showed decreases. The cortisol pathway dysregulation and increased inflammation identified here are seen in other stress-related conditions such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder and most likely play a role in addiction. Many of the detrimental effects on the hippocampus appear to be mediated through NF-κB signaling. Twenty-four of the differentially regulated genes were previously identified by genome-wide association studies of alcohol use disorders; this raises the potential interest of genes not normally associated with alcoholism, such as suppression of tumorigenicity 18 (ST18), BCL2-associated athanogene 3 (BAG3), and von Willebrand factor (VWF)

    Human DNA ligases I and III, but not ligase IV, are required for microhomology-mediated end joining of DNA double-strand breaks

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    DNA nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and homologous recombination are two distinct pathways of DNA double-strand break repair in mammalian cells. Biochemical and genetic studies showed that DNA ends can also be joined via microhomology-mediated end joining (MHEJ), especially when proteins responsible for NHEJ, such as Ku, are reduced or absent. While it has been known that Ku-dependent NHEJ requires DNA ligase IV, it is unclear which DNA ligase(s) is required for Ku-independent MHEJ. In this study, we used a cell-free assay to determine the roles of DNA ligases I, III and IV in MHEJ and NHEJ. We found that siRNA mediated down-regulation of DNA ligase I or ligase III in human HTD114 cells led to impaired end joining that was mediated by 2-, 3- or 10-bp microhomology. In addition, nuclear extract from human fibroblasts harboring a mutation in DNA ligase I displayed reduced MHEJ activity. Furthermore, treatment of HTD114 nuclear extracts with an antibody against DNA ligase I or III also significantly reduced MHEJ. These data indicate that DNA ligases I and III are required in MHEJ. DNA ligase IV, on the contrary, is not required in MHEJ but facilitates Ku-dependent NHEJ. Therefore, MHEJ and NHEJ require different DNA ligases

    Replication Stress Induces Micronuclei Comprising of Aggregated DNA Double-Strand Breaks

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    BACKGROUND: Micronuclei (MN) in mammalian cells serve as a reliable biomarker of genomic instability and genotoxic exposure. Elevation of MN is commonly observed in cells bearing intrinsic genomic instability and in normal cells exposed to genotoxic agents. DNA double-strand breaks are marked by phosphorylation of H2AX at serine 139 (γ-H2AX). One subclass of MN contains massive and uniform γ-H2AX signals. This study tested whether this subclass of MN can be induced by replication stress. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We observed that a large proportion of MN, from 20% to nearly 50%, showed uniform staining by antibodies against γ-H2AX, a marker of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs). Such micronuclei were designated as MN-γ-H2AX (+). We showed that such MN can be induced by chemicals that are known to cause DNA replication stress and S phase arrest. Hydroxyurea, aphidicolin and thymidine could all significantly induce MN-γ-H2AX (+), which were formed during S phase and appeared to be derived from aggregation of DSBs. MN-γ-H2AX (-), MN that were devoid of uniform γ-H2AX signals, were induced to a lesser extent in terms of fold change. Paclitaxel, which inhibits the disassembly of microtubules, only induced MN-γ-H2AX (-). The frequency of MN-γ-H2AX (+), but not that of MN-γ-H2AX (-), was also significantly increased in cells that experience S phase prolongation due to depletion of cell cycle regulator CUL4B. Depletion of replication protein A1 (RPA1) by RNA interference resulted in an elevation of both MN-γ-H2AX (+) and MN-γ-H2AX (-). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: A subclass of MN, MN-γ-H2AX (+), can be preferentially induced by replication stress. Classification of MN according to their γ-H2AX status may provide a more refined evaluation of intrinsic genomic instabilities and the various environmental genotoxicants

    New tools and methods for direct programmatic access to the dbSNP relational database

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    Genome-wide association studies often incorporate information from public biological databases in order to provide a biological reference for interpreting the results. The dbSNP database is an extensive source of information on single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for many different organisms, including humans. We have developed free software that will download and install a local MySQL implementation of the dbSNP relational database for a specified organism. We have also designed a system for classifying dbSNP tables in terms of common tasks we wish to accomplish using the database. For each task we have designed a small set of custom tables that facilitate task-related queries and provide entity-relationship diagrams for each task composed from the relevant dbSNP tables. In order to expose these concepts and methods to a wider audience we have developed web tools for querying the database and browsing documentation on the tables and columns to clarify the relevant relational structure. All web tools and software are freely available to the public at http://cgsmd.isi.edu/dbsnpq. Resources such as these for programmatically querying biological databases are essential for viably integrating biological information into genetic association experiments on a genome-wide scale