19 research outputs found

    Analysis of Resilience Priorities for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Deli Serdang District

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    The COVID-19 virus pandemic during 2020 has become the material for research & investigation in building a priority model for the resilience of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The purpose of this study is to provide empirical evidence on the resilience of MSMEs in coastal, urban and Plateau agricultural areas in Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province (PSU). Data collection techniques in this study are secondary data collection (the income and production aspects of one-quarter of MSME during the COVID-19 pandemic which is calculated by averages and regional positions), observation and interviews. The analysis technique used is the Analysis Hierarchy Process. The results show the trend of MSME resilience in the aspects of income and production, researchers who get production value always experience a general decline, so that prioritization in decision making in MSME resilience becomes a solution for decision-makers, product packaging, distribution networks and the need for agricultural and food products are priorities major for the community. Dissemination and guidance on awareness using a marketing model through social media for MSME actors has an impact on changing thinking and income, and the role of all decision-makers in obtaining information as an effective workflow and policy to build sustainable small and medium industries amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Keywords: agribusiness, analysis hierarchy process, north sumatera, resilience of small and medium enterpris

    Effect Of Product Quality And Service On Customer Loyalty With Customer Satisfaction As An Intervening Variable (Study On Coffee Shop In Medan)

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    This study is to determine the effect of product quality on consumer loyalty, to determine the quality of service to consumer loyalty. To know the effect of product quality and service quality on customer satisfaction. The type of research used is a type of quantitative research. In this study used 105 sample. Data collection techniques used by researchers in conducting this study is to use an online questionnaire. Data analysis technique of this study is SEM-PLS. From this study it was found that the influence of product quality on customer loyalty is a positive effect and not significant. With a value of 0.163 and P – Values 0.000 < 0.05. From this study it was found that the influence of product quality on customer satisfaction is a positive effect and not significant. With a value of 0.000 < 0.05. From this research found that the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty is a positive and significant effect. From this research found that the influence of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty is a positive and significant effect. From this study it was found that the real effect is direct it is shown by the value of the original sample on the indirect effect of 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that customer satisfaction plays a role in mediating product quality to customer loyalty. From this study it was found that the real effect is direct it is shown by the value of the original sample on the indirect effect of 0.000 < 0.05, meaning that customer satisfaction plays a role in mediating service to customer loyalty

    The Effect Of Product Quality, Price, And Innovation On Marketing Performance Moderated Consumer Purchasing Power In UMKM Of Boba Drinks In Deli Serdang

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    The purpose of this study was to see the effect of product quality, price, and innovation on marketing performance moderated by the purchasing power of consumers in UMKM of Boba Drinks in Deli Serdang. This study uses an associative research approach. The population of this study is all the users of  UMKM in the beverage sector (especially beverage Boba) in the District of Deli Serdang. The population in this research does not know certain, and the sample in this study takes 100 UMKM Boba Drinks based on the Lemeshow formula. Sample of 100 UMKM boba drinks. in the District of Deli Serdang distributed in districts located in urban areas, district Kec. Tanjung Morawa, District.Percut Sei Tuan, District .Sunggal, District. Lubuk Pakam, District. Labuhan Deli. Each city took 20 UMKM  as a sample. Hypothesis test in this research using regression hierarchy. Based on the results of research product quality affects the marketing performance of UMKm Boba Drinks in Deli Serdang regency. Price affects the marketing performance of B UMKM Boba Drinks in Deli Serdang regency. Innovation affects the marketing performance of UMKM Boba  Drinks in Deli Serdang regency. Purchasing ability can moderate the influence of product quality on the marketing performance of UMKM Boba Drinks in Deli Serdang regency. Purchasing ability can moderate the influence of prices on the marketing performance of UMKM Boba Drinks in Deli Serdang regency. Purchasing ability can moderate the influence of innovation on the marketing performance of  UMKM Boba Drinks in Deli Serdang regency

    Navigating the E-Commerce Temptation: an In-Depth Analysis of Impulse Buying in Shopee with Inflation as a Moderator

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    The purpose of this study was to systematically analyze the influence of Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Brand Image, and Fashion Involvement on Impulse Buying behavior within the context of Shopee e-commerce. Moreover, this research aimed to assess the moderating role of Inflation as a crucial variable in shaping the relationships. To achieve this, the study employed a population determined by the Lemeshow formula, resulting in a sample size of 384 respondents selected through purposive sampling. Data collection was conducted via an online questionnaire distributed through Google Forms. Hypothesis testing was carried out using established statistical methods, including tests for classical assumptions, multiple regression analysis, and hypothesis testing with the aid of SPSS software. The findings of this study revealed significant relationships between the individual factors of Hedonic Shopping Motivation, Brand Image, and Fashion Involvement with Impulse Buying. Notably, Hedonic Shopping Motivation and Brand Image displayed significant effects on Impulse Buying behavior. Additionally, the research discerned that Inflation acted as a moderator, significantly influencing the relationship between Hedonic Shopping Motivation and Impulse Buying. However, Inflation did not exhibit a moderating effect on the relationship between Brand Image and Impulse Buying. These results contribute to a deeper understanding of consumer behavior dynamics within the Shopee e-commerce platform, offering valuable insights for both academic discourse and practical implications in the realm of online retailing

    Analisis perbandingan strategi bersaing dengan pendekatan BCG matriks dan pendekatan profitability matrix pada bank umum syariah

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    Purposes - This study aims at a comparative analysis of competitive strategies with the BCG Matrix and Profitability matrix approach in Sharia Commercial Banks and determines the position of each Sharia Commercial Bank with the BCG Matrix and Profitability Matrix approach. Methods - The researcher designed this study as a descriptive of quantitative research. Descriptive method is to explain calculations used with basic theories. The quantitative method is to find out the matrices of four Sharia Commercial Banks compared to Bank Syariah Mandiri as the main competitors by comparing the BCG Matrix and Profitability Matrix approaches based on the audited financial statements of each company from 2013 to 2017. Results - The results of this study are Bank Muamalat with BCG analysis. The position in the matrix is question marks quadrant in 2014. In 2015 until 2017 the BCG Matrix position is in the dogs quadrant. Meanwhile the Profitability Matrix is in quadrant I position in 2013, in 2014 in quadrant IV and in 2015 up to 2017 in quadrant V.BNI Syariah with BCG Matrix is in the question marks quadrant from 2013 to 2017. Likewise with the analysis of the Profitability Matrix, its position is in quadrant I from 2013 to 2017.BRI Syariah with BCG Matrix is in the question marks quadrant from 2013 to 2015. 2016 to 2017 is in the dogs quadrant. With the Profitability Matrix in quadrant I in 2013. 2014 in quadrant VI, 2015 in quadrant I and 2016 to 2017 in quadrant II. Panin Dubai Syariah Bank with BCG Matrix is in question marks quadrant from 2013 to 2016. In 2017 its position is in the dogs quadrant. With the Profitability Matrix in the position of quadrant III in 2013 until 2015. Year 2106 in quadrant VI and 2017 in quadrant VII. Generally, the conclusions obtained were strategy BCG Matrix analysis, using market growth and relative market share as variables. There are shortcomings in these variables, because there is one more variable, namely profitability that must be considered in carrying out an analysis. In the Profitability Matrix these deficiencies have been completed. Keywords : Strategic Management, Competitive Strategy, BCG Matrix, Profitablitity MatrixTujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk analisis  perbandingan  strategi  bersaing  dengan  pendekatan BCG Matriks dan Profitability Matrix pada  Bank Umum Syariah dan menentukan posisi masing-masing Bank Umum Syariah dengan pendekatan BCG Matriks dan  Profitability Matrix. Metode - Peneliti mendesain penelitian ini sebagai penelitian dekriptif kuantitatif. Metode deskriptif adalah untuk menjelaskan perhitungan digunakan dengan teori-teori dasar. Metode kuantitatif adalah untuk mengetahui matriks dari empat bank umum syariah dibandingkan dengan Bank Syariah Mandiri sebagai kompetitor utama dengan membandingkan pendekatan BCG Matriks dan Profitability Matrix berdasarkan laporan keuangan audited masing-masing perusahaan dari tahun 2013 s/d 2017. Hasil - Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Bank Muamalat dengan analisis BCG Matriks berada pada Kuadaran question marks pada tahun 2013. Tahun 2014 s/d 2017 posisi Kuadran BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran dogs. Sementara itu dengan Profitability Matrix berada pada posisi kuadran I pada tahun 2013, tahun 2014 pada kuadran IV dan tahun 2015 s/d 2017 berada pada kuadran V. BNI Syariah dengan BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran question marks dari tahun 2013 s/d 2017. Begitu juga dengan analisis Profitability Matrix, posisinya berada pada kuadran I dari tahun 2013 s/d 2017. BRI Syariah dengan BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran question marks pada tahun 2013 s/d 2015. Tahun 2016 s/d 2017 berada pada kuadran dogs. Dengan Profitability Matrix berada pada kuadran I pada tahun 2013. Tahun 2014 pada kuadran VI, tahun 2015 pada kuadran I dan tahun 2016 s/d 2017 pada kuadran II. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah dengan BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran question marks dari tahun 2103 s/d 2016. Pada tahun 2017 posisinya berada pada kuadran question marks. Dengan Profitability Matrix berada pada posisi kuadran III tahun 2013 s/d 2015. Tahun 2106 pada kuadran VI dan tahun 2017 pada kuadran VII.           Secara umum kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah analisis strategi dengan BCG Matriks, menggunakan market growth dan relative market share sebagai variabelnya. Terdapat kekurangan pada variabel tersebut, karena adanya satu variabel lagi yaitu profitabilitas yang harus dipertimbangkan di dalam melakukan suatu analisis. Pada Profitability Matrix kekurangan tersebut sudah dilengkapi. Kata Kunci - Strategic Management, Competitive Strategy, BCG Matrix, Profitablitity Matri

    Analisis perbandingan strategi bersaing dengan pendekatan BCG matriks dan pendekatan profitability matrix pada bank umum syariah

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    Purposes - This study aims at a comparative analysis of competitive strategies with the BCG Matrix and Profitability matrix approach in Sharia Commercial Banks and determines the position of each Sharia Commercial Bank with the BCG Matrix and Profitability Matrix approach. Methods - The researcher designed this study as a descriptive of quantitative research. Descriptive method is to explain calculations used with basic theories. The quantitative method is to find out the matrices of four Sharia Commercial Banks compared to Bank Syariah Mandiri as the main competitors by comparing the BCG Matrix and Profitability Matrix approaches based on the audited financial statements of each company from 2013 to 2017. Results - The results of this study are Bank Muamalat with BCG analysis. The position in the matrix is question marks quadrant in 2014. In 2015 until 2017 the BCG Matrix position is in the dogs quadrant. Meanwhile the Profitability Matrix is in quadrant I position in 2013, in 2014 in quadrant IV and in 2015 up to 2017 in quadrant V.BNI Syariah with BCG Matrix is in the question marks quadrant from 2013 to 2017. Likewise with the analysis of the Profitability Matrix, its position is in quadrant I from 2013 to 2017.BRI Syariah with BCG Matrix is in the question marks quadrant from 2013 to 2015. 2016 to 2017 is in the dogs quadrant. With the Profitability Matrix in quadrant I in 2013. 2014 in quadrant VI, 2015 in quadrant I and 2016 to 2017 in quadrant II. Panin Dubai Syariah Bank with BCG Matrix is in question marks quadrant from 2013 to 2016. In 2017 its position is in the dogs quadrant. With the Profitability Matrix in the position of quadrant III in 2013 until 2015. Year 2106 in quadrant VI and 2017 in quadrant VII. Generally, the conclusions obtained were strategy BCG Matrix analysis, using market growth and relative market share as variables. There are shortcomings in these variables, because there is one more variable, namely profitability that must be considered in carrying out an analysis. In the Profitability Matrix these deficiencies have been completed. Keywords : Strategic Management, Competitive Strategy, BCG Matrix, Profitablitity MatrixTujuan - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk analisis  perbandingan  strategi  bersaing  dengan  pendekatan BCG Matriks dan Profitability Matrix pada  Bank Umum Syariah dan menentukan posisi masing-masing Bank Umum Syariah dengan pendekatan BCG Matriks dan  Profitability Matrix. Metode - Peneliti mendesain penelitian ini sebagai penelitian dekriptif kuantitatif. Metode deskriptif adalah untuk menjelaskan perhitungan digunakan dengan teori-teori dasar. Metode kuantitatif adalah untuk mengetahui matriks dari empat bank umum syariah dibandingkan dengan Bank Syariah Mandiri sebagai kompetitor utama dengan membandingkan pendekatan BCG Matriks dan Profitability Matrix berdasarkan laporan keuangan audited masing-masing perusahaan dari tahun 2013 s/d 2017. Hasil - Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Bank Muamalat dengan analisis BCG Matriks berada pada Kuadaran question marks pada tahun 2013. Tahun 2014 s/d 2017 posisi Kuadran BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran dogs. Sementara itu dengan Profitability Matrix berada pada posisi kuadran I pada tahun 2013, tahun 2014 pada kuadran IV dan tahun 2015 s/d 2017 berada pada kuadran V. BNI Syariah dengan BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran question marks dari tahun 2013 s/d 2017. Begitu juga dengan analisis Profitability Matrix, posisinya berada pada kuadran I dari tahun 2013 s/d 2017. BRI Syariah dengan BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran question marks pada tahun 2013 s/d 2015. Tahun 2016 s/d 2017 berada pada kuadran dogs. Dengan Profitability Matrix berada pada kuadran I pada tahun 2013. Tahun 2014 pada kuadran VI, tahun 2015 pada kuadran I dan tahun 2016 s/d 2017 pada kuadran II. Bank Panin Dubai Syariah dengan BCG Matriks berada pada kuadran question marks dari tahun 2103 s/d 2016. Pada tahun 2017 posisinya berada pada kuadran question marks. Dengan Profitability Matrix berada pada posisi kuadran III tahun 2013 s/d 2015. Tahun 2106 pada kuadran VI dan tahun 2017 pada kuadran VII.           Secara umum kesimpulan yang diperoleh adalah analisis strategi dengan BCG Matriks, menggunakan market growth dan relative market share sebagai variabelnya. Terdapat kekurangan pada variabel tersebut, karena adanya satu variabel lagi yaitu profitabilitas yang harus dipertimbangkan di dalam melakukan suatu analisis. Pada Profitability Matrix kekurangan tersebut sudah dilengkapi. Kata Kunci - Strategic Management, Competitive Strategy, BCG Matrix, Profitablitity Matri

    Business Strategies of MSMEs During COVID-19,Deli Serdang, Indonesia

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    The Indonesian economy has been severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The impact of the pandemic on the performance of MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) is important to study as they contribute up to 35% to the National Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Indonesia. Therefore, this study was conducted to map the performance of MSMEs in the Deli Serdang Regency of Indonesia and recommend strategies for increasing their competitiveness during and after the pandemic. The study included MSMEs from three sub-districts of Deli Serdang Regency (Pantai Labu, Percut Sei, and Tuan and Hamparan Perak) that had managed to survive the pandemic. The sample in this research were MSME centers that carried out raw material processing into finished goods and the marketing activities thereafter (purposive sampling). The sample size was determined using the Krejcie–Morgan formula with a 90% confidence level, which amounted to 90 MSME businesses. Data were analyzed using the SWOT analysis technique. The implications of this study are as follows: MSMEs must build strategies to maintain their performance such as minimizing promotions by fostering relationships with customers, reducing production capacity, promoting products online, purchasing raw materials online, and cash assistance for working capital. Keywords: strategy, MSME, COVID-19, SWO