203 research outputs found
Subjekti- ja vabadusekĂ€situse muutused Jean-Paul Sartreâi fenomenoloogias ja eksistentsialismis
Artikkel uurib muutusi ja arenguid Jean-Paul Sartreâi subjektikĂ€situses, mis leidsid aset tema fenomenoloogilise ja eksistentsialistliku mĂ”tlemise perioodidel (kuni 50. aastate lĂ”puni), keskendudes valdavalt tema filosoofilistele töödele, rĂ”huasetusega subjekti ĂŒldist struktuuri puutuval problemaatikal. Suurimat tĂ€helepanu pĂ€lvivad vabadusega seonduvad transformatsioonid, sest selles vallas on Sartreâi seisukohtade erinevused kĂ”ige mĂ€rgatavamad ja ĂŒhtlasi kĂ”ige olulisemad, kuid jĂ”udumööda pööratakse pilk ka nĂŒansseeritumatele teisendustele. Artikkel tutvustab pĂ”gusalt nimetatud muutuste ja nende taga seisvate arengute sisu, pĂŒĂŒab Sartreâi mĂ”tlemise perioode klassifitseerida, loob vĂ”rdlusi varasemate ja hilisemate teoste vahel ning polemiseerib autoritega, kes modifikatsioonide tĂ€htsust kas alahindavad vĂ”i sootuks tĂ€helepanuta jĂ€tavad. KokkuvĂ”ttes jĂ”utakse tĂ”demuseni, et paljudel hilisema Sartreâi poolt kasutatavatel mĂ”istetel on varasemaga vĂ”rreldes ĂŒsna teistsugune tĂ€hendus ning need tĂ€hendusnihked annavad tunnistust sellest, et Sartreâi subjekti-filosoofias leidsid aset mĂ”ned ĂŒsna kardinaalsed, eriti just vabadust ja subjekti lĂ€bipaistvust puudutavad pöörded.
Tarmo Tirol's article follows the development of Jean-Paul Sartre's theory of subjectivity and freedom in his phenomenological philosophy and in his early and middle period of existentialism. The main concern of this work is to examine noticeable (but also smaller yet significant) changes that took place in the development of Sartre's philosophy with respect to subjectivity, freedom, subject's general structure and its position in the world. Tirol's article studies and classifies the main contents of these modifications, compares Sartre's views in different works, and opposes to those views which claim that Sartre's philosophy did not significantly change. The article concludes that many concepts that Sartre is using later in describing subjectivity and subject's freedom imply some meaning changes compared with their earlier meanings; and this indicates that there were some noticeable shifts in Sartre's understanding, especially concerning subject's freedom and transparency
Subjectivity in Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism
Tarmo Tiroli doktoritöö âSubjektiivsus Jean-Paul Sartreâi eksistentsialismisâ uurib muutusi ja arenguid Sartreâi eksistentsialistlikus subjektikĂ€sitluses ning annab subjektikĂ€sitlusest ka ĂŒlevaate. Töö keskendub pĂ”hiliselt Sartreâi marksismieelsele (kuigi osalt siiski Marxist mĂ”jutatud) filosoofiale ning fenomenoloogiale, mille pĂ”hjal Sartre oma eksistentsialistliku subjektiteooria vĂ€lja arendas. TĂ€helepanu all on subjekt ja subjektiivsusega seotud teemad: ontoloogiline ja praktiline vabadus, eneseteadvus, autentsus, vÀÀrtused, subjekti struktuur, kujutlusvĂ”ime jne. Dissertatsioon vastandub erinevatele subjekti struktuuri puudutavatele vÀÀrtĂ”lgendustele ning reduktisonistlike vaadetele, mille kohaselt Sartreâi subjektikĂ€sitlus jĂ€i alati sisuliselt alati samaks ning nĂ€itab, et selles toimus hulgaliselt nii vĂ€iksemaid transformatsioone, kuid ka mĂ”ningaid selliseid, mida oleks sobilik iseloomustada sĂ”nadega âjĂ€rskâ ja âradikaalneâ. TĂ€htsaimad muutused hĂ”lmavad Teise maailmasĂ”ja jĂ€rgset perioodi ning puudutavad vabadusekĂ€sitlust ning eneseteadvuse rolli modifitseerumist. Nihked subjektikĂ€sitluses kĂ€tkevad endas ka Sartreâi filosoofia alusmĂ”istete tĂ€henduste teisenemisi, mistĂ”ttu pole pĂ”hjust eeldada, et Sartre peab oma filosoofikarjÀÀri jooksul subjektiivsusega seonduvate mĂ”istete all (vabadus, autentsus jne) alati silmas samu asju.Tarmo Tirolâs doctoral thesis Subjectivity in Jean-Paul Sartre's existentialism follows the development of Sartre's theory of subjectivity, starting from the primarily phenomenologically oriented earlier philosophy, from which existentialism arises and which already contains some elements of existentialism, and ending up right before Sartre's Critique, which is usually considered rather a Marxist work. The main concern of this work is to examine noticeable (but also smaller yet significant) changes that took place in the development of Sartre's earlier existentialism with respect to subjectivity. The question is where and when those modifications took place, what was the role and importance of those changes and how do they relate to the context of Sartre's philosophy overall. So, to a lesser extent this thesis presents Sartre's philosophy as a whole, including his self-interpretations, his theory of morality and even his literary criticism. Nonetheless, Tirolâs central interest lies in epistemological problems such as the structure of consciousness, self-consciousness, the development of consciousness as well as Sartre's theory of freedom. Tirolâs treatment of Sartre's philosophy is opposed to those views which claim that Sartre's philosophy did not significantly change. The doctoral thesis shows that one of the biggest shifts in Sartre's philosophy occurred in his post-war writings, and that there are also many remarkable changes in the late 1940s and in the early 1950s â a time when earlier existentialists' ontological and epistemological categories started to lose their weight and importance and in some cases (one might say) became inapplicable altogether
Towards an Inclusive and Sustainable Disaster Resiliency Model for Flood-Vulnerable Communities in Davao City, Southern Philippines
Development and disasters are closely linked, but the cause-andeffect relationship between the two has been ignored in the past. Thus, the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) observed that disasters were seen in the context of emergency response and not as part of long-term development programming. Over time, effects of disasters can seriously degrade a countryâs long-term potential for sustained development. Vulnerable communities of Davao City in the Southern Philippines has experienced flooding that led to catastrophic results such as damage to property and loss of lives. Communities need to build its resiliency to respond to flooding and mitigate its negative impacts, while policy makers and leaders need to consciously and regularly review and update its existing policies to address gaps and promote effective community engagement. This paper highlights the results from the quantitative phase of the study to examine and analyze the respondentsâ vulnerability, awareness, and perception of flood risks. A survey using multistage cluster sampling was conducted among 353 respondents from the top 5 flood-vulnerable barangays. Data from the key informant interviews and focus group discussions were also integrated to provide an in-depth explanation of the patterns emerging from the survey. Results of the study revealed that the vulnerability is associated with sociodemographic characteristics, experience in flooding, and responses to flooding. Moreover, risk reduction strategies can be further enhanced through risk communication management using a localized and participatory approach in the proper knowledge transfer of flood risk communication among the stakeholders involved. Community-based policies and well-defined communication processes must be strengthened to promote inclusive approach towards effective community-based disaster preparedness and management
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