42 research outputs found

    A Novel Confidence-Based Algorithm for Structured Bandits

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    We study finite-armed stochastic bandits where the rewards of each arm might be correlated to those of other arms. We introduce a novel phased algorithm that exploits the given structure to build confidence sets over the parameters of the true bandit problem and rapidly discard all sub-optimal arms. In particular, unlike standard bandit algorithms with no structure, we show that the number of times a suboptimal arm is selected may actually be reduced thanks to the information collected by pulling other arms. Furthermore, we show that, in some structures, the regret of an anytime extension of our algorithm is uniformly bounded over time. For these constant-regret structures, we also derive a matching lower bound. Finally, we demonstrate numerically that our approach better exploits certain structures than existing methods.Comment: AISTATS 202

    Sequential Transfer in Reinforcement Learning with a Generative Model

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    We are interested in how to design reinforcement learning agents that provably reduce the sample complexity for learning new tasks by transferring knowledge from previously-solved ones. The availability of solutions to related problems poses a fundamental trade-off: whether to seek policies that are expected to achieve high (yet sub-optimal) performance in the new task immediately or whether to seek information to quickly identify an optimal solution, potentially at the cost of poor initial behavior. In this work, we focus on the second objective when the agent has access to a generative model of state-action pairs. First, given a set of solved tasks containing an approximation of the target one, we design an algorithm that quickly identifies an accurate solution by seeking the state-action pairs that are most informative for this purpose. We derive PAC bounds on its sample complexity which clearly demonstrate the benefits of using this kind of prior knowledge. Then, we show how to learn these approximate tasks sequentially by reducing our transfer setting to a hidden Markov model and employing spectral methods to recover its parameters. Finally, we empirically verify our theoretical findings in simple simulated domains.Comment: ICML 202

    Active Coverage for PAC Reinforcement Learning

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    Collecting and leveraging data with good coverage properties plays a crucial role in different aspects of reinforcement learning (RL), including reward-free exploration and offline learning. However, the notion of "good coverage" really depends on the application at hand, as data suitable for one context may not be so for another. In this paper, we formalize the problem of active coverage in episodic Markov decision processes (MDPs), where the goal is to interact with the environment so as to fulfill given sampling requirements. This framework is sufficiently flexible to specify any desired coverage property, making it applicable to any problem that involves online exploration. Our main contribution is an instance-dependent lower bound on the sample complexity of active coverage and a simple game-theoretic algorithm, CovGame, that nearly matches it. We then show that CovGame can be used as a building block to solve different PAC RL tasks. In particular, we obtain a simple algorithm for PAC reward-free exploration with an instance-dependent sample complexity that, in certain MDPs which are "easy to explore", is lower than the minimax one. By further coupling this exploration algorithm with a new technique to do implicit eliminations in policy space, we obtain a computationally-efficient algorithm for best-policy identification whose instance-dependent sample complexity scales with gaps between policy values.Comment: Accepted at COLT 202

    Towards Instance-Optimality in Online PAC Reinforcement Learning

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    Several recent works have proposed instance-dependent upper bounds on the number of episodes needed to identify, with probability 1−δ1-\delta, an ε\varepsilon-optimal policy in finite-horizon tabular Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). These upper bounds feature various complexity measures for the MDP, which are defined based on different notions of sub-optimality gaps. However, as of now, no lower bound has been established to assess the optimality of any of these complexity measures, except for the special case of MDPs with deterministic transitions. In this paper, we propose the first instance-dependent lower bound on the sample complexity required for the PAC identification of a near-optimal policy in any tabular episodic MDP. Additionally, we demonstrate that the sample complexity of the PEDEL algorithm of \cite{Wagenmaker22linearMDP} closely approaches this lower bound. Considering the intractability of PEDEL, we formulate an open question regarding the possibility of achieving our lower bound using a computationally-efficient algorithm

    Gradient-Aware Model-based Policy Search

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    Traditional model-based reinforcement learning approaches learn a model of the environment dynamics without explicitly considering how it will be used by the agent. In the presence of misspecified model classes, this can lead to poor estimates, as some relevant available information is ignored. In this paper, we introduce a novel model-based policy search approach that exploits the knowledge of the current agent policy to learn an approximate transition model, focusing on the portions of the environment that are most relevant for policy improvement. We leverage a weighting scheme, derived from the minimization of the error on the model-based policy gradient estimator, in order to define a suitable objective function that is optimized for learning the approximate transition model. Then, we integrate this procedure into a batch policy improvement algorithm, named Gradient-Aware Model-based Policy Search (GAMPS), which iteratively learns a transition model and uses it, together with the collected trajectories, to compute the new policy parameters. Finally, we empirically validate GAMPS on benchmark domains analyzing and discussing its properties

    Reinforcement Learning in Linear MDPs: Constant Regret and Representation Selection

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    International audienceWe study the role of the representation of state-action value functions in regret minimization in finite-horizon Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) with linear structure. We first derive a necessary condition on the representation, called universally spanning optimal features (UNISOFT), to achieve constant regret in any MDP with linear reward function. This result encompasses the well-known settings of low-rank MDPs and, more generally, zero inherent Bellman error (also known as the Bellman closure assumption). We then demonstrate that this condition is also sufficient for these classes of problems by deriving a constant regret bound for two optimistic algorithms (LSVI-UCB and ELEANOR). Finally, we propose an algorithm for representation selection and we prove that it achieves constant regret when one of the given representations, or a suitable combination of them, satisfies the UNISOFT condition

    Sequential Transfer in Reinforcement Learning with a Generative Model

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    We are interested in how to design reinforcement learning agents that provably reduce the sample complexity for learning new tasks by transferring knowledge from previously-solved ones. The availability of solutions to related problems poses a fundamental trade-off: whether to seek policies that are expected to immediately achieve high (yet sub-optimal) performance in the new task or whether to seek information to quickly identify an optimal solution, potentially at the cost of poor initial behaviour. In this work, we focus on the second objective when the agent has access to a generative model of state-action pairs. First, given a set of solved tasks containing an approximation of the target one, we design an algorithm that quickly identifies an accurate solution by seeking the state-action pairs that are most informative for this purpose. We derive PAC bounds on its sample complexity which clearly demonstrate the benefits of using this kind of prior knowledge. Then, we show how to learn these approximate tasks sequentially by reducing our transfer setting to a hidden Markov model and employing spectral methods to recover its parameters. Finally, we empirically verify our theoretical findings in simple simulated domains

    An Asymptotically Optimal Primal-Dual Incremental Algorithm for Contextual Linear Bandits

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    In the contextual linear bandit setting, algorithms built on the optimism principle fail to exploit the structure of the problem and have been shown to be asymptotically suboptimal. In this paper, we follow recent approaches of deriving asymptotically optimal algorithms from problem-dependent regret lower bounds and we introduce a novel algorithm improving over the state-of-the-art along multiple dimensions. We build on a reformulation of the lower bound, where context distribution and exploration policy are decoupled, and we obtain an algorithm robust to unbalanced context distributions. Then, using an incremental primal-dual approach to solve the Lagrangian relaxation of the lower bound, we obtain a scalable and computationally efficient algorithm. Finally, we remove forced exploration and build on confidence intervals of the optimization problem to encourage a minimum level of exploration that is better adapted to the problem structure. We demonstrate the asymptotic optimality of our algorithm, while providing both problem-dependent and worst-case finite-time regret guarantees. Our bounds scale with the logarithm of the number of arms, thus avoiding the linear dependence common in all related prior works. Notably, we establish minimax optimality for any learning horizon in the special case of non-contextual linear bandits. Finally, we verify that our algorithm obtains better empirical performance than state-of-the-art baselines

    Adversarial Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Changing Dynamics

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    Most work on inverse reinforcement learning, the problem of recovering the unknown reward function being optimized by a decision-making agent, has focused on cases where optimal demonstrations are provided under single dynamics. We analyze the more general settings where the learner has access to sub-optimal demonstrations under several different dynamics. We argue that several problems, such as learning under covariate shift or risk aversion, can be modeled in this way. We propose an adversarial formulation where the learner tries to imitate a constrained, worst-case estimate of the demonstrator’s control policy. We adopt the method of Lagrange multipliers to remove the constraints and produce a convex optimization problem. We prove that the constraints imposed by the multiple dynamics lead to an NP-Hard optimization subproblem, the computation of a deterministic policy maximizing the total expected reward from several different Markov decision processes. We propose a tractable approximation by reducing the latter to the optimal control of partially observable Markov decision processes. We show the performance of our algorithm on two synthetic data problems. In the first one, we try to recover the reward function of a randomly generated Markov decision process, while in the second we try to rationalize a robot navigating through a grid and demonstrating goal-directed behavior