65 research outputs found

    La sociedad de la información y el conocimiento : 10 retos para la biblioteca pública en América Latina

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    Speaking and to deepen on the theme of the public library in Latin America is done difficult to do it if themselves does not keep in mind the realities, tendencies and perspectives that this new century implies, as a result of the deep economic, political, social, cultural, educational, technological and informative changes that have lived themselves, especially in the last two decades, and in which undoubtedly they will come. It is because of it that, the present text undertakes, since what has been called "society of the information", "informational society", "society of the knowledge" and other terminological forms to be referred to a same transformation, the challenges (opportunities and threats) that has implied, is implying and will imply for the conception and operation of the public library, to leave also, of the different forms to live, to assume or "to survive" to this new society according to each context, well be, in a determined country, region, city, rural zone or sector. For that reason it splits of the conception of the public library as democratic institution, related to the guarantee and development of the right to the information, to the education, to the recreation and to the culture; their to drive this narrowly related to the freedom of speech, base of the democratic contact; its function is founded in the formation of citizens that have random access and free to the information, independent of the backups and formats in which be found. Since these considerations themselves structure the book, which have been elaborated, since the contribute of diverse theoreticians in the theme, since the experience developed in the academy and of the processes of investigation developed by the research team in Public Library; and since the practical librarian; with the only pretension to serve of material that contribute to the processes of formation of the people that lend its services in the public library. The contents are structured in three chapters. The first one corresponds to the framework contextual of the public library, concretely the above-mentioned thing with the company of the information and in the society of the knowledge; chapter that develops since the search of the answers to the ten large challenges that are presented him to the public library in Latin America, as one of the main institutions that participates in the information transfer network or as traditionally itself identifying, the information transfer cycle. After defining these challenges or better than establishing the role and place of the public library in the region, the normative, historic, and conceptual framework be planted of the this institution, which does part of the second chapter and in it they are undertaken the main referring conceptual, historic and normative-legislative that have been given in the Latin-American environment. To finalize, the material develops in a way more extensive the chapter three, which corresponds to the organizing framework-administrative-strategic of the public library, this chapter realizes the strategic planning in light of the functions of the public library, of the evaluation and indicators of measurement, and of the three axes constituents of the library: Users, Collections and Services; complemented with concepts and tools originating in the management and the marketing

    Perfil epidemiológico de infecciones respiratorias agudas en adultos hospitalizados.

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    Introduction: Acute respiratory diseases are one of the pathologies of high prevalence in patients hospitalized in clinical areas and entails high public and social expenditure. Objective: Describe the epidemiological aspects of acute respiratory diseases in patients over 18 years of age admitted to the clinical area of Ambato General Hospital. Material and methods: Retrospective, descriptive study based on the review of medical records of patients admitted to General Ambato Hospital between January 2017 to June2017. Results: Acute respiratory diseases account for 16% of hospitalizations, exacerbated/overinfected Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease occurred in 43% of patients followed by community-associated pneumonia 23%, male 54.3%, the average age was 73.3 years, 27.2% of patients had smoking habit, 87.5% of cases hadsome type of comorbidity associated with the diagnosis of admission, mortality reached 9%. Conclusion: Acute respiratory diseases account for 16% of causes of hospitalization in clinical areas, exacerbated/overinfected COPD along with community pneumoniaare the most prevalent pathologies in this group of patients.Introducción: Las enfermedades respiratorias agudas constituyen una de las patologías de alta prevalencia en los pacientes hospitalizados en las áreas clínicasyconlleva un alto gasto público y social. Objetivo: Describir losaspectos epidemiológicos de las enfermedades respiratorias agudas en pacientes mayores de 18 años ingresados en el área clínica del Hospital General Ambato. Material y métodos: Estudio de tipo descriptivo, retorspectivo,basado en la revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes ingresados al Hospital General Ambato durante el periodo de enero2017 ajuniodel2017. Resultados: Las enfermedades respiratorias agudas representan el 16% de las hospitalizaciones, la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica exacerbada / sobreinfectada se presentó en el 43% de los pacientes seguida por la Neumonia asociada a la comunidad 23%, el género masculino represento el 54,3 %, la edad promedio fue de 73,3 años, el 27,2 % de los pacientes tubieron hábito tabáquico, el 87,5 % de los casos presentó algun tipo de comorbilidad asociada al diagnóstico de ingreso, la mortalidad alcanzo el 9%. Conclusiones: Las enfermedades respiratorias agudas representan el 16% de causas de hospitalización en las áreas clínicas, la EPOCexacerbada /sobreinfectada junto con la Neumonia comunitaria son las patologiasmás prevalentes en este grupo de pacientes


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    During the last years, the activity and interest in the science and technology of nanostructures have increased exponentially. The use of nanoparticles, nanowires and other nanostructures in the manufacture of different (such as photovoltaic, electronic, optoelectronic, photonic, biomedical) devices is becoming increasingly important as a result of the benefits provided by the nanoscale. In particular, the nanostructures of transparent conductive oxides (TCO\u27s) and wide bandgap semiconductors (such as ZnO), stand out in opto and microelectronics mainly because they are nanometric building blocks that may enable the fabrication of, respectively, electrical interconnections with relative simplicity and active optoelectronic elements in transparent circuits. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Influence of substrate morphology on ZnO nanostructures grown by electrophoretic deposition

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    The potential of nanotechnology depends heavily on the ability to manipulate atoms and nanoparticles with the greatest versatility possible during the manufacturing process of nanostructures. The use of low dimensional structures is a key technological factor in the creation of new functional and sensing devices which benefit from their large surface area to volume ratio. Nevertheless, many properties of nanomaterials depend not only on their size but also on their growth processes. Therefore, it is imperative the quest for a proper understanding and control of the relation between growth processes, structure, morphology, and resulting properties. Among the semiconductor materials, ZnO is considered important and promising. Reasons for this include low-cost, simple and controllable synthesis of a wide diversity of nanostructures, and the interesting potential applications in photonics, and chemical and biological sensing offered by them. In a previous work [1], we reported the self-assembled growth (without a sacrificial template) of ZnO nanowires on Si substrate with Au nanoclusters. The nanowires growth was performed at room temperature by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) from a ZnO nanoparticles colloidal suspension. Since experimental results show that the morphologies and qualities obtained are strongly dependent upon substrate morphology, in the current work we investigate the influence of size, shape and separation between Au nanoclusters on the properties of ZnO nanostructures grown by EPD. The substrates used are commercial Si wafers and Si wafers with amorphous SiO2 layers (grown by thermal oxidation), where a Au nanolayer is deposited by sputtering and annealed at different conditions to produce distinct morphological nanometer-sized Au clusters. The obtained ZnO nanostructures are characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and photoluminescence spectroscopy. The influence of the morphology of the substrate and process parameters on the quality and morphology of the nanostructures produced is discussed in detail. [1] C. Sandoval, O. Marin, S. Real, D. Comedi, M. Tirado. Electrophoretic deposition of ZnO nanostructures: Au nanoclusters on Si substrates induce self-assembled nanowire growth. Materials Science Engineering B, 187, 21-25 (2014)

    La sociedad de la información y el conocimiento : 10 retos para la biblioteca pública en América Latina

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    Speaking and to deepen on the theme of the public library in Latin America is done difficult to do it if themselves does not keep in mind the realities, tendencies and perspectives that this new century implies, as a result of the deep economic, political, social, cultural, educational, technological and informative changes that have lived themselves, especially in the last two decades, and in which undoubtedly they will come. It is because of it that, the present text undertakes, since what has been called "society of the information", "informational society", "society of the knowledge" and other terminological forms to be referred to a same transformation, the challenges (opportunities and threats) that has implied, is implying and will imply for the conception and operation of the public library, to leave also, of the different forms to live, to assume or "to survive" to this new society according to each context, well be, in a determined country, region, city, rural zone or sector. For that reason it splits of the conception of the public library as democratic institution, related to the guarantee and development of the right to the information, to the education, to the recreation and to the culture; their to drive this narrowly related to the freedom of speech, base of the democratic contact; its function is founded in the formation of citizens that have random access and free to the information, independent of the backups and formats in which be found. Since these considerations themselves structure the book, which have been elaborated, since the contribute of diverse theoreticians in the theme, since the experience developed in the academy and of the processes of investigation developed by the research team in Public Library; and since the practical librarian; with the only pretension to serve of material that contribute to the processes of formation of the people that lend its services in the public library. The contents are structured in three chapters. The first one corresponds to the framework contextual of the public library, concretely the above-mentioned thing with the company of the information and in the society of the knowledge; chapter that develops since the search of the answers to the ten large challenges that are presented him to the public library in Latin America, as one of the main institutions that participates in the information transfer network or as traditionally itself identifying, the information transfer cycle. After defining these challenges or better than establishing the role and place of the public library in the region, the normative, historic, and conceptual framework be planted of the this institution, which does part of the second chapter and in it they are undertaken the main referring conceptual, historic and normative-legislative that have been given in the Latin-American environment. To finalize, the material develops in a way more extensive the chapter three, which corresponds to the organizing framework-administrative-strategic of the public library, this chapter realizes the strategic planning in light of the functions of the public library, of the evaluation and indicators of measurement, and of the three axes constituents of the library: Users, Collections and Services; complemented with concepts and tools originating in the management and the marketing

    KM1 - Tu siguiente aventura

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    Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Comunicación Audiovisua

    ZnO nanorod bunches formation by Electrophoresis Deposition Technique: influence of the conductivity of the substrate

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    A novel and simple self-assembled direct formation of ZnO nanorod (NR) bunches on boron (p-type)-doped crystalline Si (100) substrates has been achieved by the EPD technique. All the nanostructures were formed from a colloidal dispersion of ZnO NPs in 2-propanol, at room temperature, and without the use of sacrificial templates or pre-deposited Au nanoclusters on Si substrates.ZnO nanoparticle (NPs) colloidal dispersions were prepared based on a modification of the precipitation method reported by Bahnemann et al. [1]. ZnO NPs sizes were estimated from the absorbance spectra of NPs colloidal dispersions and compared to measurements obtained by TEM, which yielded an average diameter of 5 nm with a narrow size distribution, between 4 and 7 nm.The morphology of ZnO NR bunches is affected by the p-type Si substrate wholeconductivity (i.e., B dopant concentration). The nanorod diameters and lengths, as well as thebunch diameters, are larger for substrates with lower conductivity. A ZnO nanoporous film isobtained on non-conductive (nominally undoped) Si substrates without any one-dimensionalformation. XRD patterns indicated that ZnO NRs were preferentially formed in (002) directioncorresponding to c-axis orientation in the wurtzite structure.Photoluminescence (PL) spectra from NR bunches show a low UV excitonic emissionpeak and a broad visible emission peak. The light emission properties of nanostructures arestrongly determined by the properties of NPs used for the EPD deposition and not by thenanostructure morphology. The incorporation of NaOH during ZnO NP synthesis is useful tocomplete reactions of all the available Zn2+ to form dispersions with a higher ZnO NPsconcentration. Therefore, as virtually all the Zn is consumed, PL spectra do not exhibit Zn-typedefects compared to previous work [2].The easy obtaining of different morphologies of ZnO nanostructures depending on the Sisubstrate conductivity is desirable for their use as functional materials in technological devices.The results presented in this work expand the EPD technique applications to form nanorodnanostructures in a single step, representing a high technological potential for nanoscale device applications [3].Fil: Tirado, Mónica. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Espindola, Omar Alejandro. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Real, Silvina. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Zelaya, María Priscila. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Marín Ramírez, Oscar Alonso. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Comedi, David Mario. Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet Noa Sur. Instituto de Física del Noroeste Argentino; Argentina14th International Symposium on Electrokinetic Phenomena; 1st Meeting of the International Electrokinetics SocietyTel-AvivIsraelTel-Aviv UniversityIsrael Science Foundatio

    Libro: Acceso, conocimiento y uso de Internet en la universidad. Modelo de diagnóstico y caracterización: Caso Universidad de Antioquia

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    Based upon the research project Access to and Knowledge and Use of the Internet in the University of Antioquia, this paper presents a model that will enable any university to diagnose and analyze its situation relative to the utilization of the Internet as a support medium for instruction, research, extension and administrative management and, consequently, to determine the possible actions that would be necessary in order for the Internet to become a "digital opportunity" in every university. This model would also enable each university to address the four great threats or limitations to which universities are often exposed: the digital divide, information and digital illiteracy, the poor quality of the digital information that is so often used (information asymmetry), and information overload (infoxication). The methodology utilized in this study included the following steps: creation of a matrix for the information compiled, definition of the macroconcepts-macrovariables of analysis, the state of the art on the subject, the contextualization of the situation of the university, the selection of the sample group, and, finally, the recommendations to the agencies. As a general conclusion, this study notes the urgent necessity for all of the universities to assume, as one of their principal strategies for action, the incorporation of the TIC and the Internet into their tools and services as well as their mission statements. This incorporation must include the integration of plans, programs, and projects and ongoing evaluation

    Electrical, photoelectrical and morphological properties of ZnO nanowire networks grown on SiO2 and on Si

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    ZnO nanofibre networks (NFNs) were grown by vapour transport method on Si-based substrates. One type of substrate was SiO2 thermally grown on Si and another consisted of a Si wafer onto which Si nanowires (NWs) had been grown having Au nanoparticles catalysts. The ZnO-NFN morphology was observed by scanning electron microscopy on samples grown at 600 °C and 720 °C substrate temperature, while an focused ion beam was used to study the ZnO NFN/Si NWs/Si and ZnO NFN/SiO2 interfaces. Photoluminescence, electrical conductance and photoconductance of ZnO-NFN was studied for the sample grown on SiO2. The photoluminescence spectra show strong peaks due to exciton recombination and lattice defects. The ZnO-NFN presents quasi-persistent photoconductivity effects and ohmic I-V characteristics which become nonlinear and hysteretic as the applied voltage is increased. The electrical conductance as a function of temperature can be described by a modified three dimensional variable hopping model with nanometer-ranged typical hopping distances

    Effect of THI, NDF and rumination in milk production by Holstein cows

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    Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the THI, NDF and rumination rate (RR) on milk production in Holstein cows in a dairy farm located in Bajío de San José, Jalisco Design/methodology/approach: The temperature-humidity index (THI) is an indicator of the effect of the environmental climate can have on milk production, likewise nutritional content of forage is affected by weather conditions, as the neutral detergent fiber (NDF) is related with rumination activity of cows, increasing THI has shown a direct effect on milk production in cows. HealthyCow 24 ® CSR was used (SCR Engineers Ltd., Netanya, Israel), to monitor rumination, from a total record of 284 cows with 2, 3, and 4 lactacion through august to december 2020 period, analysing NDF content from total mixed ration and monitoring THI. Results: The results showed there was no effect of THI on milk production (p>0.05), despite having reached 76 THI score, instead NDF (p<0.05) and RR (p<0.001) affected milk production, it was not found effect of THI on RR (p>0.05), and NDF had trend (p<0.1). Limitations on study/implications: There were no limitations for this report. Findings/conclusions: According to the results obtained, THI threshold should be reconsidered according to the resistance of productively active cattle on dairy farms.  Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of the temperature-humidity index (THI), the content of neutral detergent fiber (NDF), and rumination rate (RR) on milk production in Holstein cows in a dairy farm located in Bajío de San José, Jalisco, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: The THI is an indicator of the effect of the environmental climate can have on milk production, and likewise the nutritional content of forage is affected by weather conditions, such as the NDF is related with rumination activity of cows; increasing THI has shown a direct effect on milk production in cows. The HealthyCow 24 ® CSR remote equipment was used (SCR Engineers Ltd., Netanya, Israel), to monitor rumination, from a total registry of 284 cows with 2, 3, and 4 lactations distributed between August and December 2020 period, analyzing the NDF content from total mixed portion and monitoring the THI. Results: The results showed there was no effect of THI on milk production (p>0.05), despite having reached a THI score of 76, while NDF (p<0.05) and RR (p<0.001) affected milk production; an effect of THI on RR (p>0.05) was not found, and the NDF only had a trend (p<0.1). Limitations on study/implications: There were no limitations for the study. Findings/conclusions: According to the results obtained, the THI threshold should be reconsidered according to the resistance of the productively active cattle on dairy farms