10 research outputs found

    How can organisations and business models lead to a more sustainable society? A framework from a systematic review of the industry 4.0

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    The concept of Industry 4.0 has been mainly addressed by the current literature from a technological perspective, overlooking the organisational and even ethical challenges related to this recent paradigm. In order to become '4.0 compliant', an enterprise must adapt its organisation and business approaches, and these changes may lead to a significant impact on sustainability. Therefore, we performed a systematic literature review to investigate the most recent Industry 4.0 research streams by adopting a multi-perspective approach. This analysis led to collect insights on the key traits of an Enterprise 4.0: integration, decomposed hierarchy, flexibility, and autonomy. Each of these keywords involves work environments, business and organisational models, and educational approaches, which constitute the key traits of the novel framework proposed in this study

    Come cambia il lavoro con la tecnologia robotica? Un\u2019analisi organizzativa

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    The increasing adoption of robotic technology in the workplace is promoting extensive research endeavors on the role of humans in the future of work. In this paper, we present a qualitative multiple-case study about work transformation in robotic-assisted medical rehabilitation. Albeit many studies focus the material technology and its impact on the organization, we see human-robot interaction as a social phenomenon, being processual and relational in nature. We envision technology as the technical plane of work action and study how it transforms as the material technology enlarges and includes the use of robots. Our findings show that the material technology enables a change that entails all the planes of the organizational action: the goals, the technology, and the relations. This transformation does not reduce the role of humans in work activities, but rather it concerns a transformation in their action that entails the modes of coordination and the design of work activities

    Editorial Comments for the Special Issue on Digital Innovation Management

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    When technology is taken for granted: the paradox of co working

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    Co-working is an exemplary case for exploring the organisation and significance of work. Two main thrusts prompt co-working arrangements: the idea of exploiting information and communication technology (ICT) to share ex-periences and knowledge, and the idea of joining forces to survive economically. While extant research has recognised the need to understand how these new spa-tial work arrangements function in practice, the time has come for an analysis of co-working informed by a socio-technical perspective. Drawing upon a scoping review, this qualitative paper argues that the role of ICT artefacts in studies on co-working takes a back seat. Invoking technology \u2018in name only\u2019 prevents re-search from connecting the social to the technological. We claim it is crucial to bring technology into the analysis to better understand how co-working \u2018works\u2019. We could do that by considering co-working as a \u2018work-oriented infrastructure\u2019 and recognising its dynamic complexity

    Trends of Innovative Development of Krasnoyarsk Region

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    One of the ways to develop the economy is innovation. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends of innovative development and develop proposals for increasing its effectiveness at the mesolevel. The authors give a characteristic of the current state of innovation activity of the Russian Federation and one of its territory - Krasnoyarsk region. The authors compared the indicators that measure the levels of innovation development both according to international and domestic statistical data. Factors based on the identified trends were identified. Regional analytical researches allowed to justify an optimum composition of the sources and tools of financing innovation. The results of empirical data allowed the authors to reveal disproportions in the structure of the innovation infrastructure. The article gives recommendations on improving of institutional support with regard of the life cycle o