371 research outputs found

    The Importance of Experiential Activities for Students: A case of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

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    Experiential learning is a process that begins with practice, experimentation, and then the learner analyzes and reflects on the experience and the results of that experience. This process helps students consolidate knowledge, form and develop new competencies, skills, behaviors, and even new ways of thinking. This approach is considered to have many advantages compared to the traditional educational method. This research is completed based on analysis and assessment from survey activities and understanding the study habits of students, and the teaching methods of elementary, middle and high school teachers in Ho Chi Minh City. Through research, some schools in the city are still teaching and learning by traditional methods, the experiential activities alternating with classroom lessons are still rather new. Most of the students feel quite boring and monotonous when every day when they come to class, they listen to lectures, copy lessons, return lessons without any experiential activities. The inclusion of practical activities in the above lessons is very necessary to change the atmosphere in the classroom as well as help students to absorb knowledge in an intuitive and vivid way. And this research shows the benefits of practical experiences for learning and teaching in schools today. Methods of face-to-face interviews and questionnaires were used and then analyzed using a fivepoint Likert scale. The research results confirm the role of experiential teaching and clarify the question of how to help improve the quality of teaching in today's smart and modern society


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    Lai Chau province has many potentialities in agricultural development such as climate, soil, diverse topography, support policies of the Government, locality, long tradition of farming...Period 2016 - 2020, the growth rate of the agricultural sector will maintain from 5-6%, the food production is increased, Some dominant crops of the province are being invested for development: tea, medicinal plants, specialty rice...However, the level of deep processing for agricultural products is still low, so the value of goods is not high, the products are mainly consumed in the domestic market, the penetration into supermarkets or export is still limited...Therefore, building a suitable agricultural development orientation will help farmers, businesses, and the Lai Chau province government to have specific solutions in the future to bring high-tech agriculture becomes a key economic direction of the province

    The Role of Social Network Sites in English Language Teaching_Harnessing the Potential of Facebook and YouTube as Learning Tools

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    This paper provides a comprehensive review of the role of Social Network Sites (SNSs) in the context of English as a Second Language (ESL) and English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching and learning. It examines the definitions and potential applications of SNSs, with a specific focus on Facebook and YouTube. The paper discusses the educational and instructional implementations of these SNSs, as well as the challenges and drawbacks faced by both teachers and students when utilizing them. Furthermore, it explores the pedagogical implications of incorporating the cutting-edge features offered by SNSs, aiming to bridge the gap between traditional and technologically driven learning environment

    Educating and training labor force Under Covid 19; Impacts to Meet Market Demand in Vietnam during Globalization and Integration Era

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    During integration and globalization era, Vietnam labor market face challenges but also have lots of opportunities. This paper mainly use qualitative analysis with statistics, synthesis and inductive methods, combine with dialectical materialism methods. Research results indicate that because many Vietnam laborers do not have enough work skills and lack of training programs, they meet difficulties on job; hence, human resource management need to deal with issues of improving skills and knowledge for workforce to meet demand under EVFTA and Industry 4.0. There are lots of job opportunities from banking, finance to manufacturing, industries. Last but not least, this study also propose some solutions to deal with challenges in Human resources to meet demand from corporations. For instance, we need to invest more on equipment and infrastructures, as well as quality of trainers for human resources of training schools, so that Vietnam businesses can overcome challenges from EVFTA

    Lovastatin for adult patients with dengue: protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Dengue is the most important vector-borne viral infection of man, with approximately 2 billion people living in areas at risk. Infection results in a range of manifestations from asymptomatic infection through to life-threatening shock and haemorrhage. One of the hallmarks of severe dengue is vascular endothelial disruption. There is currently no specific therapy and clinical management is limited to supportive care. Statins are a class of drug initially developed for lipid lowering. There has been considerable recent interest in their effects beyond lipid lowering. These include anti-inflammatory effects at the endothelium. In addition, it is possible that lovastatin may have an anti-viral effect against dengue. Observational data suggest that the use of statins may improve outcomes for such conditions as sepsis and pneumonia. This paper describes the protocol for a randomised controlled trial investigating a short course of lovastatin therapy in adult patients with dengue. METHODS/DESIGN: A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial will investigate the effects of lovastatin therapy in the treatment of dengue. The trial will be conducted in two phases with an escalation of dose between phases if an interim safety review is satisfactory. This is an exploratory study focusing on safety and there are no data on which to base a sample size calculation. A target sample size of 300 patients in the second phase, enrolled over two dengue seasons, was chosen based on clinical judgement and feasibility considerations. In a previous randomised trial in dengue, about 10% and 30% of patients experienced at least one serious adverse event or adverse event, respectively. With 300 patients, we will have 80% power to detect an increase of 12% (from 10% to 22%) or 16% (from 30% to 46%) in the frequency of adverse events. Furthermore, this sample size ensures some power to explore the efficacy of statins. DISCUSSION: The development of a dengue therapeutic that can attenuate disease would be an enormous advance in global health. The favourable effects of statins on the endothelium, their good safety profile and their low cost make lovastatin an attractive therapeutic candidate. TRIAL REGISTRATION: International Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number ISRCTN03147572

    Bioefficacy of leaf extracts from Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Benn against diamondback moth plutella xylostella in Viet Nam

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    In Viet Nam, Pouzolzia zeylanica (L.) Benn is a native plant and has been demonstrated its applicability as a medical plant. Additionally, Pouzolzia zeylanica was used to control fly larvae during food processing due to insecticidal activity. We optimized the extraction of Pouzolzia zeylanica by ethanol at different conditions: concentration, the ratio of solid (material) - liquid (ethanol volume) (mg/ml) and the extraction time (hour). Results indicated that extraction yield was effected by all of the factors. The optimized extraction yield was 6.85% (Y) with ethanol concentration at 96 percent ethanol (Z1), the ratio solid to liquid is 1: 25 (mg/ml) (Z2) and extraction time is 4 days (Z3). We tested the efficiency of leaf extracts from Pouzolzia zeylanica and antifeedant activity against diamondback moth Plutella xylostella at different leaf extract concentrations. Results indicated that 80% mortality induced by those compounds was recorded on Plutella xylostella second instars at 30% leaf extract concentration and had significant difference compared to the control (P=0.0000); the leaf extract affected the ratio of pupation, adult emergence and antifeedant activity of P. xylostella (P=0.0000). The obtained results promise a potential of using Pouzolzia zeylanica as biopesticide in Viet Nam


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    The parameters used for measuring water quality of Dan Kia reservoir were temperature, pH, conductivity, secchi disk depth, dissolved oxygen (DO), chlorophyll a,  nutrients: nitrogen (ammonia, nitrate) and phosphate. There are five influents for the reservoir, therefore the water quality of Dan Kia reservoir depends on activities around these channels. S1 stream has the highest flow into the reservoir (8.2×106m3/year) but most of the nutrients were discharged from S4 and S5 stream. Concentration of ammonia, nitrate and phosphate from these channels is accounting for 89.82, 58.15 and  57.16% into the lake, respectively. The study constructed three scenarios and run them using AQUATOX model. The first scenario, all existing inflows are discharging into the lake, present situation. The second scenario, none is discharging. The third scenario, all are discharging except S4 stream and S5 stream. The result from the first scenario showed that the concentrations from the model consistent with measurements in the reservoir. In case the second and third scenarios happened the concentrations considerably decreased.Các thông số chất lượng nước hồ Đan Kia được khảo sát hàng tháng trong năm 2014 gồm có nhiệt độ, pH, độ dẫn diện, độ sâu secchi, oxy hòa tan, các hợp chất chứa nitơ (amoni, nitrat),  phốt pho (PO43-) và chlorophyll-a. Có 5 nhánh suối dẫn nước vào hồ vì vậy chất lượng nước hồ phụ thuộc vào các hoạt động trên lưu vực hồ và 5 nhánh suối này. Trong đó, nhánh suối S1 có lưu lượng nước chảy vào hồ cao nhất (8.2×106m3/năm) nhưng phần lớn chất dinh dưỡng được đưa vào hồ từ nhánh suối S4 và S5. Nồng độ amoni, nitrat và phốt phát từ hai nhánh suối này lần lượt chiếm đến 89.82, 58.15 và 57.16% tổng tải lượng dinh dưỡng vào hồ. Nghiên cứu đã xây dựng ba kịch bản và mô phỏng ba kịch bản này bằng mô hình AQUATOX. Kịch bản thứ nhất, tất cả các con suối vẫn được dẫn nước vào hồ như hiện tại. Kịch bản thứ hai, không cho bất kỳ con suối nào đổ nước vào hồ. Kịch bản thứ ba, tất cả các nguồn trên vẫn được đưa vào hồ trừ suối S4 và S5. Kết quả từ mô hình AQUATOX cho thấy với kịch bản đầu tiên, nồng độ các chất dinh dưỡng từ mô hình phù hợp với nồng độ đo đạc và đều vượt ngưỡng cho phép. Ở kịch bản thứ 2 và 3, nồng độ các chất dinh dưỡng giảm đáng kể, hầu hết các giá trị đều nằm dưới tiêu chuẩn cho phép đới với nước mặt. Từ kết quả này, nghiên cứu đề nghị các cơ quan chức năng cần tập trung quản lý tình trạng canh tác nông nghiệp trên lưu vực hồ Đan Kia, đặc biệt là khu vực phía Đông Nam hồ. Nghiên cứu cũng đã mô phỏng xu hướng phát triển và thành phần động thực vật phù trong hồ Đan Kia

    Exploiting Idioms and Proverbs of Vietnamese Regions in Teaching Mathematics in Primary Schools

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    Mathematics and idioms, as well as proverbs, all reflect the laws of life. At the same time, primary school children may have heard idioms and proverbs before attending school. Therefore, there are many possibilities to exploit and apply idioms and proverbs in teaching mathematics in primary schools. This study aims to identify appropriate situations and apply idioms and proverbs in different regions of Vietnam to teaching mathematics. The researchers selected 1155 expressions related to mathematics from many typical pieces of research on idioms and proverbs in Vietnam. After surveying 1822 teachers three times in many provinces and cities in all 3 regions of Vietnam: the North, the Central and the South, the researchers have classified the data according to the criteria from closed to open-ended questions. The results show a prominent level of interest (level 4/5) of all teachers participating in the survey, and there is no difference in the effectiveness in the three regions, but there is a clear difference in regions in using idioms and proverbs. Particularly, identifying situations to teach geometric and quantitative knowledge, as well as probability and statistics, allows one to apply idioms and proverbs at a high level. It is concluded that if idioms and proverbs from Vietnamese regions are appropriately selected and applied in teaching mathematics in primary schools, they will contribute to improving students' mathematical ability and preserving the national cultural heritage. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-SIED-015 Full Text: PD


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    In the context of the incessant development of sustainable energy and ICT (Information and Communications technology) in power systems, power system becomes more and more intelligent, efficient and economic. However, using electrical infrastructure carrying information communication causes complexities in modeling and simulating. To overcome the problem of modeling, a new approach based on scale invariance theory, scale invariance, is presented in many papers and in various fields. Scale invariance method shows a strong link between a network topology and its performances through a coefficient exponent. In this paper we propose to use this method for modeling power line communication by considering only the input impedance of system. This approach will be tested for not only a general case study but also for an opened circuit without attenuation and bruit. The result is compared with the classical method.