826 research outputs found

    Hubungan Antara Konsep Diri Dengan Keefektivan Komunikasi Antarpribadi: Studi Pada Anggota Aiesec Local Committee (Lc) Bandung

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    Konsep diri merupakan faktor yang sangat menentukan dalam komunikasi antarpribadi, karena setiap orang bertingkah laku sedapat mungkin sesuai dengan konsep dirinya. Setiap manusia memiliki konsep diri, maka hal tersebut juga berlaku pada anggota AIESEC Local Commitee (LC) Bandung. Metode korelasional digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauhmana hubungan antara konsep diri anggota AIESEC dengan keefektifan komunikasi antarpribadi.Populasi penelitian ini adalah anggota AIESEC Local Committee (LC) Bandung. Sampel penelitian diperoleh dengan menggunakan teknik sampling acak (random). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan antara konsep diri anggota AIESEC dengan keefektifan komunikasi antarpribadi adalah sangat kuat dengan koefisien korelasi 0,839. Nilai korelasi positif menunjukkan hubungan yang searah. Uji hipotesis menghasilkan penolakan H0 sehingga terdapat hubungan yang signifikan diantara keduanya

    Corporate Social Responsibility Program as a Corporate Impression Management Strategy

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    This study aims to determine the public relations (PR) activities of a company, where the demands and obligations of the company in fulfilling its social and environmental responsibilities are carried out by the public relations department. The problems that will be presented in this study concerns the two factors of public relations practitioners' efforts in forming a positive image. The method used in this study is theoretical review, with the research object of PT Pertamina EP Asset 3 Subang Field. The results of this study show that the positive image of the company was identified in the usefulness and suitability of the Corporate Social Responsibility program with community needs regarding clean water, and also the community felt happy and valued because they were involved in building clean water and toilet washing facilities. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Public Relations; Impression Management

    The Meaning of Alpha Female in Female Librarian: Building a Positive Image of Libraries Through Female Librarians as Alpha Female

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    MAKNA DIRI ALPHA FEMALE PADA PUSTAKAWAN PEREMPUAN:Membangun Citra Positif Perpustakaan Melalui Kiprah Pustakawan Perempuan Sebagai Alpha FemaleAbstractThe profession of librarians is often associated with women. This can be justified if we refer to data and research results that have been done in several countries. However, many women who work in the library, this does not necessarily describe that library work is a simple and easy job. However, on the contrary, work in the field of library is increasingly complex and demands the competence and mastery of information technology. Moreover, the expectations of some users who demand a fast and quality service. Therefore to answer this problem required a female librarian who has the competence, intelligent and able to become a leader for his group and can show the characteristics as a professional. As for the description of people like this people call it with the term alpha female. With the birth of alpha female figures among female librarians is expected to change the positive image of librarians and library institutions. This is because the female alpha figure in the female librarian is a figure of women who are considered "perfect" are still rare today.Keywords: library, librarian, symbolic interaction, alpha female. AbstrakProfesi pustakawan kerapkali dikaitkan dengan kaum perempuan. Hal ini dapat dibenarkan jika kita merujuk pada data dan hasil riset yang telah dilakukan di beberapa negara. Namun demikian banyaknya kaum perempuan yang bekerja di perpustakaan, ini tidak serta merta menggambarkan bahwa pekerjaaan perpustakaan merupakan pekerjaan yang sederhana dan mudah. Namun justru sebaliknya pekerjaaan di bidang perpustakaan saat ini semakin kompleks dan menuntut kompetensi dan penguasaan teknologi informasi. Apalagi harapan sebagian pengguna yang menuntut suatu pelayanan ayang cepat dan berkualitas. Oleh karena demikian untuk menjawab permasalahan ini diperlukan sosok pustakawan perempuan yang memiliki kompetensi, cerdas serta mampu menjadi pemimpin bagi kelompoknya dan bisa menunjukkan ciri-ciri sebagai seorang profesional. Adapun gambaran orang seperti ini orang menyebutnya dengan istilah alpha female. Dengan lahirnya sosok alpha female di kalangan pustakawan perempuan diharapkan mampu merubah citra yang positif terhadap pustakawan dan lembaga perpustakaan. Hal ini dikarenakan sosok alpha female pada diri pustakawan perempuan merupakan sosok wanita yang dianggap ā€œsempurnaā€ yang masih jarang ditemukan saat ini

    Analysis and Design of Single-Sided Natural Ventilation

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    Are pinholes the cause of excess current in superconducting tunnel junctions? A study of Andreev current in highly resistive junctions

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    In highly resistive superconducting tunnel junctions, excess subgap current is usually observed and is often attributed to microscopic "pinholes" in the tunnel barrier. We have studied the subgap current in superconductor-insulator-superconductor (SIS) and superconductor-insulator-normal-metal (SIN) junctions. In Al/AlOx/Al junctions, we observed a decrease of 2 orders of magnitude in the current upon the transition from the SIS to the SIN regime, where it then matched theory. In Al/AlOx/Cu junctions, we also observed generic features of coherent diffusive Andreev transport in a junction with a homogenous barrier. We use the quasiclassical Keldysh-Green function theory to quantify single- and two-particle tunneling and find good agreement over 2 orders of magnitude in transparency. We argue that our observations rule out pinholes as the origin of the excess current.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    The Kspm Program Goes to Ormawa for Capital Market Literacy and Education

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    Pengabdian pada masyarakat melalui sosialisasi dan edukasi serta literasi pasar modal ini bertujuan untuk menambah partisipasi masyarakat berinvestasi di pasar modal khususnya di kalangan civitas academika Universitas Siliwangi. Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 30 peserta yang mana 20 peserta berasal dari ORMAWA Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Jurusan Pendidikan Ekonomi Universitas Siliwangi. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan melalui metode diskusi dan tanya jawab daripada peserta yang dilaksanakan dengan 2 materi dalam satu hari kegiatan. Namun demikian kegiatan ini perlu ditindak lanjuti kembali dimana dengan kegiatan lanjutan literasi pasar modal ini peserta memiliki antusias yang tinggi untuk memperluas wawasan mengenai pasar modal serta perlu diperluas kembali sasaran atau target dari kegiatan sosialisasi dan edukasi pasar modal ini

    Kaj bo z gradivom profesorja Christiana za monografijo o Louisu Adamiču

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    His premature death prevented Professor Henry A. Christian from publishing his monograph on life and work of Louis Adamic. However, he has left a rich legacy - his research material of Adamiciana - as a basis for the continuation of his work. His daughthers, Judith Christian and Carolyn Needham, have donated his papers to the Immigration History Research Center (IHRC) at the University of Minnesota. Professor Rudolph J. Vecoli, head of the IHRC, has added the new acquisition to the archives of the IHRC, andestabilished Ā»The Louis Adamic/Henry Christian Fund for Slovene American StudiesĀ«. This fund would provide research assistance for graduate students, either American or Slovene, who would help process Slovene-American materials in the IHRC, includingthe Christian papers, and at the same time, pursue graduate studies related to Slovene-American history and culture.Profesorju Henryju A. Christianu je prerana smrt preprečila objavo monografije o življenju in delu Louisa Adamiča. Njegova bogata zapuŔčina ā€“ zbrano gradivo o Adamiču ā€“ pa kljub temu predstavlja dragoceno osnovo za nadaljevanje njegovega raziskovalnega dela. Njegovi hčerki Judith Christian in Carolyn Needham sta darovali njegovo gradivo ustanovi Immigration History Research Center (IHRC) na Univerzi v Minnesoti. Professor Rudolph J. Vecoli, direktor IHRC, je poslano gradivo vključil v obstoječi arhiv IHRC in hkrati ustanovil Ā»Sklad Louisa Adamiča in Henryja Christiana za slovenskoameriÅ”ke Å”tudijeĀ«. Sklad naj bi podpiral slovenske ali ameriÅ”ke podiplomske Å”tudente pri urejanju slovenskoameriÅ”kega gradiva v arhivu IHRC ter pri raziskovanju slovenskoameriÅ”ke zgodovine in kulture

    Maxo Vanka's collage "World War II" is a brilliant gematrical composition

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    The American-Croatian painter Maksimilian Vanka, 1 1889-1963, or Maxo for his friends, composed together with his American wife Margaret, her father dr. Stetten DeWitt and his friends Louis and Stella Adamic, his most enigmatic work, the "WORLD WAR II" collage. The collage originated at the reunion of Maxo Vanka, his wife Margaret, his friends Louis and Stella Adamic, with Margaret's father Dr. Stetten DeWitt, after his return from Europe at war. The party was exhilarated with Dr. Stetten's safe escape from Korcula (Dalmatia) to Paris, Le Havre and on board of the French liner lie de France to New York, and preoccupied with the imminent World War
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