56 research outputs found

    Dynamic correlations between susceptibility gradients and T 2 -relaxation as a probe for wettability properties of liquid saturated rock cores

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    We explore the use of correlations between susceptibility gradients, G0, and T2-relaxation (G0-T2), and show how the difference in response for oil and water with respect to G0 can be used for improved characterization of wettability of the internal surface in porous rock cores

    Investigating effects from restricted diffusion in multi-component diffusion data

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    We have investigated model systems in which effects from non-Gaussian restricted diffusion could be separated from effects caused by multiple diffusion coefficients. We applied various models to analyze the experimental data. An analysis based on multi-exponential models does not account correctly for effects caused by restricted diffusion in a system with multiple compartments. However, separating the components due to differences in dynamic behavior prior to the diffusion analysis, combined with a diffusion analysis based on the second cumulant approximation, was more robust, and was able to handle effects from restricted diffusion in the presence of multi-component diffusion

    Cemeteries at Humek in Dobova (Slovenia)

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    V članku so predstavljeni rezultati zaščitnih izkopavanj na zemljišču Antona Humka v Dobovi, kjer so leta 1981 naleteli na 34 grobov. Sodijo v pozno bronasto dobo, rimsko dobo in zgodnji srednji vek. Iz teh obdobij so v bližini znana še druga najdišča, ki kažejo, da je bilo območje Brežiških vrat gosto poseljeno.The article presents the results of rescue excavations in 1981 in Dobova, where 34 graves from the Late Bronze Age, Roman Age, and Early Middle Ages were discovered on the property of Anton Humek. From these periods, other sites in the vicinity are also known. They show us that the area of the natural passage of Brežiška vrata was densely populated

    Febrile neutropenia

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    Febrilna nevtropenija je urgentno stanje v onkologiji, saj lahko privede do sepse in septičnega šoka. O febrilni nevtropeniji govorimo kadar pri bolniku z nizkim absolutnim številom nevtrofilnih granulocitov (NG) (pod 0,5 x 109/L) enkrat izmerimo povišano temperaturo nad 38,5 ºC ali dvakrat v razmiku 2 ur nad 38 ºC. Ob pojavu febrilne nevtropenije s pomočjo MASCC (angl. Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer) kriterijev ocenimo stopnjo ogroženosti bolnika, glede na oceno ga zdravimo ambulantno ali hospitalno. Bolnike z nizkim tveganjem zdravimo ambulantno s peroralno dvotirno antibiotično terapijo s ciprofloksacinom in amoksicilinom/klavulansko kislino ali klindamicinom. Bolnike z visokim tveganjem hospitaliziramo in uvedemo parenteralne antibiotike, bodisi antistafilokokni penicilin ceftazidim ali karbapenem ali piperacilin/tazobaktam ali s kombinacijo, najpogosteje cefalosporin tretje generacije in aminoglikozidnim antibiotikom. Rastne dejavnike za granulocite pri bolnikih z že razvito febrilno nevtropenijo uporabljamo le izjemoma pri zelo ogroženih bolnikih. Lahko pa jih uporabimo kot primarno profilakso, ko bolnike zdravimo s kemoterapevtsko shemo pri kateri je tveganje za pojav FN visoko ali imajo druge dejavnike tveganja za pojav FN. Granulocitne rastne dejavnike pa lahko uporabimo kot sekundarno profilakso po že utrpeli FN

    Ocena preživetja bolnic z napredovalim epitelijskim rakom jajčnikov; ali je neoadjuvantna kemoterapija učinkovitejši način zdravljenja kot primarna citoreduktivna operacija?

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    Izhodišča: Umrljivost zaradi raka jajčnikov je v svetu pomemben zdravstveni problem. Namen raziskave je bil primerjati uspešnost zdravljenja bolnic z napredovalim rakom jajčnikov z neoadjuvantno kemoterapijo pred operacijo ali s primarno citoreduktivno operacijo. Metode: V retrospektivno raziskavo smo vključili bolnice, ki so bile zdravljene na Onkološkem inštitutu od januarja 2005 do decembra 2015 zaradi napredovalega epitelijskega raka jajčnikov (FIGO stadij IIIC/IV). Primerjali smo celokupno preživetje, petletno preživetje, obdobje brez ponovitve bolezni in uspešnost operacije glede na ostanek bolezni. Rezultati: V raziskavo sta bili vključeni 302 bolnici, od katerih je 254 (84,1 %) bolnic prejelo kemoterapijo pred operacijo, 48 (15,9 %) pa jih je bilo zdravljenih s primarno citoreduktivno operacijo. Srednja starost preiskovank je bila 61 let (razpon 29–85 let). Celokupno preživetje bolnic in obdobje brez ponovitve bolezni v skupini, ki je prejela kemoterapijo pred operacijo, je bilo 24 in 9 mesecev ter 52 in 19 mesecev v skupini s primarno citoreduktivno operacijo. Pri bolnicah, zdravljenih s primarno citoredukcijo, je bilo petletno preživetje 35 %, pri bolnicah, zdravljenih s kemoterapijo pred operacijo, pa 15 %. V skupini s popolno primarno citoredukcijo, brez makroskopskega ostanka, in kemoterapijo po operaciji je bilo celokupno preživetje 54 mesecev, pri bolnicah, zdravljenih s kemoterapijo pred operacijo ter odloženo citoredukcijo brez makroskopskega ostanka pa 36 mesecev. Popolna primarna citoredukcija, brez makroskopskega ostanka, je bila narejena pri 35,4 % bolnic, po kemoterapiji pred operacijo pa se je popolna intervalna citoredukcija opravila pri 52,4 % operirank. Zaključek: V raziskavi so imele najdaljše celokupno preživetje bolnice s popolno primarno citoredukcijo in kemoterapijo po operaciji. Če je bolnica prejela kemoterapijo pred operacijo, se je verjetnost popolne odložene citoredukcije brez makroskopskega ostanka povečala, vendar je bilo kljub temu celokupno preživetje krajše kot pri bolnicah s popolno ali optimalno primarno citoredukcijo

    Varnost trastuzumab emtanzina v dopolnilnem zdravljenju zgodnjega HER2-pozitivnega raka dojk

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    Deep Gray Matter Demyelination Detected by Magnetization Transfer Ratio in the Cuprizone Model

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    Abstract In multiple sclerosis (MS), the correlation between lesion load on conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and clinical disability is weak. This clinico-radiological paradox might partly be due to the low sensitivity of conventional MRI to detect gray matter demyelination. Magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) has previously been shown to detect white matter demyelination in mice. In this study, we investigated whether MTR can detect gray matter demyelination in cuprizone exposed mice. A total of 54 female C57BL/6 mice were split into one control group () and eight cuprizone exposed groups (Ns~6). The mice were exposed to 0:2% (w/w) cuprizone for up to six weeks. MTR images were obtained at a 7 Tesla Bruker MR-scanner before cuprizone exposure, weekly for six weeks during cuprizone exposure, and once two weeks after termination of cuprizone exposure. Immunohistochemistry staining for myelin (anti-Proteolopid Protein) and oligodendrocytes (anti-Neurite Outgrowth Inhibitor Protein A) was obtained after each weekly scanning. Rates of MTR change and correlations between MTR values and histological findings were calculated in five brain regions. In the corpus callosum and the deep gray matter a significant rate of MTR value decrease was found, 0:96% per week (pv:0001) and 0:39% per week (pv:0001) respectively. The MTR values correlated to myelin loss as evaluated by immunohistochemistry (Corpus callosum: R 2~: 43, pv:0001. Deep gray matter: R 2~: 21, pv:001), but did not correlate to oligodendrocyte density. Significant results were not found in the cerebellum, the olfactory bulb or the cerebral cortex. This study shows that MTR can be used to detect demyelination in the deep gray matter, which is of particular interest for imaging of patients with MS, as deep gray matter demyelination is common in MS, and is not easily detected on conventional clinical MRI

    Alterations in immunophenotype and metabolic profile of mononuclear cells during follow up in children with multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C)

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    IntroductionAlthough children seem to be less susceptible to COVID-19, some of them develop a rare but serious hyperinflammatory condition called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). While several studies describe the clinical conditions of acute MIS-C, the status of convalescent patients in the months after acute MIS-C is still unclear, especially the question of persistence of changes in the specific subpopulations of immune cells in the convalescent phase of the disease.MethodsWe therefore analyzed peripheral blood of 14 children with MIS-C at the onset of the disease (acute phase) and 2 to 6 months after disease onset (post-acute convalescent phase) for lymphocyte subsets and antigen-presenting cell (APC) phenotype. The results were compared with six healthy age-matched controls.ResultsAll major lymphocyte populations (B cells, CD4 + and CD8+ T cells, and NK cells) were decreased in the acute phase and normalized in the convalescent phase. T cell activation was increased in the acute phase, followed by an increased proportion of γ/δ-double-negative T cells (γ/δ DN Ts) in the convalescent phase. B cell differentiation was impaired in the acute phase with a decreased proportion of CD21 expressing, activated/memory, and class-switched memory B cells, which normalized in the convalescent phase. The proportion of plasmacytoid dendritic cells, conventional type 2 dendritic cells, and classical monocytes were decreased, while the proportion of conventional type 1 dendritic cells was increased in the acute phase. Importantly the population of plasmacytoid dendritic cells remained decreased in the convalescent phase, while other APC populations normalized. Immunometabolic analysis of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in the convalescent MIS-C showed comparable mitochondrial respiration and glycolysis rates to healthy controls.ConclusionsWhile both immunophenotyping and immunometabolic analyzes showed that immune cells in the convalescent MIS-C phase normalized in many parameters, we found lower percentage of plasmablasts, lower expression of T cell co-receptors (CD3, CD4, and CD8), an increased percentage of γ/δ DN Ts and increased metabolic activity of CD3/CD28-stimulated T cells. Overall, the results suggest that inflammation persists for months after the onset of MIS-C, with significant alterations in some immune system parameters, which may also impair immune defense against viral infections