23 research outputs found

    Papillomavirus E2 protein is regulated by specific fibroblast growth factor receptors

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    The papillomavirus (PV) E2 protein activates transcription and replication by recruiting cellular proteins and the E1 DNA helicase to their binding sites in the viral genome. We recently demonstrated that phosphorylation of tyrosine 102 in the bovine papillomavirus (BPV-1) E2 protein restricts these activities and that fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 (FGFR3) tyrosine kinase binds PV E2. Expression of FGFR3 decreased viral replication with both wild-type and the phenylalanine substitution at position 102, inferring that another kinase targets Y102. Here we tested FGFR- 1, −2 and −4 for association with PV E2 proteins. FGFR2 but not FGFR1 or FGFR4 co-immunoprecipitated with BPV-1 E2. We found that FGFR2 suppressed replication but did not depend on phosphorylation of BPV-1 Y102. HPV-16 and −31 E2 interacted with FGFR1, −2, and −4. These results imply that the expression and activity of FGF receptors in epithelial cells can regulate the function of E2 in viral replication

    Regulation of the Human Papillomavirus Lifecyle through Post-Translational Modifications of the Viral E2 Protein

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    The human papillomavirus (HPV) is a DNA tumor virus that infects cutaneous and mucosal epithelia where high-risk (HR) HPV infections lead to cervical, oropharyngeal, and anogenital cancers. Worldwide, nearly 5% of all cancers are caused by HR HPV. The viral E2 protein is essential for episomal replication throughout the viral lifecycle. The E2 protein is regulated by phosphorylation, acetylation, sumoylation, and ubiquitination. In this mini-review, we summarize the recent advancements made to identify post translational modifications within E2 and their ability to control viral replication

    Optimization of human papillomavirus-based pseudovirus techniques for efficient gene transfer

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    Human papillomavirus (HPV) L1 and L2 capsid proteins self-assemble into virions capable of efficiently packaging either its 8 kilobase genome or non-viral DNA. The ability of HPV capsids to package non-viral DNA makes these a useful tool for delivering plasmids to study proteins of interest in a variety of cell types. We describe optimization of current methods and present new protocols for using HPV capsids to deliver non-viral DNA thereby providing an alternative to DNA transfection. Using keratinocyte generated extracellular matrices can enhance infection efficiency in keratinocytes, hepatocytes and neuronal cells. Furthermore, we describe a suspension-based efficient technique for infecting different cell types

    Phosphorylation of the Bovine Papillomavirus E2 Protein on Tyrosine Regulates Its Transcription and Replication Functions

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    Papillomaviruses are small, double-stranded DNA viruses that encode the E2 protein, which controls transcription, replication, and genome maintenance in infected cells. Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) affecting E2 function and stability have been demonstrated for multiple types of papillomaviruses. Here we describe the first phosphorylation event involving a conserved tyrosine (Y) in the bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV-1) E2 protein at amino acid 102. While its phosphodeficient phenylalanine (F) mutant activated both transcription and replication in luciferase reporter assays, a mutant that may act as a phosphomimetic, with a Y102-to-glutamate (E) mutation, lost both activities. The E2 Y102F protein interacted with cellular E2-binding factors and the viral helicase E1; however, in contrast, the Y102E mutant associated with only a subset and was unable to bind to E1. While the Y102F mutant fully supported transient viral DNA replication, BPV genomes encoding this mutation as well as Y102E were not maintained as stable episomes in murine C127 cells. These data imply that phosphorylation at Y102 disrupts the helical fold of the N-terminal region of E2 and its interaction with key cellular and viral proteins. We hypothesize that the resulting inhibition of viral transcription and replication in basal epithelial cells prevents the development of a lytic infection. IMPORTANCE Papillomaviruses (PVs) are small, double-stranded DNA viruses that are responsible for cervical, oropharyngeal, and various genitourinary cancers. Although vaccines against the major oncogenic human PVs are available, there is no effective treatment for existing infections. One approach to better understand the viral replicative cycle, and potential therapies to target it, is to examine the posttranslational modification of viral proteins and its effect on function. Here we have discovered that the bovine papillomavirus 1 (BPV-1) transcription and replication regulator E2 is phosphorylated at residue Y102. While a phosphodeficient mutant at this site was fully functional, a phosphomimetic mutant displayed impaired transcription and replication activity as well as a lack of an association with certain E2-binding proteins. This study highlights the influence of posttranslational modifications on viral protein function and provides additional insight into the complex interplay between papillomaviruses and their hosts

    Effects of Caffeine, a DNA Damage Response Inhibitor, on Papillomavirus Genome Replication

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    Epidemiological studies have revealed that caffeinated coffee imparts a reduced risk of oropharyngeal cancer, of which human papillomavirus (HPV) is one of the causative agents. Caffeine is a known inhibitor of the DNA damage response (DDR) pathway. We sought to test the effects of caffeine on the early replication of the HPV31 virus. It has been reported that the inhibition of several factors necessary for the DDR during the differentiation-dependent stage of HPV block genome amplification, while the HPV genome maintenance replication was unaffected. We first studied the effects of caffeine in the earliest stages of viral infection. Using pseudo-virions (PsV) expressing an m-Cherry reporter gene and quasi-virions (QsV) containing HPV31 genomes to mediate the infection, we found no evidence that caffeine impeded the viral entry; however, the infected cells displayed a reduced HPV copy number. In contrast, caffeine exposure increased the copy number of HPV31 episomes in the transient transfection assays and in the CIN612E cells that stably maintain viral episomes. There was a concomitant increase in the steady state levels of the HPV31 E1 and E2 transcripts, along with increased E2 loading at the viral origin of replication (ori). These results suggest that the caffeine-mediated inhibition of the DDR reduces viral genome replication in the early stage of infection, in contrast to the maintenance stage, in which the inhibition of the DDR may lead to an increase in viral amplicon replication

    Human Papillomavirus 31 Tyrosine 102 Regulates Interaction with E2 Binding Partners and Episomal Maintenance

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    Several serine and threonine residues of the papillomavirus early E2 protein have been found to be phosphorylated. In contrast, only one E2 tyrosine phosphorylation site in BPV-1 (tyrosine 102) and one in HPV-16/31 (tyrosine 138) site have been characterized. Between BPV-1 and HPV-31 E2, 8 of the 11 tyrosines are conserved in the N-terminal domain, suggesting that phosphorylation of tyrosines has an essential role in E2 biology. In this study, we examine the effect of Y102 phosphorylation on HPV-31 E2 biology. Y102 proteins mutated either to the potential phospho-mimetic glutamic acid (Y102E) or to the nonphosphorylated homologue phenylalanine (Y102F) remain nuclear; however, Y102E is more associated with the nuclear matrix fraction. This is consistent with the inability of Y102E to bind TopBP1. Both BPV-1 and HPV-31 Y102E are similar in that neither binds the C terminus of Brd4, but in all other aspects the mutant behaves differently between the two families of papillomaviruses. BPV-1 Y102E was unable to bind E1 and did not replicate in a transient in vitro assay, while HPV-31 Y102E binds E1 and was able to replicate, albeit at lower levels than wild type. To examine the effect of E2 mutations under more native-like infection conditions, a neomycin-selectable marker was inserted into L1/L2 of the HPV-31 genome, creating HPV-31neo. This genome was maintained in every cell line tested for at least 50 days posttransfection/infection. Y102E in both transfection and infection conditions was unable to maintain high episome copy numbers in epithelial cell lines.IMPORTANCE Posttranslational modifications by phosphorylation can change protein activities, binding partners, or localization. Tyrosine 102 is conserved between delta papillomavirus BPV-1 and alpha papillomavirus HPV-31 E2. We characterized mutations of HPV-31 E2 for interactions with relevant cellular binding partners and replication in the context of the viral genome

    Comparison of the Relative Efficacy and Potency of μ-Opioid Agonists to Activate Gα i/o

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    α-COP binding to the survival motor neuron protein SMN is required for neuronal process outgrowth

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    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a heritable neurodegenerative disease, results from insufficient levels of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. α-COP binds to SMN, linking the COPI vesicular transport pathway to SMA. Reduced levels of α-COP restricted development of neuronal processes in NSC-34 cells and primary cortical neurons. Remarkably, heterologous expression of human α-COP restored normal neurite length and morphology in SMN-depleted NSC-34 cells in vitro and zebrafish motor neurons in vivo. We identified single amino acid mutants of α-COP that selectively abrogate SMN binding, retain COPI-mediated Golgi-ER trafficking functionality, but were unable to support neurite outgrowth in cellular and zebrafish models of SMA. Taken together, these demonstrate the functional role of COPI association with the SMN protein in neuronal development

    Using the E4orf6-Based E3 Ubiquitin Ligase as a Tool To Analyze the Evolution of Adenoviruses

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    ABSTRACT E4orf6 proteins from all human adenoviruses form Cullin-based ubiquitin ligase complexes that, in association with E1B55K, target cellular proteins for degradation. While most are assembled with Cul5, a few utilize Cul2. BC-box motifs enable all these E4orf6 proteins to assemble ligase complexes with Elongins B and C. We also identified a Cul2-box motif used for Cul2 selection in all Cul2-based complexes. With this information, we set out to determine if other adenoviruses also possess the ability to form the ligase complex and, if so, to predict their Cullin usage. Here we report that all adenoviruses known to encode an E4orf6-like protein (mastadenoviruses and atadenoviruses) maintain the potential to form the ligase complex. We could accurately predict Cullin usage for E4orf6 products of mastadenoviruses and all but one atadenovirus. Interestingly, in nonhuman primate adenoviruses, we found a clear segregation of Cullin binding, with Cul5 utilized by viruses infecting great apes and Cul2 by Old/New World monkey viruses, suggesting that a switch from Cul2 to Cul5 binding occurred during the period when great apes diverged from monkeys. Based on the analysis of Cullin selection, we also suggest that the majority of human adenoviruses, which exhibit a broader tropism for the eye and the respiratory tract, exhibit Cul5 specificity and resemble viruses infecting great apes, whereas those that infect the gastrointestinal tract may have originated from monkey viruses that share Cul2 specificity. Finally, aviadenoviruses also appear to contain E4orf6 genes that encode proteins with a conserved XCXC motif followed by, in most cases, a BC-box motif. IMPORTANCE Two early adenoviral proteins, E4orf6 and E1B55K, form a ubiquitin ligase complex with cellular proteins to ubiquitinate specific substrates, leading to their degradation by the proteasome. In studies with representatives of each human adenovirus species, we (and others) previously discovered that some viruses use Cul2 to form the complex, while others use Cul5. In the present study, we expanded our analyses to all sequenced adenoviruses and found that E4orf6 genes from all mast- and atadenoviruses encode proteins containing the motifs necessary to form the ligase complex. We found a clear separation in Cullin specificity between adenoviruses of great apes and Old/New World monkeys, lending support for a monkey origin for human viruses of the Human mastadenovirus A, F, and G species. We also identified previously unrecognized E4orf6 genes in the aviadenoviruses that encode proteins containing motifs permitting formation of the ubiquitin ligase