3,239 research outputs found

    Nighttime Construction Issues

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    This report addresses several issues to consider when considering performing highway construction work in Kentucky at night. Surveys of other state departments of transportation and Kentucky highway contractors were made to identify best practices and concerns. An advisory committee of experienced KyTC engineers plus contractor representatives met extensively to identify successful approaches for handling key issues which arise on night-time construction projects. Seventeen specific recommendations have been proposed to enhance the Cabinet\u27s use of night-time construction for its projects. These cover several issues related to night-time work, including contract requirements, traffic control, law enforcement, personnel issues, lighting and public awareness. A method (the Night-Time Project Evaluation Form) was also developed for evaluating a proposed construction project as a candidate for night-time work. If properly implemented, night-time construction can greatly decrease the duration of highway construction projects, greatly reduce road user delays and associated costs, while providing a safe environment for both workers and the traveling public

    Pavement Evaluation of the Concrete Tie-bars and Dowel Baskets on Irvin Cobb Drive, US 60, McCracken County, KY

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    A 1500 Mhz. ground coupled, ground penetrating radar antenna was used to identify both the horizontal alignment and the vertical displacement of the concrete tie-bars and the transverse joint dowel bar assembles on a Portland-Cement-Concrete-Pavement (PCCP) on US 60 in McCracken County, KY. Approximately 5 lanes miles of PCCP were evaluated using the 1500 Mhz. ground coupled antenna. Results indicate that only one transverse dowel basket out of an approximate total of 1,760 were within 4.17 inches of the pavement surface. Seven transverse dowel baskets were misaligned four inches or greater from the location of the sawed joint. These areas represent 0.45 percent of the total transverse joints on the project. The ground penetrating radar results also indicated there were no areas along the longitudinal joint where the tie-bars were either too close to the pavement surface or missing

    Streamlined Project Closeout for Construction at KYTC

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    Project closeout is the period between the end of construction and when a contract is finalized. During closeout, resources are held in encumbered funds intended for the project and in the contractor’s bonding capacity. Although the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet’s (KYTC) stated goal is to close out projects within 240 days of their ending, in 2016 the average duration of project closeout was 366 days. This report analyzes the Cabinet’s project closeout procedures, summarizes project closeout best practices adopted by other state transportation agencies, and recommends ways to improve KYTC’s practices. Streamlining project closeouts would free up sufficient funds to resurface approximately 2,000 to 7,000 total lane miles that would otherwise not be rehabilitated. To begin reforming project closeout, the Cabinet may benefit from 1) investigating ways to improve the preparation of final documentation and 2) reducing the amount of time allocated for development and completion of the materials check. Other recommendations for revamping project closeout include establishing a KYTC task force to conduct high-level analysis of the project closeout process; thoroughly implementing e-Construction methodologies, which can reduce paperwork and centralize record-keeping within tightly controlled and monitored databases; revising project closeout checklists to standardize the process and eliminate all steps that are unneeded or outdated; and optimizing project closeout processes at the district level to help personnel adopt best practices. More efficient project closeouts will benefit the public because of their potential to increase the amount of funding that can be dedicated to critical transportation projects that would otherwise remain unaddressed. As the Cabinet investigates ways to begin this process, it is important to keep in mind that strategies or methods for streamlining project closeout should be implemented by KYTC personnel, as this increases the likelihood that staff buy-in across the agency

    Impact of technology use on workforce performance and information access in the construction industry

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    For decades, labor shortage has been a consistent struggle in the construction industry. At the same time, technological innovations have played a central role in the growth and development of an increasingly diverse construction industry. Existing research indicates that technological adoption is crucial for enhancing project productivity. Despite the importance and potential benefits of technology use, no research has yet studied how technology use on-site impact the worker’s performance and the difficulty of the process to access needed information. The objective of this paper is to analyze and understand the impact of on-site technology use on 1) the self-evaluated performance record (including safety, attendance, quality, productivity, and initiative), and 2) the difficulty of the process to access information, of construction workers and frontline supervisors in the construction industry. To achieve the research objective, 2,780 construction craft workers and frontline supervisors were surveyed using an online questionnaire. The survey participants were asked to self-evaluate 1) their work personal performance record (including safety, attendance, quality, productivity, and initiative), and 2) the difficulty of the process to receive or get access to information. The participants were additionally asked to specify whether different listed information technologies, material technologies, and equipment technologies are used on site. The collected data was then analyzed. Key findings indicate that the on-site use of several technologies had statistically significant impact in increased worker performance and information access. This study contributes to the body of knowledge by empirically quantifying the impact of on-site technology use on worker performance and information access in the construction industry

    Updating the Kentucky Contract Time Determination System

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    The Federal Highway Administration requires State Transportation Agencies to have a formal method to estimate contract time for highway construction projects. To meet this requirement many states use an integrated scheduling system to estimate project durations based on assumed productivity rates and generic job logic. The current work investigated the accuracy of two of these systems found that both systems accuracy in predicting the duration of Kentucky Transportation Cabinet projects was greater than +200%. In response to this poor accuracy, a parametric project duration estimating tool was developed based on a multivariate regression analysis of bid item quantities and engineering and construction estimate. Five regression models were develop to estimate contract time for large projects (great than 1,000,000)basedonkeybiditemquantities;limitedaccess(+221,000,000) based on key bid item quantities; limited access (+22% median error), open access (+35% median error), new route (+55% median error), bridge rehabilitation (+77% median error), and bridge replacement(+17% median error). It was not possible to develop a parametric estimating tool for predicting the duration of small projects (less than 1,000,000) as it appears that the duration of small projects is determined by factors outside of bid item quantities

    Comparing urban and wildland bear densities with a DNA-based capture-mark-recapture approach

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    California’s black bear (Ursus americanus) population has tripled over the last 3 decades, causing an increased incidence of human–bear conflicts, many of which now occur in urban areas. Consequently, it is imperative that bear managers have the ability to monitor population parameters in both wildland and urban environments to help manage bears. Capture-mark-recapture (CMR) methods using uniquely typed genetic samples (DNA) collected via hair-snares have been widely used to monitor bears in wildland areas. However, we are unaware of researchers applying this technique to bears occupying urban areas. We implemented a multi-year DNA-based CMR study to compare bear densities between an urban area and a nearby wildland area. We deployed hair-snares for 6 weekly capture occasions during June and July, 2011 and 2012. We uniquely typed DNA from snared hair follicles using 14 microsatellite loci and 2 sexing loci. We coupled unique identification with robust-design closed-capture models and model averaging in Program MARK to estimate abundance. We identified 41 and 62 individual bears on the urban and wildland study areas, with average densities of 3.8 and 1.8 bears/10 km2,respectively. Our data support the hypothesis that bears can occur at greater densities in urban areas. Based on these results, we recommend using DNA-based CMR methods to monitor populations of bears in urban areas, but we suggest increasing the density of sampling locations to account for greater bear densities. Furthermore, we contend that DNA-based CMR can also estimate survival, recruitment, rate of population change (λ), and identify movement patterns by incorporating additional survey years

    On identity: Contemporary music research in the Asia-Pacific region. Introduction

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    Anthropology, as the study of human societies, has always been inclusive of music in some form or another, whether simply referencing a culture’s music through evocative book titles or delving in detail into musical forms and performances themselves. Music is acknowledged as a gateway to understanding a people’s experience*in particular song, which gives voice to human expression not always possible in everyday language. From another angle, music research has increasingly engaged with anthropology and this has occurred most notably in the development of the discipline of ethnomusicology, which grew from comparative musicology, and the publication of one of its key texts, Alan Merriam’s The Anthropology of Music(1964). This issue of The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology(TAPJA) contributes with a special focus on contemporary music research in the Asia Pacific region

    Synaptogyrin-2 influences replication of Porcine circovirus 2

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    Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) is a circular single-stranded DNA virus responsible for a group of diseases collectively known as PCV2 Associated Diseases (PCVAD). Variation in the incidence and severity of PCVAD exists between pigs suggesting a host genetic component involved in pathogenesis. A large-scale genome-wide association study of experimentally infected pigs (n = 974), provided evidence of a host genetic role in PCV2 viremia, immune response and growth during challenge. Host genotype explained 64% of the phenotypic variation for overall viral load, with two major Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) identified on chromosome 7 (SSC7) near the swine leukocyte antigen complex class II locus and on the proximal end of chromosome 12 (SSC12). The SNP having the strongest association, ALGA0110477 (SSC12), explained 9.3% of the genetic and 6.2% of the phenotypic variance for viral load. Dissection of the SSC12 QTL based on gene annotation, genomic and RNA-sequencing, suggested that a missense mutation in the SYNGR2 (SYNGR2 p.Arg63Cys) gene is potentially responsible for the variation in viremia. This polymorphism, located within a protein domain conserved across mammals, results in an amino acid variant SYNGR2 p.63Cys only observed in swine. PCV2 titer in PK15 cells decreased when the expression of SYNGR2 was silenced by specific-siRNA, indicating a role of SYNGR2 in viral replication. Additionally, a PK15 edited clone generated by CRISPR-Cas9, carrying a partial deletion of the second exon that harbors a key domain and the SYNGR2 p.Arg63Cys, was associated with a lower viral titer compared to wildtype PK15 cells (\u3e24 hpi) and supernatant (\u3e48hpi)(P \u3c 0.05). Identification of a non-conservative substitution in this key domain of SYNGR2 suggests that the SYNGR2 p.Arg63Cys variant may underlie the observed genetic effect on viral load

    Disruption of MEF2C signaling and loss of sarcomeric and mitochondrial integrity in cancer-induced skeletal muscle wasting

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    Cancer cachexia is a highly debilitating paraneoplastic disease observed in more than 50% of patients with advanced cancers and directly contributes to 20% of cancer deaths. Loss of skeletal muscle is a defining characteristic of patients with cancer cachexia and is associated with poor survival. The present study reveals the involvement of a myogenic transcription factor Myocyte Enhancer Factor (MEF) 2C in cancer-induced skeletal muscle wasting. Increased skeletal muscle mRNA expression of Suppressor of Cytokine Signaling (Socs) 3 and the IL-6 receptor indicative of active IL-6 signaling was seen in skeletal muscle of mice bearing the Colon 26 (C26) carcinoma. Loss of skeletal muscle structural integrity and distorted mitochondria were also observed using electron microscopy. Gene and protein expression of MEF2C was significantly downregulated in skeletal muscle from C26-bearing mice. MEF2C gene targets myozenin and myoglobin as well as myokinase were also altered during cachexia, suggesting dysregulated oxygen transport capacity and ATP regeneration in addition to distorted structural integrity. In addition, reduced expression of calcineurin was observed which suggested a potential pathway of MEF2C dysregulation. Together, these effects may limit sarcomeric contractile ability and also predispose skeletal muscle to structural instability; associated with muscle wasting and fatigue in cachexia

    Synaptogyrin-2 influences replication of Porcine circovirus 2

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    Porcine circovirus 2 (PCV2) is a circular single-stranded DNA virus responsible for a group of diseases collectively known as PCV2 Associated Diseases (PCVAD). Variation in the incidence and severity of PCVAD exists between pigs suggesting a host genetic component involved in pathogenesis. A large-scale genome-wide association study of experimentally infected pigs (n = 974), provided evidence of a host genetic role in PCV2 viremia, immune response and growth during challenge. Host genotype explained 64% of the phenotypic variation for overall viral load, with two major Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) identified on chromosome 7 (SSC7) near the swine leukocyte antigen complex class II locus and on the proximal end of chromosome 12 (SSC12). The SNP having the strongest association, ALGA0110477 (SSC12), explained 9.3% of the genetic and 6.2% of the phenotypic variance for viral load. Dissection of the SSC12 QTL based on gene annotation, genomic and RNA-sequencing, suggested that a missense mutation in the SYNGR2 (SYNGR2 p.Arg63Cys) gene is potentially responsible for the variation in viremia. This polymorphism, located within a protein domain conserved across mammals, results in an amino acid variant SYNGR2 p.63Cys only observed in swine. PCV2 titer in PK15 cells decreased when the expression of SYNGR2 was silenced by specific-siRNA, indicating a role of SYNGR2 in viral replication. Additionally, a PK15 edited clone generated by CRISPR-Cas9, carrying a partial deletion of the second exon that harbors a key domain and the SYNGR2 p.Arg63Cys, was associated with a lower viral titer compared to wildtype PK15 cells (\u3e24 hpi) and supernatant (\u3e48hpi)(P \u3c 0.05). Identification of a non-conservative substitution in this key domain of SYNGR2 suggests that the SYNGR2 p.Arg63Cys variant may underlie the observed genetic effect on viral load