7,781 research outputs found

    The potential for battery electric vehicles in New Zealand

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    Several challenges are facing personal transport in New Zealand; the need to reduce carbon emissions, the depletion of cheap oil reserves, increasing congestion, localised pollution and the need for long term sustainability. One possible solution to replace petrol/diesel cars could be the mass deployment of cost competitive, comfortable, attractive, energy efficient battery electric vehicles (BEVs). This paper first discusses the social and technical barriers that have hindered the development of this type of electric vehicle and secondly, how they can now be overcome. The electricity supply for a New Zealand fleet of 2 million battery electric cars is also discussed

    Analysis of a photovoltaic/thermal solar collector for building integration

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    The idea of combining photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors (PVT collectors) to provide electrical and heat energy is not new, however it is an area that has received only limited attention. With concern growing over energy sources and their usage, PVTs have become a focus point of interest in the field of solar energy research. Although PVTs are not as prevalent as solar thermal systems, the integration of photovoltaic and solar thermal collectors into the walls or roofing structure of a building could provide greater opportunity for the use of renewable solar energy technologies in domestic, commercial and industrial applications. As such, the design of a novel building integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPVT) solar collector is theoretically analysed through the use of a modified Hottel-Whillier model. The thermal efficiency under a range of conditions was subsequently determined and results showing how key design parameters influence the performance of the BIPVT system are presented

    Solar energy use for energy savings in dairy processing plants

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    New Zealand is one of the world’s largest producers of dairy products and has a climate with high levels of solar radiation; however, the use of solar energy in the dairy processing industry has received limited attention. An examination of historical records found that the annual peak in New Zealand milk production and processing occurs at a time when solar radiation levels are increasing markedly. An F-Chart analysis was used to simulate the performance of large-area arrays of solar collectors and to determine their suitability for heating and cooling in a dairy processing environment. For the study four types of solar collectors were analysed: glazed flat plates, evacuated tubes, evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors and a building-integrated solar collector under development at the University of Waikato (UoW). It was found that of these technologies, both flat plate and evacuated tubes with CPC reflectors could make useful heating and cooling contributions. Furthermore, the solar fraction was determined mainly by the collector area to storage volume ratio. Finally, it was found that the UoW building-integrated solar collector could make a significant contribution to energy use in dairies and may be an attractive future technology for the industry

    Sustainable architecture and food production: impact of modernity on the traditional urban form

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    Architecture in any period has often been a reflection of the sociological, cultural, economic and technological aspects of its development. Though it has been argued that Africa has no recorded history in the written form, but evidences persist of the rich culture of the different tribes that makes up the constituent of its inhabitants. This paper examines some of these socio-cultural factors that impinge on the historical traditional forms and architectural system in sub-Saharan Africa, by considering the pattern of food production and consumption. It also examines in particular existing relationship between architecture and food consumption that affect the sustainable built form found in south west Nigeria. The paper is thus an endeavor to discuss the connections, interrelationships and benefits of these concepts in the evolving modern socio-cultural views on Africa. The paper report a recent field survey carried out in the study area, based on quantitative and qualitative methodology. Sizeable numbers of questionnaire are administered to the target population, using stratified random sampling method in order to elicit primary data; with 76 percent response rate from the respondent. The survey and interview conducted highlights a number of observations and conclusion of the relationship between food production activities and its role in city development or formation

    The feasibility of long range battery electric cars in New Zealand

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    New Zealand transport accounts for over 40% of the carbon emissions with private cars accounting for 25%. In the Ministry of Economic Development's recently released “New Zealand Energy Strategy to 2050”, it proposed the wide scale deployment of electric vehicles as a means of reducing carbon emissions from transport. However, New Zealand's lack of public transport infrastructure and its subsequent reliance on private car use for longer journeys could mean that many existing battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will not have the performance to replace conventionally fuelled cars. As such, this paper discusses the potential for BEVs in New Zealand, with particular reference to the development of the University of Waikato's long-range UltraCommuter BEV. It is shown that to achieve a long range at higher speeds, BEVs should be designed specifically rather than retrofitting existing vehicles to electric. Furthermore, the electrical energy supply for a mixed fleet of 2 million BEVs is discussed and conservatively calculated, along with the number of wind turbines to achieve this. The results show that approximately 1350 MW of wind turbines would be needed to supply the mixed fleet of 2 million BEVs, or 54% of the energy produced from NZ's planned and installed wind farms


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    A test for static equilibrium developed by Schankerman and Nadiri is used to evaluate the hypothesis that land and capital in aggregate southeastern U.S. agriculture behave as fixed inputs. Empirical results reject the hypothesis that these two inputs are at their long-run equilibrium levels implied by observed prices. Thus, some degree of asset fixity may be concluded.Financial Economics,


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    The relationship between the degree of competitive market pressure and the rate of productivity growth is empirically investigated with a case study of the Florida fresh winter vegetable industry. The results indicate that crops which faced considerable competitive pressure exhibited significant productivity growth while the crops that faced minimal competitive pressure generally exhibited little growth in productivity. Thus, the hypothesis that competitive pressure is positively related to productivity growth is supported.Productivity Analysis,

    An assessment of base load concentrating solar thermal power generation for New Zealand

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    With increasing pressure being placed on traditional energy sources, both in terms of supply and also regulatory, there is an increasing need to explore alternative generation technologies. In global terms, solar energy has the potential to make a significant contribution to worldwide energy demands in the future. This study examines recent developments in the emerging field of concentrating solar thermal power generation and explores the potential for base load electricity generation using this technology in New Zealand

    Performance of a building integrated solar combisystem

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    Solar combisystems providing both water and space heating to buildings are becoming commonplace in European and North American locations. However, the use of these systems in Australia and New Zealand is still in its infancy. While significant work has been undertaken to characterise the performance of these systems in northern hemisphere locations, this does not necessarily reflect their performance in Australia or New Zealand. This work examines the performance of solar combisystems utilising TRNSYS and F-chart simulations of an integrated solar thermal combisystem installed in a single storey detached dwelling under typical Australian and New Zealand climatic conditions. In doing this, it shows that there is significant scope for increased use of solar combisystems in the cooler climate regions of Australia and New Zealand
