506 research outputs found

    Large block inpainting by color continuation analysis

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    [[abstract]]Automatic inpainting is a mechanism which repairs damaged pictures using an approximation mechanism. The most difficult problem is to inpaint a large damaged area, without knowing its content. One possible solution is to use color interpolation or extrapolation on surrounding pixels. However, spatial characteristics such as edges and pixel continuations are hard to be restored. In this research, we propose a series of automatic algorithms, which is based on an analysis of color continuations. Large damaged blocks are repaired, before the rest smaller potions are repaired by a multiresolution inpainting algorithm. The mechanism is tested on more than 2000 images, including cartoon drawing, photos, Chinese painting, and western painting. Our results prove that, the proposed automatic mechanism fixes damaged image up to a certain degree of satisfaction from the users. The demonstration of our work is available at: http://www.mine.tku.edu.tw/demos/inpaint.[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20040105~20040107[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Brisban, Australi

    The algebra of spatio-temporal intervals

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    [[abstract]]The relations among temporal intervals can be used to model all time dependent objects. We propose a fast mechanism for temporal relation compositions. A temporal transitive closure table is derived, and an interval-based temporal relation algebraic system is constructed. Thus, we propagate the time constraints of arbitrary two objects across long distances n by linear time. We also give a complete discussion of different possible domains of interval relations. A set of algorithms is proposed to detect time conflicts and to derive reasonable interval relations. The algorithms are extended for time-based media in an arbitrary n-dimensional space[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19980121~19980121[[conferencelocation]]Tokyo, Japa

    The design and implementation of a distributed web document database

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    [[abstract]]Distance learning has become a very important mechanism for virtual university operation. In order to realize such an operation smoothly, it is necessary to consider distance learning from three perspectives: administration, awareness, and assessment. We are currently implementing a virtual university environment according to these guidelines. In this paper, we propose a new Web documentation database as a supporting environment of the Multimedia Micro-University project. The design of this database facilitates a Web documentation development paradigm that we have proposed earlier. From a script description, to its implementation as well as testing records, the database and its interface allow the user to design Web documents as virtual courses to be used in a Web-savvy virtual library. The database supports object reuse and sharing, as well as referential integrity and concurrence. In order to allow real-time course demonstration, i.e. also propose a simple course distribution mechanism, which allows the pre-broadcast of course materials. The System is implemented as a three-tier architecture which runs under MS Windows and other platforms[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19990921~19990921[[conferencelocation]]Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japa

    A Recommendation System over Internet Based on User Classification

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    [[abstract]]Internet has become a popular medium for information exchange anddelivery knowledge. Many people get the useful information what theywanted from the Internet and network. Several traditional socialactivities have changed to work in the Internet, like distancelearning and tele-medical system. Traditional buying and sellingactivities also follow the trend. Almost all things will be sold inthe Internet, user will buy the product from the Internet too. Howeverwith the advent of the World Wide Web, online merchant must know whatusers wanted or interests and let user buying something in their site.So recommendation process became an important strategy for themerchants. In this paper we analysis users' behavior and theirinteresting, and then we recommend something to these users. Theanalysis mechanism is based on the correlations among customer,product items, and product features. In this paper we propose analgorithm to classify users into groups and recommend product itemsbased on these classified groups. And the system will help merchantsto make suitable business decision and make personal information tocustomers.[[sponsorship]]淡江大學; 教育部 Tamkang University; Knowledge Systems Institute, U.S.A.; Ministry of Education[[notice]]補正完畢[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencetkucampus]]淡水校園[[conferencedate]]20010926~20010928[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]臺北縣, 臺

    Detection and Removal of Long Scratch Lines in Aged Films

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    [[abstract]]Historical films usually have defects. We study the type of defects, and propose a series of solutions to detect defects before they are repaired by our inpainting algorithms. This paper focuses on a difficult issue to locate long vertical line defects in aged films. A progressive detection algorithm is proposed. We are able to detect more than 86% (recall rate) of effective line defects. These line defects are then removed step by step. The experiments use real historical video collected from national museum and public channel, instead of using computer generated noise. The results are visually pleasant based on our subjective evaluation by volunteers[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20060709~20060712[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Toronto, Ont., Canad

    Software Testing and Metrics for Concurrent Computation

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    [[abstract]]Verification and validation are two important technologies to assure the reliability and quality of software. Software testing and metrics are two approaches to execute the verification and validation. In sequential computation, a fairly mature process exists, with various methodologies and tools available for use in building and demonstrating the correctness of a program being tested. The emergence of concurrent computation in recent years, however, introduces new testing problems and difficulties that cannot be solved by the traditional sequential program testing techniques. Many concurrent program testing methodologies have been proposed to solve controlled execution and determinism. There have been few discussions of concurrent software testing from the inter-task viewpoint, even though the common characteristics of concurrent programming are the explicit identification of the large-grain parallel computation units (tasks) and the explicit inter-task communication via a rendezvous-style mechanism. In this paper, we focus on testing concurrent programs through task decomposition. We propose four testing criteria to test a concurrent program. A programmer can choose an appropriate testing strategy depending on the properties of the concurrent programs. Associated with the strategies, four equations are provided to measure the complexity of concurrent programs[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]19961204~19961204[[conferencelocation]]Seoul, Kore

    Criteria of virtual university operation

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    [[abstract]]Administration, awareness and assessment (the “three A's”) are the three criteria of virtual university operation. This position paper points out the basic requirements of the three A's and proposes questions regarding the operation of a virtual university.[[conferencedate]]20001025~20001027[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Taipei, Taiwa

    Adaptive pocket SCORM reader

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    [[abstract]]Pocket devices are dominated in size which makes them the perfect platform for mobile learning. Several researches propose how distance education can be realized on pocket devices. We demonstrate the implementation of the adaptive pocket SCORM (scalable content object reference model) reader. Our proposed pocket SCORM reader is able to load SCORM compatible courseware. Furthermore, we introduce our ideal pocket SCORM architecture. With the proposed architecture, we hope to realize SCORM compliant mobile learning.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20040627~20040630[[conferencelocation]]Taipei, Taiwa

    The hard SCORM LMS: reading SCORM courseware on hardcopy textbooks

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    [[abstract]]The sharable content object reference model (SCORM) includes a representation of distance learning contents and a behavior definition of how users should interact with the contents. Usually, SCORM-compliant systems are developed based on Web browsers or Java program. We developed a system which allows users to read SCORM-compliant course materials on hardcopy papers while an OCR-like pen device is used as an interaction mechanism. A computer, a PDA, or a cellular phone can be used in conjunction with the pen device for multimedia presentations. Our project is called the hard SCORM. Therefore, users can read textbooks in a traditional manner while behavior of reading is incorporated with the SCORM specification.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20050705~20050708[[booktype]]紙本[[conferencelocation]]Kaohsiung, Taiwa

    On automatic actions retrieval of martial arts

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    [[abstract]]Martial art actions can be represented via VRML animations or extracted by video tracking. We propose an action retrieval method, which allows users to retrieve similar martial art actions. The mechanism is based on a similarity function that compares animation tracks. A representation of the human skeleton includes head, knee, elbow, wrist, etc and further aggregates important features in martial art actions. Different weights are dynamically calculated according to motion sensitivity of feature points. As a result, the system can automatically retrieve similar martial art actions. The results are tested by a professional kung fu master with good satisfaction.[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20040627~20040630[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]Taipei, Taiwa