122 research outputs found

    Photodissociation of Cl_2O at 248 and 308 nm

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    Molecular beam studies of Cl_2O photolysis at 248 and 308 nm have been repeated and the analysis refined. At 248 nm, three distinct dissociation pathways that led to Cl+ClO products were resolved. At 308 nm, the angular distribution was slightly more isotropic than previously reported, leaving open the possibility that Cl_2O excited at 308 nm lives longer than a rotational period

    Protocol for Atomic Oxygen Testing of Materials in Ground-Based Facilities

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    A second version of standard guidelines is proposed for improving materials testing in ground-based atomic oxygen environments for the purpose of predicting the durability of the tested materials in low Earth orbit (LEO). Accompanying these guidelines are background information and notes about testing. Both the guidelines and the additional information are intended to aid users who wish to evaluate the potential hazard of atomic oxygen in LEO to a candidate space component without actually flying the component in space, and to provide a framework for more consistent atomic oxygen testing in the future

    Hyperthermal neutral beam etching

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    A pulsed beam of hyperthermal fluorine atoms with an average translational energy of 4.8 eV has been used to demonstrate anisotropic etching of Si. For 1.4 Hz operation, a room-temperature etch rate of 300 Ã…/min for Si(100) has been measured at a distance of 30 cm from the source. A 14% undercutting for room-temperature etching of Novolac-masked Si features was achieved under single-collision conditions, with no detectable mask erosion. Translational energy and angular distributions of scattered fluorine atoms during steady-state etching of Si by a normal-incidence, collimated beam demonstrate that unreacted F atoms can scatter inelastically, retaining a significant fraction of their initial kinetic energies. The observed undercutting can be explained by secondary impingement of these high-energy F atoms, which are more reactive upon interaction with the sidewalls than would be expected if they desorbed from the surface at thermal energies after full accommodation. Time-of-flight distributions of volatile reaction products were also collected, and they show evidence for a dominant nonthermal reaction mechanism of the incident atoms with the surface in addition to a thermal reaction channel

    Dissociation Dynamics of CIONO_2 and Relative Cl and ClO Product Yields following Photoexcitation at 308 nm

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    Chlorine nitrate photolysis at 308 nm has been investigated with a molecular beam technique. Two primary decomposition pathways, leading to Cl + NO_3 and ClO + NO_2, were observed. The branching ratio between these two respective channels was determined to be 0.67 ± 0.06 : 0.33 ± 0.06. This ratio is an upper limit because some of the ClO photoproducts may have undergone secondary photodissociation. The angular distributions of the photoproducts with respect to the direction of polarization of the exciting light were anisotropic. The anisotropy parameters were β= 0.5 ± 0.2 for the Cl + NO_3 channel and β= 1.1 ± 0.2 for the ClO + NO_2 channel, indicating that dissociation of ClONO_2 by either pathway occurs within a rotational period. Weak signal at mass-to-charge ratios of 35 and 51, arising from products with laboratory velocities close to the beam velocity, was observed. While this signal could result from statistical dissociation channels with a total relative yield of 0.07 or less, it is more likely attributable to products from ClO secondary photodissociation or from dissociation of clusters

    Primary and secondary dissociation pathways in the ultraviolet photolysis of Cl_2O

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    The photodissociation of dichlorine monoxide (Cl_2O) at 308, 248, and 193 nm was studied by photofragment translational energy spectroscopy. The primary channel upon excitation at 308 and 248 nm was Cl–O bond fission with production of ClO+Cl. A fraction of the ClO photoproducts also underwent spontaneous secondary dissociation at 248 nm. The center-of-mass translational energy distribution for the ClO+Cl channel at 248 nm appeared to be bimodal with a high energy component that was similar in shape to the 308 nm distribution and a second, low energy component with a maximum close to the threshold for the 2Cl+O(3P) channel. Observation of a bimodal distribution suggests that two pathways with different dissociation dynamics lead to ClO+Cl products. The high product internal energy of the second component raises the possibility that ClO is formed in a previously unobserved spin-excited state a 4∑−. Following excitation at 193 nm, a concerted dissociation pathway leading to Cl_2+O was observed in addition to primary Cl–O bond breakage. In both processes, most of the diatomic photofragments were formed with sufficient internal energy that they spontaneously dissociated. The time-of-flight distributions of the Cl_2+O products suggest that these fragments are formed in two different channels Cl_2(3II)+O(3P) and Cl_2(X1∑)+O(1D)

    Semiconductor etching by hyperthermal neutral beams

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    An at-least dual chamber apparatus and method in which high flux beams of fast moving neutral reactive species are created, collimated and used to etch semiconductor or metal materials from the surface of a workpiece. Beams including halogen atoms are preferably used to achieve anisotropic etching with good selectivity at satisfactory etch rates. Surface damage and undercutting are minimized

    Molecular beam scattering from C-13 enriched Kapton and correlation with the EOIM-3 carousel experiment

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    Mass spectra of products emerging from identical samples of a C-13-enriched polyimide polymer (chemically equivalent to Kapton) under atomic oxygen bombardment in space and in the laboratory were collected. Reaction products unambiguously detected in space were CO-13, NO, (12)CO2, and (13)CO2. These reaction products and two others, H2O and CO-12, were detected in the laboratory, along with inelastically scattered atomic and molecular oxygen. Qualitative agreement was seen in the mass spectra taken in space and in the laboratory; the agreement may be improved by reducing the fraction of O2 in the laboratory molecular beam. Both laboratory and space data indicated that CO and CO2 products come preferentially from reaction with the imide component of the polymer chain, raising the possibility that the either component may degrade in part by the 'evaporation' of higher molecular weight fragments. Laboratory time-of-flight distributions showed: (1) incomplete energy accommodation of impinging O and O2 species that do not react with the surface; and (2) both hyperthermal and thermal CO and CO2 products, suggesting two distinct reaction mechanisms with the surface

    Inelastic and reactive scattering of hyperthermal atomic oxygen from amorphous carbon

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    The reaction of hyperthermal oxygen atoms with an amorphous carbon-13 surface was studied using a modified universal crossed molecular beams apparatus. Time-of-flight distributions of inelastically scattered O-atoms and reactively scattered CO-13 and CO2-13 were measured with a rotatable mass spectrometer detector. Two inelastic scattering channels were observed, corresponding to a direct inelastic process in which the scattered O-atoms retain 20 to 30 percent of their initial kinetic energy and to a trapping desorption process whereby O-atoms emerge from the surface at thermal velocities. Reactive scattering data imply the formation of two kinds of CO products, slow products whose translational energies are determined by the surface temperature and hyperthermal (Approx. 3 eV) products with translational energies comprising roughly 30 percent of the total available energy (E sub avl), where E sub avl is the sum of the collision energy and the reaction exothermicity. Angular data show that the hyperthermal CO is scattered preferentially in the specular direction. CO2 product was also observed, but at much lower intensities than CO and with only thermal velocities

    An investigation of the degradation of Fluorinated Ethylene Propylene (FEP) copolymer thermal blanketing materials aboard LDEF in the laboratory

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    Samples of fluorinated ethylene propylene copolymer thermal blanketing material, recovered from the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), were investigated to determine the nature and the extent of degradation due to exposure to the low-Earth-orbit environment. Samples recovered from the ram-facing direction of LDEF, which received vacuum-ultraviolet (VUV) radiation and atomic-oxygen impingement, and samples from the trailing edge, which received almost exclusively VUV exposure, were investigated by scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy. The most significant result of this investigation was found on samples that received only VUV exposure. These samples possessed a hard, embrittled surface layer that was absent from the atomic-oxygen exposed sample and from unexposed control samples. This surface layer is believed to be responsible for the 'synergistic' effect between VUV and atomic oxygen. Overall, the investigation revealed dramatically different morphologies for the two samples. The sample receiving both atomic-oxygen and VUV exposure was deeply eroded and had a characteristic 'rolling' surface morphology, while the sample that received only VUV exposure showed mild erosion and a surface morphology characterized by sharp high-frequency peaks. The morphologies observed in the LDEF samples, including the embrittled surface layer, were successfully duplicated in the laboratory

    BMDO materials testing in the EOIM-3 experiment

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    The NASA Evaluation of Oxygen Interactions with Materials-3 (EOIM-3) experiment served as a testbed for a variety of materials that are candidates for Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) space assets. The materials evaluated on this flight experiment were provided by BMDO contractors and technology laboratories. A parallel ground-based exposure evaluation was conducted using the Fast Atom Sample Tester (FAST) atomic-oxygen simulation facility at Physical Sciences, Inc. The EOIM-3 flight materials were exposed to an atomic oxygen fluence of approximately 2.3 x 10(exp 20) atoms/sq cm. The ground-based exposure fluence of 2.0 - 2.5 x 10(exp 20) atoms/sq cm permits direct comparison with that of the flight-exposed specimens. The results from the flight test conducted aboard STS-46 and the correlative ground-based exposure are summarized here. A more detailed correlation study is presented in the JPL Publication 93-31 entitled 'Flight-and Ground-Test Correlation Study of BMDO SDS Materials: Phase 1 Report'. In general, the majority of the materials survived the AO environment with their performance tolerances maintained for the duration of the exposure. Optical materials, baffles, and coatings performed extremely well as did most of the thermal coatings and tribological materials. A few of the candidate radiator, threat shielding, and structural materials showed significant degradation. Many of the coatings designed to protect against AO erosion of sensitive materials performed this function well
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