37 research outputs found

    Disease Management

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    Plants can be attacked by a variety of parasitic microorganisms, primarily fungi, bacteria, nematodes, and viruses. From 2001 to 2003, an average of 7% to 15% of the major world crops (wheat, rice, potato, maize, and soybean) were lost due to fungi and bacteria (Oerke, 2005). Along with weeds and insects, plant pathogens are the major biotic limitation to crop health and yield. Many of these pathogens are foliar and attack aboveground parts of plants, with inoculum spread by wind and rain. Examples are rust, powdery mildew, and foliar leaf pathogens such as the fungus Septoria. However, some of the most severe, intractable, and difficult to control pathogens are soil-borne pathogens, which live in the soil for part or all of their life cycle and interact with the soil biota and the edaphic environment. These pathogens can survive in the soil and infect the root systems of plants. Fungi, fungus-like Stramenopiles (Oomycetes) and nematodes are probably the most important of the soil-borne pathogens. Fungi are eukaryotic organisms that form threadlike filamentous hyphae that can spread through the soil and form resistant structures such as oospores or sclerotia. These structures allow the fungus to survive in the absence of the host, or during unfavorable environments such as heat, cold, or dry soils. When these resting structures encounter a seed or root in the soil, they are stimulated to germinate, chemotactically grow toward the root, and infect the epidermal cells. Some fungi can also destroy seedlings before they emerge from the soil. Once the root is infected, fungi can spread inside the root, rotting the root by producing enzymes and toxins. Fungi also destroy lateral roots, feeder roots, and root hairs. As a result, the plant loses its ability to absorb water and nutrients. Above ground, plants are stunted and show nutrient deficiencies, and yields are reduced. Some pathogens can also move up the roots to the base of the plant, girdling the base or infecting the lower stem. Finally, another group of fungal pathogens can induce wilt by colonizing the xylem system, restricting the conduction of water to the leaves

    The rhizosphere: a playground and battlefield for soilborne pathogens and beneficial microorganisms

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    Pythium abappressorium

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    An Improved Method for Establishing Accurate Water Potential Levels at Different Temperatures in Growth Media

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    NaCl, KCl, or PEG (polyethylene glycol)-amended potato dextrose broth (PDB), and potato dextrose agar (PDA) are essential for pure culture studies of water stress on fungi. Direct information on the actual water potential (WP) of this salt-amended PDB and PDA is lacking. Much fungal research in the past calculated WP of these salt-amended growth media by adding the WP of their constituents taken from individual salt dilution studies. But the WP of any complex solution will be modified by the level of synergism between its solutes. This study presents evidence of change in NaCl concentration due to synergism for attaining the same level of WP in NaCl solution, and NaCl amended PDB and PDA. The relation between WP and temperature and WP and salt concentration is also modified depending on the number of solutes in a growth medium. The WP of PEG-amended PDB increases with rising temperature, while that of NaCl/KCl amended PDB and PDA decreases with the increase of temperature. These results can be useful for doing pure culture studies on the biology and modeling the growth of air, water, and soil-borne fungi important in the food and agriculture industry and in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems

    Diseases Which Challenge Global Wheat Production: Root, Crown, and Culm Rots

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    Most wheat ('Triticum' spp.) diseases caused by root-, crown- and lower culm-infecting fungi are not yet effectively managed by genetic resistance or by application of a fungicide or biological control agent. The best management strategy for many of these diseases continues to depend upon changing the soil environment in ways that either influence the survival of the pathogen between susceptible host crops or the pathogen's virulence during the infective stage (Cook and Veseth 1991). The soilborne plant-pathogenic fungi that cause the seven root, crown, and culm rots summarized in this chapter are heavily influenced by soil physical and chemical properties, by interactions with associated microbes and microfauna in soil and on plant surfaces, and by the capacity of plants to serve as hosts for growth and multiplication. The complexity of factors affecting these pathogens before and during pathogenesis is immense

    The rhizosphere: a playground and battlefield for soilborne pathogens and beneficial microorganisms

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    International audienceThe rhizosphere is a hot spot of microbial interactions as exudates released by plant roots are a main food source for microorganisms and a driving force of their population density and activities. The rhizosphere harbors many organisms that have a neutral effect on the plant, but also attracts organisms that exert deleterious or beneficial effects on the plant. Microorganisms that adversely affect plant growth and health are the pathogenic fungi, oomycetes,bacteria and nematodes. Most of the soilborne pathogens are adapted to grow and survive in the bulk soil, but the rhizosphere is the playground and infection court where the pathogen establishes a parasitic relationship with the plant. The rhizosphere is also a battlefield where the complex rhizosphere community, both microflora and microfauna, interact with pathogens and influence the outcome of pathogen infection. A wide range of microorganisms are beneficial to the plant and include nitrogen-fixing bacteria, endo- and ectomycorrhizal fungi, and plant growth-promoting bacteria and fungi. This review focuses on the population dynamics and activity of soilborne pathogens and beneficial microorganisms. Specific attention is given to mechanisms involved in the tripartite interactions between beneficial micro-organisms, pathogens and the plant. We also discuss how agricultural practices affect pathogen and antagonist populations and how these practices can be adopted to promote plant growth and health

    Characterization of sporulation of Alternaria alternata f. sp. sphenocleae

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    Studies were conducted on agar media to characterize the factors for the optimization of sporulation of Alternaria alternata f. sp. sphenocleae, a fungal pathogen being evaluated as a biological control agent for Sphenoclea zeylanica (gooseweed). A. alternata f. sp. sphenocleae conidiation was affected by nutrition, temperature, light conditions, and moisture. On all agar media tested, except for half-strength potato dextrose agar ( 1/2 PDA) and V-8 juice agar (VJA), exposure to different light conditions did not have any significant effect on conidia production. However, when comparing 1/2 PDA and VJA, sporulation under constant near-ultraviolet (NUV) light at 28°C increased markedly on VJA, but decreased substantially on 1/2 PDA. This trend, however, was opposite under dark conditions since 1/2 PDA produced the greatest number of conidia whereas a 75% reduction in conidia production occurred on VJA in the dark. On all the standard agar media evaluated, the most virulent conidia were obtained on 1/2 PDA at 28°C under constant NUV incubated for 4 weeks. Sporulation of A. alternata f. sp. sphenocleae using the sporulation medium (S-medium) technique was rapid. Conidia were produced within 24 h and continuous sporulation was still observed until 120 h. The best primary agar media for conidia production were PDA, 1/2 PDA and VJA, while water agar was the poorest. Conidia production was optimized with the addition of 20 g l of calcium carbonate (CaCO) and the addition of 2 ml of sterile distilled water on the medium. The most virulent conidia were produced when the primary agar was 1/2 PDA, the CaCO concentration was 20 g l, and the cultures were incubated at 18°C in the dark. Conidiophore induction occurred on nutrient rich media and was stimulated by NUV, while formation of conidia proceeded in darkness after nutrients were depleted under warm dry or cool moist conditions. Culture media, growth conditions, and CaCO affected the inoculum potential of A. alternata f. sp. sphenocleae conidia