16 research outputs found

    Determination of flavonoids content in coloured peas (Pisum sativum L.) In relation to cultivar’s dependence and storage duration under natural conditions

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    Our attention is being given especially to four representative flavonoids: kaempherol, apigenin, genistein and daidzein. These flavonoids were studied in the seeds of colored varieties of dry pea. Isocratic HPLC analysis with DAD detection after acid hydrolysis of samples was performed. The differences of flavonoid contents in individual pea varieties were not significant. The determined values of  flavonoids in green peas were: daidzein 1,746-2,688 mg.kg-1, genistein  0,412-0,706 mg.kg-1, kaempherol 0,621-1,484 mg.kg-1, apigenin 0,261-0,479 mg.kg-1. Yellow varieties of pea contained between 0,375-0,779 mg.kg-1 daidzein, 0,115-0,158 mg.kg-1 genistein, kaempherol 0,742-1,314 mg.kg-1, apigenin  0,462-0,698 mg.kg-1. Also the changes in content of chosen flavonoids in pea in the dependence on variety in dried legumes stored under natural conditions were surveyed. From the results it came out that in interval 7 month the content of all observed flavonoids declined in dry material (in some cases even to non-detectable levels).

    Minerals, trace elements and flavonoids content in white and coloured kidney bean

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    The aim of the study was to determine the contents of mineral elements (Ca, K, Mg, N, P), trace elements (Cu, Fe, Mn, Cd, Pb, Ni, Co, Cr, and Zn), and certain phenolic compounds (flavonoids, isoflavones) in the fourteen varieties of cultivated raw kidney beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.).Heavy metals and mineral elements were analyzed by AAS methods, phenolics were detected by HPLC. Compared with vegetables, legumes proved to be a good source of many minerals and elements, e.g., the contents of K, Mg, P, Fe, and Zn varied in the ranges 13.02 - 23.08 g.kg-1, 1.41 - 2.52 g.kg-1, 3.81 - 5.26 g.kg-1, 0.064 - 0.121 g.kg-1, and 0.026 - 0.037 g.kg-1 dw, respectively. Kidney beans, both species, contained no or few amounts of phenolics (only four cultivars) and the levels of kaempferol and apigenin were comparable to isoflavone genistein and quite higher than isoflavon daidzein content

    Polyphenols in chosen species of legume - a review

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    Legumes belongs to the most important grain for human consumption. They have been cultivated for thousands of years, and have played an important role in the traditional diets of many regions throughout the world. The most legumes are widely consumed in fresh and processed forms. The traditional way of legume preparation includes soaking in water following by cooking and are usually consumed boiled as soup, occasionally as roasted grains too. Legume are widely known for their nutraceutical value, but there is relatively little information about their polyphenols content (with the exception of soya). Inspite of the fact that phenolics in general are not the substances with nutritious value, the interest in them is still persisting for their positive effects on human health. For these reasons this short review is focused on summary of legume polyphenols – identification and quantification of phenolic acids, flavonoids and tannins in raw or processed legumes and their role in these crops. Monitoring and surveying of the changes of polyphenolic compounds contents thus complete knowledge about bioactive substances content in legumes species. And seeing that legumes are considered an ideal complement to cereals in diets, they gain increasing attention as functional food items

    Input of cadmium from soil into lentil and fababean seeds

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    In the plant, the polyphenols create in the defense mechanism against stress conditions, such as heavy metals. In view of the above aspects, therefore we will work focused on monitoring the influence of accumulation of cadmium on the formation of polyphenols in lentil and faba bean in a model vegetation conditions, in which have been deliberately added dose of Cd with 5,10,15 multiple as the limit value claimed by the limits of the Law no. 220/2004 Z.z. to assess the state of soil contamination. In all scenarios exceed the maximum permitted levels for Food Codex SR for cadmium in grains of both crops. Influence of soil contamination on the content of polyphenols was significantly confirmed, although the content of polyphenols in some variants show some tendency with increasing dose of heavy metal, but results both indicate that the formation of polyphenols (as response to stress) is probably genetically determined

    The content of polyphenols and chosen heavy metals in faba bean (Faba vulgaris Moench) relating to different doses of zinc application

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    We investigated the impact of zinc on chosen heavy metals contents (Cu, Zn, Co, Cd, Pb, Cr, Ni) and polyphenols content and antioxidant capacity of chosen legume. Used soil was from Cakajovce locality (located in Nitra upland) with the neutral soil reaction suitable for the legume cultivation. Determined Cd content as well as Pb content in the soil was on the level of critical value given for the relationship between soil and plant. The values of both elements were far below threshold values proposed by European Commission. In experiment we used two cultivars of fababean - Saturn, Zobor. Seeds of fababean were harvested in milk ripeness. The different high doses of zinc (as ZnSO4.7H2O) were applied into the uncontaminated soil in model conditions. The strong statistical relationship between added Zn content in the soil and in seeds of both faba bean cultivars as well as was the total polyphenols content and the total antioxidant capacity values was confirmed. In all variants the determined Zn amount was below (Saturn) or slightly above (Zobor) the hygienic limit given by the legislative. On the other hand faba bean of both cultivars accumulated high amounts of Pb and Cd - in all variants higher than hygienic limits. The contents of all other heavy metals (Ni, Co, Cr, Cu) were lower than hygienic limits. The polyphenols content ranged from 2208 to 4622 milligrams per kilogram of fresh sample calculated as gallic acid equivalents. Faba bean shows a very small antioxidant capacity - 4.66 - 5.71% of DPPH inhibition

    Vplyv odrody na vybrané kvantitatívne a kvalitatívne parameter batátov (Ipomoea batatas L.) pestovaných v Slovenskej republike

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    The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is less-known vegetable species in Slovak Republic. It is known for sweet taste and various possibilities of use in gastronomy. In this study, the effect of cultivar on the important quantitative (yield of marketable tubers per plant, average weight of marketable tubers, yield of marketable tubers per hectare, share of marketable tubers) and qualitative (antioxidant activity, polyphenol content) parameters of sweet potatoes grown in Slovak Republic was tested. The highest yield (1964.16 g/plant; 54.56 t/ha) and average weight (446.18 g) of marketable tubers (> 150 g) were found in white sweet potato cultivar \u27Višnjica white\u27. The highest ratio of marketable tubers was found in orange cultivar \u27Beauregard\u27 (87.17%). The purple cultivar \u27Višnjica purple\u27 was characterized by significantly lower values of all quantitative parameters of sweet potatoes. On the contrary, the highest antioxidant activity (61.07% DPPH; DPPH: 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and polyphenol content (4506.90 mg/kg dry weight) were found just in purple cultivar \u27Višnjica purple\u27. The significantly higher values of both parameters, compared to other cultivars, are caused by abundance of anthocyanins. Results of this study revealed that sweet potato is expressed by good yield potential, together with its quality, in conditions of Slovak republic, or Middle Europe in generally.Povojník batátový (Ipomoea batatas L.) je menej známym druhom zeleniny v Slovenskej republike. Batáty sa vyznačujú sladkou chuťou a ich využitie v gastronómii je rôzne. V rámci štúdie bol sledovaný vplyv odrody na významné kvantitatívne (úroda predajných hľúz z rastliny, priemerná hmotnosť predajných hľúz, úroda predajných hľúz hektára, podiel predajných hľúz) a kvalitatívne (antioxidačná aktivita, celkový obsah polyfenolov) parametre batátov pestovaných v Slovenskej republike. Najvyššia úroda (1964,16 g/rastlina; 54,56 t/ha) a priemerná hmotnosť (446,18 g) predajných hľúz (> 150 g) boli zistené u bielej odrody batátov \u27Višnjica biela\u27. Najvyšší podiel predajných hľúz bol dosiahnutý u oranžovej odrody \u27Beauregard\u27 (87,17%). Fialová odroda \u27Višnjica fialová\u27 bola sa vyznačovala výrazne nižšími hodnotami u všetkých sledovaných parametrov. Na druhej strane, najvyššia hodnota antioxidačnej aktivity (61,07% DPPH; DPPH: 2,2-Diphenyl-1 picrylhydrazyl) a obsah polyfenolov (4506,90 mg/kg suchej hmoty) boli zistené práve u uvedenej fialovej odrody \u27Višnjica fialová\u27. Výrazne vyššie hodnoty oboch parametrov, v porovnaní s ostatnými odrodami, sú zapríčinené prítomnosťou antokyanínov v hľuzách batátov. Výsledky štúdie odhalili, že batáty sa v podmienkach Slovenskej republiky, resp. strednej Európy, vyznačujú dobrým úrodovým potenciálom a kvalitou dopestovaných hľúz

    Total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity changes in dependence on chosen garden pea varieties

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    The green pea is ranged between the crops with high antioxidant potential. This potential is connected with phytochemical components mainly with polyphenols. All these bioactive chemicals have disease - fighting properties. In real human diet there is no usually possibility of fresh garden pea consumption during the whole year. The total polyphenol content is significantly changed among other things by processing methods. Focus on variety, bio-fortification and other specific agricultural inputs, could be the right method of total polyphenol contents and total antioxidant capacity increasing. The main objective of the present work was to consider the changes of total polyphenols content in dependence on variety and to evaluate an antioxidant potential six garden pea varieties arranged by the ripening point of view. Variety “Exzeleus” belongs to very early type, ́Premium ́ is early maturing,”Flavora” is middle ripening variety and the last three varieties “Utrio”, “Jumbo” and “Ambassador” are middle late types of varieties. Every variety was grown in four replications, i.e. on 24 m2 total plot in Botanical garden of Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra during 2013. Total polyphenols were determined by the Lachmans method and expressed as mg of gallic acid equivalent per kg fresh mater. Total antioxidant capacity was measured by the Brand - Williams method using a compound DPPH (2.2-diphenyl-1-pikrylhydrazyl)). The highest value was reached in case of variety “Jumbo” 1179.995±28.081 mg/kg, the lowest value in case of “Premium” 674.505 ±26.541 mg/kg. When evaluating an antioxidant capacity in chosen varieties of garden pea, the interval estimated by our trail ranged from 0.523 ±0.206% (“Exzeleus”) to 6.844 ±0.591% (“Flavora”) Following the both observed parameters, TPC and TAC, variety “Flavora” (as a member of middle ripening varieties) seems to be the most optimal from the human nutrition point of view. The various varieties had significant influence on TPC and TAC according to used statistical analyzes. Within the all observed varieties, when they were arranged by ripening, there was estimated significant difference only in case of garden pea varieties early – middle late. Other couples didn’t show any statistical important differences in total polyphenol content

    Total polyphenols content in fruits of selected cultivars of strawberries in relation to concentrations of cadmium and lead in soil

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    The key aim of our study was to define the correlation of total polyphenols contents in seven cultivars of strawberries (Clery, Sonata, Alba, Korona, Ázia juh, Anthea, Joly) grown in the parcels with exceeded levels of pseudo-total Cd and mobile Pb in soil. Strawberries were grown in rows long 200 m, the distance of the plants was 0.35 m and inter-row distance was 1 m. Following fertilizing was applied - at the beginning of vegetation period the doses of elements (in kg.ha-1) were: N48.2 +P78.3 +K66.3 +Mg7.2, afterwards 23 days of elements were applied in liquid irrigation in amount: N46.5 +P34.8 +K118.7. Heavy metals in contamination soil were analysed by the method of atomic absorption spectroscopy and total contents of polyphenols spectrophotometrically. The highest content of all monitored parameters (pseudo-total and mobile Cd and Pb, as well as the amount of total polyphenols) was found in Ázia juh cultivar. There was statistically significant positive relation of total polyphenols contents in Anthea cultivar to levels of all monitored forms of metals in soil and contrary, in Clery cultivar there was found non-correlation of total polyphenols contents on levels of monitored heavy metals in soil (mainly of mobile contents of Cd and Pb contents). Contents of mobile forms of individual heavy metals positively correlated with total polyphenols (except of Clery and Ázia juh cultivars). Varietal relation on levels of total polyphenols was confirmed in experiment prior to relation of these organic compounds to the presence of monitored heavy metals in soil


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    The aim of the study was to verify the effect of plant spacing on the yield parameters and quality of edible hibiscus fruits, known as okra. The results were compared with other authors who studied the connections between plant spacing and other production parameters. Two varieties (\u27Baby bubba ́ and ́Clemson spineless ́) and different spacing effect (S1 = 0.6 x 0.45m; S2 = 0.5 x 0.45m; S3 = 0.6 x 0.3m; S4 = 0.5 x 0.3 m) on average fruit weight, yield per plant, yield per hectare and content of total polyphenols were tested in work. The average fruit weight of cultivar ́Baby bubba ́ variety was ranged from 25.7 g (S1) to 28.7 g (S2). The yield per plant was ranged from 308.2 g (S1) to 345.0 g (S2). The yield per hectare was showed by significantly different results; the highest okra yield was found in the variant of spacing S4 (21.1 t.ha-1) and the lowest yield was found in the spacing variant S1 (11.3 t.ha- 1). The content of total polyphenols in okra fruits was significantly highest in S1 spacing (16519.6 mg GAE.kg-1 DM), compared to other spacing variants. In ́Clemson spineless ́ okra cultivars, slightly different results were found. The average fruit weight of okra was ranged from 19.2 g (S4) to 25.8 g (S2). The yield per plant was ranged from 230.9 g (S4) to 309.3 g (S2). The effect of plant spacing in this cultivar was similar to results of yield in the cultivar ́Baby bubba ́. The yield per hectare was ranged from S1 (10.8 t.ha-1) to S4 variant (15.3 t.ha-1). The highest content of polyphenols was also found in the spacing S1 (17694.8 mg GAE.kg-1 DM). Obtained results showed on the significant effect of plant spacing and grown cultivar on the yield parameters and polyphenol content. Results can be usable for potential growers of okra in conditions of Slovak Republic, or Middle-Europe generally